Caleb - Cover


Copyright© 2022 by Pastmaster

Chapter 93: Coming Out

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 93: Coming Out - This is a gentle mind control story. Each chapter may or may not contain elements of mind control, or sex. The MC is pansexual, so gay sex may feature as part of the story. If that freaks you out, then this story is not for you.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/Ma   mt/mt   Consensual   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Sharing   Incest   Sister   Light Bond   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Squirting  

I was tired.

I’d been awake from Thursday morning, and it was now Saturday evening. I’d used a shitload of power maintaining illusions and compelling various people, not to mention some very harrowing experiences both in the compound and also back at the FBI building.

Mary drove me home to where my family was waiting for me. At least most of them were; Ness was still at work. She’d wanted to take the day but had been told that her being at home worrying wouldn’t help me in the slightest. I’d certainly be looking forward to seeing her tomorrow.

We now had officially less than a week until we were going up to the ranch. Josh and Louise were going to spend Christmas with his parents and the New Year with hers. There was a good deal of bridge building going to be happening, but they would be staying at the house until nearer the time. It would be Mary, Amanda, Jules, Ness, Melanie, Sarah, Arnie, Danny, and me travelling up next weekend. I was seriously looking forward to it.

I still had absolutely no idea what I was going to get any of my family for Christmas gifts. I was hoping to go shopping and catch some inspiration while we were out. Perhaps I’d get some hints from the girls, but somehow I doubted that they’d make my life that easy though.

Mary pulled her car onto the drive and I got out wearily. The front door opened and I looked up. The entire household had come out to meet us and I got long hugs from everyone. Josh, Louise, and Arnie included. They each asked me their own version of ‘are you okay?’

I was tired, dog tired, and all I wanted to do was to collapse into bed and sleep. I didn’t even want to eat. I’d put away an inordinate amount of food on the journey back to the office and now I just needed rest.

Jules had accompanied me into the shower. I was grateful, not only for her incredibly loving attention but also for the fact that, as stunningly beautiful and sexy as all my girls were, I wasn’t up to taking advantage or even being taken advantage of.

I was asleep almost before my head hit the pillow.

As usual my bladder woke me up. What was unusual, at least for this time of year, was that it was light. Even more unusual was the fact I was all alone in bed. Alone, that is, apart from one person ... Ness was curled up beside me, her head on my shoulder, gently stroking my chest.

She looked up at me as I stirred.

“Good morning,” she said.

“What time is it?” I asked, my mind still a little muddled from sleep.

“Nearly nine,” she said. “How do you feel?”

“Like I’m about to burst,” I said as I eased out from under her and headed for the bathroom.

I took care of business, and even took a quick shower, before returning to the bedroom feeling refreshed. Ness was still languishing in bed. She looked up at me hungrily as I returned.

“I hope you weren’t planning on going anywhere?” she asked. I smiled at her.

“Well...” I began, “I am a little hungry.”

“I thought you might be,” she said. “I have something you can eat right here.”

She lay back, throwing off the sheet to display her nakedness. She lay spread before me lewdly displaying herself.

“That certainly looks delicious,” I told her, my mind suddenly diverted from the breakfast I’d actually been thinking about.

“Dig in,” she offered with a sultry smile.

Crawling up from the foot of the bed, slid over her body, until we were face to face, my body over hers. I could feel the heat from her radiating against my body.

“A kiss first?” I asked.

She obliged, pulling my head down to bring our lips together, gentle at first but becoming more passionate, needier, as the kiss lengthened. Her hands travelled down, over my shoulders and arms, and then she slid them around my back, pulling me down onto her. Her legs moved to entrap me, and press me, against her heated flesh. She moaned at the feel of our naked bodies pressed together.

When we finally broke the kiss, we were both panting from need as well as lack of air.

I tried to move down her body, but she tightened her grip on me.

“No,” she said. “I need you. Please.”

“I was...” I began.

“Inside me,” she said. “Please?”

I brought my knees up slightly releasing my maleness from where it had been trapped between us. Tilting my hips, I dragged it down over her belly and slipped it between her legs to draw its length across her sex. She moaned.

“Don’t tease me,” she begged.

Almost without effort, I positioned myself at her entrance, my cock knew exactly where it needed to be and lodged itself at her opening. Bringing my lips to hers again I kissed her and then in one single thrust, slid my tongue between her lips to plunder her mouth as I thrust forward, burying myself to the hilt in her sweet depths.

Ness shuddered and whined as I simultaneously penetrated her mouth and pussy. Her legs tightened around my waist, pulling me deeper and holding me tight, unable to move. She battled my tongue with her own, as she ground herself into me, pressing her whole body against me like she wanted us to become a single entity.

She broke the kiss, throwing her head back and gasping a breath.

“Please,” she said again. “Fuck me.” I felt her legs relax a little giving me just enough room to pull back, in preparation for another thrust. She half grunted, half sighed as we collided for the second time, then a third. I felt her legs begin to tense in time with my thrusts, encouraging me to push harder each time.

As we reached our rhythm, she grabbed my head and pulled me into another kiss, desperately locking us together again. She plundered my mouth as I plundered her pussy, each one of my thrusts harder and faster than the last, egged on by both of our desperate needs.

I could feel her stomach tensing up as she climbed toward her release, and chased it with my own, ramming myself into her, to grunts and squeaks of pleasure. My head was starting to spin, my breath being denied as my body, now no longer under my control, jackhammered into the wanton teen beneath me. Sweat slicked us both, and lubricated our bodies as we slid together, and my oxygen starved brain hallucinated that we had become some kind of infernal machine, powered by our lust, plummeting towards cataclysmic destruction.

Once again Ness threw her head back, breaking the kiss and we both gasped a huge lungful of air, only to scream out in mutual release as our climaxes claimed us. My body went into spasms, the reflex to bury my seed as deep as possible into the willing body beneath me, forcing my hips into a spasmodic pattern of thrusts that only seemed to heighten Ness pleasure. We both rode the dual high from the sudden oxygen rush and the orgasm.

When it was over, I lay, sweat slicked, most of my weight pressing down on the sweaty naked body beneath me. I tried to move, so as not to suffocate her, but she held me in place.

“Stay,” she gasped, her chest still heaving. “Just a little longer. I love to feel you on me, in me.”

I shifted my arms a little to take some of the weight off her, but stayed pressed inside. I could feel that it wouldn’t be too long before my deflating member would slip out of her still twitching channel.

I placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

“Thank you,” I murmured. “I love you.”

I felt her mouth twist into a smile under mine.

“I think I need a shower,” she said.

Eventually we moved, and I decided that another shower might be a good idea for me too. I’d worked up quite a sweat. We spent a good few minutes ensuring that we were both clean, me paying particular attention to cleaning certain areas of her body, a process she seemed to enjoy almost as much as I did.

When we finally surfaced, we went into the kitchen and started preparing lunch. It was nearly midday.

“Dad wanted to come and speak to you,” said Arnie, coming into the kitchen. “He met with the lawyers last week, but obviously you were ‘busy.’ He wanted to catch you up on what was happening.”

“Is he coming over, or did he want me to go there?” I asked.

“He’s coming for dinner,” Ness said. “It’s already arranged.”

“Perfect,” I said. “We’ll just have a snack now then, and eat properly later.”

“That was the plan,” said Ness pulling out the makings for sandwiches.

Mary entered the kitchen.

“Dianna called,” she said. “She wanted to know how you were and to congratulate you on the operation. She’s going to be very busy over the next few weeks helping to break the programming of the people you rescued, including Rosie. Martha, apparently, is going to be helping, since she’s had so much experience in deprogramming people rescued from cults.”

“Did she want my help?” I asked.

Mary shook her head. “She said you had enough on your plate,” she replied. “She wants you to get ready for the next stage of recruitment. Obviously, you passed your Meet and Greet, that goes without saying.”

“This is becoming really confusing,” I said slicing some tomatoes. “In one breath they’re telling me that I’m a shoe in. Agent Mbisi said I could be a one legged something with the IQ of a ping pong ball and I’d still get in. I’m getting kind of mixed messages.”

“Then let me explain,” said Amanda, joining her sister.

“You have a job with the FBI. That’s a given,” she began. “BUT, Grandma knows you. She knows that you won’t accept a free ride. I think you told someone that you wanted to deserve your slot because you knew that in taking you, the FBI would be turning down someone else and you felt that you owed it to that person to be worthy ... or something?”

I considered that. Had I said that? It certainly sounded like something I would say. And I kind of agreed with it. I’d be pissed if I lost out to someone simply because they had something I couldn’t compete with. I’d feel that it wasn’t fair. However if I lost to someone who had me beat on what I could compete with then, while I’d be pissed, I really would only have myself to blame, that I didn’t prepare better.

“I guess,” I said. “Does she have a date for the next step?”

“Some time in the early new year, she said,” Mary answered. “They might have tried to sneak it in before then, but since we’re away...”

“Is Dianna coming up over the holiday” I asked.

“I think so,” she said. “I’m not sure when. Maggie apparently may call in also.

“Daddy says that your Aunt Janine and her husband and son will be visiting too, along with your parents.”

“Wow,” I said. “It’s a good job they had the building work done. So that was the surprise. Excellent, I’ve been meaning to try and get across to see them. I’m also looking forward to meeting my cousin. I wonder if they took his amulet off yet.”

“Do they know about me?” asked Melanie.

“Yes,” I said. “I’ve been emailing Janine since I went over there. She’s asked a few times when I was going to bring you over to meet her and her family.”

“Her husband’s a norm right?” asked Sarah.

“Yes,” I said. “He’s a decent guy, seems to have somewhat of a fetish for being controlled.”

Louise grinned. “A man after my own heart,” she said. “Give my love to your parents. I’m sorry not to be coming with. We have to at least try to sort things out with BOTH our families though. I’m thinking that this is going to be a make or break kind of time, for all of us.”

“Well if things get too hot,” said Jules, “call. Daddy will send the jet to collect you.”

Louise smiled at Jules. “Thanks,” she said.

I had some catching up to do. I had spent no time at all on schoolwork for the last four days so, when the time came, Ness went into the kitchen alone to make dinner. She did rope Josh in to help. He was still learning, but actually enjoying the experience. I think he enjoyed spending time being bossed by Ness too, but that was another story.

Louise was banned from the kitchen. She was as bad as I’d originally been. Worse, if that were possible.

Danny arrived just after six, about an hour before we were due to eat. We sat in the living room surrounded by most of our family.

“Arnie told me about what you did,” he said. “That was amazing. I’d never considered ... I thought your powers were all about you, getting what you wanted, and ... well ... sex. It never occurred...”

“It’s why I’m joining the FBI,” I said. “Not only to stop Power Users who are breaking the law using powers, but having powers can help in other instances too.”

“So I see,” he said. “I know Arnie mentioned it, but like he said, your lessons with us ... we obviously won’t charge you for them.”

“I’ll pay fuel,” I said. He nodded.

“Arnie mentioned that, and if you’re happy to do that, then yes, thank you,” he replied.

“It’s me that should be thanking you,” I said. “I’ve got my check ride Tuesday, and then it’s just about getting hours logged.”

He nodded.

“I met with the lawyers last week,” he said. “They made us an offer.”

“Okay,” I replied.

“They offered three hundred and twenty-five thousand to you for your emotional distress, since you suffered no injuries at all. They’re also reimbursing me for the headset I gave you. Arnie they’ve offered two hundred eighty thousand. Apparently, as an instructor and experienced pilot, he is expected to have suffered less emotionally and, again, he had no injuries, mostly thanks to you,” he added.

“They’ve also offered one point six million to the school, for loss of reputation and increased insurance costs.”

There were gasps through the room. Arnie simply sat there and grinned. He’d known about this but had promised his Dad to let him be the one to break the news.

“That’s a total of two million, two hundred and five thousand dollars all told,” he said.

“Wow,” I said. “Way to go.”

“Now,” he said. “The lawyers are going to take a percentage, as they do, but after their cut we still just make two million. The IRS are going to want their pound of flesh too. Even so I obviously have more than enough to buy the Baron, so...”

“You have something else in mind,” I said. “And no, I’m not reading your mind, I can tell.”

“If you’re still set on putting the money into the school, I was thinking of buying the Baron, but also buying an SR22. The rest of the money would go to increasing our hangar space and updating the office. We have so much work on the books just now, even without your accelerated learning, we’re having to turn people away.

“A third aircraft, especially since we don’t have to finance either of the two, is going to push the school into the big leagues.

“I’ll have to employ someone in the office full time and another instructor. I might employ a couple on a contract basis. Once you’ve passed your instructor, maybe you’ll even take a few lessons for us?”

“That sounds like a great plan,” I said.

“Obviously we’ll need to write up a partnership agreement,” he began.

“Why?” I asked.

“You’re investing in the...” he began.

“No,” I said. “I’m not. The flight school is yours and Arnie’s. The money is yours. I’m happy to instruct some lessons when I’m able, and I’ll do it for the hours.”

He looked at me for a second. I could hear all the arguments going through his head, and then saw the exact moment he decided to give in.

“Thank you,” was all he said.

I smiled at him.

“When is all this going to happen?” I asked.

“There are some forms for you to sign,” he said. “I think they are going to mail them to you. After that it will probably take a few weeks for the money to come through. Things should hopefully be in place in time for us to start the process in the new year.”

“2024 is going to be one hell of a year for all of us,” I said with a smile.

“Most,” said Sarah. “Melanie and I will still be in school.”

“It’s still going to be a great year for us all,” I reiterated with a grin. “I can feel it.”

Melanie looked at me with suspicion. “You have something planned,” she said. “What is it?”

“Me?” I said looking with wide eyed innocence at them. “Nothing at all. I’m just excited is all.”

Fortunately, Josh chose that moment to stick his head through the door.

“Dinner’s ready,” he said. “Come on through.”

We made our way through to the kitchen and got ourselves seated at the table. Ness had done a Sunday roast, with all the trimmings including the Yorkshire Puddings she knew I loved.

“Josh made the Yorkies,” Ness said. I looked at the plate of puddings, which to be fair looked pretty good, then at Josh. He was doing his best not to look pleased, like it was no big deal.

I snagged one as the plate went past me, drowning it in gravy and tasted.

“Good,” I said. “These are really good.”

Josh lost his composure breaking out into a pleased grin.

“It’s the same mix as pancakes,” he told me. “They’re really easy.”

I grinned back at him.

“So we know who’s making breakfast next week then,” I said.

Josh’s grin turned uncertain. “I’ll help,” he said. “But I’m not sure I’m ready to take that on all on my own.”

“Done deal,” I said to him, “We’ll do breakfast between us.”

Ness looked on, giving Josh a proud nod.

After dinner we helped clean up and then I finished off my schoolwork. Danny headed home but Arnie was staying.

As per my custom, I grabbed a beer and headed out into the yard. It was cold, but at least not raining.

A few minutes later Arnie came out, also holding a beer.

“You mind?” he said. I indicated the seat next to mine with my bottle.

He sat, sighing.

“You come out here almost every night,” he said.

“I...” I said thinking how best to phrase it. “Pops started me on it.” I decided. “From the first night we met, he’d take me out on their deck, just for some quiet time and drink a beer. It gave us some bonding time.”

“Sarah said that you ‘shared’ with them?” he asked.

“Not with Pops,” I said. “He’s not wired that way. Mary and Amanda played with Pops while Cheryl and I ... It was a one-time deal, and quite out of the blue. In some ways I think that Jules almost engineered it. Something she said that night has always stuck with me.”

“What was that?” he asked.

“When the idea was first mentioned,” I explained, “I was like ... but they’re your parents. Now by this time Dianna and I had already had some time together.”

“Dianna?” he asked. “You...”

“We’ve shared,” I said. “She’s an amazing woman.”

“Wow,” he said.

“Anyway, Jules said something to the effect of that if sharing with Mary and Amanda’s grandmother was okay, how was sharing with her parents not. She intimated that it might mean I loved her less than the twins.”

“Ouch,” he said. “Time out, points deducted for low blow.”

I laughed.

“I could say that I was forced into it, or at least coerced a little, but the fact was Cheryl is a gorgeous sexy, amazing woman, and I had no problems whatsoever spending time with her. But it was just the once, and, I don’t know, Cheryl and I flirt constantly, but I’m almost certain that we’ll never go there again.”

We sat in silence for a few moments.

“So you told me why Jules’ dad does it. Why do you?” he asked.

“It’s just time to decompress,” I said. “The house can get a little frantic sometimes. There’s so much going on that taking a little time to drink a beer, and order my thoughts before I go to bed, means I don’t lie awake doing it when I should be sleeping.”

“Oh,” he said. “Sorry – I’m disturbing you?”

“Not at all,” I said. “I honestly enjoy the company. Pops says it’s nice to have someone male to spend time with, but for me it’s not about that. I wouldn’t mind if everyone came out here. It’s become almost a ritual.”

“Josh doesn’t come out with you,” he enquired. “How come?”

“That,” I told him, “you’d have to ask Josh. He and Louise spend an equal amount of time with us, and then alone in their bedroom. I think maybe they decompress together, which I guess is healthy.

“I love both of them, dearly. They are as close as it could possibly get to being family – without being family - if that makes any sense at all. They’ve always been with us. In fact, I’ve known them both longer than anyone else here. Josh was the first guy I’d ever been with, and that was before I really met the girls.

“But having said that, they’ve always been Josh and Louise, distinct and separate from us. They’ll move on and eventually set up somewhere away from us, to live their own lives.”

“What about us?” he said. “Sarah and me,”

“That’s up to you,” I said looking him straight in the eye, “and Sarah. I’m probably going to be posted to the Portland office when I join the FBI. We have the house being rebuilt and it’s going to be big enough to house all of us, either sleeping together or not.”

He sat back in his chair, sipping his beer, thinking.

“What do YOU want Arnie?” I asked. “Forget just for the moment what anyone else wants, forget Sarah, your dad, all the rest of us. If this were a story you were writing, how would you want it to turn out?”

He huffed a laugh.

“It kind of feels like a story,” he said. “An erotic fantasy filled with sex, weird powers, money, and ... love. More love than I ever thought existed in the world. I grew up mostly without a mom. I don’t remember her much but I always knew that Dad loved me. Oh yes, sometimes he was strict or yelled and once or twice he even paddled my ass.”

The thought of an adult Arnie, across his father’s knee, his bare buttocks pink as his father spanked him caused a reaction in me.

“Perv,” Arnie huffed, noticing my look. I smiled not arguing.

“I figured,” he went on, “that I’d find someone, although I had no idea who, guy or girl it didn’t matter to me, I just saw someone I liked and that was enough. I never really had a girlfriend or boyfriend, a couple of clumsy kisses in the schoolyard ... you know how it is. And then Sarah came along and my life changed, because not only did SHE love me, she brought six other people with her, and they loved me too.

“It took some time to get used to, but now I can’t imagine living without it, living away from all you guys.

“If you want to know what I want, it’s this,” he said waving his arms around. “It’s being part of whatever this is, of bringing my kids into a household with so much love that they couldn’t possibly fail to feel it.”

“This,” I said to him gently, “is Family, and you are most definitely a part of it.”

I drained the last of my beer and then shuddered. It was getting colder.

“I’m headed for bed,” I said. “You going to come for a run in the morning? Melanie and Sarah will be going to the Dojo so it will be just you and me.”

“If I won’t slow you up too much,” he said.

“You will,” I said with a smile. “But only for a while. Once you get fitter you’ll be fine. I’ll be gentle with you ... at first.”

“I hope so,” he said with a half smile at the double entendre.

I had my third shower of the day alone and, even though I’d not gotten out of bed until nearly midday, was asleep the moment my head touched.

Sarah nudged Arnie awake the next morning. He looked at her sleepily.

“Are you going to get up and go running in the freezing cold and pouring rain?” she asked. “Or are you going to stay warm and comfortable in bed with four sexy, mostly naked, women?”

“You’re not selling it,” he said a little grumpily. Then he sighed.

“We’ll make it worth your while...” she teased running her hand down his body.

“I should get up,” he said after a moment.

I helped him extricate himself from the bed. He shivered as he pulled on some training clothes and shoes.

We stretched out, warming up our muscles.

“It’s cold out there,” I said. “So we probably won’t go far. I’ll pace you so set a pace that’s comfortable. Don’t push too hard and if you need to stop and walk for a while, then do that.”

He nodded. “I ran cross country at school,” he said, “but it’s been a while.”

“Okay,” I said. “Then you know what to do.”

We set off, both of us instantly soaked by the lashing rain. Not for the first time I considered what it might be like living in somewhere drier, Nevada perhaps.

We ran for about fifteen minutes and I could tell Arnie was getting winded. He slowed to a walk and I walked with him. After a few more minutes he started to jog again.

We covered around about three miles alternately running and walking. I’d planned the route to have multiple cutoffs so I could adjust the length of the run depending on how he did, so it was no trouble for us to make our way back to the house.

“Strip off here,” I said in the utility room. We were both dripping and muddy. “Put your stuff straight into the washer.”

I matched actions to words and then, shivering, we made our way to the bathroom.

Arnie went to divert into their room.

“Getting shy all of a sudden?” I asked. He looked at me, and then grinned.

“You want someone to wash your back?” he asked.

“Sarah did say we’d make it worth your while,” I said. “She’s not going to be back for a little while yet.”

“Oh,” he said his eyes a little wide.

“That is,” I said, “if you want?”

“Okay,” he said. We went into the family bathroom, not wanting to disturb the rest of the girls by using the ensuite.

I started the shower and got it to temperature.

Arnie stepped in, heaving a sigh of pleasure.

“It makes a nice change,” he said. “Not to have the skin scalded off my back. Why do women always have their showers so hot?”

I laughed. “I have no idea,” I said. “It’s one of life’s great mysteries. Turn around.”

He hesitated for a moment.

“I’m only going to wash your back,” I told him.

He turned and I lathered up my hands, washing his hair, then his back. He jumped a little when I ran my hands over his ass, gently soaping him up, but then I moved onto his legs.

I put my hand on his shoulder and turned him to face me and started again.

His cock, when it was time to wash that, was solid and pulsating gently. I cleaned him efficiently and swiftly doing no more than was necessary to get him clean. Since that wasn’t what we were there for, my own cock stayed dormant, having become more discerning about when to wake up and when to stay asleep.

When he was clean, he rotated under the shower, removing all the soap. Then he looked at me.

“Your turn,” he said, holding his hand out for the soap.

Trying to mimic what I’d done for him, Arnie washed me. It was a little more difficult for him since I was a couple of inches taller, but he did a credible job, and by the time he’d finished I noted that his own cock had settled down somewhat, his concentration on something other than sex.

I rinsed the soap off under the shower.

“All clean?” I asked him. He nodded.

“Okay then,” I said taking him in hand, and making him jump.

“Now about Sarah’s promise.”

“Y-You don’t have to...” he stammered, blushing all of a sudden.

“I know,” I said, dropping to my knees. “But I want to ... unless you tell me to stop...”

I ran my tongue up the length of his cock before taking the head between my lips and sucking on it gently.

Arnie leaned back against the shower wall and moaned softly.

I looked up at him, pressing my face further forward, until my lips were firmly latched around his root.

He’d laid his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. The corners of my mouth twitched up in a smile.

Arnie couldn’t hold out for long. I suckled on him like a hungry calf, and it took only a couple of minutes before he moaned out his orgasm, filling my mouth with his cum. I held him in place, making sure I drew out every drop, before pulling back slowly, licking him clean and finally letting him slip from between my lips.

“That was soooooo hot.”

Arnie’s eyes flew open to see Sarah and Melanie, both naked, standing watching.

“Ahhh,” he said. “I...”

Sarah moved to him.

“It’s okay,” she said gently kissing him. “I said we’d make it worth your while. I knew you’d be back well before we were and kind of expected Caleb to ... um ... deliver on my promise.”

“You did?” he asked.

“Did you not like it?” she asked, a twinkle in her eye. “You seemed to like it.”

“It ... was...” he looked at me. I’d moved aside to let Sarah get to her fiancé.

“If you say ‘nice’...” I said warningly. Melanie laughed.

“It was amazing,” he said. “I just...” then he looked at me, glancing down at my semi-hardness. “Did you need me to...”

“Another time,” I said. “I need to help with breakfast. Why don’t you help Sarah and Melanie clean up?”

I finished drying off, leaving Sarah and Melanie with Arnie. When I left the bathroom Josh was standing in the hallway.

“I’d go use the ensuite in Sarah and Arnie’s room,” I told him. “They’re going to be a little while.”

Josh grinned.

I was just pulling stuff out of the refrigerator ready to start breakfast when he joined me in the kitchen.

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