Welcoming the Jungle - Cover

Welcoming the Jungle

by Kim Cancer

Copyright© 2023 by Kim Cancer

Fiction Story: Purple monkeys and elephants were only seen in conjunction with the chemtrails

Tags: Fiction   Science Fiction   Violence  

The sky had been overcast for days. Not that it’s anything unusual. During the monsoon season there’d often be days, maybe 5 or 6, consecutively, where barely a lumen of light peeks out of the milky sky.

However, what was unusual was the hue of the sky. Instead of being cloudy, with clouds the color of cow’s milk, the heavens above were colored purple. A startling neon purple, in the daytime, that pumped an intense radiance, a glow, that was practically blinding. At nighttime, the purple darkened, to a spongy purple-black, appearing like the fur of a panther.

Local and national newscasters, scientists, meteorologists, social media, et al., no one could explain the purple sky. It was as if a purple dome had descended over the sprawling city, the purple sky trailing off into blue at the city’s outskirts.

It was at this time that the chemtrails began appearing.

The chemtrails would manifest themselves as vaporous, gray, or in various coruscating colors...

The chemtrails were soon accompanied by mysterious monkeys that looked like baboons. Though the baboons were as purple as the sky, light or dark purple, depending on the time of day, and once the chemtrails spread across the sky, the purple baboons, usually in packs of four or five, would be seen running through the city streets, chasing the chemtrails, the packs of monkeys in uniform motion, galloping, frantically, toward the chemtrails.

The purple monkeys were only seen in conjunction with the chemtrails, the monkeys steadfast in their pursuit. The creatures mesmerized and magnetized. The creatures showing no concern for anything other than moving toward the chemtrails. If while in pursuit of a chemtrail, a monkey were run down by a city bus, the other monkeys would continue, leave the felled monkey behind.

The monkeys were singular in their focus.

But where the monkeys came from, where they went, remained a mystery.

Originally it was thought to be a prank, a crypto company stunt or internet influencers run amok. But the monkeys, chemtrails kept appearing, in greater numbers too...

It wouldn’t be long until similar packs of elephants, light and dark purple elephants, appeared chasing after the chemtrails, surging through the city streets. Unlike the monkeys, though, the elephants were enormous, menacing and caused massive destruction, destroying property, stomping on people, smashing them like bugs.

The police, overwhelmed and unable to contain the monkeys, and certainly feckless against the elephants’ onslaughts, were to be relieved by the army, but as the armed forces arrived at the city limits, they were obstructed by furious mobs, international squadrons of animal rights protestors demanding no harm befall the purple monkeys or elephants.

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