You Must Rape Every Woman We Bring You - Cover

You Must Rape Every Woman We Bring You

Copyright© 2022 by Sterling

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - John is kidnapped and awakens in a room where his captors can cause severe pain if he does not do their bidding. Their bidding is that he rape a series of women who are brought to him for the purpose. The young woman Annie loves watching rape, and provides humiliating commentary. But John is sent home and Annie escapes to join him. Initially, only being raped can excite Annie. They fall in love. It's a long, slow process to teach her to like consensual sex.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Violence  

They moved to a Canadian Rust Belt town where expenses were low. He managed to transfer his savings and the proceeds from the sale of his house.

For good measure, John had started growing a mustache and full beard as soon as he was released, which made him look quite different from the man who had raped three or more women a day. He supervised Annie cutting her hair short, dying it brown, and getting a perm. They both wore sunglasses a lot when they went out.

Annie had learned a lot about the world up to the age of twelve, during which time she had led a fairly normal life. But her development beyond that point had been entirely warped. It is hard to put one’s finger on exactly what a person learns between the ages of 12 and 19, but it includes a great deal about how to relate to other people as an adult. If she tried to socialize normally, she would likely come across as more than a little bit odd. There were more specific dangers as well. It could be disastrous if she revealed too much in some budding friendship, such as how much she used to like watching women get raped.

Annie was exposed to the internet for the first time at the age of 19, and as he watched her absorb what was going on, he realized how thoroughly the whole thing appealed to our basest instincts. He tried to give her the context so she could see how the whole web would be trying to manipulate her, but he knew he could only do so much.

He found courses online so she could catch on to what she had missed in high school. She seemed to be very smart, as she picked up the high school curriculum within two years.

There were two bedrooms in their new house just as there had been in his old house, and naturally John took one and Annie took the other.

Annie brought up the subject which to John had loomed like an elephant in the room.

“You’re single. Do you want to date and get married some day?”

“Yes, that was my hope ... That is my hope.”

“So if you get a girlfriend and you get serious, she’ll want to sleep over. Then what happens to me? Do you kick me out?”

“No ... No, but perhaps I could tell them you’re my emotionally disturbed sister who has no other place to live.”

“Except for the sister part, that’s pretty close to the truth, isn’t it...”

It had at least a very large grain of truth.

“I hadn’t thought much about getting married and being a normal woman with a family and all in recent years. It seemed my life path was set with Watch-a-Rape or something similar. Now I have to be quiet about seven years of my life, or risk blowing our cover.”

“I think with a lot of guys you could just say those were hard years for you and you didn’t want to go into detail, and they’d respect that.”

“What about spilling the beans about Watch-a-Rape?”

“That would be a risk, but with a man who really loved you, it’s likely he would keep that secret for you.”

“And what about sex? Normal men want to have sex with their wives, and I don’t see how I could ever do that.”

“Why not?”

“Women deserve to be raped. That’s the only kind of sex I know. I never met a woman who didn’t deserve to be raped. And most of them got just what they deserved.”

John looked at her and waited. After looking down at her lap for several seconds, she said, “OK, I know they didn’t deserve to be raped, but that’s the only kind of sex I know. I guess there’s this other kind where the two people are nice to each other, but that seems just so awfully creepy to me. And getting raped is just so scary and humiliating.”

It was an unusual woman, John thought, who thought of loving, consensual sex as one form of sex and rape as another and weighed them against each other and thought the two were equally bad.

John knew what he needed to say next. But he found himself turning red, sweating, and feeling very anxious, like a schoolboy. But he had to say it. “Would you ever consider having me as a boyfriend, maybe? Some day?”

He saw her glance at him and look down in that very particular way that means a person is very attracted, and he knew he had a good chance with her, sooner or later.

“I certainly owe you sex. You’ve been so nice to me. I’m kind of surprised you haven’t just raped me already. Every day and every night given how much you’ve done for me.”

John thought to choose his words carefully. “I’m glad you appreciate all I’ve done for you, and I can see why you might think that. Some men would have insisted on being paid with sex a long time ago. But you don’t owe me anything. I was nice to you because you’re a girl who needed help and I was the only place you had to go.”

“So would agreeing to be your girlfriend without sex be another way of helping out a poor girl in trouble?”

“I suppose it could be, if I was like Bob — gay and not wanting anyone to know and willing to fill up the ‘girlfriend’ slot with anyone convenient. But ... I’d want to have sex with my girlfriend. There would have to be sex.”

“Then we’re stuck, aren’t we ... I’m a virgin, and can’t stand that idea of kissy, sweet, yucky sex, and don’t want to get raped.”

“Tell me, Annie, if you had to choose between never having sex in your whole life and getting raped once, which would you choose?”

“I ... I would never have sex,” she said.

John knew she had to say that, but attended carefully to how quickly and emphatically she said it. It was not very quick or emphatic.

If you want to get raped, you can’t ask for it because then it’s not really rape, right?

John waited a few days, thinking it over to be sure.

“Time for you to pay up, you little tight ass!” said John as he strode into Annie’s room at two in the morning.

“What? No! Get away from me!” said Annie, who had woken up quickly.

“No, time to get it ... No more cock tease from you!”

He whipped the covers off the bed. Annie was wearing nothing but a T-shirt and panties. To hell with the T-shirt — he went right for the panties, tugging them down. But Annie didn’t help, naturally, and kept her bottom firmly on the mattress.

“Come on, lift your ass!” he said. “You remember what it’s like when I yank a woman’s arm up behind her back?”

Annie nodded meekly and lifted her ass, and John took the panties down to her ankles. He spread her legs, aimed, and shoved his cock up into her. “It’s about time I fucked you ... don’t know why I waited this long.”

“But you can’t!” wailed Annie. “It’s wrong!”

She was pretty wet inside, to his surprise. And she wasn’t all that tight. Her pussy was actually very nice for a virgin. Very nice for a woman, come to think of it. Well, a rape ought to be quick, the first time, when you don’t really know how your partner is going to react.

John pounded hard. All the times came to mind when he had started getting an erection looking at her, or had to look away to keep that from happening back at Watch-a-Rape, or since then just looking at her around the house and seeing a sexy woman, even if fully clothed.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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