Philip's Mom - Cover

Philip's Mom

Copyright© 2023 by Mike McGifford

Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A typical suburban family in the late 1990's with their typical family issues. How one rotten egg can create a lasting legacy of chaos amid secrets and desire.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Fiction   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Father   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

It was like Tom wasn’t even jealous that Philip was her master and not him, her husband, the man who SHOULD have been the one she served the way she served Philip. That she did serve Tom in that way wasn’t the same. She’d never said those words to her husband, only to Philip.

Then she remembered that Tom didn’t even know she’d pledged submission to her son. It was still an unspoken secret in the house.

Still, to be told to go make herself useful to Philip had been a blow to her pride and reinforced her true position within the family. Even without a spoken pledge, Tom really was the one in charge and she served someone who in turn answered to Tom, along with everyone else in the house.

“He actually told you to fuck me?” Philip asked, as surprised as Monica had been.

“His actual words were to make myself useful,” Monica admitted, but assured her son how Tom had made his intentions clear with the kiss he’d shared with her.

“So you’re just a fuck pig now, huh, Mommy?” Philip chuckled. He already knew that. “But Cindy was in here this morning, already. She had a sexy dream, got wound up, and offered me a fuck. Who was I to say no? That means I’m not jonesing right now. It’s still a big deal though ... Dad might have just meant you could have me give you something to do. Is the kitchen cleaned up from breakfast?”

“Yes, Sir,” Monica was still blushing that her son had called her a fuck pig.

“Did you have a shower last night?”

“Yes, Sir,” Monica answered again.

“Then I guess dad really did mean for you to fuck me. I figured that BJ in front of dad was a one time thing,” Philip muttered, remembering the day Monica had gobbled his cock right in front of his dad and Erica.

Monica, still blushing, just nodded.

“Then go get me that rubber dick Erica makes you practice with,” Philip said as inspiration struck. His dad HAD told Monica to make herself useful.

Monica gave her son a surprised look. He always used his fingers, mouth or cock on her. He’d never seemed interested in dildos before.

“You know, the one Erica doesn’t think I know about,” Philip explained, mistaking her confusion for hesitation, since they both knew it was kept in Tom and Erica’s bedroom. “You can bounce on that in the living room until dad gets downstairs. It’ll be good for them to see you fucking yourself with it where anyone can see. If dad’s really cool with you openly fucking me, then he’s probably cool with you fucking yourself in the living room.”

“Are you going to unlock me first, Sir?” Monica was referring to her pussy lock that Philip had the secret key to.

“No. Your ass will be fine for a dildo repository. Actually, stick it to the top of the coffee table. You can suck it for ten seconds, then sit and bounce on it for a minute and repeat. Hopefully dad doesn’t decide to spend the whole day in bed or your asshole is gonna be sore!” Philip quipped.

Monica frowned. Philip KNEW she didn’t like anal sex. She’d complained to him countless times about how Erica was always making her train her anus on that dildo in the bathroom. It was enough that he fucked her butt personally.

It was always sore after she’d had something in there no matter how briefly. At least Philip had a real penis, not a barely-real feeling ten inch dildo.

Now he was telling her to do it too and not even in the privacy of the bathroom while she was alone in the house.

Her sucking gluck-glucks, grunts, moans, squeaks, squeals and farting noises would be heard by anyone nearby.

But Philip had given her an order and it wasn’t as if everyone living there hadn’t seen and heard all that before. Just not in the living room!

Sometimes she hated that she’d pledged to do anything Philip told her to do. At the same time, her pussy buzzed in anticipation of the degrading act she was about to perform for no one, until Tom would arrive downstairs.

She hoped her husband wouldn’t take too long with Ms Erica in their bedroom, which made her think of what they could be doing without her in there.

She missed her private time with Tom and even as she crawled back out of Philip’s bedroom, she began to wonder what she could do to earn an evening of normalcy where she could just enjoy her husband’s presence by herself the way she did most days with Philip after school.

Tom wouldn’t even need to fuck her, just be alone with her - no other distractions. Although if he’d fuck her pussy, it’d make her the happiest slut ever.

Monica scratched on her ex-bedroom door.

“What the fuck, cunt!” She immediately heard Erica from inside. “You’re supposed to be with Philip!”

“Sorry, Ms Erica,” Monica called through the closed door. “He asked me to come and get your training dildo.” It was hugely embarrassing to say the word dildo out loud and even more so to have to call out her desire for it through a closed door.

“How does he know about that?” Erica called back, then added, “come in.”

Monica opened the door, hoping that Erica wasn’t going to press the issue about Philip’s knowledge of the dildo. She’d have to admit it was her who’d told Philip about it.

“You know where it is,” Erica waved her hand dismissively.

Monica was surprised that Erica and Tom were just sitting up in bed, bare from the waist up, but not having sex. It seemed to her that Tom was always having sex with Erica.

Monica crawled over to the nightstand, opened the drawer and pulled out the dildo.

“We were talking about Amanda coming home next week,” Tom volunteered, wondering if his wife had an opinion.

“Oh, sorry for interrupting,” Monica replied, instantly scared of what that would mean to her.

“Yeah, oh. I’d like to know what you want to do about it?” Tom continued.

Monica hated it when Tom asked her opinion. Philip never did. Philip would just tell her what was going to happen and sometimes not even that. Tom always wanted to get her to buy into his plans. It was one of the reasons she’d submitted to Philip, not Tom.

“I ... I don’t know,” Monica finally admitted after a few seconds of silence.

Monica had studiously ignored the thought of her daughter coming home for six weeks between school semesters. She wanted to believe the family would go back to pretending she wasn’t a whore and a horny slut twenty four seven.

Now it sounded like there was indecision about it. She couldn’t do this in front of her oldest daughter!

“What does Philip think?” She asked, automatically deciding Philip would be able to make the determination that the family had to keep their new lifestyle secret from Amanda.

“Why would we ask Philip? WE’RE the parents here!” Erica replied, shocked that anyone would bother asking a teen what they thought about adult matters.

Monica heard Erica call herself Philip’s parent and that irked her. Ms Erica was NOT Philip’s mom and Philip had said on multiple occasions that he was looking forward to the day Erica sat her ass on his cock as if that was as close to being a parent to him that she would ever be.

She was aware that he thought of Ms Erica only as an uptight slut, failing to freely offer him her body the way she and Cindy did. She also knew that Ms Erica confused Philip because she seemed to be in no hurry to have butt sex with him.

“You don’t understand our family very well yet, honey,” Tom said to Erica before Monica had to reply, herself. “Monica and I don’t just blindly do anything we want without discussing them with the kids first. For example, I called a family meeting before you moved in. We talked about allowing Mons to sleep in the cage in the living room before she started doing so,” he explained to Erica, making her smile.

Erica liked that Tom had said they’d discussed LETTING Missy sleep in her cage. Every time she remembered her somewhat simple-minded lover being discussed as if she wasn’t even present in the room, Erica thought of the look on Missy’s face that day.

The memory was so delightful to her that it always made Erica want to immediately push the older woman’s face into her hot young crotch and order her to lick. But now probably wasn’t the time for that. Tom was concerned about his bratty daughter’s visit.

Erica decided she needed to get things back under her control right away. Although she knew Tom loved his wife as much as she herself did, it wouldn’t do for him to start listening to advice from a naked toilet slave.

It had also bothered her that Tom had said she didn’t understand her new family. She couldn’t have her little Pissy Missy thinking her mistress wasn’t in complete control here.

“We’ve got time to figure out the Amanda angle later. Right now let’s deal with your needs, Missy. You said something about my dildo? Why do you need it?”

Monica had relaxed a little when Erica hadn’t pursued questions about the dildo the moment she’d entered the bedroom. She realized she should have known better.

Ms Erica was not the sort of woman who’d let anything go, even if she appeared to. She’d just prioritized and her current conversation with Tom had been the priority until she’d suggested putting that conversation aside.

Tom was a little perturbed that Erica thought she could unilaterally decide that the important matter of Amanda could just be swept away to talk about a dildo, but he didn’t mind too much because his wife took priority over an immediate decision about Amanda anyway.

“Yes, Mons, Erica’s got a point. I thought you weren’t a fan of that fake dick and anyway, there are other things just as important as getting your rocks off. I told you to go spend some time with Philip and Cindy.”

Monica could see a hint of amusement in her husband’s eyes. He was doing his normal thing of winding her up and it was working.

“I WAS spending time with Philip! He...” Monica didn’t know how to say the dildo was ordered by him for her to fuck her own butt with in the living room. Eventually she had to just say that. “He wants me to put it in the living room,” she finally admitted, blushing furiously.

Tom could tell there was a lot his wife wasn’t saying. As far as he knew, his son had never seen any of the sex toys Erica had introduced his wife to. He needed to dig deeper to get answers.

“Philip asked you specifically to put a dildo in the living room? How did he know you had one and why does he want it there?” Tom’s smile had disappeared.

This was whoop-ass Tom asking. Monica could immediately tell when her husband stopped teasing her and went into business mode. When Tom wanted answers, he got answers.

Monica considered opening with a lie. She could say that it didn’t have to be a dildo. She could say she was playing a game of treasure hunt with Philip. But Philip had said to get that dildo and Tom could refuse to let her have it.

“He ... he’s seen it before, Tom,” Monica started.

Calling her husband by name was her secret signal to him that there was a sex game being played. Back since the first time he’d ever brought a woman home, she’d used the signal to assure Tom that what he was doing was okay.

She hoped he still recognized by the tone and inflection with which she’d said his name and that he’d understand she couldn’t bring herself to say some of the things she needed to because she was too embarrassed.

Tom had always let her be embarrassed without forcing her to verbalize. It was Erica who really got off on making Monica say certain things out loud - who’d pushed her mental boundaries all the time and who thought she was pushing Monica’s physical boundaries these days.

Judging by the sharp look Tom gave Monica in response, she knew Tom had indeed caught the signal. But Erica didn’t know their code.

“Oh you disgusting little slut,” Erica giggled. “You’ve shown your son you have access to sex toys? How precious! Does he want to see you sit on it? Is that it? God, Tom. Your son is a total perv! I love it! But don’t be bringing it back smelling of ass this time!” Erica warned Monica.

The truth was that Monica always carefully scrubbed the dildo with warm soapy water before she ever returned it to its home. Erica was just teasing about her having previously returned it unwashed.

Monica was about to take the dildo and leave but Tom stopped her on the way out.

“I have to know, Mons. The living room? Seriously? We’re ready to escalate again now with Amanda home next week?”

Monica understood what Tom was asking even though Erica clearly didn’t. Monica dropped her chin in shame before eventually nodding. Then she crawled out before either could see the tears of shame in her eyes.

Tom had asked her to confirm that sex acts were being introduced into the public portion of the house, not as a one-time deal but as a matter of daily life. If he’d been against it, she wouldn’t have made it out of Tom’s sight.

There had been no family meeting to discuss the escalation despite what he’d just assured Erica. It was to be an organic escalation where anyone against the idea would make their disagreement with it known. Tom decided to give it ten minutes then head to the living room.

He fully expected to see Monica demonstrating a sex act for at least one of her kids. He was aware he might even see Philip with his cock in his mother’s mouth or ass.

Maybe it was time to consider just giving his son a key to Monica’s pussy and be done with it? His wife was clearly okay with fucking her son so who was he to argue?

To be honest, the thought didn’t bother him at all. In fact Tom felt proud of his son. Maybe he could even ease up on his refusal to allow Philip to screw Erica?

The house had become something of a hive of constant sex already. As long as the sex didn’t destroy the family and Monica maintained her role as keeper of all domestic duties, it could be a good way of starting the day.

Tom imagined having Monica under the dining table blowing him and Philip at breakfast instead of when she first woke him. If Cindy was okay with it, anyway. The last thing Tom ever wanted to do was to emotionally scar his youngest daughter.

The way Cindy dressed at home lately with all her important parts barely covered and frequently a nipple or pussy lip accidentally exposed, Tom didn’t think that having his cock out would freak her out too much.

She’d already assured him privately on multiple occasions lately that she was part of the coolest family ever, so he wasn’t worried.

It was Erica Tom felt he had to concern himself with. She was becoming quite the little power hungry witch sometimes and that would never do. It was one thing to control Mons but quite another to think she controlled him too.

Just because he’d fallen in love with a second woman did not give Erica the right to treat him like she treated Mons. He brought more to the relationship than her and she had better start acting like his equal not his superior or she would one day discover he was quite capable of knocking her down a notch or two.

Tom heard Monica before he saw her. He and Erica were wearing their bathrobes as they descended the stairs holding hands. They stopped wordlessly before they reached the bottom to just take in what they were seeing.

Monica, her eyes scrunched shut, was hammering her ass loudly down onto the dildo attached to the coffee table top, butt cheeks slapping the wooden table top and her hands mauling her own tits.

She had that same love-hate expression on her face that she had any time he or Erica fucked her ass. She hated anal but loved being forced to provide it. It was something that never failed to get Tom hard, as it was right then. His cock reacted instinctively, firming up under his robe.

As he watched, Monica lifted her ass off the dildo and quickly dropped to her knees, swallowing the dildo into her mouth whole, without hesitation and only the slightest of gagging. Tom watched the dildo distend her throat as it bulged it, all the way to her clavicle.

He could tell that she was trying to be as energetic as possible but that she was tiring quickly. Each time she lifted and dropped her mouth on the dildo was just a hair slower and when she jumped back up to seat her butt around the phallic device again, he could see she was getting exhausted.

What he hadn’t expected to see was his own daughter, Cindy, sitting on the couch with one hand pulling on a nipple, her tee shirt pulled up above her tiny breasts and the other hand between her legs having moved the crotch of her panty out of the way. Tom didn’t see Philip at all.

Moving forward again, Tom said to the pair, “Mother daughter bonding time. How sweet. I expected to see Phil with his cock out,” Tom laughed, coming into the room, still holding Erica’s hand.

Cindy squeaked and almost stopped playing with herself when it registered that her father was in the room but she was so close, and her mom had made her so horny when she’d wandered downstairs to be greeted by her mom fucking the dildo that she couldn’t wait to get her fingers busy.

Now she simply didn’t care enough that her dad was seeing her masturbate. It only added to her excitement, and she was up the ladder and over even before her dad finished speaking.

“Oooh, wifey butfucking herself or your little girl stroking the man in the boat?” Erica giggled.

Sometime within the last second or two she’d let go of Tom’s hand, had slipped it between the folds of his robe and had wrapped that hand around his cock.

“Ahhh, ooohhh ... Sorry daddy,” Cindy apologized, not even trying to hide herself from her father. She certainly didn’t look sorry at all.

Monica was simply mortified. She’d stopped mid stroke, her butt resting on the table, stuffed with ten inches of dildo.

She’d done what Philip had ordered, had been appalled that her daughter had caught her but had continued to do as she’d been told and now she felt like the biggest whore ever, hearing what Tom had said.

“I’m very tempted to unlock your cunt, leave that dildo right where it is and DP you right here, right now, Mons,” Tom gushed. “Unless your pussy’s open for business, babe?” Tom turned to Erica with a raised eyebrow.

Erica was so turned on she nearly yanked Tom’s arm out of its socket when she whipped him around and pulled him upstairs. She didn’t even let him close the bedroom door properly. He did try to swing it shut but he was laughing too much.

The laughter died when his eyes returned to his twenty two year old girlfriend laying back on the bed, her robe open and her legs spread invitingly.

“Do your DP fantasy later, lover. For now, get that cock inside me! I want it hard and fast, baby.” Erica demanded.

Tom heard her once again demanding, but it was a demand he didn’t mind at all. He was hard, ready and prepared to shove his cock so far into her cunt it’d pop into her cervix.

A couple minutes later, Erica was experiencing a massive orgasm complete with sound effects so loud the girls downstairs heard her.

Philip too heard it behind his closed bedroom door, but it didn’t sound like his mom. Intrigued, he opened his bedroom door and heard the unmistakable rutting sounds coming from his parents’ bedroom. But the door was still open.

Walking down the hallway to investigate he stopped at the bedroom door and gave it a push to open it further.

His dad was between Erica’s thighs and they were on the bed in the missionary position, his dad hammering away at Erica’s pussy like he was trying to shove his whole body inside her.

Tom had one hand lightly around Erica’s neck as if he was strangling her and the other hand holding her wrists above her head. This was the way he used to fuck Monica before Erica had ‘suggested’ he stop using his wife’s pussy altogether.

Erica was trying to keep her calves wrapped around his legs and had managed to catch his robe, pushing it to the side and exposing his hairy butt.

What Philip saw was his dad’s butt cheek clenching and loosening as he plowed his girlfriend, their bodies slapping violently together. ‘Finally,’ Philip thought to himself. Erica is acting properly, like the cum rag she is.

It was kind of cool to Philip, watching his dad fuck Erica. He’d never thought he’d enjoy seeing his dad have sex but it was even better than watching a paying customer fuck his mommy’s ass for the first time and Erica was clearly getting a lot more pleasure out of it than his mom did.

In fact, Erica was making as much noise as Cindy did when he fucked her ass hard, but then Cindy had decided she really loved anal sex.

Philip watched his dad for five minutes of hard fucking before Tom suddenly shouted, “take my cum you dirty slut!”

Tom moved his hand off Erica’s throat and added it to the hand holding her wrists so he could get more leverage. He then arched his back and slowed his thrusts as his cum boiled out of him and into Erica putting her over the edge again.

Once he felt he’d cum as much as he was going to, he rolled off Erica to lay next to her, both of them with eyes closed in satisfaction.

Clap-clap-clap, Tom heard, causing him to open his eyes. Phil stood at the door dressed only in his boxers, his cock head straining against the waistband, doing a slow clap of appreciation.

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