phanTOMORROW - Cover


Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 7: Parallel Parking

Science Fiction Sex Story: Episode 7: Parallel Parking - Imagine waking up with a hangover to find that you were the last surviving human on the planet. Griffin Folklore was just that young man. Now imagine that everyone that did exist were now phantoms all around you and that your touch alone could bring one human back at a time. Short periods of time that is. How would you react? First you cry, then you party hard. Once that is out of your system you try to save the world. Until the ghosts try to kill you on a full moon. Fun while it lasted.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Post Apocalypse   Ghost   BDSM   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking  


Waking up was hard to do. Griffin Folklore realized his cell alarm hadn’t gone off for some reason, perhaps in his tired state he hadn’t set it correctly. Sun bright and shiny through the semi tractor’s windshield he at least knew he was off to a blue-sky day. Too bad there were no birds to sing to him. Yawning he crawled from his cabin bunk and stretched the kinks out. Smelling his arm pits he caught an agonizing whiff. At first he cringed at the bedding he had slept on, knowing full well the driver likely didn’t do laundry that much on the road. While yes, that nagged at him, he also knew his own scent well, “I need a shower bad. I’ll drop these parts off at mom’s then grab one in her room.” Putting his boots on he moved to the drivers seat of the tractor and rolled his window down to grab a wake up breeze. It felt incredible.

Peering over at the HiMa Facility he saw his trucks reflection in the mirrored exterior walls. Only him, the congregation of lost souls that were there in the moonlight were long gone under the brightness of day, yet most likely still nearby. “I wonder if they’re all still standing there? Mirrors usually show me where folks are but with the harsh sunlight maybe the spectrum is too broad to reveal them. Sucks but what can I do? If I touched them all, it would be chaos. I’d be offering explanations for hours. Better to just get back to mom and...” He opted to call her just to see if she were around. No answer had him worried. “Great! Mom must have blinked back to her holographic state and can’t touch her cell. Strange how Sune Yi could touch things, but like she said, it probably attributed to her ninja training. “Crazy! I know a real ninja!” He grinned with pride, “So cool!”


Firing the truck up he let it idle then jumped down to load up his parts which he left outside covered by a tarp that the driver had under his bunk. Carefully placing his plastic totes of parts up on the bunk through a side door he shut it and climbed back in. “I could have put them in the trailer but chances are they’d shift around and get damaged. Safer up here with me.” Looking up Sune Yi’s Hotel on GPS he realized it was closer than his mom’s lab. “With mom ghosted for the moment I guess I could go after Sune Yi’s sister Bao and bring her back here first. Get down to it we have all the time in my world. Mom would understand.”

Slapping his face to wake up better, he set the tractor in motion and headed for the highway. Even that would take forever in reaching the hotel Bao was staying at. He had one way cleared but the other way was quite the cluster fuck. What should have taken twenty minutes at best took Griffin three hours. It got to the point he even disengaged his trailer alongside the road and proceeded without the burden of length, telling himself he would just find another way to haul his bike home, wherever he chose home to be. The one thing he did do right was check the interior of the trailer and found breakfast and lunch together in the form of canned ravioli with pull tab easy access. Even unheated it tasted darn good. The owner of the rig had plastic forks and spoons, so it was a meal fit for a king. Three cans down, a case in the cab for lunch, dinner and tomorrows repeat.

One final push through the abandoned traffic he reached the hotel and searched for parking. Laughing he simply pulled up on the front lawn and left the keys in the ignition. Who was going to steal his ride? Hopping down he took his jacket off. Now that the temperature was rising, he was getting sweaty which added to his stench. Chuckling over his aroma he just took his t-shirt off and left it in the rig. Who was going to complain over his semi nudity and pit stank other than him. Of course, he considered Bao’s thoughts on stench should he find her and bring her back into current existence.

“Shit! I guess I could take a shower in Bao’s room before I bring her back. She won’t know. Maybe I can confiscate a shirt from a resident even.” Thinking on this as he walked toward the hotel entrance he worried that if he borrowed any clothing he’d likely be followed wherever he went like a magnet. “I’ll just have to live with swiping other peoples things. I know I sound selfish but dang it I own this planet now.” A maniacal laugh made even he feel badly for acting the way he was. He wasn’t raised this way.

“Get over it, Folklore.” He sighed dramatically, “Nobody can use their clothing or personal effects anymore unless I find a way to save humanity. So I need to get over feeling bad about it. Just get up there find Bao for Sune Yi and reunite them the best way I can then haul my ass back to mom. She could be my only solution to this worldwide dilemma. If I can move mom over to HiMa’s labs maybe she and Sune Yi can work together to figure out a way to stabilize people. It sucks that it’s only short term but it’s better than nothing, right? Bad part is babysitting them to piece shit together when they can’t touch it.”


In passing through the front door he used his compact mirror to guide him away from any wayward ghosts that might be up close. He had been fortunate as to not go running into anyone on the outside world, that or maybe in the severe ultraviolet radiation outside he was actually stepping into people and not knowing it. Not even Grif knew much concerning how he was able to bring people back, only that his DNA was key. Anyone that he had brought back was inside out of direct sunlight. Now moonlight or dusk it seemed possible, like the truck driver and that girl at the truck stops pimp. Of course, he had merely guided those assholes together not technically bringing them back. Luring ghosts seemed easy enough to navigate using personal items to lead them. Everything he did was a learning experience. If he accidently brought someone back at even brushing up against them he’d simply hurry away and let them fade off again. While inhumane to a degree, he simply didn’t want to explain everything, especially when he didn’t know it all himself.

“Experiment time! Let’s just put the mirror away and risk it. I feel guilty but I need to move past it. Let’s just see what happens.” Compact closed and pocketed in his jeans he located a universal hotel room key and found the code for the penthouse. Easy enough, it was just like he had done at the other hotel he called home that first night. Even though Bao was not in the penthouse but rather a lower room, he intended to enjoy the privacy to shower first and make a good first impression on the girl.

Heading upstairs with a managerial key he discovered a secondary elevator just like his own. Code punched in and key card swiped he found the elevator cooperative. Once inside he felt closed in for some reason. So uneasy that he had to utilize his compact to understand why. Slyly he clicked the lid open and scanned the mirror about toward the floor and found multiple feet around him. “Oh, crap!” Six sets of feet stood around his. Why would there be six sets in a private elevator? He was almost too afraid to find facial reflections. What seemed odd was there was no clothing in the elevator as any warning sign. Just ... bodies! Weird!

With the elevator already in motion it reached the penthouse and once the door opened, he found the clothing they had obviously left behind. Clothing that suspiciously appeared as robes. “Hooboy! Did I just stumble into a temple of warriors? I see swords and other weapons laying around the penthouse living area. No way! This wasn’t mentioned by Sune Yi. Did she not know about these guys? I mean, I don’t really know Sune Yi, she could be blowing shit up my ass. God, I hope not Sune Yi seemed cool.”

Fear held him back from stepping off the elevator. Delicately avoiding his passengers had him worried. One wrong touch might bring one or more back. Not knowing him it was a safe bet he might not survive this adventure. He wasn’t any Ninja or whatever type of warriors they were, so being here would be signing a death warrant. No good could come from this. Yep, that compact was going to be used every step of the way going forward.


Able to touch the down button he moved to the floor below and stepped out in slow motion. Avoiding the inhabitants completely, he froze until the door sealed shut. Shaking like a leaf he puffed his cheeks and calmed his nerves. Before another step was taken he scanned his mirror about for safety. Not a soul in sight he went to the stairwell rather than the elevator. Playing it safe he took those stairs down four floors to locate Bao’s room.

Mirror in use constantly now after spotting multiple sets of clothing in the hall, he stepped around the images of adult males. Only one was near Bao’s door and he did not look friendly. His hovering there lost and confused concerned Griffin, he was looking at someone not so nice. Spotting a gun with a silencer on the carpet only added to the tension.

“What the hell am I walking into here? Do I risk saving Bao and reuniting sisters? Or do I back off and leave well enough alone? Mom is ... the whole world is counting on me.” He began to turn around and walk away then paused to roll his eyes. “I can’t just leave her. If that guy is here to hurt her then the moment he’s human she dies anyway. That or the Ninja posse upstairs starts a war. Why would there be Ninja’s up in the penthouse anyway? Are they here to protect Bao, or harm her? Ugggh! I just know I’m setting myself up for failure.”

Universal room key in his possession he stepped wide around the gunman and unlocked Bao’s door. The inside chain lock bolted he had no choice but to put his weight into it until he realized he simply wasn’t strong enough to break through. Sighing he stopped to breath and heard water running. “Is Bao already alive?” He listened more intently. Nothing but water running he mulled over the possibility, “Maybe she was in the shower when the world went creepy. I mean how can she still be alive?” He frowned over his boggled instincts. “How am I still alive? If mom’s shielding saved me what’s to say someone couldn’t save someone else. I better tread carefully here.”


With no clear options on entry Griffin looked down in defeat and again noticed the gun. “Hmmm? I can shoot the chain lock off. If Bao is alive I’ll hear a scream, right?” Cautiously kneeling he plucked up the silencer and got a feel of it’s power. Not used to handguns, anything felt powerful to him. Taking a deep breath he pointed the gun at the chain and pulled the trigger. Instantly the chain splintered and the door flew wide. “Whoa! That was rad.” Kicking the door further open he paused just in case Bao did somehow survive and was waiting with a knife or something. Ninja’s in the family it would be logical.

“BAO?” He called out loud enough to be heard even in the shower. “Nothing! God I need to take a piss, all of this tension has my kidney’s shaking. Looks like the bathroom is where I’ll find Bao so let’s just relieve my bladder then save the girl.” Entering, he looked behind the entry door first out of stress. Not a soul, even in his compact mirror. Closing the door behind him just so he wasn’t spooked by the gunman outside, he felt safer. He had the gun at least. For all the good that might do.

Looking around he chose to search the entire room before the bathroom itself. That door was shut as well, so he felt safe at the moment. Kitchen empty outside of a juice bottle on the counter and a rinsed plate in the sink, he for some odd reason put her juice back in the mini fridge. It was just him to pick up after himself, now her. Shuffling cautiously to the bedroom he found her bed made neatly but with lingerie laying on top of the bedding. Alongside it a mini kimono style robe with cherry blossoms on it. “Silky!” He pinched it for texture. In her closet were dozens of dresses. “It looks like she has expensive taste.”

A closer insight into who she was he snooped at picture frames on a dresser. In none of them did he find Sune Yi. “Now that’s not good, is it? This must be her mom and dad.” Bao was gorgeous posing with her family. A small ornate scrapbook in the top drawer he found more photographs of she and what he presumed was a teacher. Wooden swords in their hands he had a hunch she was in training. Of course, Bao looked 10 years old in the picture. In another photo he did locate Sune Yi but she looked bitter and not happy with the smiling Bao and an old, really old man. “Grampa, maybe?”


All family portraits, he closed it and set the book back inside the drawer where he found them. “Perfumes smell good.” He sniffed the dabbers. “Okay, I really need to stop snooping and go piss before I’m wearing soggy britches.” He smirked and went to the bathroom door. Knocking out of respect even if she was likely a ghost he turned the knob and entered. A definite chill overtook his flesh. “Cold water must have been spraying for a few days now.” Entering slowly he saw through a clear shower door at water running but no body. Mirror used he found his target. “Holy fuck! Her body is insane.” She simply stood under the cascade lifeless but proud.

“Poor kid.” He knew he was safe so ventured to the toilet, resting his gun on the sink before taking a leak. While standing with his back arched and feeling relief, eyes closed, the silence was interrupted by what seemed like a faint distant singing. Shaking off his pecker he zipped up and followed the song back to the shower. “How am I hearing you sing?” He slid the door open and whistled under his breath at the most amazing petite ass he had ever seen. Mirror handy let him in on her true beauty. With the lights still on she was invisible so he opted to experiment again and shut the bathroom door and turn out the light. Sure enough, Bao’s body found its way to a physical perception. What weirded him out was the water moving through her body without making contact.

“Do I just touch her and freak her out as much as I am right now? I mean how would I react if some stranger walked into my shower and touched me? She knows martial arts, so I’d get my ass handed to me.” Pondering his best move he knew one thing; the ghosts would follow something they had moved around from its current location. “She had a locket on the dresser. Maybe if I dangle it on the door knob she will step out of the shower and ... what’s it matter? She’s going to come back nude and I’m still an intruder.” Groaning he went ahead and left the bathroom and brought her necklace in. Lights out again he did notice as he held the necklace aloft that she did look his way. “That’s it, Princess. Follow the bling.”


With the shower door open he watched her step out and follow the necklace. “Fuck even her nipples are hard as a ghost. Cold water effect? Probably had those when she faded out.” He chuckled then felt shitty over it just as fast. “Man this is going to suck. I ... need a shower still. Cold or not I can at least freshen up. Of course, I don’t have a shirt to wear afterwards so that’s going to look bad too.” Turning her water off as she hovered near the bathroom door he tried it again and found it warm. “I guess this hotel has good water heaters.” Unable to resist he undressed himself and hopped into the shower. Soaping up using her scented soap he cleaned himself thoroughly, even washing his hair. A second assault of soap he washed his privates good and decided to peer toward her glow. She was not at her door by the necklace any longer.

“OH, FUCK!” Turning around in the shower there she was. Somehow she had literally stepped through the shower door and stood behind him as if a statue. “Man if I had backed up into her that would have been a mess.” He hugged the shower wall afraid of her suddenly. She was harmless in this form but still. “How did she walk through glass?” He then realized one important fact. He was wearing her soap so that obviously drew her back into the shower. “Fuck you’re beautiful.” He trembled unable to move. Yep! Griffin Folklore palmed his erection. This was not going to go well but he couldn’t resist jerking off. His secret he thought to himself. “Just don’t jizz on her.” The closer he got the temptation led to a last minute turn to face the shower glass and pepper his nut all across it. Peering at her as he did it he almost sensed disappointment in her demeanor. No way!


Panic rising he shut the water off again and opened the door. Stepping out he dried off. Oddly her eyes followed him, turning to face him as if sensing his moves. Curiosity led her to walk back through the glass and stand in front of him. This time he had witnessed her incredible travel through the pane and it was disturbing, her ghostly body was sparkling now as if tiny shards of glass within her. “Fuck! What if I touch her and she shatters into a million pieces? How is this happening? Is it her own ninja training like Sune Yi’s? Wait! Sune Yi couldn’t walk through those lab doors back at HiMa. Although she was able to hit things as a sign. When she merged with that hologram it affected her aura and she lived through it. Maybe ... this is evolution at work?” There was no clear explanation.

“You’re making this more difficult Bao. I don’t want to hurt you.” Putting his underwear, socks, and jeans on, he sat on the toilet seat and tied his boots. She observed him but without a solid lock of recognition, it was more like searching for an invisible breeze that wasn’t there. Once ready Griffin stood up and palmed her necklace swaying it in front of her face like a hypnotist. “You are getting horny. Very, very horny.” His jest made him groan. “Stop being so stupid.” Talking to himself was getting more common these days.

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