Philip's Mom - Cover

Philip's Mom

Copyright© 2023 by Mike McGifford

Chapter 10

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 10 - A typical suburban family in the late 1990's with their typical family issues. How one rotten egg can create a lasting legacy of chaos amid secrets and desire.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Fiction   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Father   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

Monica saw Philip raise an eyebrow just like Tom often did, but he didn’t say anything about the substantial expanse of pubic hair or the fact that her inner labia and clitoral hood stood in stark pink contrast to the black pubes surrounding them.

Tom came and stood next to Monica and rested a hand on her head as Philip casually approached the cage with his now-exposed cock leading the way.

It was a surreal moment in time, Tom with his hand possessively on his almost naked wife’s head, both parents watching proudly as their son, with his erection pointing straight out, closed on the cage in which their daughter was divesting herself of her last item of clothing prior to performing oral sex on their son through the cage bars.

By the time Cindy joined her parents, Amanda had her lips wrapped around her brother’s cock. Gently this time, waiting for Philip to begin thrusting himself against the cage from the outside.

Cindy took a couple of steps back and held her hands up, made two ‘L’ shapes with her fingers the way she’d seen people in movies do when they were ‘framing’ a scene.

“You know, that’d make a perfect Christmas card, guys. Mom and dad proudly watching their daughter blow her brother. Can I grab the camera, dad?” Cindy asked.

“Sure but I don’t know where we’d get the picture developed!” Tom joked.

“Darius at work would do it, honey,” Erica said as she stood where Cindy was while Cindy went to fetch the camera.

“Oh yeah, he could do it on a full-color glossy 18x30 to have framed,” Tom half-joked, thinking it was actually a valid possibility.

The guy from the advertising department at Tom’s job had all the tools and capability to do exactly that. It’s who Tom had borrowed the video equipment from years earlier to film Monica’s bedroom antics.

Amanda had been listening to this back and forth with her lips wrapped around her brother’s cock, imagining how she looked in profile behind the cage bars, with her pendulous breasts hanging down. She just wanted Philip to get on with it.

“Smile, mom and dad,” Cindy said, having quickly returned with the camera.

Monica felt herself blushing down to the roots of her bleached hair. While posing naked wasn’t new, it was still humiliating and posing nude for her daughter didn’t make it any easier, but Monica still straightened her back and puffed her chest out the way Erica insisted she kneel.

“You should be in the picture too, Erica! Why don’t you stand next to the cage and act like you’re instructing Amanda how to properly suck dick? I know I certainly needed mom’s help when I first did it,” Cindy freely admitted, letting everyone know that she was sure Amanda wasn’t the expert her sister claimed to be.

Erica wasn’t too keen on the idea of being in a naked picture but couldn’t immediately think of a reason to object. For the purposes of this lesson, she was supposed to be a regular slut, not the honored girlfriend of the family patriarch.

“How about if I take the picture and you act like the one training your sister?” She offered.

“C’mon, Erica. You know you’re the boss. It’d just look stupid if I did your job for the picture,” Cindy whine-begged her mentor.

“Yeah, Erica, get your ass over here,” Philip agreed with Cindy. Mandy’s just nursing my cock and the sooner we get the picture taken, the sooner she can get busy!”

Erica rolled her eyes at Philip but stalked over to the cage. She put a scowl on her face as she looked down at Amanda.

“Well, what are you waiting for, Philip? Start fucking her face,” Erica ordered. “As for you, whore, I don’t know what you’ve been waiting for! It’s not Philip’s JOB to fuck your mouth. YOU’RE the slut, not him!”

Philip was about to reply when they all saw the flash of the camera.”

“I think that came out perfect!” Cindy crowed. “Phil looked surprised, Erica looked angry and mom and dad looked like really proud parents. Mandy just looked like Mandy. But with a cock in her mouth. It’s perfect for this year’s Christmas cards!”

“No it’s not, Cin,” Tom disagreed, making Cindy frown.

She didn’t really think they’d actually use a dirty picture like that for their Christmas cards, but the ruse was aimed at making Amanda think this really was their normal life and her dad was wrecking that illusion.

“You weren’t in it, Cin. We’d never produce a Christmas card without you in it!” Tom clarified, making Cindy’s grin return.

“Duh!” Cindy said, acting like the bubble head she was portraying for Amanda’s benefit. “You’re right, dad. Sorry. So I have to get another spanking now?”

“This is Amanda’s homecoming, Cin. We should let her finish with her brother then all four of you can line up so I can do you all, okay?” Tom asked as if he was offering a treat.

This was the part that Erica had been dreading most. She didn’t mind being naked, but the thought of being spanked or whipped worried her.

She wasn’t worried too much about any pain - Tom wouldn’t dare hit too hard. Her worry was that it’d excite her. She wasn’t a submissive OR a pain slut like Monica. She’d tried the tawse on her own hand and it’d tickled more than anything, but she didn’t know how it’d work on her butt or too close to her pussy.

Monica too was nervous. She already knew she liked the tawse, especially on her piercings and nipples. She just didn’t want to get too excited in front of Amanda when Tom used it. She really didn’t want Amanda to see her climax - Amanda would never let her live it down.

At least Cindy thought it was neat that her mom got so excited even though it was so embarrassing. She was sure Amanda would just find her disgusting.

The only possible benefit was that no one knew how Amanda would react. She knew her daughter had to act like she loved it or come clean about her lies.

That Cindy was willing to submit to the tawse had already greatly impressed Monica. Cindy had told her she didn’t get anything from it except irritated skin where it had been used.

“Come on, slut! What sort of blowjob IS that?” Erica scoffed at Amanda.

To her it was clear that Amanda had basically no skill at all. Philip may as well have been fucking a curled hand - although a hand with an overactive gag reflex. Amanda hardly used her lips or her tongue at all, just making gagging noises every time Philip thrust forward.

“Suck him you dumb cunt! How have you possibly managed to please a man before if this is your normal standard? Jeez, watching you suck cock is like a cross between watching paint dry and a train wreck! I just want to kick you to the side and do it myself!” Erica said, not having to pretend disdain.

Amanda pulled her body backward off of Philip’s cock, coughed, then growled, “This...” cough, “is how college men like it!” Cough. “But they’re usually holding my ears, controlling things,” she managed to answer.

Erica had to admit that Amanda did have a point even though it was almost guaranteed that Amanda didn’t have the experience she claimed.

“Get your mouth back onto Philip’s junk! That hole wasn’t designed to whine even though that’s all you seemed to want to use it for,” Erica scoffed, then watched as Amanda did as she’d been told.

“Is your dirty cunt wet? I can’t even smell you, whore,” Erica changed direction without a pause. “My cunt’s all I can smell ... other than Monica’s, but hers is always stinking up the room. Are you too much of a goody two shoes to even get wet? How’s Tom supposed to fuck your cunt hole if it’s not wet? Oh I know, you expect him to fuck your ass right off the bat, don’t you? What a dirty little skank you are, hiding in that cage instead of doing what you should be!”

Amanda pulled off Philip again. “You fucks locked me in here! I couldn’t fuck dad if I wanted to!”

“Are you saying you DON’T want to? A proper slut looks forward to ANY cock on offer!” Erica quoted Amanda’s emailed words to Philip.

“I think we have a new record, honey,” Erica said conversationally to Tom. “Your daughter’s been sucking Philip for five minutes and he still hasn’t cum once! Her cocksucking skills are the worst I’ve ever seen!”

“Remember dear, Mons’ ones were pretty bad too, but look how she’s improved. It’s not even embarrassing to loan her mouth out anymore. I’m sure Amanda’s just nervous, aren’t you, Kitten?” Tom asked his daughter.

Once again Amanda stopped using her mouth as a cock receptacle long enough to answer her father. “I don’t like being the center of attention is all, daddy,” she replied, hoping she wasn’t poisoning her plans too badly.

She was lying of course. She DID want to be the center of attention, but only for her father, not her brother, sister, mother, or the bitch denigrating her as well. None of this had been in her plan at all.

Philip went right back to poking his dick into her mouth, but this time he thrust wrong and her tongue reacted, causing her to move it while his cock was in her mouth. Philip let out a groan of pleasure - almost his first since he’d started fucking his sister’s mouth.

“What did you do? He obviously liked it. You should have been doing that since the start, dufus!” Erica berated Amanda who was already moving her tongue around in her mouth.

Amanda had been afraid of causing Philip the kind of distress her teeth had caused her dad. It wasn’t about making sure her brother enjoyed himself but rather ensuring her dad saw and wasn’t afraid to have sex with her later.

So she’d just been ovalling her lips around Philip’s cock and allowing him to do the work. Hearing her brother moan in pleasure simply helped her understand that it’d be better to show her dad she could do a good job of sex.

“While he’s fucking your gullet you could at least lick his balls to show how grateful you are that he’s using you, you dumb cow. And moan, damnit! The sound itself provides stimulation. Jeez, have you ever even done this before?” Erica asked rhetorically, the purpose of her words simply to humiliate the naked young woman.

Amanda did try and choked his cock down her throat like the whore she pretended she was at college, and about sixty seconds later she was gurking and gasping on Philip’s thick and plentiful cum.

“Wow, did you see how long I fucked her face for?” Philip asked everyone, very proud of how long he’d lasted.

“You did great, son. I think Amanda could have done a hell of a lot better, though. I see a lot of oral training in her near future,” Tom replied sagely.

Philip nodded his head enthusiastically.

“How about this? Are you willing to let her suck your cock, say ... five times a day starting tomorrow? I know that takes away from Erica, Cindy and Mons’ chances to get your load, but it’d be for a good cause,” he said even as Amanda was still clearing her throat of her brother’s load.

Philip shrugged and agreed without much of a thought. He knew five times a day was completely doable, but he was a little worried he’d lose interest after a while.

It’d taken much longer than usual to get off and he preferred to fuck his Mommy to two or three cums in the same time it had taken his sister to get just one out of him. Both Cindy and his mom were MUCH better cocksuckers. Maybe Amanda’s cunt or ass would be better?

Then Philip remembered that the others all agreed that Amanda’s stories were all made up. After a BJ like he’d just had, he had to wonder if they really weren’t all correct. Amanda could do BJ’s, but not nearly as good as he’d expected from a sister who’d reported giving fifty or more a day.

She’d never get to sleep if they all took as long as he had and she’d spent hours and hours bound, whipped, pulling trains and tons of other stuff too. If she’d lied about that, what had actually been true?

He’d already forgotten much of what everyone except Amanda had talked about at dinner. He was way more focused on having his slut sister home for the next six weeks. He was a very confused young man.

Amanda considered telling everyone she couldn’t eat another bite, when they presented her with the doggy bag from their meal. Although ravenous, she’d eagerly opened the box and almost thrown up. They’d used the box to put ALL their leftovers in.

There was a partially eaten bread roll soaked in what looked like some sort of soup with a dob of cream filling on it and one of many chicken bones sticking out of it. Someone had chewed and spat out the fat off their steak, and there was a wilted lettuce leaf with ranch still on it and crumbles of chocolate sponge cake all mixed together. A lot of it was beyond identifying.

To Amanda, it looked like they’d unscrewed the restaurant’s garbage disposal and whatever they’d found had been put into the box then bagged up. In truth, they’d ordered the go box at the beginning, set it in the middle of the table and dumped their bones, fat, and any other thing they didn’t want, into the box.

Real leftovers when they were full were dumped into the box too, then Erica had closed it and shaken it well. The result was what Amanda was presented with.

What no one had told Amanda was that she wasn’t being given it all. Monica had to have her share too. She’d sat, her bare butt on the vinyl bench, with her ‘skirt’ pulled up at the back and taken in the sights and scents as her husband, his girlfriend and her children ate.

Cindy had slipped her morsels when no one was watching, but she’d eventually been caught by Tom and made to stop.

Tom had patiently explained that Monica had to be allowed to get appropriately hungry at dinner so she could show Amanda up when it came time to share the leftovers at home.

The lesson would be wasted if Monica blanched when presented with the leftovers later and refused to eat. By letting her see the box get filled he hoped it’d make eating the resulting food later, more palatable to her. In a way, he was right. Monica was hungry enough to not care what was mixed together.

Before Amanda had arrived home, Tom had asked for her assurance that she’d go along with their ruse since she’d be the one providing most of the demonstrations they’d perform, as if those demonstrations had all become regular occurrences and he’d asked again at the restaurant how she was coping.

At that point, the only thing that had stood out above and beyond the activities of Cindy and Erica had been the casual way she’d been screwed in her pussy by Philip in front of the rest of the family.

This was to be her ‘big moment’ where the family planned to treat her as the lowest form of life in the house for Amanda’s benefit.

Despite having crawled around naked at home and having been locked in her cage at night, the family had always been respectful towards her - everyone except Erica, obviously.

They talked about it before they arrived at the restaurant and agreed the change was scheduled to begin when they got home. That’s why Monica was denied her own meal and why she was now considering her strategy regarding the leftovers.

Monica knew Amanda hated her foods touching each other growing up, and doubted Amanda had changed her tune in college. She kind of looked forward to Tom letting the two of them fight over the contents of the box. She had her eye on quite a substantial portion of prime rib Cindy had left.

As a mother, Monica felt she’d let everyone down, raising a daughter as selfish and manipulative as Amanda so she felt it was her responsibility to take the biggest role in teaching Amanda the error of her ways.

As a result, it was her who volunteered to be the woman used to teach Amanda that much needed lesson. She loved her oldest daughter and felt that Amanda deserved a chance to redeem herself.

Monica argued that she had to endure clear servitude in front of her whole family in order to help destroy the rot that had set in with Amanda. What she didn’t mention was that she suspected she herself might enjoy it too.

Tom knew, though. He also knew Monica could see it in his eyes as easily as she could see he’d not hesitate again when it came to having sex with his daughter.

The father of three was not happy with himself, having used the excuse of Amanda’s teeth on his cock to circumvent escalating oral sex into full on intercourse. He wasn’t actually injured, and he could easily have kept going, but he hadn’t.

Next time he would and Amanda clearly still wanted him. He just needed to think of his daughter as just another piece of fluff to fuck in front of his wife the way he’d done for years to push Monica’s buttons; not Amanda being his own daughter.

He felt sure he could easily have sex with Cindy, so why not Amanda and his answer was simple.

He would enjoy making love to his youngest daughter because Cindy was warm, loving, honest and sweet, not a cold, calculating, bitch. Sex with Amanda would have to be transactional - a tight hole to bust a nut in.

She’d get what she wanted and discover it had not been worth the deceit she’d engineered. His job was to ensure it wasn’t loving sex but selfish sex she’d receive. Not rape, since she’d be willing, but certainly not sex aimed at her pleasure.

Using the tawse on Amanda’s upper thighs earlier hadn’t broken her and Erica was still sore from her turn with it - he’d have to pay a price for that, he knew. He had to man up and treat his daughter like the bitch she was. The gloves had to come off along with his daughter’s underwear. There could be no secrets left for Amanda to cling to.

If their next plan of attack, using Philip to break her by demanding oral sex didn’t work, then there were no more acceptable options left.

There would be nothing left to do except admit defeat and once he had used her, since that’s what it’d be, he’d let her process what she’d received overnight in the cage with her mom.

They’d decide as a family tomorrow, if Amanda would experience a few of the other things she’d bragged about in her emails or be ejected from the house until she came clean.

Philip wanted to bring over his friends from school to have Amanda demonstrate a train. Tom thought that would be going too far, as if what they’d done already was acceptable by any society’s standards.

All that is what led to Amanda swallowing Philip’s cum after he face fucked her between the bars of Monica’s cage. Now she was to share leftovers with her mom on the kitchen floor, the winner to be assfucked and the loser to be cunt fucked.

“You’ve got to be nearly as hungry as Mons, Kitten,” Tom said as he watched Amanda wipe stray droplets of semen off her face. “Our special little whore won a competition and got to watch us eat. Now she’s going to battle you for the best of the leftovers.”

“Huh? She WON and gets to go hungry as her prize? That’s fucked up, daddy!” Amanda had no idea how her family had become so crazy so quickly.

Philip had emailed her regularly and hadn’t mentioned any of this. She could see why he hadn’t talked about Cindy - he would have been a fool to do that after the way she’d threatened him, but she would have expected her brother to be all excited about sharing stories of some of the things her mom was being forced to do.

Now, though, after being forced to suck her brother’s cock with her dad watching as if proud of the way Philip was acting, Amanda once again didn’t know what to think. Forced to do nothing but think, left alone in this damned cage, she had come to the conclusion that her family was playing her but they’d never allow things to go as far as what Philip had just done.

Had her whole family always been that sadistic and she’d somehow missed it? Were they now really going to make her eat leftovers and what did her dad mean about her mom ‘winning’ the opportunity to fight her for them? They must be some pretty spectacular leftovers! Amanda had never in her life eaten leftovers before.

“We play a little game around here sometimes, Kitten. There’s so many fuck holes available and only two cocks to plug them, that we had to, or we’d be calling friends over every day.” Tom explained kindly to his daughter. “Now you’re home. That just adds three more that require attention. So to narrow the field, we have competitions. Your mom won tonight’s and you’re our special guest here, so the championship round will be between you two. The winner gets an ass fucking by Philip and the loser gets me in their cunt.”

Amanda’s eyes got wide. Was her dad really saying that all she had to do was throw a competition and she could experience her dad’s dick in the very place she had dreamed of?

Even if her family were pranking her, surely they had no way of knowing they were playing into her hands! She’d dreamed for so long of her dad slipping her the dick!

She’d been so close earlier and had fucked herself out of getting dicked by him and now he was telling her that all she had to do was lose a stupid fight over leftovers that she had no interest in anyway. She could always raid the fridge later.

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