Alice Marlow - Cover

Alice Marlow


Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Strange things happen in night clubs

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   ft/ft   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   Slut Wife   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Novel-Pocketbook  

It was not often that Marko Hymes consented to let the club he owned be used for a private and exclusive function. The gambling rooms of course were not involved in such outside lettings, but now and again, if the price was right, Marko would be served and a dance held afterwards. It was through such an affair that Brenda Miller first came into contact with men such as Marko and his henchman Silas.

Tim Miller was a representative of the sales section of a fair sized importing firm. When the firm brought all their South of England representatives into London for a conference to be followed by a dinner-dance affair, Tim was as eagerly looking forward to meeting the big-wigs of the firm as his pretty wife was of having a night in London.

Not that they lived very far outside the metropolis, as they had a nice semi-detached down Reigate way, but with Tim having a lot of traveling to do, and having to be away from home so much, it was very seldom that he and Brenda came up to town for an evening's entertainment. After looking forward to this dinner and dance for several weeks, Brenda was a little taken aback and disappointed to find that instead of it being held in a lush hotel, the firm had hired a part of what could only be described as a gambling joint or a glorified night dive.

The meal was very good, however. Marko knew how to give his customers value for money in good food as well as entertainment... and other enjoyable pleasures. After the meal, Brenda and some of the men, the young salesmen in particular -- of which Tim was a live-wire member -- congregated together at the bar and were happily drinking and talking shop with a few of the important directors of the firm. It was this neglect that gave the watchful Marko the very chance he had hoped might crop up.

He had singled out the very attractive Brenda Miller from the other wives, and had given Silas his instructions. So it was that far from being neglected and having few dances, Brenda found herself in the company of a charming if ugly and strangely-built, character who told her he was known as Silas, and was employed at the club to make sure everyone had a good time. The persuasive charm of the experience cunt-procurer soon had the comparatively inexperienced Brenda Miller drinking far more than she was accustomed to doing. By the time Tim and his colleagues were partly under the spell of the heady, heavy, smoky atmosphere of the stuffy rooms, and with the drink flowing fast and furious, he was relieved to see that Brenda was having a good time. Unlike some of the other wives, she was not sitting mooning at the table where the meal had been served; no, Brenda was dancing, she was laughing and having a ball. He felt less guilt at neglecting her for this parley with the important men if she was enjoying herself, even if he did not like the look of the burly beefy character with whom she was dancing.

Brenda normally would have been far from enjoying the type of dancing she was having to indulge in with this apelike man. But with the drink and the intention to have a good time, she let him guide her around the tiny space set aside for their dancing. She even found after a little while that she enjoyed the naughty way one of his ham-like hands had settled over her asscheeks while they danced, and the way he kneaded her responsive flesh. He passed some rather rude but distinctly complimentary remarks about the softness and voluptuous feel of her ass, which she could not help but admit thrilled her in a sensually naughty way. It was while the tempo changed to a slow sultry beat that the lights, already not very brilliant, were dipped even more. During the dance, and hidden by the other dancers around them, Silas took advantage of the dimness of the light to fondle the young woman's lovely tits. When she showed her relish at such petting, he dived his hand down into the low-cut neckline of her cocktail dress and began to rub the nipple through the fabric of her bra. The dance was now a mere excuse for couples to embrace. Brenda hoped Tim could not see how close she was dancing to this horny character. She hoped he would not see the hairy hand thrust down the front of her dress, and it was certainly a blessing that no one could overhear the obscene things that Silas was muttering in her ear as they danced close together and his large face was alongside her hot flushed cheek.

It was while they were dancing slowly around shuffling in each other's arms that Brenda felt another arm on her shoulder. For a moment she went cold, she thought it was her husband suddenly arousing himself from his alcoholic bliss and coming across to give this man dancing with her and petting her a thumping for his pains. Not that she would have liked Tim to get entangled with a man like Silas. Silas was much older but he looked tough, his muscles were just huge and Brenda guessed he knew how to take care of strapping young men who became angry or violent about anything that went on in this sort of establishment... But it was not her husband's arm. It was an oily, grinning Marko alongside them. "Having a swell time, honey?" he asked quietly, giving her shoulder a squeeze. "Is my friend here looking after you well?"

"I'm having... a really good time," she blurted out. "I haven't felt quite so light-hearted or enjoyed myself more for ages."

"Good... good... " Marko saw that this young wife was well boozed although not drunk in the true sense. He put his arm round her slim waist and hugged her. "I'm giving a little film show for some of my friends and clients from the gambling rooms my dear," he murmured, in a low intimate whisper, "If you like I will let Silas take you to see the films. Would you like that, honey?"

They had stopped moving on the floor; already between the two men Brenda was being ushered towards a door covered by a green curtain. Without saying yes or no she was finding herself in a darkened room just across a narrow hallway from the rooms hired by Tim's firm. In the dark room she heard chucking and wet noises like kissing. A shrill giggle or a gasp filled the air now and again, and Brenda was being pulled down on to Silas' lap as soon as his groping hands had found a chair. She was not sure where Marko went to, she was too preoccupied in trying to grab the fat wrists of Silas as he tried to feel right up her legs.

"You'll ruin my stockings," she protested quietly, as she tried without much success to keep his hot hands down around her knees. He laughed dryly. "Don't worry about that, honey, Marko will buy you nylons by the gross," he retorted as his hands flicked her dress well up her lovely legs.

She wanted to slap his face when she felt his hands at the tops of her nylon hose, she was going to struggle and get off his lap and get out of this stuffy dark room... but as his hot hands slid on to the bare flesh of her thighs above her stockings she felt a tremor of sensual excitement race through her. No one could see what was happening, no one knew she was in here with this man. If she was missed from the other rooms, Tim would think she had gone to the cloakroom, he would never know she was in this little room astride a strange man's lap, with the stranger's hands up to the tops of her legs. A few yards ahead a flickering light illuminated a screen hung on the wall. Brenda pulled her dress down so that the hands of Silas would not be so noticeable up at her thighs. She was glad she had pulled her clothing over his hands to hide what he was doing, for now he was getting more bold... his hands had reached the edge of her panties...

Brenda Miller had read many times about clubs where blue films were shown. In one certain Sunday newspaper quite a feature had been made about the extent of this depravity; but of course she had never seen a dirty film before, or thought she would ever get the opportunity. On to the screen came the title "HOUSEWIFE LOVING." The flickering had grown less now and the film seemed much clearer. The first shots showed a pretty woman at her dressing table. The camera moved at various angles, and Brenda saw the woman was about her own age. She was in a negligee and a nightie, and a low murmur filled the stuffy room when it was seen that she stripped off the clothing and stood before the mirror admiring herself. She quickly put on her negligee again when it appeared that someone was at the front door. A man dressed as a milkman -- it was clearly Silas -- was at the front door. A few seconds of chatter, and the hefty man was carrying the flimsily-attired female back to her bedroom.

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