A Surprise in Cancun - Cover

A Surprise in Cancun

Copyright© 2022 by MariannaLove

Chapter 22

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 22 - This Air Force SSgt leaves her love for a new duty assignment. When she returns to reclaim him, she's met with a surprise that breaks her heart. She returns to her duty station, and eventually finds love again but is faced with difficulties having a child. Later, she is met with some earth-shattering news. She's later faced with betrayal from the people she loves the most. She leaves for a trip to Cancun and has a little fun of her own. That fun turns into something more. Her family wonders if s

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   Workplace   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Pregnancy  

Rise and shine. Tuesday morning started with a quick shower and getting dressed into my active wear. A pair of cotton booty shorts and a white tank top to match. I had my book bag filled with extra clothes. I wore a sun visor in anticipation of the sunny day.

I heard the taps at the door and hurried to answer. He hid behind a bouquet of colorful flowers, “I have a delivery for the prettiest woman in Cancun.”

I smiled and reached for the arrangement, “I guess that would be me.”

He kissed my cheek, “You guessed correctly. Almost ready?” he asked.

I walked over and placed the flowers on the table, “I am.”

“We can grab breakfast before we leave. It’s about a two-hour drive.”

“Okay, let me grab my bag,” I said as I grabbed it off the sofa and then we headed out.

As we sat eating breakfast, his cell phone sounded. I heard him speaking in Mayan. He had this huge grin on his face and then he said, “Ay mama.”

Soon after, he ended the call, “My mother, she’s something.”

“How so?” I asked.

“She said you’re very beautiful and that we’d make some pretty babies.”

I chuckled, “Oh wow.”

“I sent her some pictures of us together from the boat ride to La Isla Mujeres.”

I nodded.

“My mother hasn’t liked any woman that I’ve dated but she seems to think we make a cute couple.”

I shrugged; it was sweet. He placed his napkin on top of his plate, “We should get going.”

I stood, “Okay, let’s go.”

On the drive to Yucatan, we conversed. I asked if he had ever dated a black woman before. He told me he had not. I wondered how his family would feel about him dating a black woman. He stated that his mother dated a man she loved. He was not Mayan nor was he Mexican. She believed that people should be with someone they connected with on various levels.

When we arrived, he parked in this grassy area. I looked at him strangely, “Are you sure we’re going to a cenote?” I joked.

He laughed, “Yes, there are hundreds of cenotes in the area. This is the one where I visit when I need solitude. It’s a place for me to be alone with my thoughts and not a care in the world.”

I grabbed my bag and he grabbed his. We walked about half a mile and found the secluded cave. “This is it, my favorite place to relax.”

I followed him inside. It was cool and dark until we got to the water. I could see the light shining inside from the giant hole on top. The water was clear and pretty blue. “This cenote is my favorite because it’s not as deep as most of the others. We can stand up in the water and look over there,” he pointed to a stone that was in the center of the pool, “we can swim over there and climb on top.”

He placed a blanket down on the ground and laid out some stuff. Then I witnessed him stripping, “Are you getting naked?” I asked as if I couldn’t see his booty butt cheeks.

“Yeah, you should too, let’s get in.”

“Is it cold?”

“Of course, it’s cold, we’re in a cave but it’ll feel great once you get in, come on,” he insisted as he stepped down into the water and bathed himself.

I looked around. He laughed, “No one comes here but me and maybe my cousin Yumil on occasion.”

I removed my garments. Placed them on the blanket, “Now if this water is cold, I will cuss.”

He chuckled. I swished my toe in the water. It felt cool but not unbearable but when I got in, “Shit!” I exclaimed. It was nippy.

“Dunk yourself mami,” he said to me.

I went under and suddenly it wasn’t so bad. I came up and met his eyes as he stood before me waiting to plant a kiss on my mouth. “These waters are known to have healing properties,” he said.


“Yes, or at least that’s what my mother says. She brought me here when I was little. I was very sick. The people in her village told her to bring me here and dip me in the water. I don’t know if the water had anything to do with it but the next day, I was running around like nothing ever happened.”

“Thant’s amazing.”

“It is.”

I watched as he turned, then I saw his feet kicking as his arms stroked, “Come on!” his voice echoed in the hallow space. I swam after him. We landed at the giant stone in the center. He pulled himself up and then I did the same.

There we stood two naked bodies as the sun provide a spotlight as we kissed. It was so exotic and wild. I never felt freer.

My leg draped over his arm as he penetrated. We stood locked in position both enjoying the sensation of fucking while standing. Slowly, carefully, stroke after stroke, soft moans, panting, cussing in English and Spanish. Our lips touched as I climaxed. He pulled from my center and dove jumped into the water. It was slightly deeper near the stone.

He waved to me to join him. I got in. We swam back to where we could stand easily with the water just under our chests. He pushed his cock back inside and made love to me in the waters he believed healed him as a child.

My left hand gripped the back of his hair as I climaxed again. He grunted and filled my center with his DNA. We kissed once more before leaving the water.

We lay there for a while resting and talking. His hand caressed my belly, “I love being here with you,” he confessed.

I turned to him, “Be careful Manny.”

He chuckled, “I know. I know.”

“You’re making it hard for me to leave here.”

I saw the smile in his eyes, “I just want you to have a sweet place to visit in your mind whenever times get dark. You can think back to all the moments we’ve shared.”

I touched his face, “You’re a sweet guy, Manny. I’m surprised you’re not married already.”

He laughed, “Yeah. I mean, I tried to play around for a little while but it got old. Since I turned thirty, I’ve been focused more on quality than quantity.” He sat up, “We should get dressed and go to our next adventure.”

Now I had seen pimped-out houses before on television but I had never been inside one. From the outside, it looked rather unsuspecting, and modest. Plain white cement-style in the form of a rectangle.

The iron gate opened and he drove into the garage and parked next to another car. He opened his door and hurried around to help me out, “Mi casa es su casa,” he said before kissing my lips softly.

We walked to the side door which led to the beautiful kitchen. I saw an older woman at the stove stirring a huge pot. It smelled delightful.

“Chiichi, this is my friend Jackie,” he said as he kissed her cheek.

She smiled at me, “I don’t suppose you speak Mayan?”

“Oh no ma’am,” I chuckled uneasily. I hoped she would not act weird toward me.

“It’s okay, Manny, barely speaks it himself.”

“Hey, I try.”

She patted his belly, “That’s right, you do. Why don’t you show your friend around the house and let her meet some of your cousins while I finish this soup.”

We left her in the kitchen. “Your grandmother speaks English so well.”

“She speaks four languages, Mayan, Spanish, French, and German.”

“Oh wow.”

“She used to help my mom a lot with the business after my dad died. Now she enjoys being here and taking care of all of her great kids.”

We walked through the palatial home which resembled a cross between a museum and a hotel. “This place is so amazing.”

I saw four little boys run by swiftly. Manny scolded them, “Not in the house.”

Their laughter carried them out the glass door to the patio and then to the grassy area beyond the pool. I looked right and saw a spiral staircase. He led me to it and we walked up to the second floor, a nice open space that was a gym on the left and hall to the right which led to rooms.

We walked, “This is my side of the house. I’m the only one that uses the spiral staircase,” he said as he led me to his room. A nice king-size bed on one side with a flat-screened television directly in front mounted on the wall. A large sliding glass door led to a balcony.

I saw the city through the curtains and to the left in the corner was a spa-like shower with pretty plants a nice tiled floor and a bench to sit on. “You have an outside shower? That is so lit.”

He laughed, “Maybe we can use it later.”

“Maybe. Who all lives here?” I asked out of curiosity. It was a lot of house.

“My mother when she’s here. My grandmother, and two uncles with their wives. I have some cousins in college that visit on the weekends, some of my older cousins have children.”

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