Animal Girl - Cover

Animal Girl


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Wanting a new life, other than the boring one the she 'married in to', young Sarah runs away and joins a traveling animal circus. Here she introduced into her new life as an 'animal', where she is drugged and loses all her inhabitions to her sexual needs. She gets ravished by everyone including a wolf and donkey. She then learns that she will also be taking on the circus gorilla - and she can't wait.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Gang Bang   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Caution  

Gloria was waiting impatiently at the door of her silver-colored trailer when Hawkins returned from his camper. She was wearing a man's shirt tied to make a kind of halter and a pair of ragged jeans and boots, her usual around-camp wear. "Well, how'd it go, Henry? Hurry up, tell me!" she urged eagerly. Nearly an hour had passed since he came over here through the wooded thicket to dump that powerful aphrodisiac into the new blonde's drink, and she was beside herself with expectant curiosity.

"She took it like mother's milk," he grinned in the macabre yellow glare of the trailer's outside bulb. "Shouldn't be long now."

"Ooo, I can hardly wait," the mid-thirtyish woman squealed. "Al, hey Al, Henry's back!" she yelled in that sort of hoarse whisper-shout of someone wishing to yell without being heard too far away. A pot-bellied slight balding man in his mid-forties shuffled groggily into view from the battered trailer's tiny bedroom. He was holding an open half-quart can of beer and an unlit cigarette was dangling from his lower lip. It stayed there as he spoke, held in place by the wetness of the beer he'd obviously just finished. "Went like clockwork, huh, Henry?" he inquired, dropping the emptied beer can into a plastic trash can lined with newspaper that was positioned by the bedroom door. "When you think she'll be ready? I wouldn't mind a piece o' her ass myself. Did you see those legs? And tits! Man, she's got a pair like one o' them fold-out girlies."

Gloria glared at him half seriously. "You just shut your mouth, Al Badger. You can't even satisfy the woman you've got, much less go spreading it around."

Henry laughed out loud and his employee's face momentarily flushed. "Shit, Gloria," said the heavier one with the tee-shirt that failed to cover his protruding belly. "It'd take half the men in Canada to satisfy you and you know it."

"Goddamn right, if they all had cocks like that scrawny one of your's!" she taunted.

"Scrawny! You can go to hell, you ol' whore, I ain't never had any complaints before!"

"Now, now, you two, save all that energy for later. And anyway, Gloria, you're gonna' be gettin' all the cock you can handle when we give that first show."

Gloria felt a shiver of anticipation run up her spine at just the thought. She'd done some pretty far-out things since signing up with Henry Hawkins, at least since he found out there wasn't any money in menagerie shows for kiddies and bored grownups. That was when he decided to add something new, something special just for the men-folks and an occasional thrill-seeking woman or two. That was where she came in -- the special show, the one that cost five dollars a head and was well worth it. She put one on, all right, left them with their tongues hanging out when she'd polished off that wolf of Henry's... and sometimes a donkey if the crowd was right and she felt up to it. Not to mention the one or two she always took out of the audience, just to give the locals something to talk about after they'd pulled up and left. But sometime on this tour, they would try something new and different... and even Gloria was nervous about how it would work out.

"Gimme' a beer, Al, and I'll go back and see how our new little girl is doing with the something special I gave her. She oughta' be about to come in her pants about right now."

"How about it, Henry? You gonna' share this one now, or have I got to stand in line?"

"Oh no, not tonight, it's too soon for that. But I tell you what -- you two come on over in a little while and take a look-see through that window over the sink. Maybe you'll get a little show, who knows!"

Sarah had already slipped out of her clothes and into a pale green nightie before Henry Hawkins walked the distance over to Al and Gloria's trailer. She was tired and sleepy and the couple of drinks her new boss fixed her made it even worse, so all she wanted was to get under those covers and close her eyes.

But then it happened... not all at once, but in little short spurts, brief quivering spasms of intense feeling and stimulation that coursed through her scantily-clad young body in surge after surge of frightening strangeness. It didn't worry her much at first; after all, it could have been anything -- the onset of some virus from all the travel and excitement, or maybe just her insides knotting up from the newness of all this or... but there was soon no way of kidding herself. Something, indeed, had happened to her, just as surely as if a hidden switch inside her brain had been triggered open. First the feeling of blood rushing heatedly to her belly, then the tingling spreading upward through her thighs, then to her lushly quivering breasts where they reddened slightly and began to swell with an excitement all their own. And then her tiny young nipples began to throb as if in wicked perverse accompaniment to the unknown song of quickening desire that was somehow welling inside her at this very moment.

Her mind reeled for a moment and then her confused thoughts, blurred by the effects of the unaccustomed liquor, began to come together in one frightening melange of apprehension and suspicious fear. What is happening to me? Something's wrong... maybe I've been poisoned. Yes, that's it, poisoned! No, that can't be right, who would poison me? Maybe it's the liquor, maybe I'm allergic to something in those drinks.

"You sick or somethin', Sarah?" She jumped half a foot off the camper floor at the sudden intrusion; turning, startled, she saw that Mr. Hawkins had let himself in through the unlocked door and was standing there in the doorway only a few feet away. Only she couldn't see him, at least not clearly. He was more a smeared, shapeless mass to her blurry eyes than the man she remembered from just a short while ago.

"You scared me. I didn't know you were coming back," she said slowly and deliberately, wondering if the words sounded the same on the other side of her lips as they did to her. She was shaking her head from side to side, as if that might clear the murkiness from her mind and enable her to think clearly once again...

"Sorry, honey," he smiled. "I guess I should have knocked. Didn't know you were getting ready for bed." He glanced down along the scarcely concealed smooth curves of her voluptuous young body, her high jutting breasts and long shapely legs clearly visible to his obviously appraising stare. She crossed her arms over her firmly ripened breasts and stirred uncomfortably, uneasy under the suddenly coldness of his gaze.

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