phanTOMORROW - Cover


Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 3: Separation Anxiety

Science Fiction Sex Story: Episode 3: Separation Anxiety - Imagine waking up with a hangover to find that you were the last surviving human on the planet. Griffin Folklore was just that young man. Now imagine that everyone that did exist were now phantoms all around you and that your touch alone could bring one human back at a time. Short periods of time that is. How would you react? First you cry, then you party hard. Once that is out of your system you try to save the world. Until the ghosts try to kill you on a full moon. Fun while it lasted.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Post Apocalypse   Ghost   BDSM   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking  


Kaycee Lance found her flesh to be hypersensitive in realizing that she was missing her clothing and let out a shriek. It was like static cling flowing over her skin in a hot flash that aroused her nipples into the hardest they had ever been prior to demise. If demise is what it was called, more misplaced perhaps. She was panic stricken at coming back from God knows where, then seeing a strange man next to her also nude made her cringe and back away in a hurry for her own protection. Even the carpet beneath her felt electric, shocking her into moving about like a displaced cat being shot at with a water bottle.

“Calm down! I’m not going to hurt you.” Griffin Folklore grabbed a couch cushion to hide his drooling penis. “Do you know what happened to you Kaycee?” She was beyond terrified and staring at him with awe, uncertain what this world was all about. Shaking like a leaf she peered behind him to see the standing Sonya Miller, hotel manager. Unlike Kaycee currently, Sonya in her ghostly state haunted her.

“What is that?”

“That’s Sonya. She’s like you ... well, was like you. You were a ghost, I think. I brought you back.”

“Who are you?”

“My name is Griffin ... hi Kaycee.”

“You know my name?”

“Your ID is in the downstairs elevator where I found you and some guy making out. Pretty sure he was your boyfriend.”

“My boss Jared! We ... why is he still in the elevator?” She found her thoughts fuzzy.

“I know this sounds insane but everyone in the entire city has become ghostlike. Something happened last night that switched off the planet. Up until you just now, I was the only living person. In Brooklyn at least! I’m thinking the entire city. Could stretch further but I’m not sure. TV networks are on a loop so there’s nothing new being televised to really judge it by. The devastation outdoors is as horrifying as everyone being ghosts. It felt like the rapture at first because when it’s daylight there are no ghosts, at least I couldn’t see any. Only at night did you all appear.”

Exploring his sincerity she calmed slightly, but it was simply too obvious. Exploring her body she felt violated, “Did you fuck me?”

“I did ... sorry!” He cringed slightly, “I’ve been experimenting on the ghosts and unfortunately you were my guinea pig. I know this looks bad, but I think I just rescued you from wherever you went. Ummm? Where exactly were you?”

“I don’t know. The last I recall was being in the elevator with Jared. Did I look like her?” She points up at an oblivious Sonya staring off into a void.

“Yeah! But I touched you and you became normal. When I touched Sonya, it was only temporary. When you became human again you stayed a little longer. So far so good!”

“I recall swallowing my gum.” Her brain was all over the place. Of course, Griffin’s mind thought she said cum. Overriding his potential to laugh over his dirty thought he recalled taking her gum from her purse. Was there a mental connection to her swallowing a chewed piece and her fondness of the variety? Like her perfume absorbed into her thong it too had a favorable allure. “So, taste and smell are two senses that stay with you when you cross over.”

“What?” She touches her inner thighs delicately and discovers trickles of Griffin’s cum leaking from her pussy. The moistness was making her breath heavily as if she were hyperventilating. Drawing her fingers up to her eyes to see the wetness she whimpers. “Did you cum inside me?”

“SHIT! Yeah!” He grits his teeth, “I had no idea what would happen, so I didn’t wear protection. You clung to me so tightly I couldn’t pull out. I’m sorry!” Watching her eyes chase his suddenly, he swallowed dryly, “Ummm? Maybe me cumming inside you is acting like an anchor keeping you here? Just a hypothesis!”

“I need air.” She lifted up to her feet, each caress of her flesh on anything making her excitable. Seeing the French doors, she went for them sliding it open. A gust of air felt intoxicating being up so high. “It’s been raining.”

“Yeah! Stopped about an hour ago. Are you sure you should be out there? We don’t know anything about what happened to you, to everyone!”

“I need to see it all.” Crossing past the pool and hot tub she leaned on the rail peering out over the city, at least what she could with other skyscrapers looming. Seeing ghosts like Sonya moving about through windows and on the streets below she looked lost. Easing next to her Griffin sighed, “How do you think I felt? Up until you I was the only living person. Even though what I did to you was wrong, I’m glad I did it. Now I’m not alone.”

In a blur Kaycee turned and hugged him tightly, sobbing without actual tears. That troubled Grif at the moment was why she was not sharing salty tears or even cumming earlier? Her pussy was dry and almost irritated him. There was more to this still. “Kaycee? You’re crying but I’m not seeing or feeling tears. You felt my cum on your fingers, the rain on your feet. So, you do recognize that much, but it’s like your body is depleted. Yet, the human body is made up of mostly water. Weird!”

“I am thirsty.” She sighed.

“Bottled water in the fridge!” He takes her by her hand, “Let’s go inside.” Following him was easy enough, she actually found Griffin cute. Leading her into the kitchen he grabbed a water bottle and unscrewed it for her. Guzzling it she demanded another. Three bottles in she panted.

“I needed that.” In doing so her eyes actually teared up now.

“Must be a side effect. I see tear rings.”

“Th-thank you for doing what you had to do.” She then snaps a glance at Sonya, “Are you going to fuck her too?”

“I’m tapped out today. I don’t think I could get it up if I tried.”

“It is up.” She lowered her gaze, “You should try.”

“I can’t fuck every girl in New York Kaycee. Definitely no guys.”

“Maybe, I can bring Jared back like you did me. You touched me and I started to come back, right?”

“Worth a shot, I guess. Sonya’s not going anywhere so let’s go downstairs and see if we can rescue your boss.” He takes the lead but first puts his pants on. Shivering she looks at him with questioning eyes. “Oh! Wanna borrow my t-shirt?” He hands it to her, and it was like holding onto a hot coal. Dropping it with a shriek made Grif jump. “Maybe not! Might be because it’s not yours? Here!” He retrieves her thong and offers it back. Carefully taking it she finds a different reaction, a comfort in its soft fabric. Slipping it on, that was all she had to wear. “Your clothes are on the second elevator’s floor. You can get dressed if you succeed in bringing Jared back, or even if you don’t succeed. His clothes are there too.”

“Okay! Griffin, right?”

“Griffin Folklore!”

“Cool name!”

“Heard it all. Let’s head down.” He took his penthouse card and put it in his pocket then went to the elevator. Hesitant, Kaycee looked back at the immobile Sonya, she feared becoming that again. Stealing his hand as if her only security he smiled and tightened his fingers. “If anything goes wrong I’ll do everything I can to bring you back. I promise!”

Nodding she accepted his assurance and clung to him. “Don’t leave me.” A vision of his girlfriend Jade made him sigh. He prayed he might be able to bring her back just like this. Same for his mom if this effect had claimed her too. Now that was going to be difficult.

“I can’t fuck my mom!” He realized in thought, “God! What a fucked-up situation.”

One floor down he led Kaycee out into the hall. Conchita the housekeeper was still struggling to get her job done. Kaycee pouted at the woman’s nightmarish behavior. “Was I that confused?”

“No! You were too busy sucking face with Jared.”

“Oh! He is a good kisser.” As the house elevator doors opened there was Jared still fondling and Frenching open air. “Wow! I was on the receiving end of that.” She smiled.

“Sorry again.” He felt badly for having sex with her.

“Don’t be! Jared was nice but I was just having fun. If I’d met you first, I might never have ... well, one night stand maybe. Don’t judge me!”

“Go get him Tigger!” He released her hand to let her reunite with Jared. Fingers crossed did zero good. The second she stepped away she transferred back to her ghostly state, her thong falling to the floor of the elevator. “DAMMIT!” Touching her again led to another silent scream. Yet, it did lure her back to reality. “This is not going to work Kaycee.” Again, she turned to face Griffin with an expression of horror.

“WHO ARE YOU? WHERE AM I?” Back to the drawing board. Reclaiming his hand, she immediately reverted yet again and rejoined Jared in his arms.

“Fuck! Just when I started to enjoy her company. Looks like she’s right. One-night stands from here on. Is this how it’s going to be when and if I bring Jade back like this? The second I turn my back on her she ghosts me?” It was not a happy ending!

“Least I can do is hook you two up.” Crouching to sift through Jared’s clothing he found their room key. Gathering their clothing and personal items Grif took them down to the 12th floor and to their room. They followed him, Jared literally carrying Kaycee and making out without pause. Entering their room Griffin spread out their clothing on the bed. As if inspired Jared took Kaycee to bed, stretching out as if alive. It was likely because this was something they recalled in some way, maybe their scent on the bed. “They’re not phasing through the bed. Maybe it’s because they know the territory. When she went through my penthouse sofa she had never been there before. Psionic recognition I’m thinking.”

Eying Kaycee’s beauty as she lay on top of Jared recreating earlier actions, she rode his ghostly cock and thrived. It was impossible not to play the voyeur. “Fuck! Gonna miss her sexy ass.” It was definitely a worthy ass, entire body. Stepping back toward the door he gnashed his teeth and glared back at her with hands in her intangible hair. Fidgeting he put a Do Not Disturb sign on the knob out of respect. He had to leave or prove he still had another erection to abuse. A threesome would be fun, he could have touched her and made her real again and took her anally. But his touch might also have brought Jared back and he might not have been as easy to handle. Better to leave well enough alone. “I’ll visit you again guys. Have fun!” Best they could! Leaving the room, he left their key in front of the door so he could someday get back in.

Hands in his pockets he shuffled along the 12th. floor toward the elevator. A male ghost who had been carrying an ice bucket to his room stood stuck outside his sealed domicile, his sweats and room key laying at his feet. Unlocking his door seemed honorable, taking his sweats and bucket tossing them in. Stepping out of his way Grif let the man enter his room then closed the door behind him. At least he was home! Closest thing to it considering! Good deeds seemed appropriate!

A few more floors of reuniting families he grew exhausted of doing the noble thing. While he was raised to respect people not even Griffin had it in him to be perfect. What made his mind up was finding toddlers sleeping in a family vacation’s comfy bed while their mother sat up watching TV that currently was a prerecorded Rare Coin infomercial. Not even Grif could tuck the children in due to their unfortunate nudity they were on top of the covers during the rapture if that was what caused this. Enough was enough as he apologized to the mother and switched channels to something more comforting in Disney’s Peter Pan. Recalling the movie well from his own childhood he recited a line from it that seemed befitting. “All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.” He let himself out now that their father was back in the room having gone to their car for a bag. Grif would have made a great Bellhop.

“Guess I better take Sonya back to the lobby. No sense putting her or me through any more heartache. I can’t keep her in this reality forever. Nice to look at but not fair to her.” His private elevator reaching the penthouse he expected to find her still standing there. Shocked when the door opened and proving him wrong, he froze on the threshold. “Where did she go?”

Her G-string missing from the sofa meant that she somehow had returned on her own without Griffin’s help. Fearing he might spook her he quietly checked out the kitchen, the bathroom, and finally the bedroom. There she lay as if asleep, curled up and hugging a pillow. “How did she go to bed? She’s still in negative mode and not falling through the mattress. Her panties are right under her. I don’t get it! What am I missing here?” A cushy recliner in the bedroom seemed logical, his bed was taken, and after Kaycee he didn’t want to appear as if taking advantage of Sonya too. Just watching her sleep without breathing was creepy enough.

“I wonder if maybe she used to come up here and sleep on occasion? Maybe she realized her past in that bed. Strange that she was such a ball of energy down in the lobby and now Sleeping Beauty.” His own eyes heavy he just fell asleep in his chair. In a better world his snoring would have woken up Sonya and found a pillow hurled at him. Those would have been the days.

With no alarm clock set Griffin woke up with a kink in his neck. Eyes focusing against sunlight through the windows he strained a bit until finding the bed unoccupied. Sonya was long gone, that or simply still there but unseen to the naked eye. Her G-string was still on the blanket. “Just lil’ ole me again in a big city disaster area.” He got up and stretched. Staring at the bed he fidgeted a bit then leaned over the pillow her head had been laying on and kissed open air.

“Rest well Beautiful.”

Shuffling to the bathroom to relieve his bladder he stripped his jeans off and took a wake-up shower. Drying off he stepped to the sink and peered into the mirror. Although fogged over he could tell someone was behind him. Jumping out of his skin he turned to find no one there. Another glance at the mirror the image was back. Using his hand to wipe away the steam he saw Sonya standing in the hallway looking in. Another darting glance behind him she was gone. Mirror ... image. “Huh! So, I can see you in a mirror but not when I check you out directly. Curious!”

Hanging his towel up he brushed his teeth with hotel offered supplies. Watching her as he scrubbed his molars she stepped into the bathroom and stared at his used towel. Rinsing and spitting he moved around her reflection area and claimed his towel again. Wiping his chin, he took the towel out into the hall and stood where he could see himself in the mirror. She followed him, Grif getting a good hard look at her perfect body. She definitely worked hard on that booty. Of course, the hotel had a fitness room for guests.

“Okay so, you’re picking up my scent on the towel. You must have caught onto it after I jizzed into your G-string last night. Which means we’re on a similar wavelength. Not complaining Babe! Nice to know you find me appealing. I know I sure find you sexy as fuck.”

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