The Dr Chronicles - Cover

The Dr Chronicles

Copyright© 2022 by JstaRebel

Chapter 1

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 1 - This story introduces expat Phil Bartlowe’s travel, work, and escapades throughout the Dominican Republic. There will be some things that may seem odd or that are not fully understood in this and other chapters of the DR Chronicles, but I promise they will be explained as the story moves on..

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Romantic   White Male   Hispanic Female   First   Safe Sex   Prostitution  

Phil Bartlowe awoke stretching from his slumber, he recounted the previous night’s events with the two beautiful chicas who still occupied his bed with a smile. Blackbeard’s had never disappointed him but last night’s encounter with these two lovelies was most definitely one of his finest trips. The Parrot Disco on Blackbeard’s property was packed with chicas as well as tourists, but these two chicas stood out. He noticed the two 19-20 years old hardbodies dancing together. They seemed more interested in each other rather than looking to catch the eye of one of the male tourists who frequent the adult tourist resort, but they instantly caught Barlowe’s eye. The possibility of a happy hour with two chicas who were into each other excited him and as the evening continued with the two beauties up in his villa, he discovered just how right he was.

Bartlowe looked over his sleeping beauties as he pondered as to which one of these lovelies, he was going to enjoy a morning session with. Both were stunning but the smaller of the two seemed to enjoy him fucking her from behind as he teased and pinched her nipples while she ministered pleasures to her friend. He recalled she was tight and wet as he worked himself in and out of her smooth, luscious pussy and the fact that she even pushed back trying to get him further into her depths made last night’s session with her even more memorable. His decision made, he kissed her awake pressing a finger to her lips and whispered to her; “Shhhhhh. Quiero pasar la mañana contigo letting the girl know he wanted her to spend the morning with him after which she softly sighed, rolled over and closed her eyes. Bartlowe then directed his attention to the other girl waking her in the same way by kissing her neck. She awoke looking into his greyish eyes and smiled as he spoke asking her to please go down to the restaurant and order up coffee and breakfast for two explaining that the staff would know what he wanted. This was a respectful way to let the girl know that her friend would be staying the morning with him as he handed her 2,500 pesos for last night’s services while her friend seemed to be still sleeping.

Leaving the little chica in his bed, Bartlowe headed for the shower. A nice hot shower was just what he needed before enjoying some coffee, a Dominican breakfast that would include two eggs blandito (over easy), pink yautia (similar to mashed potatoes but way better), bacon and dry cold toast before enjoying another session with his beautiful spinner. He laughed to himself at the fact that he didn’t even know either of the girl’s names. It never made a difference to him and although most of the chicas on staff at Blackbeard’s knew Bartlowe from his numerous visits to the resort, he never wanted to know them personally because in his mind, it would just complicate matters. He was there for sex with beautiful Dominican Chicas and wasn’t looking for a novia. Bartlowe travelled throughout the DR working to develop relationships with the coffee growers scattered throughout the countries remote Campos. After leaving the Navy Seals, Phil Bartlowe had partnered up with the former Commander of his unit and the two set out on a new business venture that distributes specialized coffee throughout the US. The partnership worked well with Commander Mayer working in the states setting up the sales and running the stateside business while Bartlowe resigned himself to working with the growers and developing coffee consortiums with all of the smaller growers throughout the Campos in the Dominican Republic which allowed the poor farmers of the region a better profit than was possible from the local Dominican coffee buyers. Bartlowe had worked hard to gain the trust of the local growers and Blackbeard’s was a safe place where he could unwind and forget about work for a few days without unwanted complications. Sure he could get with many of the girls in the small villages and Campos that he worked with and many beautiful chicas made him perfectly aware that they wanted to go with him, but his number one rule is “Never shit where you sleep”, so Bartlowe never indulged his lusts with the campo girls.

Cassilda listened intently as Bartlowe hurried her friend out of the room. She giggled when she heard him ask her to order breakfast for two thinking that maybe she was different than the other chicas and maybe he would want more from her than just a sex session. He wasn’t like the other clients at the resort and was tall, handsome, and fit unlike the fat, older men that frequented the resort looking for sex with younger girls. Sex with them was mechanical, but Bartlowe was different. She had enjoyed last night’s sex session with him and even though this was her first time enjoying his company, she found herself interested in this man. Cassilda had heard from some of the other girls that Bartlowe was a good lover and wanted to pleasure the chicas he was with rather than just fucking them for his own pleasure as most of the other clients did, and now found herself wondering if she could interest this man into something more. She heard the shower water start as she rose from the warmth of the bed and decided to put her plan into action by joining him for a sensual morning shower.

Bartlowe stood under the shower head with his hands up against the wall as the heated water cascaded its warmth over his body when he heard the young chica trying to silently enter the bath area, so he smiled to himself and instantly decided play along. He hadn’t thought about a shower session with her, but being that she was only about 5’ tall and couldn’t have weighed over 110 lbs, could make for a very interesting encounter. Cassilda came to him from behind with a bar of soap wrapped in her panties she was to use as the washcloth. Bartlowe sighed as he felt the young girl’s arms wrap around his body and massage him with her own soap wrapped panties that were in her hand over his his chest and stomach. He stood motionless feeling her breasts with hardened nipples rub into his back as she performed a seductive dance with him in the shower swaying back and forth as if dancing bachata while massaging his body with hers. As she continued her seductive shower dance, she moved her hands to the upward portion of his chest squeezing herself into him and softly kissed his back as the warm water cascaded over them. Bartlowe was now moving in time with her gyrations enjoying the feeling of her touch, her kisses, and the tightness of her young belly flesh as it slid across his buttocks while they swayed together under the warm cascading water. Cassilda slowly slid her hands back down across his chest and down to his stomach inching lower and lower with her sensual soapy massage while continuing her soft kisses on his back. She had just reached the upper portion of his pubic area and was surprised when Bartlowe suddenly turned around and in one swift motion, held her tightly in his arms and was staring directly into her eyes as the two continued their shower dance. Cassilda couldn’t help but stare back into the beautiful bluish grey eyes that were staring deep into her as if looking to find her hidden soul when he suddenly reached his arm around her little bubble butt, hoisted her up to his level, and proceeded to envelop her with a deep French kiss. Cassilda unknowingly wrapped her legs around his naked torso, wrapped her arms around his neck and openly gave herself over to this man who didn’t even know her name. She was on fire from his kiss, and she felt herself getting wet with desire as they probed each other mouth with their tongues. Bartlowe separated her from his kiss and moved onto her neck softly kissing and biting her neck and then her ears. Moans of pleasure escaped her as Bartlowe administered to her desires as if he had known all along where her secret spots were that trigger the sexual responses now being extracted from her young body by him. She was thinking that this was all wrong, and he was the one who was supposed to be succumbing to her pleasuring him, but her body continued to desert her as she became more sexual aroused than any other time in her young life. She thought to herself that this man really liked her and not just as a paid sex worker which further fueled her desires for him.

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