The Downfall, Submission & Enslavement of Karen Taylor - Cover

The Downfall, Submission & Enslavement of Karen Taylor

Copyright© 2022 by Karen T

Chapter 8: Karen

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 8: Karen - A rebellious and strong willed teenager’s determination to experiment upon and control the mind and even body of her Beautiful Blonde yet sexually tentative store manager Mother, leads to an ever growing desire within Karen’s daughter Chloe, one which sets in motion a train of events that will take her whole family into a world of psychological control, BDSM and sexual enslavement where long suppressed fantasies gradually become reality.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Blackmail   Lesbian   Heterosexual   True Story   Workplace   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Group Sex   Black Male   White Male   White Female   White Couple   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Nudism  

Such had been her deep sleep that it was only the noise from the next-door bedroom of her daughter Chloe and boyfriend Trevor engaging in their usual morning fuck that stirred Karen Taylor from her slumbers, bringing her awake with a start.

As was usual when waking on a Sunday Morning, Karen reached across the bed toward her husband John, until realising her husband was in fact spending the weekend in a Hotel, while working away from home with his friend and workmate Barry.

Although it was only when pulling aside the duvet from her naked body before swinging her legs over the bed in preparation to go to the bathroom did Karen then realize she was naked and without her usual sleek nightdress and matching panties.

Then the reality of the previous evening began hitting home to Karen when realizing her being naked in bed was in fact the result of the hours she’d spent in her bed last night with and very much under the control of her equally naked daughter Chloe.

That much earlier, all but naked in her open pink dressing gown, she’d been almost forced to view that incredible BDSM movie on the sofa, sitting between the wandering hands of Chloe of her boyfriend Trevor, before afterwards Karen was sent upstairs by her teenage daughter, as one would a naughty little girl, there to wait naked on her bed in a bedroom she could no longer lock, for the arrival of either Chloe or Trevor for a seemingly endless fifteen nervy minutes, before it had been Chloe rather than Trevor finally entering her Mother’s bedroom.

Curiously Karen then recalled wondering if she’d been disappointed it wasn’t Trevor rather than her daughter Chloe who’d entered her bedroom last night, not that it mattered now, decided Karen, not when the arrival of Chloe had been a prelude to her experiencing the most amazing sexually satisfying couple of hours, the like of which she’d never previously experienced. Of which had been at the hands, mouth and of course strap-on cock of her very dominant teenage daughter Chloe.

Sitting naked on the edge of her bed with the sounds of lovemaking from her daughter’s bedroom gradually reaching a crescendo, Karen Taylor could only think back and speculate as to why it was she hadn’t stopped Chloe and Trevor from toying with her most intimate of body areas during that film and long before Chloe arrived in her bedroom, where once again, she could well have scolded her daughter and sent Chloe packing before it was too late, to late to prevent Chloe from sexually dominating and using her Mother as her sexual plaything, before it occurred to Karen she hadn’t given a thought to her husband John at the time...

A realization those grunts and moans from Chloe’s room had now ceased brought Karen back to the here and now, belatedly recalling those ‘instructions’ given by her daughter before departing her Mother’s room to join her boyfriend, that her Mother would now remain naked in her bed most mornings, awaiting the arrival of Trevor in her bedroom. Although Karen was to await not just the arrival of Trevor but to then use her mouth to remove a condom from Trevor’s cock, filled with Trevor’s semen and fresh from being inside her daughter’s cunt and which before the eyes of Trevor to tip its contents of Trevor’s semen down the throat before storing the used condom if full view.

“Just remove Trevor’s condom Mother, drink Trevor’s cum and look after the used condom Mother ... nothing more” Those words had been Chloe’s parting words to her Mother.

Sitting on the edge of her bed it dawned upon Karen she had a momentous decision to make, that unable to lock her bedroom door, she either make a bolt for the safety of her bathroom before the arrival of Trevor or remain and carry out the task given to her by Chloe, that of removing a condom from the cock of her boyfriend.

Even though after Chloe had left her room this was a task Karen had fantasised over, before eventually falling asleep and thinking only of Trevor’s cock, speculating upon its size girth and most importantly its taste.

Although in the harsh light of the morning after, Karen realized that by fulfilling her fantasy she would be forever changing her relationship, not only between herself and Trevor but in doing so would she would also be confirming her sexual submission toward her own daughter Chloe, as was in truth already the case.

Having been fucked by her daughter with her huge strap-on cock, Chloe had then straddled her Mother’s head with her knees, before lowering her own cunt over Karen’s mouth, leaving her Mother in no doubt as to what was expected of her.

And so pushing her tongue up toward Chloe’s shaven cunt, Karen for the first time tasted and swallowed those delicious juices between her own daughter’s cunt lips, eventually bringing a triumphant Chloe to her own glorious orgasm, while unable to contain herself, her mother had reached down with her fingers to massage her own cunt to orgasm.

After which Karen and her daughter had to lay naked entwined in each other’s arms, although even then, Chloe’s dominance over her Mother had been so very obvious, when with her Mother lying on her back and her daughter on her side with an arm around her Mothers head and shoulders, Chloe had used her free hand to stroke, caress and discover every inch of Karen’s naked body while gently biting her mother’s breasts and nipples.

God, you are so beautiful Mother I’ve waited a long time for this day, I’ve wanted you since I first got interested in sex” Chloe told the stunned and slightly embarrassed Karen while her daughter’s fingers probed the warm wet cavern of her throbbing cunt, before removing her fingers and sucking them in her mouth, Chloe added. “You taste so good Mother, every bit of you, but especially your juices”

There was very little Karen could say, even though wanting the moment to last forever such was the pleasure and an odd sense of security engulfing her, before realizing Chloe wasn’t expecting her Mother to say anything as she continued while stroking her heavily breathing Mother’s hugely enlarged nipples.

“I’ve always dreamed of this Mother, yes I know some think it wrong and I understand we are betraying your husband, but to be honest Mother I really don’t give a fuck about what Daddy may think, as much as I love him, which I’m sure you do Mummy ... but I think we both know that if Daddy were looking at us now his cock would be busting to free itself.

“Oh my god,” said Karen, if only because she felt she had to say something when in fact Karen’s only thoughts about John were he’d probably brought it upon himself by the constant appeals that she had just about thrown herself at other men, which Karen thought were more a means of satisfying his own sexual desire more than those of his wife.

Although Karen’s reward was for Chloe to then place her fingers on her Mother’s lips, urging Karen into silence as she continued. “We are going to do so much together Mummy and I’m going to teach you so much, Trevor understands how I feel about you, but even if he didn’t that’s his problem and can fuck off any time he wants, I love him but love you a whole lot more”

Overwhelmed yet undeniably increasingly sexually aroused, Karen nonetheless felt she had to again ask Chloe about the role of her husband John, even though Chloe had already made it clear John could no longer fuck his wife without his daughter’s permission.

“But your father Chloe ... what will happen when he’s at home?” Karen asked her daughter without realizing her question could be seen as an acceptance of Chloe’s control over her life.

With her fingers lightly scratching her mother’s wet and puffy cunt lips, Chloe replied in a casual attitude that Karen shouldn’t be concerned about her Father, that he already “understands” his new role in the household, that his wife no longer belongs to him in the traditional sense and that he will now be sharing her with ‘others’

“Others?” asked the somewhat alarmed Karen before recalling Chloe’s words about finding her mother a ‘Master’.

“Of course Mother, I’ve already said you will soon have a Master, he will train you in the arts of Slavery and how you must serve a Master who will punish you and fuck as he sees fit and as often as he wishes”

“Oh my God” was all Karen could say before Chloe’s mouth closed over her own, there to engage in a bout of battling tongues with her stunned Mother, who immediately caved into the desires of Chloe.

Although later, before leaving her Mother to join her boyfriend in bed, Chloe reminded Karen of the duties expected of her in the morning when Trevor came to her room...

Looking back the following morning, Karen understood that no matter how wrong it may appear, she not only wanted to remove that condom from Trevor’s cock with her mouth but to taste her daughter’s cunt over and again, no matter what.

That her husband John, who according to Chloe was already under her control, would simply have to live with her decision for his wife was now a willing Slave to their daughter, although unaware it was pretty much already the case, Karen suspected John may well be happy to become a slave of his daughter himself.

So despite a need to use the bathroom, after getting back into bed and pulling the duvet over her naked body, Karen eagerly awaited the arrival of Trevor, while deciding she wouldn’t make it that easy for either Trevor or Chloe by showing them both she still had her spirit and dignity.

Thoughts which Karen decided would make her decision easier when recalling the parting words of Chloe last night while fondling her mother’s breasts and enlarged nipples. For as a parting shot, Chloe had informed her Mother that Trevor would ‘punish’ Karen for any future disobedience toward himself or Chloe by giving her the most severe of Spankings until her ass turned red and blue, after which Trevor would put her Mother to bed like the naughty girl she was, before locking Karen in her room until she was ready to apologize and to make amends for her disobedience. Words which left Karen not only rather fearful but also throbbing with a curious feeling of sexual arousal and anticipation...


Lying there in her bed Karen could recall that only as a thirteen-year-old, had she previously been spanked on her bottom, although not by her parents, but by an ‘Uncle’ she’d been sent to stay with overnight when her parents had been away. Unfortunately during the evening, the teenage Karen managed to spill a jug of milk upon her Uncles carpet, an offence the Uncle had deemed to be one meriting a ‘Punishment’ taking the form of a ‘brief’ over-the-knee spanking ‘Otherwise’ ‘mum and dad will have to pay for a new carpet and they won’t be very happy about that would they Karen”?

The so-called Uncle told the young naive teenager only just discovering her own sexuality and so Karen had thought perhaps a short ‘punishment’ from her middle-aged uncle would be preferable to the shame of admitting to her parents that she’d ‘ruined’ her uncle’s actually threadbare Carpet and the ensuing expense her parents would then have to bare.

In the event, it was to prove an experience remaining in the subconscious of Karen Taylor ever since that fateful evening, for during an era of very short skirts for young girls, the unsuspecting Karen proved to be the perfect victim for a predatory paedophile.

Those long-repressed memories had surfaced during the earlier movie scenes Karen was watched, when the warehouse youth lookalike had in turn thoroughly spanked both mother and daughter beside one another, a scene which had formed a large part of the reason for Karen finding herself throbbing and sexually energised.

A few minutes after the departure of Chloe from her Mother’s bedroom and thinking of little else but a spanking from Trevor, Karen realised she was once again embarrassingly wet along with a throbbing and a strong, regular rhythm; pulsating sensation deep in her cunt, after spending the last few minutes recalling how her ‘uncle ‘ had placed her over his knee, and then pulling Karen short loose short skirt over her burgeoning ass cheeks, before to her youthful surprise, she’d felt his hand on her pink panty covered bottom, just above her still hair free cunt lips.”This must be our little secret” Karen recalled her abuser telling her, before administering what he’d referred to as ‘dozen of the best’ upon Karen’s soft ass cheeks and then rubbing them with his hand after each blow.

Aside from feeling a hard lump pressing against her stomach, the young Karen had also been aware her uncle’s fingers were also creeping ever closer to her cunt lips beneath her panties, until having slid a single finger beneath her panties and into her cunt lips it wasn’t long before Karen was experiencing a youthful orgasm. “Don’t forget, this is our little secret ... otherwise your mother and father would be very ashamed of you” Karen heard as if from afar, so much was her orgasm affecting her.

Only later would Karen become aware her abuser was no actual relation, but more a trusted friend of the family, before later still learning he’d one night been found badly beaten about the head and lower body in a pub car park, apparently by a couple of men no one appeared interested in finding and so Karen had heard no more about him from her parents, leaving Karen with the memory of what had been her first true orgasm, while unable to ever forget afterwards when being placed on her knees between her uncle’s legs after he’d scolded her for ‘making his thing hard and sore from pressing on it with her and that she must kiss it better, or he would tell Karen’s parents how naughty she’d once again been.

Even now all these years later, Karen could recall how mesmerized she’d been when watching her Uncle slowly produce what even then the naive Karen thought was a short stubby but erect cock with a plum-like head oozing juices, and how at her uncle’s bidding, she’d lowered her lips to kiss its head and do her uncle’s bidding that she lick away those juices with her tongue what Karen thought a not unpleasant warm salty taste of the ‘cream’ that almost immediately erupted from her Uncles ‘thing’ into her mouth

Just occasionally Karen had pondered upon the idea her love of taking a cock in her was the result of her abuse at the hands and cock of her so-called uncle but now her thoughts were interrupted by the opening of her bedroom door, followed by the entrance of her daughter’s naked boyfriend Trevor, striding confidently toward her wearing only a smile and a used condom upon his semi-erect very impressive cock, a condom that was full of his cum pooling at the bottom and hanging below his cock which Karen found herself unable to take her eyes from as she lay a little nervously beneath the duvet.

For as acutely embarrassed as she was at having to follow Chloe’s instructions that she remain naked in her bed to await the arrival of her daughter’s boyfriend, Karen found herself unable to suppress a throbbing pulsating sensation in her cunt denoting her sexual arousal at thoughts of taking that lovely condom covered cock in her mouth, even as Trevor, by then standing beside her bed, pulled away the duvet to reveal the beautiful mature naked body of his girlfriend’s mother, leaving Karen with a feeling of embarrassed pride as whistling softly, Trevor told her.

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