Animal Girl - Cover

Animal Girl


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Wanting a new life, other than the boring one the she 'married in to', young Sarah runs away and joins a traveling animal circus. Here she introduced into her new life as an 'animal', where she is drugged and loses all her inhabitions to her sexual needs. She gets ravished by everyone including a wolf and donkey. She then learns that she will also be taking on the circus gorilla - and she can't wait.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Gang Bang   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Caution  

"I say we get on with it, dammit! We've waited long enough, Henry. Shit, she might have gotten over that dose of Spanish Fly you gave her and gone to sleep by now!" Al Badger was pacing the floor of his trailer like one of the caged animals, waving his arms, gesturing, walking back and forth until he had both his companions as nervous and high-strung as he.

"Oh, all right, Al," said Hawkins finally, getting out of his well-worn chair. "I can't take much more of your pacing anyhow. She oughta' be 'bout right by now. I guess I was a mite too soon before. It hadn't really took."

Gloria hah-hahed a questioning laugh. "She looked pretty much into it to me. From where we stood she seemed about to suck your guts out through that prick of your's. Or didn't you notice?"

"Oh, stop being a wise-ass, Gloria," snapped Hawkins. "You're just jealous 'cause she's better looking than you, that's all. It just sticks in your craw that Al and me are so damn fired up about fuckin' that sweet littl' thing, don't it? You'd rather we stayed here and put the meat to your ol' wornout ass, ain't that right?" he teased her viciously.

"No, not really," retorted the older blonde haughtily, "But maybe I'll get a bit of the action myself. There are other ways, you know. Haven't you guys heard of women's lib? We girls don't need you any more."

Henry and Al just looked at each other, dumb-founded. They'd seen Gloria do just about anything you could think of with a man or an animal, but they'd never seen her go at it with another woman. Now this might be something really interesting, they were both thinking.

"Just one thing, Gloria," began Henry.

"Yeah, what's that?"

"Don't come on too strong, you know what I mean? Like maybe it would be better if you sort of pretend you're being forced into it, understand?"

The toothy blonde grinned and her eyes sparkled. "I get you! So she'll think we're in it together, right?"

"Right. That way she's got a friend to lean on sort of. You never know with this Spanish Fly. It affects broads in the strangest ways. I've seen 'em go stark raving bananas, so we can't be too careful. Remember, we want her for the sex circus, and she's no good to us if she flips her lid, okay?" Al and Gloria both nodded solemnly -- he was right, they'd been looking a long time for just the right girl, one with that look of innocence the men in the audience always go for and one with no ties or family waiting somewhere for the chance to go to the police after the first postcard from their dear child. Yes, this one was perfect, all right, and it wouldn't do to blow the whole operation at this late date. Hawkins' face suddenly lighted. "Should we take Lobo? Think she's ready for it?" His friends' answer showed in their eyes... Ready or not, she was in for a big surprise!

Sarah was lying fitfully on the convertible bed when the three people and, the great yellow-eyed wolf entered the camper; she was squirming from side to side like some poor soul with an attack of appendicitis. Only the three of them knew it wasn't her appendix that was inflamed and about to burst... it was her tight little pussy!

"P-Please... leave me alone... just leave me, please," she whimpered feebly, her words barely coming from her throat as her whole body filled with husky yearnings of her incredible, unrequited passion.

"Now you don't really mean that, honey," grinned Hawkins down at her as she lay there writhing like a bug stuck with a pin. "We all came over for a... a little party. Ain't that right, Gloria?"

"Yeah, if you say so, Henry. Only I don't like the looks of this. Something's wrong with this girl, Henry. You didn't say nothing about this," she said very seriously, playing her part as skillfully as a professional.

"Aw, c'mon, Gloria, we just want some fun, that's all. Maybe you'd like to be first with our little friend here. She seems to be in need of some help right now."

"No, Henry, I won't have any part of it," she spat convincingly at her employer.

"Oh, but you will... now get your clothes off!"

"Henry, no, I can't!"

Henry took a step forward and raised his fist as if to strike her across the face. Beside him, the vicious looking wolf growled menacingly while the naked young blonde, mindless of her nakedness, mindless of everything save this agonizing burning inside her belly, watched curiously. After a moment's standoff, the older blonde woman seemed to relent and began, reluctantly and hesitantly, to take off her clothes. Even in her mindless stupor, Sarah was conscious enough to be surprised at the older woman's nicely-formed, fully-developed body. It was the body of a sensually mature woman, that much was certain... as different from her own as an Italian sex symbol's figure might be from a ripening young model. Both of them were beautiful in their own rightful womanly voluptuousness and ripened, opposite pert young womanhood.

Henry pointed to Gloria, "You... lie down there on that bed... on your back so's I can see all your sweets." Gloria didn't argue; she climbed onto the yard-high bed that was longer than she was, stretched out, and lay perfectly still, not voicing any objections. He grabbed both her ankles, and she closed her eyes tightly, looking for all the world to be as frightened as the younger girl at her side. Henry seemed to have something else in mind for them, and he started by spreading her legs apart with his hands, opening up the pink, hair-lined slit of her pussy so that he and his pal could see her wetly pouting cuntal lips.

"You..." He meant Sarah. "... get up there with her, kinda' kneeling like, with your head other way. I wanna' see some sixty-nining, you know what I mean?" The words seemed hard for him to speak, and he hesitated at the very mention of this act he obviously deemed something special, a rare and treasured moment for him to witness. Sarah obeyed, also without any hesitation; that look on his face was worth a dozen threats. She placed her knees at Gloria's sides and kneeled on all fours as she was ordered, then waited for his next perverted instruction. Her full ripe breasts dangled freely beneath her as she knelt and as Gloria breathed in and out, they lightly touched the older woman's naked belly; the pink nipples tingled and quivered, but this time not with excitement, but with revulsion and dread. She'd never really thought about doing anything like this; she knew it went on, but she never thought she'd be part of it. It was an unthinkable act to Sarah, something she couldn't remember even fantasizing about, even in her wildest schoolgirl daydreams. The very thought of it turned her stomach... but she knew what he wanted her to do. She knew what lewd despicable act he wanted the two of them to perform, spread out here naked on this platform like two performers in a stag club. She tried not to think about it, to resign herself to getting it over with as quickly as he would allow, to keeping her mind off it... but it was harder and harder to face as the seconds ticked by.

"Well, what're you waitin' for? Get on with it!" growled Hawkins, now only a couple of feet away with his vicious four-legged companion at his side. The wolf obviously hated her perhaps only because she was a woman, but Hawkins was holding him securely by his heavy collar to keep him back, without that restraint he looked fierce enough to tear them both apart without much effort.

Sarah tried to speak, but the words hung in her dry throat; she managed finally to cough them out. "Please, I can't... I've never done anything like this before. I wouldn't even know how!" Her pleas obviously were falling on deaf ears, but Gloria saved her the trouble of another futile try.

"Don't worry, I'll show you what they want us to do," she offered, stretched flat on her back beneath her friend. "Just do what I do and you won't get hurt..." She looked to the men questioningly. "Right?" Hawkins grinned a gleaming, gold-splashed grin that answered her question, and Gloria proceeded to carry out the orders these man had given her.

She could see all of Sarah's naked young body kneeling over her's, see the full, womanly breasts that teasingly brushed her abdomen if she breathed hard enough to bring it that high; the slim, creamy thighs that blended so smoothly with the bottom-crease of her ass were just a few inches from her face now. And the warmly perfumed pussy slit nestled so invitingly there above her in the fleecy down of Sarah's soft pubic mound. Yes, Gloria told herself, this scene has something going for it, something nice, real nice...

She reached up and locked her hands around the delicate curve of the young blonde's back and pulled her naked pelvis toward her hungrily parted lips. Sarah hesitated at first, Gloria could feel her tense and pull away. But a reassuring sound was all the girl needed, and she relaxed, allowing her loins to be lowered to Gloria's face. A visible shiver raced through Sarah's body as Gloria's slightly puckered lips touched the damp furrow of her heatedly throbbing pussy; Gloria felt a tickling sensation as the softly curling pubic fluff brushed her nose. Closing her eyes, she pressed her parted wet lips hard against the ragged, rose-colored lips of the girl's vagina. She felt her tense again, her thigh muscles grow hard and sinewy. After a moment though, Sarah followed her lead and lowered her own lips until her head was cradled against the flat plane of Gloria's abdomen and touching the soft, hair-covered pubic mound.

Sarah tentatively, cautiously, kissed the fragrant cleft up between Gloria's legs, fully aware of the shivers that her gentle touch sent through the older woman's belly. It wasn't as bad as she'd expected, though she was still fighting to hold back the choking nausea in her throat. She mimicked her friend's actions perfectly, and as Gloria began to nibble tenderly on the soft flanges of her pussy, she returned with the same delivered to the woman's naked loins. She tried not to think, to force her mind to remain a blank, to somehow keep her sanity in an insane nightmare by forcing it out of her thoughts. But it was hopeless... she couldn't escape the truth of what she was doing. She couldn't escape the lustful stares these two men were raking her naked young body with... she could not hide from the shame and utter humiliation of this wanton, salacious act she was being forced to be a part of. It was all so incredibly unreal, so unbelievably crazy that she wondered if it were real, she wondered if she'd lost her mind hours ago, that this insane day in her life might be some psychotic fantasy. This can't be really happening, I have to wake up from all this and find that it never happened! But she didn't wake up... and it was very, very real.

Gloria's hungry mouthing between her widespread thighs grew more and more frenetic, more intense, and though she wondered at the woman's sudden eagerness, she reciprocated without hesitation, and like Gloria, burrowed her tongue between the hotly moistened slit hidden between the soft outer cuntal lips. Gloria's tongue snaked rapidly in and out of Sarah's pussy-cleft and though she tried to suppress it, the girl found her whole body beginning to writhe and squirm from the wickedly lascivious tonguing her fevered young slit was receiving. Gloria's wetly quivering tongue fucked in and out of her narrow pink passage, prodding the sensitive walls of her pussy with lizard-like, darting movements that caused the drugged girl to shiver each time the hotly licking tongue scraped across her sensitive flesh. She eased her own licking pace, only to be prodded by the single poke from Hawkins to her ribs. She burrowed back between her girlfriend's warmly pulsating pussy-lips, nibbling the pinkish flanges of her cunt with renewed vigor and feigned enthusiasm, only... this time there was something different, some weak, signaling sensation she couldn't yet pinpoint, yet she knew it was there. Oh, no. It can't be! That feeling in my belly! I can't be enjoying this, it's wrong, it's evil and filthy! I can't let myself feel this way, I can't!

She tried to fight it off, to suppress the unnatural, wantonness she was sensing as it stirred in her loins, but the drug wouldn't let her. It was hardly noticeable at first, but it seemed that the harder she fought it, the stronger it became. Gloria sensed the girl's sudden awakening and wasted not a second taking advantage of this new opportunity; she didn't care about the men watching, those bastards could get their kicks any way they wanted them. She was getting all the satisfaction she needed from feeling Sarah squirm as she held her arms locked around the small of her back, forcing her writhing young crotch down against her probing, sucking, nibbling lips. Lips that searched every pore, every yielding crevice of the blonde's softly clasping pussy, warmed their wet way into the warmly clasping tunnel and flicked playfully at the tiny throbbing bud of her clitoris.

Sarah wasn't the only one feeling the effects of the prolonged oral fucking session; Gloria could feel the delicious heat welling in her own pelvis, and she knew it wouldn't take much more of the young blonde's suddenly voracious pussy-nibbling to drive her up the wall. She gripped Sarah's naked hips tighter and ground her whole face into the wantonly writhing girl's hot, damp pussy, ramming her long wet tongue far up into the hotly clasping cuntal sheath. Gloria was nearing the brink, she found it more and more difficult to concentrate on her relished task, so great were the waves of lascivious pleasure that were coursing through her own naked body. She suddenly, and without warning, locked her long legs around Sarah's neck, forcing the young blonde's sucking wet lips tighter in against her burning, hungry orifice.

"Goddamn, look at 'em go to it!" exclaimed Al, a look on his face like a big, stupid grizzly. "I ain't ever seen nothin' like that! Goddamn, go to it! Go to it!" His face and that of his companion were only inches from the girls' nakedly squirming bodies, their sweat-covered flesh glistening in the harsh glow of the overhead bulb.

Henry's savage animal, Lobo, was sitting on the command at his side, a permanent vicious snarl on his lips that seemed to grow louder as the girls locked together in a wanton, forbidden embrace, their arms and legs intertwined and their moistly working lips bringing each other wave after delicious wave of profane, salacious pleasure.

Sarah tried to lose her thoughts, her anguished emotions, in the task at hand, and energetically sucked and kissed and licked just as Gloria was doing to her own pussy. Soon the two women were ground together as one, a sobbing, moaning tangle of naked female flesh, forced into this despicable act by the brutality of these men, but... finding a depth of feeling, a pinnacle of passion they'd never known before; neither was fighting it now, and it looked almost as if the moaning young girl had taken the initiative. She was lost in the wickedness, the prohibited pleasure, and all thought of her captors were gone from her mind. Suddenly, Gloria let loose a startling, silence-shattering cry straight from her anguished loins, "OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH! I'm cumming, don't stop, please! I'm cumming!" and her nakedly voluptuous body heaved and thrashed wildly beneath Sarah's weight. Gloria's nail gripped the smooth curves of the younger blonde's hips and held her loins tight against her wetly nibbling lips. She sucked hard and fast, chewing like a starved beast on the fleshy red lips and the erectly quivering bud of her clitoris... she could feel the girl was teetering on the brink of cumming, she knew a few more seconds would push her over, she sucked and kissed and licked the hotly pulsating pussy until...

"Aaaaggh? Ah... ah... aaaahhh... I'm cumming." Sarah was shrieking as the hurricane of passion demented her young body and mind.

"Aaaaaagggghhhhh! Yes! Yes!" Gloria cried out as she completed the enjoyable task of bringing the blonde to total, blissful fulfillment. Their nakedly quivering bodies were as one, they locked and fused together along the length of their smooth, unbroken curves, drawn to this absolute subjugation, this act of debasement before two hungrily watching men, their lushly ripened bodies wriggling and squirming together in the abandoned, passionate desperation of mutual raging girl-lust. Finally, their orgasms spent and emptied, they fell, Sarah collapsing across the length of Gloria's nakedness. She wanted to cry from the awful shame of it, but she couldn't, the tears weren't any longer... crying would no longer offer her sanctuary.

Henry and Al sat down on a couple of chairs, spent and exhausted from what they'd just lived through. This was better than they'd expected, and they knew it was going to be better before the night was over. Henry had his eyes already on the young blonde one, that little blow job was just an appetizer and an hors d'oeuvre. He was going to put his thick aching rod in that gorgeous creature's pussy, going to feel the blood-throbbing knob of his cock far up in her tight little cunt, going to skewer her like a barbecue bird and fuck her until she begged for more. He'd have her pleading for another few seconds on the end of his prick, she'd be at his feet begging... he'd show her, girls like them had taunted him all his life, always just out of reach with their tight-fitting sweaters and their perfumed hair; always there, but never for him... but not this time, this time was going to be different. This one was his, and she never would leave this room until he'd had his fill of her taunting, prissy ass! Innocent? Hell! He'd show her!

Sarah felt someone's cold fingers touch the underside of her thigh as she lay heaving, struggling to regain her breath. She jerked away but the cool prodding was insistent; only when she heard Henry's rasping laugh did she turn her head to see whose hand had touched her still-quivering flesh. What she saw had her sitting up and retreating to the far edge of the bed, huddled with her arms around her knees, unconcerned that the whole naked expanse of her moistened cuntal crevice was open to their eyes. It was the wolf, Lobo, and Sarah was petrified at the very sight of the huge, snarling animal. Gloria was sitting, head down and breasts rising and falling rapidly from her short, hard breathing on the edge of the bed opposite the wolf, but the ferocious animal seemed to ignore her; he seemed interested only in Sarah, and he padded forward on four enormous paws until his cold nose again touched the smooth, unblemished curve of her buttocks as she crouched in abject terror. "Get him away," she tried to whisper loudly so as not to rile him, "Please make him go away, I'm frightened!"

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