Adventures of Me and Martha Jane - Cover

Adventures of Me and Martha Jane

Copyright© 1999 by Santos J. Romeo

Chapter 15B

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15B - An epic story, of the life of a young boy and his introduction into the adult world

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   boy   Consensual   Pedophilia   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting  

Sunday night after dinner we went to Ronnie's apartment again. The previous Friday's coupling had left the three of us less needful. Sunday night began as a languid body massage session, without lotion. We caressed and teased, and lay for some time doing little more than running a finger along an arm or leg while we talked.

A long time after we lit a candle and undressed, I was lying on my back with Ronnie sitting up on my right and Martha lying alongside me on the left, and while Ronnie played with my cock Martha was running her nails across my chest and, well, chatting.

She was saying, "Steven always had visions of New York that he gets from the movies. Everyone's rich and sophisticated. Everyone has glamorous jobs, everything's a miraculous success story. Yet he has a boring Saturday night, and he comes home to find you and I half asleep, watching that awful television." She grinned at me. "Right?"

I shrugged. "It's homey."

Ronnie joked, "Getting a little like Memphis, huh?"

I looked down at my cock, which Ronnie had caressed to its full hardness.

I said, "Not exactly."

Ronnie asked, "Don't people do this in Memphis?"

"Not while I was around."

Martha said, "It's not something we could write home about."

I lay my head back and closed my eyes, enjoying Ronnie's hand as it gripped and pulled slowly up, and held. I said, "Mmmm. No, they'd die. They'd choke once, and then they'd die."

Martha kissed one of my nipples and I smiled, my eyes still closed peacefully. She said, "A month ago you would've been shocked out of your own mind. You couldn't even get undressed on the beach without having a crisis."

Ronnie began another slow tug upward. She teased Martha, "You wouldn't have gone for it either, Martha."

Martha admitted quietly, "You're right, I guess."

"You know I'm right."

Ronnie tugged upward slowly as Martha licked my nipple. Precum oozed from me as Ronnie squeezed, and she let go for a minute to caress my tip with the wet smear.

Martha kissed upward, then along my neck, then she ran her inner lips around my earlobes. She said, "We're spoiling you. You know that?"

I nodded, my hips settling onto the bed again.

She said, "We're spoiling the hell out of you."

I said, "It feels good."

"Yes. I know it does."

For a long moment I let her deposit light kisses all over my face and torso, and I let Ronnie do her slow, tight upward hugging. After another several minutes, my reclining position was far too passive for me. Being with these two women taught me something about myself sexually and emotionally: I was not comfortable just lying down and soaking it in forever. I was not the one in control. I wondered how long it would have taken me to learn that if I had never left Memphis, had never taken a chance elsewhere.

I told Martha, "Here. Let's spoil you for a while." I sat up and rolled her onto to her back, and Ronnie said, "Looks like you're in for it, Martha. The beast is aroused."

I lay on my side beside Martha and leaned over her. "I feel selfish just lying here."

She smiled at me and stroked my hair. "You're allowed. We're just playing right now."

"And I'm tired of being told I'm spoiled."

She said, "But you are spoiled. Want me to unspoil you?"

I didn't answer. I kissed her breast.

"Hm? Want me to stop spoiling you?"

I kissed her breast again. "No."

"I didn't think so." I sucked her nipple. She stroked my hair and watched me suckle. She whispered, "I wouldn't want to."

Beside me, Ronnie shifted onto her side, partially leaning against the headboard and looking down on Martha. She caressed Martha's hair. "Let's spoil her, Steven." With one hand she traced a slow line from Martha's hair and down her neck. She whispered again, "Let's spoil Mama Martha."

Martha closed her eyes, and while she lay restfully I nursed at her nipples, and Ronnie watched, stroking Martha's shoulders while Martha caressed my hair and I mouthed her breasts. I stayed on her nipples while my hand stroked downward, teasing her tummy and wandering over her pussy to her legs, idly tantalizing her thighs and pelvis. I worked leisurely for a long while. When Martha began sighing enjoyably, Ronnie whispered, "She's liking it," and Martha grinned with her eyes closed and said, "Yes. I am," and Ronnie said, "Keep spoiling her, Steven." Ronnie shifted down a little, bending over to kiss Martha's shoulder. She raised her head and saw Martha looking sleepily ecstatic. She murmured to Martha, "You look so impressive when you're having sex. I wish I knew more about working with oils. I'd love to paint this."

While I attended to Martha's breasts, my finger started exploring her pussy, finding her wet. I easily located her clit, which was swollen and starting to peek from her inner folds. I surrounded her clit with two fingers and massaged it dotingly, and her legs opened wider and she exhaled a quiet breath, her eyes still closed as if resting. Ronnie watched Martha sink into pleasure, watched her with sensuous fascination as her fingers caressed Martha's neck and shoulders, her eyes seeming to feel what Martha felt.

Slowly I circled Martha's clit. Martha breathed a low sigh that seemed to float from her lips and through the air. As I circled with a slow rhythm, her closed eyelids began to tighten and her lips parted, her teeth showing in the candlelight. Her slippery flow increased around my finger. She seemed so absorbed that I moved my mouth farther down and slid my body lower very slowly, not wanting to break the spell, and I settled my head between her thighs and licked her tummy and legs and then began carefully, carefully licking her pussy. And Ronnie watched her, her own excitement beginning to glint in her eyes. Ronnie seemed more excited and more deeply involved in our three-way coupling than ever before. While I languidly licked Martha's clit, Ronnie lowered her head closer to Martha and her eyes watched Martha as she gave Martha's neck a soft kiss. Martha arched her neck a little and Ronnie smiled, pleased. She kissed Martha's neck again, this time holding her lips on Martha's skin and closing her eyes as if savoring the simple contact. Then she raised her head and looked at Martha's face and whispered, "She likes it. I love to see you liking it. You two have taught me so much about just... watching... and listening."

I licked and licked, and Martha's breath gradually quickened, but she lay still, enjoying. Ronnie kept watching her, murmuring softly, "Listen. Listen to us. I love it when we're slow and quiet, and we can hear our sounds together. I wish I could draw the sounds of pleasure." Ronnie watched Martha's face intently as she inched her fingers from Martha's shoulders to Martha's uplifted breasts. Her fingers slowly roamed onto Martha's pink, raised nipple and then caressed it, then enclosed and squeezed. Martha arched her head back again, and I could hear the subtle, nervous change in Martha's breathing, and Ronnie held the gentle squeeze until Martha relaxed again. I sucked Martha's clit and she moaned, her fingers tightening in my hair. I wondered if Martha felt the same dizzying effect that I felt when two sets of hands and lips worked on me; she appeared to be floating closed-eyed in another universe. Ronnie watched Martha's face and squeezed the nipple again, and kept watching her as she kissed Martha's shoulder and kissed a little lower on Martha's collarbone. Then she kissed the swell of Martha's breast and Martha tensed a little, and I couldn't tell if she had tensed because Ronnie kissed her breast or because I had sucked her clit, but Martha lay with closed eyes and was starting to hold her breath intermittently. And Ronnie, keeping her eyes raised and focussed on Martha's face, bent down and extended her tongue and gave Martha's nipple a fleeting lick, and Martha seemed to shiver a little. The two of them were getting me hot as hell. I sucked Martha's clit and she raised her pelvis closer to my mouth. Then Ronnie looked at Martha's nipple and licked it again, and then again, and then slowly again, and then she ran her tongue's tip in several slow circles around the nipple. Then she put her lips around Martha's nipple and caressed the nipple with her inner lips, and Martha took in a breath, and I watched Martha's breasts rise and fall as her breathing deepened. Then Ronnie let her lips close around Martha's nipple, and Ronnie sucked, and with her sucking mouth she massaged the nipple gently, and Martha's hand went to Ronnie's head as Ronnie's sucking lips tightened and sucked a little harder. Martha's hand tightened in Ronnie's hair and Martha winced and whispered, "Too hard," her voice barely audible. Ronnie raised her head and whispered back, "Too hard?" Martha nodded, relaxing, and said, "Do it gently, the way Steven does it." Ronnie looked back down at Martha's nipple, and she enclosed the nipple with her mouth again and sucked slowly, lovingly. Martha whispered, Yes," and her hand eased on Ronnie's hair while Ronnie suckled on her. And I sucked Martha's clit, and Martha whispered "Yes." more excitedly. And after Ronnie had sucked the nipple for a moment, she raised her mouth and licked her lips and swallowed and looked adoringly at Martha's breast while she cupped her hand around it and then let her fingers enclose the nipple again, and she watched Martha's face while she played with the nipple.

The scene had me hot and hard. I raised my head. Martha seemed in a trance, holding her breath longer now, her face to one side, neck stretched taut. I rose slowly, hovering over her, moving carefully, unwilling to disrupt the spell of the moment, and I looked down at her spread thighs and waiting pussy and aimed my cock into her. My tip nestled into her slit. She was warm and very, very wet. I slid into her, slow and deep, and she raised her hips and her mouth opened in a silent Ah and when I was all the way in she breathed a soft "Ahhhh," and she churned her hips once and gripped me tightly inside her and sighed a more quiet "Ahh." I drew back, halfway, and slid back and forth near the mouth of her cunt, wetting me with her creamy slickness and enjoying the pull of the ring of muscle just inside her entrance. Then I started gently fucking, and Ronnie watched her face and toyed with the nipple. While I fucked, Martha lay with her eyes closed and her face turned to one side, unmoving except for the subtle tightening of her pelvis against mine now and then as she breathed hot little sighs. I would fuck her for several strokes and pull halfway out and fuck shallowly for a moment, and then I would resume the deep, easy fucking. Soon Martha's cunt began to tighten and she whimpered and grew tense, and slowly, slowly but smoothly, during several deep strokes, she approached her climax. When she stiffened and began to whimper more anxiously, I saw Ronnie lower her head and suck the nipple, and while Martha's cunt tightened around my cock and she got closer to her release I whispered to Martha, "So wicked... so wicked to fuck you like this... watching you cum," and Martha's head arched back, and she whispered "oh god," her lips hardly moving. Then Martha came, her body stiff, hips raised, eyes shut tight, her hand in Ronnie's hair trembling. For a long time she came and her cervix sucked pleasure from my sliding dick, and her passion and her sucking cunt pulled a pleasurable oozing from my cock. I throbbed inside her, my jaw clinching with the twinge of lust that shot through me. Her climax ended with a single, tight churn of her pelvis against mine, and she relaxed and whispered loudly, "Ooooh, god!" and her face fell to the other side, toward Ronnie, and she gasped and sighed wearily. Ronnie lifted her lips from Martha's nipple and kissed her neck. And while Ronnie's lips nurtured Martha I kept fucking toward my own orgasm, steadily, inside Martha's snug cunt. Martha put an arm around my neck and lay with her eyes closed, waiting for me. And soon I felt it starting for me and I whispered hotly through my teeth, "Yeahhh... There," and stroked slowly inside her to prolong my orgasm's slow but inevitable build. Then the searing delight flooded my groin. I looked down at her arching torso and raised pussy and open thighs as my undulating pelvis grazed hers, my vision filled with candlelight glowing on flesh and muscle and sinew twisting and joining with ecstasy, and I fucked slow and deep let out a loud sigh and started drenching her cunt with thick cum. Martha smiled, groaning a low "Mmmm," her cunt gripping, and I gasped again and again, my hips pumping ardently and my stiff dick gushed, deep inside the sucking sheath within the belly that writhed under mine, and in one corner of my eye I saw Ronnie smile, watching my face while I came. My mid-peak was wrenching, forcing the air from my lungs and driving my dick into Martha, and as the finishing slurps poured into her my vision slowly returned.

I stopped, breathing loud and hard above Martha. It took me a moment to return to earth. We began to caress Martha, Ronnie and I, babying her heated flesh. Ronnie stroked Martha's chest and waist, whispering with an impish smile on her face, "Steven, that was good," and I panted "Yes," and Ronnie whispered, "That was really good." Martha blushed, wiping sweat from her temples, and she said, "Good lord. That really spoiled me." And we smiled back at her, all of us feeling wicked and very pleased at what we had done, and we caressed and kissed Martha for several minutes while she sank into a postorgasmic languor and was soon breathing restfully.

The two women spent a long time in the bathroom together, giggling and bumping around, often squealing and breaking into laughter like a couple of teenagers. I took a quick, tepid shower in Ronnie's kitchen, looking down at my body, amazed that it felt so strong and contented. It had been a strange coupling, with Martha and Ronnie. I realized, as Martha had said, that had this happened earlier I would have been shocked senseless. But now I felt possessed by a sensual charge that left me giddy. Something primal seemed to flitter in my chest and balls. I wanted more.

I was lounging in the bed when Ronnie came out of the bathroom, a big smile on her face.

"She'll be here in a minute," Ronnie said, hopping onto the bed and sitting back on her heels. She used the candle to light a cigarette and she placed the ashtray on her knees and took a puff. She fiddled with a bobby pin in her hair and said, "God, she really liked that. I haven't seen her in that good a mood in days." She gave me a pat on the knee. "Good work. Goo-oo-ood."

I said "Thanks," sitting up against the headboard and looking at this nude, willowy woman, a bobby pin in her mouth as she gathered her hair into place. Women, I thought; flesh and eyes and soft lips, and breasts stretching pertly when they raised their arms to fix their hair. Eyelashes and pussies and long legs. And whispers and fingernails. And secret glances and inscrutable emotions. And pleasure. And cumming.

She took the bobby pin from her mouth and shoved it into place in her hair. She eyed me curiously. "What are you staring at?"


She smirked. "There you go. Only women are allowed to obviously stare at somebody and then say they're staring at nothing." She looked at me and picked up her cigarette. "What's that stupid little secret smile on your face? You look very proud of yourself."

I didn't say anything. I looked down at myself, wondering how soon I could get hard again and fuck this cute, fuckable woman.

Ronnie exhaled smoke. "I'm jealous of Martha. It's so easy for her to climax like that."

"You're not doing bad for yourself."

"But it's so easy for her."

I said, "Not that easy. Not always."

"Oh. So you know."

"I'm not snitchin'."

"Yeah. I'm getting you two figured out." She took another puff and blew it out. "That was nice. So gentle and sensual."

"Yes." I looked at her and asked, using my fingers to indicate my neck, "You have a piece of jewelry? Like a thin necklace or something? Something, you know, simple."

"Sure. Why?"

"Can you put it on for me?"

"On you?"

"No. On you."

"You want me to wear a necklace? Won't it get in the way?"

"Well... I don't think so."

She took a drag and exhaled again, looking at me, smiling curiously. "But why?"

"It's very, you know, feminine. Sexy."

She blew out smoke, an amazed little laugh building up. "But they get in the way. What are you up to?"

"Oh, nothing. I just like the idea of looking down at you and seeing it on you. You know?"

"You mean, while we're, uh... ?"


She laughed. "What's with you?"

I blushed. "Well, forget it."

"No, wait. Let's see..."

Ronnie got up and went to her little dresser in font of the bed, standing with her back to me. I had seen her naked so many times, in so many positions. But I somehow felt, in that room, in that light, at that moment, that I saw her for the first time. She was slim, making her seem taller. She had delicate shoulders whose rounded edges gleamed in the candlelight; and a small-muscled back; highwaisted, she had a slender midriff and a narrow waist, gently flaring hips, and a soft little butt; and long, slender, well shaped legs, a slight swell along each side, and my hands remembered what they felt when they stroked her there, and my hips remembered the feel of her thighs cradling me while I fucked her. I couldn't believe I had just had Martha and was still so horny for Ronnie.

She turned to me and held up a small, pearled necklace. "This?"

"No. You know, one of those little metal things. Gold."

"Oh." She turned around again and gave me another look at her, and then she held up a thin metal necklace. "This?"


She turned around, facing me, and as she put the necklace on and reached behind to fasten it I looked at her nice arms and her breasts with the kissable nipples like currants, and the black silk below her navel and the flat tummy and the rounded, smooth tops of her thighs. What the hell did just looking at her do to me?

She had fastened the small necklace, and she held her fingers to it and smiled at me. I could have fucked her dark eyes. She said, "Okay?"

"Yeah. Nice."

She looked at me. "You should see the look on your face."

"What look?"

She moved to the foot of the bed, propping a knee on it. She had a playful smile on her face. "That look." She crawled to me and pushed me onto my back and put her arms around my head and sat with her hips on my tummy. And she looked mischievously into my face, hers inches from mine as she held me captive.

She said, "Your eyes were screwing me."

"They were?"

"Yeah." She smoothed back my hair with one hand and let the hand rest on the side of my face. She grinned into my face. "You have a stupid grin on your face."

"So do you."

She raised her head and laughed, and looked down at me again. "Steven, you're drunk."

"Not me."

"Yes. The minute I put that necklace on, this strange look came into your face. Really." She looked down at the necklace hanging just below her throat. "That's what this does to you?"


Her voice softened. "That gets you hot?"

"Yeah. Sort of."

She looked at me, her eyes soft and playful. "Guys are so crazy."

"No we're not."

"Mm-hm." She touched my hair, looking at it, playing with it. She whispered, "You can be really sexy, you know that?"


"Yes. Sometimes, Steven, you can be so very, very sexy. When you're not blushing. When you're nekkid, nekkid as a jaybird. When you're doin' it. When I was drawing you, I don't think I've ever --"

"Ever what?"

She gazed into my eyes. She stroked my cheek.

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