The Tropical Island Girl - Cover

The Tropical Island Girl

Copyright© 2022 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 2

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - How a 14 year-old girl ends up working on an Air Force Base on a Tropical Island totally naked.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Exhibitionism  

The next thing that I knew was that it was getting light outside, Teddy’s hand was still holding one of my tits and I could feel his hard cock between my legs. I was a bit shocked for a couple of seconds then I realised that I liked what I was feeling.

“That’s nice Teddy.” I whispered but got no response.

“Teddy, are you trying to fuck me?” I whispered and still didn’t get a response.

I didn’t really want to wake him so I just lay there and enjoyed the feelings.

After a minute or so I couldn’t help myself and my hips started slowly sliding backwards and forwards so that Teddy’s hard cock was sliding along my slit which I could feel was getting wet. It was a nice feeling that was getting nicer by the second.

My hand that was attached to the arm that was on top slowly made its way to my clit. As I went back each time the tip of Teddy’s cock rubbed over my clit and I felt the end of his hard cock. It felt so big that I could never imagine it going inside me.

I kept slowly going back and forward and rubbing my clit when my hips came forward and I felt one of those orgasms building inside me. The orgasm erupted almost instantly and my body started shaking; and that disturbed Teddy.

“What the fuck?” Teddy said, “Leia, what the fuck are you doing? Why are you here?”

Teddy moved away from me but for a few seconds I wasn’t able to do anything. When I finally stopped shaking and was able to say anything I said,

“I’m really sorry Teddy, I was feeling all sad so I came for one of your hugs but you were asleep. I climbed under the sheet and cuddled up to you didn’t wake up and I fell asleep. When I woke up your hard, huge cock was between my legs touching my pussy and it felt so good that I started sliding back and forwards.”

By then I was crying and I was scared that Teddy would throw me out of the house and I’d have nowhere to go.

“It’s okay Leia,” Teddy said as he put his arm over me, almost resting his hand on my tit,” don’t cry, I guess that you only did what is natural.”

My tears started to dry up and I turned and lay on my back. Teddy’s hand moved as I turned and it ended up on top on one of my tits.

“I’m sorry Teddy, I was just so sad, I just needed a hug.”

“It’s okay Leia, you can have a hug anytime, but you shouldn’t really be climbing into my bed, you’re only 14 and I’m a grown man.”

“But it was so nice cuddling up to you, I felt relaxed and fell asleep.”

“It is nice cuddling you Leia but we shouldn’t be doing it in here, people will get the wrong idea.”

“What do you mean Teddy, we’re only cuddling?”

“I know that and you know that but most people will think that we are fucking.”

“Well that’s not possible, your cock is way too big for my little hole, I can only just get one of my fingers in it.”

“Well you don’t have to worry about that Leia because it isn’t going to happen.”

“But we can still hug and cuddle can’t we?”

“Of course we can Leia. Now off you go, I have to get showered and ready for work.”

I went and got breakfast ready for the 3 of us then Chuck and Teddy went to work. I showered then did all the jobs that I said I would do then I decided to go for a walk. There was so much around there that I hadn’t seen and I was sure that it was nothing like the rest of the island.

I wandered all around, even going up to the Base fence and main gate. There were guards with guns there and they stared at me for ages before telling me to go away. As they stared at me I stared at them and I couldn’t help wondering if their cocks were as big as Teddy’s. Thinking that made my clit and nipples tingle and my pussy feel all wet.

I watched some enormous aircraft and 2 helicopters take off and they were VERY noisy.

I saw some other men and women, all in uniforms, walking around. They didn’t pay much attention to me and I wondered if other island girls walked around there with no clothes on.

Back at the house I watch some more cartoons. However, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about Teddy’s cock and did girls really get things that size inside them?

I just couldn’t concentrate on the cartoons and when one ended I was feeling so horny that I went to the kitchen to look for things around the size of Teddy’s cock. There wasn’t anything but the handle of what Chuck called a Fish Spatula looked to be a smaller version and I thought that if I could get that in my hole (which I had my doubts about) then I could look for something as big as Teddy’s cock.

I took the Fish Spatula outside to the grassy area at the back of the house where the light was brighter and I could lay on the grass thinking that it would be easier if I was on my back. Spreading my legs as wide as I could get them I rubbed the handle up and down my slit. When it touched my clit I gasped then rubbed it around my clit a few times before putting the end to the entrance of my hole and gently pushing.

After 4 or 5 tries it still wouldn’t go in then I remembered my mother telling me that I had to relax to be able to push a tampon in, so I did my best to relax.

It must have worked because the next time I gently pushed I felt my hole opening and the handle going in. The other thing was that it felt good, the nervousness had gone and my whole crotch area, and my nipples were tingling, a lot. I just held it there for a good minute then slowly pulled it out then started to push it in again.

This time it went in easier and it felt just as good if not better. Then I did it again, and again. It only took about 6 or 7 times for me to have an orgasm. As I lay there getting my wits about me I saw a couple of men in uniform walking along the path just a few metres from me. They stared at me but kept walking,

Then I thought about the size of Teddy’s cock and that of the Fish Spatula. There was little comparison so I got up and went inside. Remembering to wash all the slimy liquid that was on the handle of The Fish Spatula before putting it back where it belonged before looking for something bigger. All I could find was a banana. My teacher had told us that the bananas on our island are bigger than the ones on the other nearby islands, I can’t remember why, but when I pulled it off the bunch I wrapped my little hand round it my fingers and thumb couldn’t touch. I imagined that it was Teddy’s cock.

I quickly ran outside and lay down again. The end of the banana was a bit rough on my delicate skin but once it started sliding in it felt much bigger than the Fish Spatula handle.

Soon I was doing what I imagined fucking was like, the banana going in and out. Faster and faster my hand went and I knew that I was going to cum again. I reached the edge and went over it then I just lay there with the banana half in and half out of my hole, thinking about how good it had felt and imagining fucking with Teddy, or other men. I imagined a whole line of men waiting to fuck me one after another. That idea really appealed to me.

I was still laying there daydreaming when I heard Chuck say,”

“Girls usually do that sort of thing somewhere private Leia.”

“I don’t have a house or even a room, besides, why do they do it somewhere private, what’s wrong with out here?”

“Nothing I guess.” Chuck replied.

I pulled the banana out, peeled it and started eating it as I walked back into the house.

“You won’t want to eat your dinner Leia.” Chuck said when he saw me eating.

“I’ll be okay.” I replied.

“I’m sure that you will Leia, you hardly eat anything anyway. Hey, I was talking to Lizzy earlier, she really likes you. She says that she likes that you don’t wear any clothes, she says that it would stop all the bitchiness about each other’s clothes at school. I hope that you haven’t given her any ideas Leia.”

“I haven’t suggested anything Chuck, just told her what it’s like here. Besides, it was you who held your video phone in front of me and showed her that I was naked.”

“True Leia, sorry, not your fault. Lizzy says that she’d like to talk with you again sometime, she suggested that you might like to have a video call with all her class to tell them what it’s like being a girl in this part of the world.”

“Me! A video call where a whole class of girls and boys can see and hear me? That sounds cool. I’d like that. I’d be able to see all their silly clothes, life’s so much better not wearing clothes.”

“Leia, you have to remember that it’s like living in a fridge where I come from.”

“Oh yes, I forgot. Shall I start getting dinner ready?”

I did, and Teddy timed it perfectly, coming through the door just as I was about to tell Chuck that it was ready. Over dinner Teddy told us that he’d spoken to the CO and that he’d agreed to let me work for Teddy in the Stores but there were conditions: -

1. That I could read and write and do basic maths enough to do the job.

2. That if me not wearing any clothes started to become a problem I had to either start wearing some or find another job.

3. That there was no sexual activity on the Base.

When I’d cleared away after dinner Teddy called me over and told me to sit on his lap. When I did he picked up the notebook and a pen that was beside him and told me to write my name. I did, and as I was doing it I remembered my teacher telling me that I was a neat writer. Then Teddy gave me a piece of paper with some words printed on it.

“Copy those words onto the space under where you have written your name Leia.”

Again I did, then Teddy asked me to add up, take away and multiply some numbers. I got them right and Teddy told me that I’d just got myself my first job. I was so happy that I got to my feet and started jumping about, much to the amusement of Teddy and Chuck.

Teddy and Chuck went out after that and didn’t come back until late. I’d been watching a cartoon then played with the TV control and saw some strange programs which I only half watched because I was both happy and sad. I also thought about those feelings that I had when I’d fucked myself with the Fish Spatula and banana. My hand wandered to my pussy and started rubbing.

I remember having an orgasm then feeling tired. The next thing that I knew was Teddy putting a blanket over me. He was gone before I had a chance to thank him but I was awake and couldn’t get back to sleep.

After about an hour or so I decided to go and see if Teddy was awake. He wasn’t but I still got onto the bed under the sheet next to him. He didn’t wake up so after a while I turned onto my side facing him and put one arm and one leg over him, if he couldn’t cuddle me then I could cuddle him.

As I got into that position my knee rested on his bare cock and once I’d been there for a minute or so I decided that I wanted to touch his cock so I slid my knee down and replaced it with my hand.

His cock felt so warm and soft. I tried moving it about and it started to get a bit bigger and a bit harder.

“Teddy.” I whispered.

When I got no reply I said his name again, this time in my normal voice. Getting no response, and his cock was getting a little harder, I wondered if I dare lick it. Lizzy had told me that blowjobs were nice so I decided that I was going to find out for myself. I carefully shuffled down the lovely soft bed until my face was just above his cock. It was dark but I could feel it and taste it.

It didn’t taste of much until it was hard and I could feel some thick liquid coming out of the end. It didn’t smell like piss so I wondered if Teddy was having an orgasm. After a few seconds I decided that it couldn’t be that because he wasn’t shaking, apart from me holding his cock he was perfectly still.

Then, without thinking that I was going to do it, I licked the the end of his cock and then opened my mouth and tried to put my mouth over the end of it. I managed that but couldn’t get much more of it in my mouth. Again without thinking about it I lifted my head off his cock then put my mouth over the end of it again.

I did this about 6 times before I felt Teddy’s hands go onto the back of my head and hold it on his cock. Then Teddy said,

“Oh Cindy, that’s amazing. Ohhhhhhhhh.”

And I felt lots of warm creamy stuff fill my mouth. It didn’t taste bad, but it also didn’t taste as nice as some of the fruit that there is on the island. I had no choice other than to swallow and as I did I decided that I liked the taste.

Then Teddy’s cock started to go soft. As it flopped out of my mouth I thought,

“So that was a blowjob. I want to do that again, and again.”

“Teddy,” I whispered.

Getting no respose I decided that men must be able to have orgasms whilst they slept and I wondered if girls can as well.

With Teddy still not stirring I slowly shuffled up his body until my head was on his shoulder and my arm and leg were over him.

It wasn’t long before I was asleep.

“Leia.” I heard Teddy say but I was still half asleep.



“You’ve done it again, you shouldn’t be here.”

“Sorry Teddy, I needed a hug.”

“Leia, as much as you want a hug, you need to control yourself and only want them when I’m not in bed.”

“Sorry Teddy, it’s just...”

“I know Leia, I know.”

Teddy had put his arm round me and was hugging me to him. I wondered if he knew that he had got hard and had cum in my mouth, but I didn’t dare mention it just in case he got really mad with me.”

After a couple of minutes hug Teddy untangled himself and told me to go and have a shower. It was going to be my first working day and when I remembered that I got all excited. As I quickly showered I wondered if Teddy was going to come and join me but when I had finished I went out and found him cooking breakfast.

“Ah, good, can you finish this whilst I have a quick shower and wake Chuck.”

He did, and I did, and before long the 3 of us were sat eating breakfast.

Once finished, Teddy and Chuck got into their uniforms whilst I cleared up. The 3 of us were soon walking towards the Main Gate of the Base, two big uniformed men with a much smaller, very naked young girl between them.

“What’s this First Shirt, procuring young girls for people now are you? Who’s she for?” One of the guards on the Main Gate asked.

“It’s Master Sergeant Tubbs to you Jones. Not that it’s any of your business but Leia is coming to work for me now that I’m short-handed.”

“Working naked is she Master Sergeant?”

“Yes Jones. Do you have a problem with that?”

“No Master Sergeant.”

We started walking again with me pleased with the way that Teddy silenced the guard.

There were quite a few uniformed people walking around and it was mostly the young men who gave me more than a cursory glance and I couldn’t really understand why my nipples and pussy were tingling.

We went into this massive building which was full of military equipment and in one corner was the mangled mess of a jeep and other things that I didn’t recognise. Teddy saw me looking at the wreckage and said,

“Try not to think about it Leia.”

I was right, that was the wreckage from the explosion that killed both my parents. Fortunately there was a lot of things that were new to me going on right then so my brain was distracted.

Teddy took me to an area of the big building that was fenced in by lots of massive boxes. I saw a couple of tables with lots of papers on them and a chair at each table. Teddy pointed to one of the tables and said,

“That’s where you will be based Leia, have a seat, make yourself comfortable and I’ll be with you in a couple of minutes.”

It turned out that Teddy was a busy and popular man, it was ages before he got back to me and during that time he took 4 phone calls and had 5 people come to see him. Each 1 of the 5 had something to say about the naked girl sat at the desk. Nothing bad was said, in fact I liked what they all had to say and them staring at me whilst they talked kept my nipples hard and my pussy tingling and wet.

I so wanted to rub my pussy but I managed to keep my hands on the table although I did see some of the men standing back and looking under the table at my bare legs. Those who stood far enough back wouls have been able to see my legs right up to my stomach and what was between my legs because I was sat with my knees quite far apart.

Finally, Teddy turned towads me and said,

“As you can see Leia, it gets quite busy in here with everyone wanting something. I sent that lot to go and get what they wanted themselves but I need you to get familiar with what we have in here and to get small things for some of the people. If they want bigger things I will send them with you just to make sure that they don’t leave with things that they shouldn’t. In this game you have to be able to get things my means that often aren’t by the book. That’s okay for me because I get things from other bases and back home but I can’t have people taking things out of my store without my permission ... Now, the paperwork.”

Teddy talked me through what I had to do and I found it a bit too much for me. When it got to that point I stood up and turned to Teddy and told him that I didn’t think that I could do the job. Teddy put his arm round me and told me that he was sure that I could manage and said that it was his fault for telling me too much all in one go.

I turned and faced him and hugged him, his big arms coming round me. We were still hugging when I hearda familiar female voice,

“Now now Teddy, no fratanising with the staff.”

“Hi there Andrea. I just pushed too much onto Leia in one go and it got too much for her. She’s okay now, aren’t you Leia?”

“Oh hi Andrea, I’m okay now thanks.”

“Don’t you let him bully you Leia, if he does you come and tell me. So how are you doing Leia?”

“Okay now that I’ve got a job and can pay for my keep.”

“Don’t you let this man take all your pay off you, keep some for yourself to pay for some clothes and other things that us girls need. You’ll be able to get them on the Base. I’m surprised that the CO would let you work on the base without any clothes on.”

“She’ll be okay Andrea, if anyone tries to put a hand on her they’ll have me to deal with.”

“Good, but don’t make them need more than the Doc can provide Teddy, we don’t want to have to fly them back home for treatment, talking about the doctor, have you been for your checkup yet Leia?”

“What checkup?”

“The doctor has to examine everyone who starts working on the Base, standard procedure. Don’t worry, he won’t hurt you and it doesn’t take long. Shall I take her there now Teddy, save you leaving this place?”

“Will I get that implant thing that you told me sbout Teddy?”

“You’re 14 Leia,” Andrea said in a surprised tone. “You shouldn’t even know what those things are never mind thinking that you need one?”

“Yes please Andrea, I spoke to the doc yesterday and he’s expecting her.” Teddy said.

We had to walk ascross the Base to get to the medical centre and my naked body attracted some more attention which I just ignored. As we walked Addrea again tried to persuade me to let her get some clothes for me to wear.

“No thank you Andrea, Teddy has cleared it with the CO, strange nane for a person, and they say that it’s okay unless it becomes a problem. Besides, no clothes, no washing of clothes, better all round.”

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