Animal Girl - Cover

Animal Girl


Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Wanting a new life, other than the boring one the she 'married in to', young Sarah runs away and joins a traveling animal circus. Here she introduced into her new life as an 'animal', where she is drugged and loses all her inhabitions to her sexual needs. She gets ravished by everyone including a wolf and donkey. She then learns that she will also be taking on the circus gorilla - and she can't wait.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   NonConsensual   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Gang Bang   Black Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook   Caution  

Sarah scarcely remembered being helped from the camper and led along the dirt path that led to one of the show's biggest transfer vans, a huge blue one emblazoned with Henry Hawkins' advertising along its full length. It was dark, late it seemed as she walked gingerly, barefoot, along the trail. Someone was leading her. Was it Sammy? Sweet young Sammy? Or was it Henry? Or was it someone else she'd never seen before?

Henry's advance men had done their work well, and the wives and kiddies that had viewed the show's menagerie that afternoon before sunset were all safely home out of sight. Only the single men and those married ones sly enough or bold enough to manage a night out alone were packed six abreast into the smoky, almost airless truck when she was helped into the wide rear doors. She couldn't see their faces, just a swirling sea of bodies and eyes and teeth and legs... and cocks, she could only hope, God how she hoped there were lots of them! Henry's magic had worked again, though she could not remember taking another dose of the passion-swelling potion after Sammy arrived. But she must have... why else this raging hot burning again up between her legs, this rutting agony of desire that could only be quenched one way. And tonight she knew the way... there would be no need for encouragement, no reason for subterfuge of deceit. Tonight the beautiful young blonde, clad now only in her brassiere and panties as she was paraded in before these men who had paid ten dollars for the show she was about to give them, was eager enough on her own... eager for anything as long as it would give her the lascivious excitement she cried out for with every pore, every cell, of her half-naked young body.

Numbly, feeling nothing but the fire in her naked belly, she was led like a slave girl to the front of the enclosed van where a tattered, uncovered mattress lay on the bare floor, marked off from the rest of the area by a tautly-stretched rope that the men from the mining camp were pressed against as thick as flies. She didn't feel it at all as her wrists were strapped with nylon clothesline to two rings in the floor that were used for restraining the heavy steel cages when they were on the move. She did not offer any opposition because she was aware of nothing to oppose... nothing existed in the universe except the red-hot moist flesh of her drug-crazed vagina and this wonderful crowd of men.

A short fat man, dressed in the sweat-soaked clothes of a worker, entered and closed the doors behind him. His eyes flickered in appreciation when he saw the delicious young feast spread defenselessly on the mattress.

The worker removed his shirt, silently staring at her with undisguised rapaciousness visible in his eyes. His huge barrel chest, covered with ape-like hair, rose and fell in short puffing gasps as he dropped his pants to the floor. His short fat cock jerked into view beneath an overhanging roll of fat from his White belly.

Sarah's eyes bulged in terror. The drug! The drug! Why didn't it work! She felt only fear, not the blind lust that she now craved like a junkie craves heroin.

And, suddenly, it did, but not the way she had expected. The first piercing warning came as the man leaned gleefully over the edge of the mattress and began running his rough callused hands over her smooth, cringing young flesh.

Her reaction was violent! A deep indescribable electrifying shock shot through the frayed nerve-ends of her body like a thousand tiny sharp needles. Laughing red devils danced wickedly along the inner softness of her firmly quaking thighs. Her buttocks ground desperately into the mattress to quench a searing hot flame suddenly licking hungrily at her nakedness. It was futile, the fire roared headlong out of control. She lay immobile for a moment, her mind struggling hopelessly against the pinpricks of sensation following the path of the coarse fingers digging so brutally into her flesh. God, Henry must have given me a double dose!

The first man played with her, unaware of the hopeless battle raging within the tortured young girl beneath his kneading hands. He placed his thumbs on the fleshy lips of hair lining the outside of her cunt and pulled slowly apart as though he were splitting tropical fruit. Sarah lay holding her breath and fighting with all her moral strength. It was not enough, for her resistance shattered almost immediately.

She groaned as the exquisite feeling of cool air rushed over the fevered bud of her rising clitoris. It rippled up her now quivering belly and out into the nipples of her ripely throbbing breasts, drowning out the debasing humiliation of the strange hands roaming over her nakedness. The straining muscles of her thighs began to relax as did her White ivory breasts that rose and fell with each labored breath.

The man's tongue licked nervously at his thick mouth, small beads of sweat formed over his upper lips as he watched the gradual transformation of the voluptuous young girl beneath his stroking fingers. He did not understand and did not care, he would not question a gift like this -- only a fool would.

He could not wait. He pushed her unresisting firm thighs wide with the rough palms of his hands and crawled eagerly between their lush fullness. The devils danced faster around the rough pink edges of Sarah's naked cunt as she felt the mattress sink from his weight. Her hotly throbbing pussy felt like a painfully aching hollow pit in her stomach and it had to be filled. Her eyes locked greedily on the thick cock pulsating out from his kneeling body above her.

Suddenly forgotten were the fears of humiliation. She needed but one thing now; she needed that long hard cock! More than anything else in the world, she needed the relief that only a man's virile penis could bring her.

Even as her mind fought the repulsive sight of the kneeling fat body hovering between the slimness of her wide-stretched thighs, her long tapered legs kicked out uncontrollably and her heels curled around his hips in an animal-like eagerness. She jerked forward wildly, pulling him, with a grunt, heavily down on top of her sensually writhing body.

He guided his thick blood-filled cock-head straight into her wetly foaming cunt, his heavy weight smashing her far down into the mattress. As she squealed in pain and ecstasy, he levered up, ramming his rock-hard shaft as deep as it would go into her hungrily clasping pussy. His heavy, sperm-laden balls smacked loudly against her upturned ass as his long hard length bored hotly into the yielding softness of her rippling young belly.

Sarah strained against the cords but they held, cruelly cutting into her wrists, as she tried to get even closer to him, crying out in a savage demand to go "deeper, fuck deeper!"

"Fuck harder, fuck deeper!" she screamed at him in desperation, causing the bug-eyed spectators to edge even closer to the make-shift stage. They watched as the man grasped her nakedly grinding ass cheeks in both hands and drove his thick stubby cock to the hilt. A low murmur of sympathy went up in the audience; it was obvious that his fleshy staff was much too short to put out the fire raging in the young girl's cunt. Sarah groaned in frustration, splaying her legs wide out over the bed to give him greater access, but even that did not help.

As if in apology, the sweating fat man rammed his tongue deep into her wide-open mouth, the saliva drooling down into her throat. She sucked at it in a wild frenzy, her drug-crazed body caught up in a whirlpool of raw lust that she had never known before. His wildly jerking cock pistoned into her mercilessly as he sought to make up for his lack of length, and his pile-driving thrusts brought gasps of pain from the captive blonde as his pelvis smacked loudly against her crotch.

Sarah moaned again, this time in encouragement, for the man was bringing her to the peak with the brutal pounding of his body alone.

Then -- suddenly -- as she bucked uncontrollably beneath him, she felt his rapidly plunging cock stiffen without warning and begin spewing its white-hot liquid far into the hidden recesses of her tortured womb. Sarah groaned in frustration. It was too soon, too soon! She was almost there, the climatic peak was but a second away. She strained crazily to cum and get release, but the man's dead weight collapsed heavily across her still driving body. The useless deflated penis hung spent and wetly glistening between her churning thighs.

Frantically she buffeted her wetly steaming loins up against his flaccid tube, tears of angry frustration running down her lust-contorted face. She screamed in anguish as he rolled from her nakedly buffeting body, breathing heavily in satiation... he had gotten more than his money's worth. He smiled happily and a bit sheepishly at the spectators who were moving restlessly; their whispers sounded like the first-zephyrs of an approaching storm.

The fire burned on in Sarah, even as the man left the roped area. Impatiently, she waited for the next customer, grinding her buttocks into the mattress in anticipation.

Oh God, she sobbed, the hunger coursing through her like a narcotic. I'm going crazy, crazy. Send me someone! Send me someone!

Henry's head suddenly appeared at the door; a grin of satisfaction was on his lips as he saw Sarah's drugged body frantically writhing out of control on the bed. Henry had many clients waiting, and the potion would last for hours. The girl was beyond objecting to anything now. In fact, he thought happily, she would welcome it.

Sarah's eyes were glazed in an all-encompassing desire. Her earlier prayers for blessed unconsciousness had faded, now she wanted only to feel the deliciousness of a man fucking wildly into her. She wanted her belly filled with great warm pools of cum and feel it sloshing around wetly inside her.

Hurry, Henry, hurry, her mind droned drunkenly, bring me one. Bring me a man or I'll die!

She did not have long to wait. An old man on crutches hobbled in, his eyes shining in lust. He had only one leg and his clothes were filthy and stained. They looked as though they had not left his body in months. Sarah's passion was beyond caring now, he was a man! A man with a nice hard cock that could slice into her fearfully burning pussy. That was all that mattered.

Hurry, you bastard, hurry, raced through her mind desperately. She opened her legs wide, pointed the dripping hair-lined slit of her cunt directly at the lewdly grinning cripple, grinding her femaledom up with her tightly clenched ass in an equally lewd invitation to spur him to speed.

He lost no time in tearing his ragged clothes from his unwashed body. He hadn't believed the news in the town street, nor the price... three dollars! All that would buy in the whorehouse of Dawson Creek was a fat old hag who had been used up years before and who would lie drunkenly under you thinking of the booze she could buy with the money from this trick. But this was different! She was young, and her flesh was firm. It had been many long years since he had fucked anything even approaching this. Nowadays he could not afford the young ones in the houses and even if he could they would turn him down because of his nauseating appearance. He could not believe his luck with this one; Christ, she was begging him for it with her obscene gestures and loud groans. He would use his ten minutes well with this crazy-to-be-fucked little bitch.

He hobbled to the bed and without ceremony, threw the stump of his missing leg over Sarah's nakedly squirming young body. He straddled her stomach awkwardly. The soft Whiteness of tautened belly brushed tantalizingly against the wrinkled sack of his heavily dangling balls causing his ancient penis to jerk in anticipation. He moved forward along her nakedly writhing torso and laid his still semi-soft penis in the warm fleshy valley between her ripely quivering breasts. He cupped a hand on either side of the feverishly straining mounds and pushed them together, trapping his long, awakening cock between them. He had always wanted to do this but none of the Dawson Creek whores would ever let him. Now with this young bitch's hands tied over her head, she could not object. Besides, Hawkins said anything went as long as he didn't hurt her physically.

Sarah, beneath him, could feel the bones of his thin buttocks pressing painfully into her ribs as he rocked forward. He had straddled her so suddenly that she had been taken completely unaware. She needed him in her -- but not like this. She tried desperately to wriggle up the mattress under him but he rode with her firm young body.

"No, no, please not that way, not that way," she cried in frustration as she looked down her nose and watched the red bulbous cock-head sliding back and forth between her tightly held breasts. She could feel it begin to heatedly throb against the sensitive tissue of her skin, sending further sheets of hot licking flame racing down to the quivering slit of her palpitating cunt.

"Oh God no! Fuck me, please! Please!" she begged as he began a rocking motion, sliding his blue veined cock faster and faster between her warmly straining breasts. Spit dripped from his sun-cracked lips, falling onto the narrow fleshy valley and lubricating the passage for the hotly pulsating penis as it fucked the soft warmness between her breasts.

The cripple continued his desperate thrusting -- faster -- faster -- his breath coming in quick labored gasps, until before her horror-stricken eyes, the man groaned loudly and stiffened; his long-stored cum began spurting in sticky hot streams over her naked breasts, spewing its vile warmth up against her chin and face. It ran down her shoulders and throat in wet white rivulets, soaking the mattress beneath.

"Get in me, get in me! Now! Now!" she raved, her head thrashing from side to side in bitter defeat. "Why didn't you? Why didn't you?" she shouted up at him through hate-filled eyes, her arms straining at the binding cords like a mad woman. She cursed his impotency with all the foul words that came to her lust deranged mind.

"Send me a man! Henry, you son of a bitch! Send me a man!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. Her wildly pulsating cunt was a steaming cauldron now that twitched like a nerve out of control. Her body was going to explode into a million fiery particles if someone didn't stuff a cock into her soon -- she sobbed hysterically, crying out for deliverance.

The cripple dressed and hobbled hurriedly from the van, fearful that this lunatic might break loose from her bonds and do him bodily harm. He ignored the jeering catcalls of the other spectators -- he had gotten what he wanted.

As Sarah watched him disappear through the doors, she suddenly gasped and held her breath, for his bent-over form was replaced by the shadow of the biggest man she had ever seen. He stooped as he entered to keep from hitting his head against the frame.

He was jet Black! Her pleading froze in her throat. Desire, suddenly replaced by fear, withered in her body. He would kill her!

"I've brought you a man, honey," Henry's voice cooed from behind the giant Black. "I've given him a discount to let some of the others watch. You must perform well," he chortled happily. "They are paying a lot for a good exhibition, and we can't disappoint them, can we!"

"Ohh, please, no," Sarah whimpered, a battle raging between her mental revulsion, and the drug-fed fire of lust raging inside her crazed young body. "I can't, I can't... he's too big. He'll kill me! Not with him, please!"

Without speaking, Hawkins gave her a cold-steel stare that would have curdled fresh milk. His glance was more fearful than what the Black man would do to her; she knew she was beaten again -- she would have to do whatever he wished of her.

She was dimly aware, through drug glazed eyes, of the leering faces crowded into the small room. Would they ever stop coming? They were lining the walls and hanging over the rail closest to her, packing the small chamber until the air became hot and almost unbearable from their sweating, grimy unwashed bodies. There seemed to be horribly grotesque faces peering down at her. Some toothless and unshaven, some marred by accident or design, but all wide-eyed and eager for the cruel ravishment of the quivering young blonde before them to begin.

When the room was jammed with straining men, Hawkins motioned for Al to lock the door, cutting off the last entrance for fresh cool air. The odor was heavy and pressed down on Sarah like an invisible musty cape. She struggled for breath, her lungs sucking in great gasps, fighting to maintain consciousness.

Henry nodded his head at the panting Black who began eagerly stripping his clothes from his glistening, muscular body. His pants fell to the floor, causing a murmur of fevered approval to ripple through the excited crowd. His giant ebony cock reared out from his Black muscular stomach like a third arm with a huge tightly balled fist at the end. It was at least ten inches long and two inches thick, and the two great sperm inflated balls hanging at the base gave it the frightening appearance of a cannon ready to fire.

Sarah jerked her tightly clenched eyes open at the ripple of noise running through the room, her shocked gaze locking on the monstrous shaft pointing directly at her. She gasped in terror, drawing her thighs tightly together in anguished fear, her mouth dropping loosely open in astonished belief.

It couldn't be true. He would split her right in half! Horrible visions of her ripped torn body flickered wildly through her cringing mind. They couldn't do it! They wouldn't!

The Black stepped to the bed, the crowd closing behind him to get a closer look at the unbelievable spectacle about to take place before them. Helpful hands from the side of the mattress grasped harshly at Sarah's tightly clenched ankles, pulling them brutally open. Her delicate pink slit nestling in the soft pubic hair burst into full view of the spectators at the end of the bed. The others strained closer around the bedside to get their look at the wetly palpitating treasure of the struggling girl.

Over-anxious hands reached out to pinch quickly at the White full breasts above, digging harshly for a stolen moment, and then disappearing anonymously back into the crowd.

The Black giant climbed up between her widespread frantically trembling legs. The restraining hands on her ankles levered them up off the bed and back over her head until the soles of her upside down feet were touching the headboard in a great "V" about four feet apart. Sarah's face contorted in anguish, every muscle in her body felt as though it were stretched beyond all human endurance. The flat plane of her soft hair-covered pussy was presented to the kneeling giant in defenseless sacrifice. It was his, his to plunder at will.

He grinned down at it, his lips bared back over the White ivory of his teeth in unbridled lust. He stroked his massively thick cock with both hands in greedy preparation for the assault on the helpless, up-turned cunt in front of him. His body swayed on his knees like a stalking cobra, the glistening ebony skin shining in the dim light of the single bulb hanging above. He shuffled forward slowly, his pelvis and great bulging Black cock shoved out and quivering like a savage limbo dancer caught in the hypnotic throes of a primeval jungle ceremony.

Sarah, through wide-split thighs, watched in awed terror as the writhing Black torso advanced toward her helpless aperture. She could not turn her eyes from the vile instrument that was, in a moment, to cleave through her nakedly bound body in vicious rape. She was mesmerized into abject stillness.

Suddenly, without warning, the swaying Black jerked his pelvis back and his head came forward and down in a dark blur, his gleaming ivory teeth fastening into the soft warm flesh of her belly. A tiny nip at her navel and his tongue began a slow tantalizing exploration of her Whiteness, following the path of light fuzz down to the flanges of her fearfully cringing pussy. He spread her blushing pussy lips with his fingers and then, with a maddening liquid suck of his lips, drew the tiny pink bud of Sarah's throbbing clitoris into his hotly voracious mouth. He nibbled at it with the sharp tips of his teeth, feeling the nerve ending become erect and jerking back to life from the softness that fear had brought.

Sarah clenched her eyes tightly shut against the whirl-pools of sensation that were shooting out of control against her loins. She fought with all her inner strength against the gross betrayal by her drugged young body. Thoughts of Jamie and the life and children they could have had filled her head. No, no, she must not let them win. She mustn't! She mustn't! No matter what, I can't become just a toy for all these men!

But suddenly, the huge Black's tongue snaked forward, burrowing up her hotly quivering cunt like a racing lizard. The shock rippled crazily up her spine to the base of her skull where it shattered in a cascade of rapidly growing wantonness which -- like a warm flood-tide -- inundated her whole body. Her hungry young loins jerked involuntarily forward, burying the man's flicking tongue to its roots. Erotic fire replaced fear and all else.

She was nothing but a cunt, oh God, only a cunt! Her entire being was suddenly a great open cavern that had to be filled, that had to be gorged and stuffed with hot male flesh. Nothing else mattered now; not principles, not humiliation, just the flicking reality of the probing tongue that had now crawled out from between her hot steaming furrow and was tracing tiny wet circles up her body.

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