Bed Hopping - Cover

Bed Hopping

Copyright© 2023 by Myll Apila

Chapter 13

I wrote my home phone number on a scrap of paper and gave it to Mrs Allardyce. She went into the hallway to use the phone and made no attempt to hide what she was saying, so I was able to hear her side of the conversation.

“Hello, is that Mrs Snow?”

“I’m sorry to call you so early. I’m Joan Allardyce, and my daughter Samantha is in Jon’s class at school. He apparently sleepwalked into her bed so I’m calling to let you know where he is.”

“Yes, he’s awake. He’s sitting in my kitchen drinking coffee with Sam.”

“No, it’s fine. Sam likes him and I respect her choice of friends. He’d like to ask you to come and collect him, but he’s welcome to stay the rest of the night if that’s not convenient.”

“Jon,” Mrs Allardyce called to me, “your mother wants to talk to you.”

I went into the hallway. “Thanks,” I said as I accepted the phone from Mrs Allardyce.

“Hi Mum, it’s happened again,” I started.

“But you’re awake this time!” Mum exclaimed. “When woke up you found out where you were, you didn’t get another headache and black out again.”

“Yes. But I don’t know why.” Could it have been because Sam didn’t scream? The second headaches hadn’t come on until Alex and Josie screamed.

“Since I’m already up, I might as well come and get you,” Mum volunteered.

“Thanks. Can you bring me some clothes please. I’m in my pyjamas and one of Sam’s dressing-gowns. Oh, and bring my wellies: it’s muddy outside.”

“Okay, thanks for the warning. Now what’s the Allardyces’ address?”

“I don’t know. I’d better put Mrs Allardyce back on the line.”

Mrs Allardyce had retreated to the kitchen, but hovered within earshot and came without being asked.

“Mum wants to know your address,” I said, as I handed over the phone.

It turned out the Allardyces lived further out of town than I imagined, and Mrs Allardyce had to reel off a list of directions, including landmarks to look out for while navigating the country roads.

It was over forty minutes before I heard the distinctive sound of Mum’s car arriving. When Mrs Allardyce let Mum in and she saw me sitting in the kitchen wearing Sam’s floral dressing-gown, her solemn expression evaporated and she burst out laughing. “Oh, that’s precious,” she said. “I wish I had a camera.”

I was pretty sure her smartphone could take photographs but I bit my tongue. Luckily the Allardyces didn’t volunteer either.

Mum had brought clothes and a pair of wellies for me. Sam led me to a downstairs bathroom to get changed. On returning to the kitchen, I found Mum in the process of buying a dozen newly-laid free-range eggs from Mrs Allardyce, and the two were chatting like like old friends.

As we were leaving, I thanked the Allardyces for their hospitality.

“Sam’s always welcome to have her friends around,” said Mrs Allardyce, “although I’d prefer to have some warning.” The last part was said with a smile, so I didn’t interpret it as censorious.

Sam gave me a hug, which felt weird because my family weren’t huggers. “If you ever need someone to relieve you of your virginity, please think of me,” Sam whispered in my ear, then she chastely kissed my cheek.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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