The Downfall, Submission & Enslavement of Karen Taylor - Cover

The Downfall, Submission & Enslavement of Karen Taylor

Copyright© 2022 by Karen T

Chapter 14

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 14 - A rebellious and strong willed teenager’s determination to experiment upon and control the mind and even body of her Beautiful Blonde yet sexually tentative store manager Mother, leads to an ever growing desire within Karen’s daughter Chloe, one which sets in motion a train of events that will take her whole family into a world of psychological control, BDSM and sexual enslavement where long suppressed fantasies gradually become reality.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Blackmail   Lesbian   Heterosexual   True Story   Workplace   Cuckold   Sharing   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Group Sex   Black Male   White Male   White Female   White Couple   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Public Sex   Nudism  

Later, with her cunt and anal areas had been shaved free of every single hair by her daughter’s boyfriend Trevor before eventually brutally fucking and tit fucking her with a vengeance under the scrutinizing eyes of her daughter Chloe, who afterwards had herself taken the pleasure of her mother’s voluptuous body, Karen Taylor eventually made her way upstairs to bed, not though before Chloe first made her way into the bathroom, where Karen stood admiring her reflection in the bathroom mirror while washing her face and cleaning away any traces of the dried cum stains deposited there earlier by Trevor.

There in the bathroom, standing behind her naked mother, Chloe placed her arms around Karen and kissed her neck before cupping her mother’s breasts and pulling on the fat nipples, nipples Karen realized, these days always seemed to be tingling and erect as she lifted her head sideways, allowing her daughter to kiss and nibble on an ear before Chloe pushed her tongue inside her Mothers nibbled ear. With Chloe’s tongue darting and licking the cavity surrounding the bones of her mother’s middle ear, while pulling on her nipples, Karen couldn’t but help but let out a slight sigh of pleasure when being told by her daughter.

“I really do hope you enjoyed yourself tonight mother tonight, I think it best your new collar remain hanging on the peg close to the front door, it’ll remind you to wear it every time you return home from work” Began Chloe in between planting kisses on her Mothers neck and shoulders.

“And I think a nice neck choker will be suitable for you to wear at work, so I will instruct Daddy to purchase something classy when he gets home Friday, I’ll give him a week or two to find suitable for you”

While Karen was taking in another of her daughter’s seemingly endless stream of instructions, Chloe stepped back and while playfully slapping her mother’s ass a few times added.

“Well Mother now you’ve been given your first taste of a little bondage, both Trev and I will enjoy experimenting and thinking of many more bondage scenarios for you to enjoy”

Leaving her naked Mother to digest this latest piece of news, Chloe left to go to her bedroom before Karen was surprised to find her boyfriend was now in the bathroom and standing by the toilet taking a leak. Although surprised or not, Karen couldn’t help but gaze through the mirror while Trevor held casually gripped his well-sized cock, one she had so recently pounded her cunt and yes, given her more pleasure than she’d had in years.

And Trevor’s weapon of manhood was one Karen could not but help but admire and although now flaccid, her eyes were fixated upon the young man who had come into her life while hearing him emptying his bladder and hitting the water.

Then while removing some of her makeup, Karen heard the young man flushing the toilet and looking into the mirror again, Karen could see the naked Trevor waving his cock around while telling her.

“I guess you’ll be looking forward to seeing this again in the morning Mrs T, sleep well sweet dreams!”

Leaving Karen to realize the statement from the young boyfriend of her daughter had more than a ring of truth.

Uncaring of what his girlfriend’s Mother thought, Trevor had for some time been brazenly walking naked around Karen’s home, especially when upstairs, for Trevor really was proud of his cock, even when in a flaccid state and Karen had already wondered what her husband would say about Trevor rarely wearing any clothes when walking around the house.

Although Karen now realized such thoughts would surely pale into insignificance should John discover the boyfriend of his daughter had not only brutally fucked his wife but also shaved every single hair from her most intimate of bodily areas while inserting his fingers deep inside her cunt and Anus, thoughts which actually left Karen curiously feeling more sexually aroused than concerned about.

For Karen was also fully aware that over these past months, John’s cock would often become erect or semi-erect when their daughter walked around the house wearing only form of lingerie, events which mum and daughter had discussed when realizing John was obviously unable to contain himself when seeing his daughter’s enviable young body, especially after Chloe had adjusted a few of her bras alter her appearance.

So much so, John could then not help but to gaze at his daughter’s breasts sitting in one or two of the bra cups, bra’s that Chloe had expertly removed the material in a highly skilful manner with great skill while ensuring her mother would from now also be wearing her own lingerie in the very same manner.

In fact, It was John who’d first suggested both mother and daughter wear similar clothing, something Karen said she’d think about, although what about her husband’s reaction to seeing his wife not only wandering around naked, but naked but now with a completely shaven hairless free cunt...

Laying in bed that night, Karen had a good feel between her legs and after licking her fingers, was unable to resist slipping one and then two fingers between her cunt lips and feeling just how her smooth cunt now felt.

As she did do Karen could not help but recall just how much the evening had been a night of sexual delight and that her body was certainly changing, a body that now felt alive and seemed to be permanently aroused, while her being bound and helpless was especially something different, leaving Karen with a feeling of sexually aroused uncertainty.

Karen then realized that being restrained and helpless, leaving both her daughter and more so her daughter’s boyfriend, to use and violate her body in any manner they wished, that this young man Trevor had shaved her between her legs before having his cock inside her cunt was something she had fantasised over ever since Trevor had moved in with them.

As Karen’s fingers worked back and forth inside her body, pausing only to rub her aroused clitoris, In the back of her mind was the knowledge that both Chloe and now Trevor had instructed her not to play with herself and If caught would then be punished by a spanking and so reluctantly Karen stopped there, just in case Trevor would walk in to check in on her as promised and gave her yet another brutal spanking to once again remind Karen she was no longer in control of her life or household and that her whole existence was gradually being controlled by her daughter and her sometimes fearful boyfriend Trevor.

Although with those thoughts, came a realisation too. Karen that as she was helpless to prevent her life from being taken over, she could hardly be held responsible for the actions of Chloe and Trevor, or more importantly her submission toward them both, something perhaps her husband was also very aware of, considering his own apparent submission toward his daughter Chloe. In the event, Karen had a disturbed sleep, for flashes of those events earlier that evening simply wouldn’t go away and at one point, she had woken up sweating and with a wet cunt from what she had been dreaming of, something stirring her sexual subconscious.

When doing so Karen peaked under the duvet to check on her throbbing nipples, yes her fat erect nipples had been a part of that dream, and part of that dream was about Trevor and where she had succumbed to the young man’s demands in a dream that although now patchy, left Karen realising she was slowly becoming addicted to Trevor’s powerful young cock, although should she not be feeling at least some guilt over being fucked by her daughter’s boyfriend? Not is she’d had any thoughts of responsibility removed from her after having been bound by Trevor’s seemingly expert Bondage, decided Karen.

Also in Karen’s dreams were of the young thug Phil and of how on earth she could have submitted to him so easily, after all her good intentions of her giving Phil a quick flash, to incredibly finding herself standing completely naked before him and how he could he command so much authority when being so young a man? And just how she could look at herself in the mirror and let alone her close female friends, wondered Karen, although none of yet had noticed the change of clothing beneath her clothes.

How stupid of her! Mused Karen, knowing she now had a threat hanging over her head along with the prospect of maybe just a few people finding out. All the video recordings were stored on hard drives, although only a few had access to the security room those recordings were monitored by a designated team who have complete access working in a department from the Head office to monitor all stores in various regions. Worse still for her was anything seen as untoward deemed offensive or inappropriate behaviour could shatter her reputation, concerning though Karen knew things could not be good if those tapes were to come to light.

Eventually, Karen drifted back to sleep and the following morning for the time she didn’t hear those sexual grunts and squeals coming from her daughter’s bedroom, but woke suddenly when the duvet had been pulled away from her body and to see Trevor standing beside her bed.

“Didn’t I say you were to sit up naked leg spread and wait for me and yet I see you are still sleeping” was Trevor’s first response while Karen came slowly awake.

“I’m sorry, I did not hear you”. Came Karen’s rather lame reply before Trevor replied, with his still fairly erect Cock holding with another cum filled condom.

“No, I dare say you didn’t”

“Well you know what to do Karen and like I told you yesterday ... no hands!”

Slightly fearful of Trevor’s tone, Karen immediately slid her body over to the edge of the bed, where without using her hands, took Trevor’s cum filled condom into her mouth from his cock. In truth, Karen loved the feeling this act gave her, first when taking Trevor’s semi-erect cock between her lips before with her tongue, pushing his cock around until her lips found the end of the rubber close to the base of his cock, where Karen then worked the rubber back along the length of his cock with the condom resting on her tongue until very slowly the entire condom including the big pool of sperm filled the reservoir lay on her tongue.

There Karen began swirling the cum filled condom around in her mouth, attempting to extract Trevor’s sperm by her lips, squashing the condom between them and although a few times almost gagging to reflexes that almost had her choking, Karen began tasting the creamy texture of a Trevor’s emerging from within his condom.

Semen which Karen then gratefully swallowed in a process taking a good few minutes, before eventually, she could no longer taste any more of Trevor’s creamy nectar. Only when satisfied she had removed and swallowed all of Trevor’s semen did Karen open her mouth and push her tongue out toward Trevor with the spent condom resting upon it.

“Good girl, you may now remove it to ensure you have swallowed all of my cum, your husband should be proud of you and seeing my spent condoms hanging over the dressing table mirror indicating that his wife is becoming a slut”

Began Trevor while gazing down at Karen before stooping down to take hold of her chin and moving her head from side to side, as if she were his obedient puppy, while the condom emerged from her mouth.

“Good girl, your daughter will be proud of you, now sit back with your legs in the air and then spread them just as I told you last night.”

Was she really given a choice? Wondered Karen while obediently laying back on the bed, obeying Trevor’s instructions as she then took hold of both ankles, allowing Trevor to stand admiring his handy work on this mature woman’s cunt the previous evening. So inviting was Karen in that position that Trevor was unable to resist caressing her cunt and easily parting her cunt lips, where the prize he was seeking now sat fully exposed to his appreciative eyes.

With Trevor massaging her clitoris, Karen couldn’t help but to begin moaning in pleasure as he lowered himself to his knees before being disappointed when Trevor removed his hands and the finger that had been so deliciously massaging her clitoris, although Karen’s disappointment was soon to evaporate when then the young man started using his tongue to flick her clitoris, to Karen a wonderful sensation which immediately began sending out shockwaves through her body as Trevor’s tongue slowly flicked sideways and up and down, creating a wetness and throbbing within her cunt while Karen realised she was exposing her cunt in a way that she had never done before, not even with her husband.

Certainly, Karen’s whole being was now alive with desire, craving and longing and a greediness that she achieve yet another orgasm from a young man who certainly knew how to pleasure a woman. However, Karen’s pleasure suddenly came to an abrupt end when Trevor stood up and stepped back, leaving Karen still laying there on her bed with her legs spread wide with pleading eyes boring into those of Trevor.

There, thinking it cruel to be denied the orgasm that she sought, Karen began moving her body to the now absent tongue of Trevor’s, who Trevor stood watching and smiling at the cruel denial he’d just given his girlfriend’s Mother, knowing she was close to orgasm, knowing that in a few more seconds, she would have been sampling another orgasm caused by his tongue, but that now she’d been denied that which she craved even more.

“Tough luck, MrsT your orgasms are now firmly controlled, not only by me but also by Chloe, so stay right there, in that position until your daughter comes in to visit her slut Mother”

Then taking hold of the base of his cock, Trevor began waving his cock he knew Karen desired more than anything before eventually stepping away from Karen when she realised her teenage daughter Chloe was actually standing in the doorway watching, how long she had been standing there, wondered Karen as Trevor walked past her daughter and exchanged kisses with Chloe, who took hold of his semi-erect cock as if giving shaking hands before Trevor then disappeared into the bathroom.

Then only moments later, Chloe had replaced her boyfriend when standing between her naked mothers’s spread legs, telling Karen

“My my mother, you look to be very wet down there, those cunt lips nicely spread so I can take a good look at my boyfriend’s handiwork upon your cunt last night, and by the way, no more humping the bed Mother”!

Leaving Karen aware her daughter must have watched her mother humping the imaginary cock or tongue before Chloe added.

“You will soon understand the meaning of controlling your orgasms Mother, you must be trained to understand why we or others need to edge you close to an orgasm without your being allowed to do so, while as you do so, you will also experience your body changing sexually, while daddy will also notice a huge difference in his wife”

“Now then Mother, go and take your shower, Trev should be about finishing in the bathroom”

While trying to take in her daughter’s latest incredible statement, Karen ambled slowly into the bathroom and passing the naked Trevor, who was finishing shaving and sat on the toilet to take a leak while looking at the size of Trevor’s now limp cock from his side, only for Trevor to catch Karen looking at his cock as he replaced the cap on the shaving cream. Then turning toward Karen sitting on the toilet, Trevor again began shaking his cock toward her, leaving Karen mesmerised by his cock swinging from side to side while Trevor stepped forward to stand with his feet on either side of Karen.

There, taking took hold of Karen’s large breasts, Trevor placed his limp cock between them and with Karen looking down, his hands again cupped her tits, but now with his cock squashed firmly between them, leaving Karen licking her lips and despite sitting on the toilet as she was, Karen she didn’t care, for right then she wanted nothing more than to have Trevor’s cock filling her mouth without a cum filled condom, for having once seen Trevor shooting his cum over her face and body when bound on the coffee table, Karen now wanted it even more than ever, only this time for Trevor to be shooting his load down her throat.

“Unfortunately Mrs T I did not have time to oblige and I do not recover that quickly after fucking your daughter, but later, well who knows, it’s fucking obvious you’d rather be taking my cum in your mouth straight from my cock so maybe you should ask your daughter if her boyfriend can fuck your mouth and throat”

Karen was disappointed, to say the least, while watching Trevor then stroll from the bathroom and into Chloe’s bedroom while unable to resist pulling on her nipples as she did so and didn’t see Trevor again that morning as she was in the shower when Trevor left for work, while Chloe was busily getting herself ready for work before popping in to say goodbye to her mother, only to discover Karen masturbating in the shower and with an almighty shout, scold Karen by shouting.

“What the fuck are you doing, who the fuck gave you permission, how do you do after all I have said to you ... believe me, you’ll pay for that disobedience Mother, you’ve had things too easy far too long!”

Leaving Karen to immediately cease pleasuring herself after hearing her daughter’s voice, before feeling like a scalded child as Chloe manhandled her mother until Karen’s ass was facing her daughter, where Chloe smacked her ass six times as a form of punishment.

“That’s only a taster, I’m off to work now, but I will deal with you later Mother and don’t forget your collar when arriving home or believe me you won’t be sitting down for a week!”

Keeping his gaze on Karen behind her desk, her boss Dave noted Karen had again raised her skirt over her thighs and was showing her stocking tops ad with Karen being about 20 years younger than him, Dave thought she was certainly hot and that over these past few days, his cock seemed to spring into action whenever Karen was around, especially when they both were in their joint office.

Certainly, Dave’s wife Becky, a woman younger than himself kept herself in good trim and they enjoyed a very active sexual life ... a life that saw Dave sharing his wife with other men, some of whom, Becky would go out to meet for sex while Dave was left at home, often to masturbate to visions of his wife being fucked by others. Sharing his wife has never been a problem for Dave, who since the early days of them getting together, had encouraged Becky to have sex with other men, since first Dave took her to a swinger’s club, where Becky soon became hooked on having sex with others and certainly Becky was always popular with other men, especially with her impressive size 36dd breasts, which easily attracted men’s eyes towards her.

Now sitting at his desk looking over at Karen behind her computer screen, eyeing up her legs under her skirt, Dave could easily make the outline of the curves of Karen’s breasts pushing against her blouse and what appeared these days to be her ever-present erect nipples. In fact, Dave sat there his hard cock pressing against his trousers, hard for a very good reason, for over the past few years, as his punishment, his wife Becky decided to remove Dave’s underwear when having arrived home early one evening after having sex with another man, Becky had caught her husband masturbating while wearing her black stockings and suspenders along with one of a pair of her lacy thongs.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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