Perfect Breasts - Cover

Perfect Breasts

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2024 by Mat Twassel

Flash Sex Story: Curt judges a perfect breast contest. Judge not lest ye be judged. Illustrated.

Caution: This Flash Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Black Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Illustrated   .

“Curt, wake up. I have to tell you about this perfect dream I had.”

“Amy, what time is it?”

“Almost six. You wanna hear it or not?”


“My perfect dream. You were in it. It was pretty sexy.”

“Ah, sure.”

“Okay, well it started out you were judging this perfect breast contest.”

“Oh, that sounds fun.”

“All these lovely girls with lovely breasts. So hard to choose.”

“I imagine.”


“You ended up picking this blonde. Her breasts weren’t that big. Maybe medium sized. And smallish nipples. Maybe you liked that they tilted up.”

“Sounds feasible.”

“Feasible, huh?”

“I mean reasonable.”


“Okay, so then what happened?”

“Things kind of turned around. This girl you picked, the blonde with the almost medium sized breasts—”

“With the smallish upturned nipples.”

“Right. Smallish upturned nipples, she had to judge the perfect cock contest.”

“Was I in it?”

“Of course you were. And this blonde was quite meticulous in judging you. Your cock.”

“How so?”

“Well, of course there’s the visual component. Length, girth, color, etc. She certainly found all those components up to scratch. Interesting expression, isn’t it—up to scratch.”


“So I was the winner?”

“No, there’s more to it. Besides the visual, there are other critical elements, such as texture and feel.”

“She felt me?”

“She did. She was very thorough.”


“That’s good.”

“Yes, your cock was quite responsive to her touch.”

“Good to hear.”

“I guess. But there’s more.”

“What sort of more?”


“Mm, I was hoping there might be.”

“Yeah, she licked you. She licked you from base of balls to tip of crown. Her tongue couldn’t seem to get enough of your penis slit.”



“Yeah, she licked and licked, and then she sucked. She sucked sweet and gentle, just the way you like it, and firm and hard, just the way you like it, until you were right on the verge of coming. I’m sure she would have found your cum exemplary. The volume, the taste, the viscosity.”

“Viscosity, huh?”


“Did she like my viscosity?”

“You think I’d let anyone else test your viscosity? Hah! I yanked her away just in the nick of time.”

“You did?”


“I saved you and your all but perfidious, nearly duplicitous cock.”

“Uh, thanks, I guess.”

“Of course there was the chance that this perfidious, duplicitous blonde might have eeked a smidge of cum from your penis. Pre-orgasmic juice, you know. I couldn’t take the chance. So I kissed her.”

“You kissed her?”

“Yup, sucked her tongue with ardor aplenty. And while I was at it, I gave those smallish, upturned nipples a good hard pinch.”

“That should teach her.”

“It should, but just to make certain she understood clearly and completely, I twisted two fingers into her creamy little cunt.”


“She had a creamy little cunt?”

“She did. She came like firecrackers. Pop, pop, pop pop pop. And all the while we were kissing up a storm.”

“Did you...?”

“I did. Explosively. Whew!”

“What about me?”

“What about you?”

“Did you take over the judging of my cock?”

“I might get around to it, one of these days, but there were so many other cocks to investigate. All the different aspects and attributes.”

“But I love you. And you have the most perfect breasts. And the most perfect everything. And and and I love you.”

“Oh, okay.”


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