Philip's Mom - Cover

Philip's Mom

Copyright© 2023 by Mike McGifford

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A typical suburban family in the late 1990's with their typical family issues. How one rotten egg can create a lasting legacy of chaos amid secrets and desire.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Fiction   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Father   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

In the kitchen, as soon as the coffee began to perk, Monica put some cookies on a plate, poured creamer into a little jug and grabbed the sugar bowl out of the cupboard. Those items along with spoons went into a tray. She then picked the tray up to take to the living room. The coffee would follow in a few minutes.

“Coffee will be ready soon. I’ll just pop upstairs and change,” Monica promised, setting the tray down.

“Oh don’t bother on our account,” Tracy insisted. “Come sit next to me,” she insisted, making it sound to Monica like an instruction.

Monica was halfway seated before she even realized it. Philip had been training her well.

Tracy’s eyes were on the front of Monica’s coat, and she was hoping to get a glimpse of what Dan had seen, but Monica carefully sat down ensuring the flaps at the front of the coat were well overlapped. She knew better than to cross her knees.

“So, did you talk to Tom about giving us lessons?” Tracy got straight to the point.

“Well I talked with him about giving you some pointers, but not about counseling both of you,” Monica admitted.

“That’s okay. What did he say?” Tracy said, twisting around a little, leaning forward and turning her head more to look at Monica.

Tracy wasn’t trying to block Dan’s line of site to her friend but she didn’t even think about the fact that she was.

“He ummm. He said it was a good idea,” Monica admitted even though it had actually been Philip who’d told her to get freaky with her friend.

“Good! So where do I start?”

‘You could start by going home with Dan, getting naked and just touching each other,’ Monica thought to herself but didn’t say that out loud.

“I need to see if the coffee is ready, first,” Monica said out loud. “Then maybe you could tell me exactly what you’re having problems with,” she suggested, sure that neither Tracy nor Dan would be able to do that.

As Monica went to the kitchen she felt a rivulet of sweat roll down her back between her shoulder blades.

As soon as she was in the kitchen she quickly unbuttoned the four toggles that held the coat closed and used the flaps of the coat to fan her naked front.

“I’ve got to get out of this coat,” she murmured to herself.

“Sorry,” Tracy said from right behind her.

Monica hadn’t known Tracy had followed her back into the kitchen and had seen her flapping her coat. Luckily she’d been facing the coffee pot at the time.

“Oh! You scared me!” Monica said, pulling the coat closed again.

“I’m sorry,” Tracy said again, moving up next to Monica at the counter. “Are you really ... you know, not dressed under that coat?” Tracy whispered so that her voice didn’t carry out to the living room.

“No! No I’m...” Monica had no ready excuses. She knew Tracy had to have seen what she’d been doing. “Yes,” Monica admitted, blushing.

“So you were really going to show me sex stuff?” Tracy said, her eyes wide and unmitigated hope in her voice.

“I thought it was going to be just you,” Monica said defensively.

“But Dan’s my husband. I don’t hide things from him,” Tracy replied as if she didn’t have a choice in the matter. “And I need this,” she added, as if explaining herself that way would make all the difference to her friend.

“I can’t let Dan see me naked!” Monica gasped.

“You said you were going to show me what I was doing wrong. You said you could fix our sex life,” Tracy asserted urgently, even though Monica had said no such thing. “No I didn’t! I said you should do counseling!” Monica shot back.

“But you’re not dressed under that coat, so you must have been thinking...” Tracy insisted.

“No! You’ve got the wrong idea,” Monica whined.

“Pleeeeease?” Tracy whined right back.

Monica couldn’t argue that Tom wouldn’t like it. She knew better. But she could argue that Dan wouldn’t like it and she did.

“Then we’ll ask Dan,” Tracy said with a note of finality in her voice. “Look, the coffee’s ready.”

It was very difficult trying to get the toggles done back up without Tracy seeing or asking questions, but Monica believed she’d managed it by distracting her friend with comments about items on the other side of the room - a refrigerator, the white board she used to note important groceries, even the lace trim on the back door glass.

Tracy acted oblivious and feigned interest but knew exactly what Monica was doing.

Monica felt like she was being led to the gallows as she returned to the living room with the coffee pot. Her only hope was that Dan would balk at the idea of a third person seeing him and his wife get intimate. She was sure Dan would put his foot down about that!

“Dan, would you mind if Monica took her coat off?” Tracy asked as soon as she followed Monica into the living room.

Monica nearly dropped the pot. That was NOT what Tracy had suggested!

Dan glanced suspiciously at his wife. He’d just said he was sure Monica was only wearing underwear under the coat.

“It’s not my place to say,” he offered, “although I think I’d personally prefer if you didn’t, Monica,” he answered truthfully.

Monica was surprised for a moment. Tom and Philip both seemed to set out to embarrass her and she fully expected Dan to as well, even if just because he didn’t know any better. He couldn’t know she was naked under her coat and he should have just seen it as a silly question.

“Why?” She found herself asking even as she was relieved he’d said no.

That put Dan on the spot and he knew he couldn’t say why he really didn’t want her to.

“Because it’s your house, of course, Monica. If you want to wear a coat around all day, that’s your choice.” He felt relief that he’d answered so calmly. He felt quite proud of himself.

“But what if she wants to? You said it’s her house, after all,” Tracy argued for Monica.

Dan wondered why his wife was doing what she was doing. Did she want him to see Monica in her undies? What would that achieve other than embarrass him - and Monica.

“I don’t know what your game is, Tracy but I already don’t think I like it. Leave Monica alone. She’s your friend. You yourself said that you wear your wedding dress sometimes. Maybe there’s a good reason Monica’s wearing a heavy coat? Isn’t that right, Monica?”

Monica’s heart jumped into her throat. She’d been fine when Tracy had given her an excuse for wearing the coat but now it seemed that excuse hadn’t been believed for a moment. Part of Monica was also annoyed that Dan didn’t want to see her out of it.

“I ummm ... I just threw it on. How about if I go put it up and I’ll be right back?” She offered.

“It’s the same coat that was hanging by the door yesterday, isn’t it?” Tracy asked, trying to sound innocent.

She really had no idea whether it’d been at the door the day before or not. It hadn’t been anything she’d paid attention to when she’d been there the day before. She had been too busy ogling Monica’s outfit.

Monica could just have said no and left it at that but she had always done her best to tell the truth.

“Now why would a winter coat be hanging next to the door in summer?” Dan saved her while she was debating a lie.

“Any number of reasons,” Tracy gave Dan a hard stare.

He was NOT playing along at all even though he knew they were there to learn some things about sex. Monica must be so frustrated by him by this point, she told herself.

“Just hang it by the front door for now, then,” she told Monica, deciding to ignore Dan’s conservative concerns for the moment.

It was, after all, Dan who needed these lessons even more than her. No matter what Monica had on, she knew the coat was causing her discomfort. She’d seen Monica fanning herself in the kitchen. The poor woman had to be cooking inside it.


Monica was at war with herself. How could Dan not be eager to see her remove the coat? Even if she’d been fully dressed under it, she wasn’t ugly. She knew that. A dozen teens had TOLD her that over the last couple weeks.

Worse was that she felt drawn to do what Tracy had told her because it was easier to follow instructions than not to, these days and it was only because she was sure she’d shock her Christian friends that she managed to hesitate.

“I know you’re not wearing a lot under the coat,” Tracy admitted when it was clear that Monica was hesitating. “Dan knows why I brought him here today, and I really need your help.”

Monica looked hard at her friend. How had she known? Had she seen Monica’s reflection in the coffee pot or something? But Dan would have a meltdown if he was subjected to her body naked. The rings at the very least were unmistakable even if the tattoos were not obvious.

“I ... I’m not ... wearing anything ... at all under the coat,” Monica confessed, feeling a sense of relief along with humiliation at the admission.

“Oh God, really? Now I’ve GOT to see!” Tracy blurted, forgetting her husband was right there.

“I don’t need to see that!” Dan asserted almost as quickly.

“Yes you DO, Daniel Adam Brown! You don’t even know what your own WIFE looks like naked, and that is half the problem!” Tracy insisted, not considering the fact that it was as much her fault as his, that he had never witnessed her naked in daylight.

“Tracy, please! Not in front of our friend!” Dan objected, hating that his wife was airing their personal life in front of a third party, even if it was Monica.

“The human body is God’s gift to mankind, Dan. It’s NOT a sin to look upon it!” Tracy had only recently come to that conclusion to justify her fantasy of looking at Monica naked.

If there was one thing Dan knew, it was not to argue with Tracy when she got like this. He certainly didn’t agree with her, knowing that he’d react sinfully the moment he saw Monica’s skin. But he was wise enough to know not to cross his wife after she’d already used his full name.

At the same time, he never even opened women’s magazines because they had ads that showed women in bras and panties. The temptation would have been too great not to look, so it was easier to avoid the temptation completely.

Now he was faced with Tracy being the unopposable force and him being the immovable object. He would move and he knew it.

“Yes, dear,” he said, slumping back in his seat.

It never occurred to Monica to voice her opinion of what SHE wanted. She knew she didn’t WANT to take her coat off, especially in front of her Christian friends. She also knew Philip had told her she would be expected to take things as far as she could with Tracy.

Monica was sure actually being naked in front of Tracy hadn’t been expected by anyone much less being naked in front of Tracy AND Dan.

She’d told everyone that Tracy didn’t know how to do foreplay and Philip had told her to give lessons. While being naked could have eventually come up as part of the lessons she gave, she hadn’t expected to START them that way - especially herself. Being naked in front of Dan in the privacy of their bedroom should have been something she worked Tracy up to.

Monica reminded herself she’d been naked in front of no less than two dozen people over the last month. She immediately reminded herself that none of those two dozen had been church friends. But Tracy knew she’d agreed to the lessons and nudity was definitely one of them.

Taking a deep breath, Monica moved over to the front door where the coat usually hung. Facing away from Tracy and Dan, she fiddled with the toggles. Her fingers were shaking so much she spent more time than usual releasing them.

Eventually the last toggle gave up, and the coat hung unlatched on her body. The Browns were silent behind her.

Monica said a quick prayer asking forgiveness and slipped the coat off her shoulders, her upper back and the creamy skin once again bared to another person.

Baring her buttocks was even harder than baring her naked back had been, especially when she heard Tracy’s gasp in the background when the woman realized Monica wasn’t seeing a bra strap.

Almost snatching the coat away from her body she hung it on the hook, remaining facing away from the couple. They could tell she was naked and she heard a weird whining noise coming from Dan, then a muted slap as Tracy slapped Dan’s shoulder to make him look towards Monica.

“Are you sure about this?” Monica asked, knowing Tracy would know she was directing the question at her.

“Oh YESSSSS,” Tracy almost purred.

When Monica turned, sought and found Tracy’s eyes, her friend had a hand clasped over her mouth, her eyes wide, staring at Monica’s crotch.

Monica had completely forgotten her piercings and lock. She’d been so focused on being completely naked, her piercings had been the last thing on her mind until she saw where Tracy was looking. Her hands flew to cover herself.

Dan was completely silent, but mostly because his eyes were closed. He was already fighting himself to stave off imagining what he would see if he opened his eyes.

“Your private parts are pierced!” Tracy said, stating the obvious. Dan couldn’t help it. His eyes popped open but of course Monica’s hand and arm were covering her breasts and privates.

“Please!” Tracy begged. “I’m sorry! Please let us see,” Tracy implored Monica.

It was the very last thing Monica wanted to do. She felt so humiliated standing there naked in front of her church friends. It wasn’t just that they were her friends either, but that they were still fully dressed.

By the time she’d ever gotten naked in front of Philip’s school friends, at least a couple of the boys had always had their cocks out, stroking them confidently. This was a couple of church friends likely more disgusted with her than horny.

“Your boobs! They’re HUGE! How have you managed to hide them for so long? I kinda thought you were wearing a padded bra yesterday,” Tracy said, babbling, trying to deflect the fact that her eyes had zeroed in on Monica’s crotch at first. “Please show me,” she begged.

“This is SO wrong,” Dan whined next to his wife but his eyes stayed fixed on Monica.

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