You Must Rape Every Woman We Bring You - Cover

You Must Rape Every Woman We Bring You

Copyright© 2022 by Sterling

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - John is kidnapped and awakens in a room where his captors can cause severe pain if he does not do their bidding. Their bidding is that he rape a series of women who are brought to him for the purpose. The young woman Annie loves watching rape, and provides humiliating commentary. But John is sent home and Annie escapes to join him. Initially, only being raped can excite Annie. They fall in love. It's a long, slow process to teach her to like consensual sex.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Violence  

There had been no warning, no chance to say goodbye to Annie or the situation or the mirror wall. Just that final fuck where he got shocked for disobeying — the first time that had ever happened during a fuck — also the first time they had ever ordered him to stop instead of just offering a choice. Maybe it was no accident that the evil men had done that. Maybe they knew he was going home that night and so he left with a bang. Maybe it would be the last time he ever had to rape anyone. He was deeply ashamed when he realized he would miss it — a lot. At least his animal self would, and somehow his animal self had grown over the past months.

He scanned the web to get oriented. He had been gone four months. 136 days, to be exact. His disappearance hadn’t made the news, and he wasn’t listed as a missing person. This wasn’t too surprising. He was a single guy who lived alone. He had no close friends or family. Taking off alone for a few weeks at a time without warning was something he had chosen to do more than once in his past.

During his absence, the company he did contract work for had terminated him. Both of his sometime girlfriends had left him. A friend asked why he had stood him up for a lunch date, another why he had missed their tennis date. All were annoyed, and further annoyed when he did not answer repeated messages.

He most definitely did not want to go to the police. He had committed well over 200 felonies — 400 maybe? — and each of those women would likely remember in vivid detail the look of the guy who had forced himself on her, grappling, penetrating, grunting, and spewing into her vagina while his face showed at least some pleasure if not a lot. And what happened to all those women, anyway? He certainly hoped the evil masterminds hadn’t killed them all. If they had been snatched from a wide enough area and just returned to where they were taken from, it might not coalesce into a single case in the eyes of the police. Had the women been given that date-rape drug? Given what he knew, that was the arrangement that would have been most humane to them.

Suppose he did go to the police. Would anyone believe his story to publicize it in the first place?A guy who claimed he had been forced into raping a hundred women would most likely be categorized as a nut job. He did still have the rough patches on the back of his head, and they didn’t seem different than they had been lately, so the bad guys had probably not undone their surgery. A brain X-ray would show something, presumably. His report would probably get enough publicity that if any of the women had intact memories, they could come forward. Any one of them could identify him as the rapist. If any had remembered and had also gone to police, their rape kit would have his semen in it. So would rape kits of women who knew they had been raped but had no memory of it. He would likely be charged with a number of rapes, with plenty of evidence for conviction.

He wasn’t sure anyone would believe he had been coerced. How would they know what agony he felt when they pushed the button to punish him? How bad would it have to be in the eyes of the law to excuse so many rapes? That last rape, when they told him he had to stop — he had been punished, but that didn’t change the insult to the girl — the fact that he had kept going when he didn’t have to. And there was that other time the bad guys had told him he didn’t need to actually complete the rape, and he had done it anyway. In retrospect he was ashamed, but also aware that when most men had mounted a sexy woman, stiff penis poised to enter her vagina, they might not always do the right thing when told to stop. At least the one time he had been told to stop at that point he had. Even fewer would stop if they were already fucking away and approaching orgasm, and those were the times he hadn’t stopped. He just couldn’t feel too bad about it.

If he didn’t go to the police, there was still a good chance that he would be tracked down anyway. Someone associated with Watch-a-Rape had kidnapped him, so they knew where he lived. If the place was brought down, it was probably a short chain of contacts that would lead back to him.

What to do? He set about the process of pulling some strings, bringing in some favors, making some contacts, and preparing to pay quite a bit of money to purchase a new identity. His plan was then to sell his house, transfer the money to his new identity, and then move to Canada. His new identity was Canadian.

A month after his release he got a call from Annie. She gave an address and a recognition signal. He set out to get her as soon as he hung up the phone. He drove through the night and stopped as seldom as he could, and after 17 hours he got to the right spot in the right city, gave the pre-arranged signal, and Annie walked out, got into his car, and they drove away.

John quickly drove some distance away before stopping to talk to Annie a little and see that she was OK physically. He suggested they go to his house, at least at first. Annie had no better ideas. He broke the trip with a night at a motel to catch up on his sleep. There were two beds.

Annie explained that Bob had said he had reasons to think a police raid was coming soon, and that the two of them should both leave and go different directions. He asked Annie if she had anywhere to go. John was the only offer she had. After helping to set up the rendezvous plan, Bob left her alone at a location some distance from Watch-a-Rape. There was no fallback plan if John hadn’t shown up.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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