The Pirate Queen's Castle - Cover

The Pirate Queen's Castle

Copyright© 2022 by Authorwench

Chapter 10: Bowline

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 10: Bowline - Karl, Kelly, and Penny grow from kids playing knights and pirates, to teens in love, adults having a Pirate Wedding, to parents and child going on a Pirate Queen's Castle adventure.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Rags To Riches   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Cousins   Niece   Aunt   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   White Female   Hispanic Male   Hispanic Female   White Couple   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Safe Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Small Breasts   Smoking  

Our first morning at the New York house, Kelly took Cindy furniture shopping, and Penny and I went to get groceries. Because of her casts, Penny rode one of those electric carts. We were nearly done when we got to the cigarette section. Penny nervously asked me, “So is smoking going to be allowed at our house?”

I said, “Outside, of course. Please do. Please!” Penny giggled a little and put three packs of cigarettes in the upper section of the cart. I added three cartons and a pack of lighters. Penny said, “You’re a dirty, naughty boy. I like that.” She winked at me and playfully swatted my butt.

We spent a month moving in and getting comfortable at our new ski lodge home in the hills. Penny usually invited me to sit on the deck and talk with her when she smoked. Most of the time she sat in my lap, which I didn’t mind a bit.

Kelly often watched from the bedroom window. After the first time she blushed and explained to me; “I know it turns you on to watch her smoke, and seeing you getting hot turns me on too. It’s stinky and unhealthy, and I don’t really want her to smoke, but ... it reminds me of her sucking my nipples too.” She blushed and giggled.

I hugged her, cupped her butt cheeks in my hands, then said; “Twisted minds think alike!” She nodded, spanked me a few times, and kissed me.

“I also have a tip for you. If you were less crude and more romantic, you might have been on the fairway by now. A lot of kindness and romance is the key to the country club gate.”

“Huh? OH! GOLF!”

Kelly and Penny got flowers, a candlelight dinner, and me between them on the couch for a romantic movie, at least once a week after that. The first two weeks were because I wanted some golf. The next thirty-plus years were because I loved them and I wanted them to be as happy as they made me. After 3 weeks and no sign of golf I gave up on that idea, but I did much more to make my twin and soulmate’s lives better, just because I loved them.

The candlelight dinners were intimate, romantic, and sexy. I sat in a sturdy chair, with the girls each sitting on one of my knees and our one big plate of food and one large wine glass on the table in front of me. I held the girls with my hands on their lower backs to keep them balanced, and they would take turns with the fork or spoon. Kelly would feed Penny and I a couple bites of food and offer us each a sip of wine, then Penny took her turn. Somebody holding a fork in your mouth or an inch from your face is absolutely not for hookups or first dates, it requires intimacy and trust. It’s better than I can describe. Try it with your spouse(s) sometime. I’m sure you’ll like it. And your odds of golf will VASTLY improve!

Most nights Kelly, Penny, and I shared a bed. We had no end of joy and orgasms rekindling our fiery three-way romance. We had to be careful of Penny’s casts, but nearly every day for the first month all three of us got off multiple times. One night it was storming and Cindy came into our room, scared of the weather. Kelly stayed in Cindy’s room that night to cuddle with her and make her feel safe. It was nice that niece and aunt were so close as family.

The next night the weather was fine, but Cindy came in again. “I heard a noise! I think there’s a bear!” I got out my shotgun and a flashlight. I looked around outside but didn’t see anything. Again, Kelly helpfully offered; “I’ll stay with her again tonight, just in case.” I spooned in bed behind Penny, contentedly holding her boob as we started to fall asleep. I thought I heard a noise. I threw on a robe and grabbed the flashlight.

The noise was coming from Cindy’s room. The bed was creaking and I heard some wet sucking noises. “UMMMMFF! UUMFFFF!” I quietly peeked through the keyhole. In the dim light, I could only see that somebody little was kneeling at the head of the bed and riding the face of somebody with big wobbling breasts.

I thought, “That’s so wrong! Kelly’s really done it this time!”

Penny sleepily got up and asked; “Why are you up, what’s going on?”

“Nothing, everything’s ok. Let’s go back to sleep.”

She asked, “What’s that noise?” She walked over to Cindy’s room and peeked through the keyhole, like I did. Penny quietly giggled and walked back to our room. “Looks like my baby really snagged a hot one!”

I countered, “It’s wrong, why aren’t you upset?”

Penny chuckled a little and said, “So it’s ok for you and your TWIN SISTER to have sex with each other, but you have a problem when they’re MUCH LESS related? If nobody’s getting hurt and nobody’s spraying extra babies into anybody, it’s ok.”

I thought quietly a while. I guess I was ok with it. Kelly obviously didn’t force Cindy to ride her mouth. Our daughter was a little young for it, but she should be happy too. Kelly, Penny, and I had fallen in love with each other when we were even younger than Cindy was.

It was finally the day for Penny to get her casts off. As we walked outside, I noticed Penny’s pretty makeup. Did she do something different today? What was it? I had to ask. “Penny, you look even prettier than usual today. Did you change your lipstick or something?”

Penny blushed a little. “Nope, same as always. But thanks! Love you!”

Kelly asked, “Cindy, I hope you can do me a favor?”

“Sure! What do you need?”

“It’s a big favor and I hope you can handle it. Your mom and I are going to town to get her casts off and see a lawyer today. We need you to babysit your daddy.” Cindy and Penny laughed loudly. “We should be back in 3 or 4 hours. Make sure he doesn’t try to tickle a bear or get eaten by sharks. Ok, kiddo?”

I objected, “Ha ha! Very funny!”

“Sure auntie! No problem!”

As Kelly and Penny got to the car at the far side of the yard, I could just barely hear part of their conversation. “No, no way!” “Yeah, I’m sure. I got her more cigarettes.”

I wondered, ‘What? That doesn’t make any sense.’

Kelly looked good most of the time, but we were so close for so long I usually didn’t notice much. Today I noticed Kelly’s butt looked sexy as she climbed in the car. And her cleavage in that blouse! Very nice! But doesn’t she wear that a lot? Why does it look so much better today?

I had no idea Kelly had dosed my morning coffee with Viagra. (ominous music plays)

My ladies left and Cindy sweetly asked, “Can we watch a movie daddy?” I sat down on the couch and Cindy laid on her side with her head in my lap. “I love you daddy.”

“I love you too, baby girl.” I rested my left hand on her elbow and gently stroked her pretty hair with my right. Beautiful curly red hair, like Kelly’s.

It was a badly done cartoon movie with unicorns and pixies. I thought “She’s nearly 16, shouldn’t she be over this stuff by now?” I put up with it. It was so nice to feel close to my child. She was growing up to be such a cutie. She fell asleep with her head in my lap, and I heard her quietly snore a little. Such a sweet-sounding little snore.

She moved her arm a little in her sleep, and her t-shirt tightened over her breast. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and I could see the shape of her nipple! I thought, “It’s not like I’m touching it or anything, what’s the harm if I look a little while she sleeps?”

The movie finished and I gently shook Cindy awake. She pressed buttons on the remote and the next movie started playing, “Wild Things”.

I said, “Uh, Cindy, I’m not sure if you’re old...”

She interrupted, “Daddy, I know all about bodies, and sex, and adult stuff. I probably know more than my mom. It’s fine.”

I stupidly went along with it. Cindy moved her head around in my lap from time to time, rubbing my groin through my pants with the side of her face. Against my will, I started to get aroused. The movie got to a scene with two pretty girls kissing each other. I went from nothing to half erect in a few seconds.

I moved Cindy aside and jumped up. “Ok! Time for a break! I’m getting hungry, are you hungry?”

Cindy asked, “Cake and ice cream?”

“That much sugar early in the day?” I looked at her skeptically.

“Come on daddy, we still have half a cake and there’s plenty of vanilla in the freezer? Please? For me?”

“Sure, anything for my sweet Cindy.” I kissed her on the forehead. Such smooth skin. She had on cute little earrings, clusters of tiny pink hearts.

I was doomed. So, so doomed.

We scooped the ice cream into some bowls and added the cake on top. Cindy finished her cake and said, “I remember reading something in Kelly’s diaries about the two of you eating some bad cake, when you two watched momma’s family move in next to you?”

I thought, ‘There are probably some pretty wild things in there, I don’t think Cindy should... ‘ I said, “Diaries are private Cindy. I think...”

“Don’t worry daddy, she said I could read them to learn more about you two, and where I came from. It’s so cool that you and Auntie Kelly get along so great.”

I nodded, “To me sometimes it doesn’t even feel like she’s another person, more like she’s part of my own body. Like an extra arm.”

“That’s really weird. But I guess it’s weird in a nice kind of way.”

“I know there’s no way in the world she would ever do anything to really hurt me, and I would never hurt her. Total trust. I care more about her than I care about myself. I would honestly walk through fire for her.”

“I’m feeling more and more like that about you and your mom too. I’ve never felt like that about anybody else.”

“Awh, I love you a lot too, daddy!” She hugged me and went to kiss my cheek, but accidentally kissed the corner of my mouth. Such smooth, supple lips. I smelled her hair, such a good scent, apples and something nice...

I was in trouble. Big, big trouble.

“I read some of the stuff about your pirate, knight, and princess games with momma when you were kids. That stuff sounds fun! The hero saving the pretty girl! So romantic, the three of you kissing each other all the time! Could you explain something to me, daddy?”

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