Animal Girl - Cover

Animal Girl


Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Wanting a new life, other than the boring one the she 'married in to', young Sarah runs away and joins a traveling animal circus. Here she introduced into her new life as an 'animal', where she is drugged and loses all her inhabitions to her sexual needs. She gets ravished by everyone including a wolf and donkey. She then learns that she will also be taking on the circus gorilla - and she can't wait.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Gang Bang   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Caution  

Henry Hawkins was out of his pants and undershorts before Sarah realized what was happening. It was all like some kind of scene from a bad movie, all a quick dizzying blur as she watched the man disrobe through eyes glazed and heavy with the drug and with the strong liquor. He was naked now from the waist to his ankles, still wearing his black socks that fell down around the tops of his shoes in a tired heap. He made a truly ludicrous spectacle standing there, looking for all the world like a character in an ancient stag movie, only minus the mask and hair-line mustache. But Sarah was in no position to laugh... she was trapped through her own carelessness and stupidity and, short of running home like a scared little girl to Jamie, there was nothing to do but face up to him, do as he asked and hope that she could live with herself when it was over.

The whole front of his lower body looked to be covered with hair, a thick woolly fur that thickened and curled around his thighs and loins. His hand fondly rubbed his long dangling penis hanging from the coarse thicket and, as if he had given some secret inner command, it really began to swell and grow, leaping in spasmodic jerks into full, threatening rigidity. That same evil grin, only now more of a growingly triumphant sneer, spread lewdly across his face as his lust-hardened shaft grew even larger and thicker. "Not bad for an old man, huh, miss?" he chuckled. "Bet that ol' man you left behind in California couldn't match it inch for inch in a million years, right?" There was no reply from the frightened blonde. "Answer me, bitch! It's quite a cock, huh?"

Sarah gulped down her fear and nodded. "Y-Yes, yes, it is," she murmured hoarsely.

"Come on over here and feel it, baby. You needn't be afraid."

Almost as if she didn't have a mind of her own Sarah obediently moved closer, reluctantly, both hands over her breasts still, as they rose and fell anxiously in her fright and apprehension.

"Go on, touch it!" He grabbed one of her arms and pulled it down close to his massively throbbing cock, and she opened her fingers just as his own tightened painfully around her delicate wrist. Her fingertips brushed along its hot, awesome length and the menacing monster seemed to grow even thicker, though that would have seemed impossible.

Sarah felt the proper revulsion, as she knew she ought to, but there was something deep inside her insides she couldn't quite define as yet, something that seemed like a candle lit far down in the dark sanctuary of her belly, only a tiny warm glow, but somehow bearing the threat of bursting into a raging inferno at any minute. That was the only way to describe it... she marked it up as fear and nausea, but in the back of her mind she knew there must be another explanation.

"Get down on your knees!" came the unexpected barked command, and the frightened young blonde only looked back at her superior with disbelieving eyes. She thought she had prepared herself for the worst, that maybe she would have to sacrifice all her decency and let this man touch her to satisfy his filthy lust, but this... this was beyond all humanity! He couldn't mean what she thought, he couldn't! Even with Jamie she had never done such a thing. It was vile and degenerate, the kind of thing whores do for money, not decent people. She wouldn't... she couldn't!

Nothing, no countless hours of fear and worry, could have prepared the terrified young girl for what the lecherous Hawkins did next. His hand darted forward, his face still snarled in the contemptuous knot of hate and lust mixed obscenely, and Sarah reacted instinctively, fully expecting to catch the brunt of an awful, punishing blow for her disobedience to his wanton will. But it wasn't a cruel fist or stinging palm that crossed her flesh... instead he only closed his fingers around the full, ripe mound of her breast and then skillfully manipulated the nakedly sensitive flesh, bringing out the desire effect in her like a musician tuning up his instrument. Her arm shot up to push his hand away, but she caught herself in mid-stride. That certain something strange inside her again had grown suddenly more powerful and commanding, and whatever it was told her forcefully to leave his fingers where they were.

Feeling the weird sensations in her abdomen growing more and more intense, spreading inside her like fire spreads in a tree, from one limb to another until the whole organism is aflame with a raging holocaust of intensity, Sarah was amazed to find herself unable to resist his command. Obediently, instinctively somehow, she sank to her knees as if her legs had become boneless, and found herself at his feet, naked save for her little white panties, and totally vulnerable now at this depraved man's merciless whim. She tried not to look at his nakedness, to shut her eyes and keep away the nauseating reality of the presence of his long hard penis. She could feel its heatedly throbbing tip brushing against her forehead, nuzzling through the fine spray of her blonde bangs. It was fully erect now, and the lust-swollen head was completely out of its elastic sheath and poised... ready for what she knew now was inevitable. Yet strangely, she could scarcely sense her fear at all... it was as if all her emotions had been blocked out by some powerful drug. All, that is, except one... and that one was making itself unbearably apparent inside her belly as a sudden itching sensitiveness spread over her hidden private parts like an epidemic pox. It was more and more obvious what this strangeness inside her was, or what it was becoming, but she refused to give in to it, refused to acknowledge its strength and her own surrender.

"What the hell are you waiting for, you silly bitch? Haven't you ever sucked a cock before? You suck this one just like you suck one of them scrawny little ones you're used to."

Sarah turned her flaming face away from the massively pulsating shaft that was level now with her face. Her eyes were closed, partly from fear and partly from shame.

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