You Must Rape Every Woman We Bring You - Cover

You Must Rape Every Woman We Bring You

Copyright© 2022 by Sterling

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - John is kidnapped and awakens in a room where his captors can cause severe pain if he does not do their bidding. Their bidding is that he rape a series of women who are brought to him for the purpose. The young woman Annie loves watching rape, and provides humiliating commentary. But John is sent home and Annie escapes to join him. Initially, only being raped can excite Annie. They fall in love. It's a long, slow process to teach her to like consensual sex.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Violence  

John strode into Annie’s room in the middle of the next night.

“Ha, just where I thought you’d be! Ha-ha, you’re going to get it now.”

“What? No ... no!”

“Yup, my cock, right into your cunt.”

“No, please! Not that ... I’m just a little girl ... I’m a virgin!”

“No, bitch! Just what I say.”

“You’ll hurt me! You’ll damage me for life!”

John forced Annie’s legs apart. “I won’t — but what if I did, cunt? You deserve it!”

“No, no...”

“Yes, yes ... uunnnhh, unnnh, unnnh, unnnh...”

“You can’t!”

“Unnnh, unnnh, aaaaahhhhhh! That felt good. You got a cunt-full of sperm, bitch!”

John withdrew, muttered, “Oh, yeah!” and strode back to his own room.

A minute later Annie came in and sat on his bed.

“I’m still mad at you when you rape me too! It makes no sense!”

“It makes perfect sense. Feelings don’t always make sense.”

“I hate you! You’re a fucking rapist! I should cut off your dick!” Many more words followed with the same basic message. She punched him in the chest once, and it hurt, so he held her hands. Suddenly she dissolved in tears, and he invited her into the bed and held her as she cried.

John raped Annie. He raped her a lot. Every day or two. Sometimes twice a day. They both were inclined to talk during the rape. The exact words varied, but the dialog between them was pretty much the same. Sometimes they cut it short, or were silent.

She loved getting raped and he loved doing it. A lot was pretty much the same ... him finding her in bed, or the living room, or out in the yard, and just getting her into position roughly and doing it to her. But there were some variations.

John saw Annie doing dishes, wearing a wool skirt. It really turned him on.

“Oh, you look like good meat!” said John.

“John!” said Annie, as he pulled her away from the sink and bent her over the back of the sofa.

“No, you gotta get it. Dressing like that ... like a slut ... you’re just asking for it...”

“No, you let me go!”

“Too bad!” She was in position, he flipped the skirt up, pulled the crotch panel of the panties to the side and forced himself in ... One, two, three strokes it took to get in all the way. “Ah, good little cunt, good little cunt ... Take it like the bitch takes the dog ... Time for some puppies ... fuck, fuck, fuck!” For some reason he felt an especially strong surge of lust just then, and he shoved in just as very hard as he could. His cock pulsed. The sperm shot out. He let his cock stay inside for several delicious seconds, then he pulled out, and let the panel slide back into place. He began to flip the skirt down, but figured that was her job.

He went back to his room and lay down, satisfied. This raping business ... it really had its charms. Back in Watch-a-Rape he had been coerced, and here, it seemed his partner really liked it.

Annie appeared in the door, wiping her hands on the dish towel in her hands.

“Raspberry,” she said.

“OK, how was it, little cunt ... Oops.”

“It was good, but it hurt! Your dick is too long, or I’m too shallow, or something, but it hurt like crazy when you jammed it way in like that.”

Thinking back, Annie had yelled pretty loud just when he pressed in to come, but he thought maybe it was part of the game. “Oh, dear, I’m sorry, kind of ... I mean, really! It’s just hard to switch perspectives instantly ... Why didn’t you say something?”

“I didn’t have time! It was all over before I could say anything.”

“Yeah, I really did shove hard that time. I’ll be better in the future.”

“The rape part was great, though,” she said with a smile. “Even the pain kind of fit with it ... the part that likes to get raped liked to hurt, but the other me ... well, the other me didn’t like it.”

“I’ll never do it again ... I hope.”

Annie was hanging laundry up on the line in the back yard.

“Oh, look at this fuck toy!” said John.

Annie giggled, and said, “Tampon!”

“Who cares about a tampon?” said John.

He wrestled Annie to the ground. She was giggling but didn’t resist when he forced her legs apart. He pulled the panties down.

“No room at the inn!” said Annie.

John held her lips apart carefully with one hand, found the string with the other and pulled the tampon out gently. It had absorbed a fair amount of blood. This was one of her heavy days. He tossed it across the yard.

“John!” Annie said, eyes wide.

John mounted and slid his penis in. The blood made for good lubrication, and he went in and out.

“Um. Raspberry!” said Annie.

But John was so close ... He pressed ten more times and ejaculated, creamy sperm mixing with stale blood. Then he withdrew.

“Oops, sorry,” he said sheepishly, but he couldn’t help smiling.

“Look!” she said.

John’s cock was coated with red streaks and white, there were streaks on her pussy lips, and there was a little puddle of red on the dirt.

“That’s gross!” she said.

“I’ll get a rag to clean this up and bring you a fresh tampon, how’s that?”

When he had returned the situation to normal, he came up behind Annie and hugged her gently from the rear.

“I shouldn’t say this,” she said. “But when I said ‘raspberry’ and you didn’t stop, I came seconds later. Right then. I hadn’t even been that excited.”

“Well, I guess that will just have to be an isolated memory, because I can’t do that again. Unless we had fake safe words, and that gets too complicated. Actually, kind of defeats the purpose.”

“I wish I hadn’t said it, if I’d known you were so close. It’s mean to stop a guy who’s that close.”

“Well, nice of you to consider me. If you hadn’t said it I probably would have gone on another minute or whatever.”

Annie sighed. “Do I have to?”

“Yes, you do. Sexual pleasure without rape. Your next lesson. Receiving oral.”

“Yuck! It’s dirty down there...”

“It can be dirty at times, but other times it can be wonderful. My cock never thinks it’s dirty.”

“I guess not ... even when it’s bleeding.”

“Yeah. My mouth wouldn’t like it then, but it likes it now. What you’re supposed to think about is how much I want to lick that part of you because I like it so much, and I know you can feel really good that way, and I also would love if you felt good right then.”

“OK,” said Annie, bracing herself like she was about to get a shot.

John licked gently, and licked some more.

“Raspberry!” said Annie, and John stopped.

“What’s up, my love?”

“You’re smiling ... You’re not just putting that on? You’re smiling?”

“I certainly am.”

“Well, then, um, blueberry?”

John grinned and returned to licking Annie for several minutes.

“OK, that’s enough,” said Annie, and that session ended.

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