Blizzard - Cover


by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2022 by Mat Twassel

Flash Sex Story: Nils decides to make snow angels on Christmas Eve. What is he thinking? Snow on Christmas Eve in New Zealand? It's up to Jamie to rescue him. Illustrated.

Caution: This Flash Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Illustrated   .

Jamie knew it was a bad idea to go out. But Nils was out there somewhere. Supposedly he was going to make snow angels. This being New Zealand on the morning of Christmas Eve, fat chance of finding any snow. But just in case, Jamie donned her warmest scarf and put on a pair of fur-lined boots. That should do it.

Wouldn’t you know it? Nils must have brought some of that arctic Northern Hemisphere weather with him. White everywhere and more of it whipping against Jamie’s face. Ten steps into the backyard and complete disorientation took hold. And no sign of Nils anywhere.


Then she spotted something up ahead. It looked a long way off, but stumbling forward Jamie nearly tripped over it. Nils erect cock jutting from a snowdrift.


Jamie hastened to brush snow from Nils’ frozen body. No time to waste. She lowered herself upon the engorged phallus. So icy at first, but a few minutes of fucking and the heat and clasp of Jamie’s cunt worked its magic—Nils’ cock responded. He answered Jamie’s thrusts. Yes, yes, yes, Jamie cried out, the revival almost complete.


Best snow angels ever.

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