A Very Horny Widow - Cover

A Very Horny Widow

by James_Steele

Copyright© 2022 by James_Steele

Incest Sex Story: When uptight Gerald has a sudden heart attack during an argument with his much younger trophy wife, only Ashlee's son can make mommy feel good again.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Big Breasts   .

Ashlee’s tongue slithered up the underside of Gerald’s cock, then explored the ridge of his head a moment before she took it between her lips and sucked his shaft. She was pleased to hear the gravely groan of pleasure rise out of his throat. Her third husband was so hard she thought he might even go a second round that night regardless of being twenty years older, and she was doing her best to make it happen.

Gerald started groaning even more deeply as his younger wife put her considerable skill and experience in sucking cock to use. Ashlee knew Gerald had married her primarily for sex. She was his younger trophy wife, but she was grateful since she knew he could’ve chosen an even younger woman. He may have been average in most ways, but his wealth made him the target of many a gold-digger.

Ashlee didn’t like thinking of herself as a gold-digger, but she had her son’s university to pay for, and Gerald was very helpful that way as long as she kept up with her wifely duties. The pair still had a cordial relationship outside the bedroom, but Ashlee was under no illusions that love or romance was part the deal. It was a marriage of sexual convenience that fortunately included a feeling of mutual respect. Ashlee was happy enough with Gerald’s average cock, which was nothing special but certainly nothing to be ashamed of, either. In the six months they’d been together, he’d even managed to fuck her to orgasm more than once.

By the same token, Gerald was happy with his fit, busty wife with her buttery blonde hair and MILF next door looks. Although Ashlee’s body was anything but average. There were telltale signs of her forty-three years, but she kept her body tanned and firm as many girls in their twenties. Being a pretty woman with a surgically sculpted pair of E cup tits made her an impressive sight to men of any age.

It was a third marriage for both of them, and one thing they had in common was that they never expected to find anyone they’d love as much as their first spouses. Her first husband died suddenly after six years of marital bliss. Norman had been the idea man for Ashlee. He had loved and doted on her tirelessly, along with having a much bigger than average cock and being a kinky beast when it came to sex. The blonde had been an avid sexual enthusiast for quite a while even before meeting Norman, but he was the one partner she was able to feel free with. On top of that, they had their beautiful son, Phillip, together. Now in his last year at a prestigious university, Phillip was the shining star of his mother’s life.

Ashlee’s second husband had been older, too. He’d also passed away suddenly and left her and Phillip very comfortably off, but since Gerald was a nice enough man as well as being rich, Ashlee decided to try being married a third time.

As she gave Gerald a pornstar-worthy blowjob, the luscious blonde started thinking it was time to up the ante to their sex life. Her new husband loved watching her suck his cock like a pro, so she was giving him a nice, nasty show of stroking, licking and sucking his sturdy pole. She began flicking her tongue down his shaft and over his balls, working her way past his sack to lap at his rimhole. She was sure once he discovered how good it felt that he’d be more than willing to return the courtesy. He did give a good pussy licking a couple of times a month, but always seemed hesitant to taste anything past her slit. She was sure that would change after tonight.

But when Ashlee fluttered her talented tongue up against Gerald’s rimhole, the older man recoiled in horror, scrabbling up to head of the bed to get away from her.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he barked, looking like he’d just witnessed a car crash.

Ashlee sat up, flushed and confused. Gerald’s cock was already going down as he sat back and looked at his hot, younger wife like she disgusted him.

“Honey, I was just trying to please you,” she explained sweetly.

“What kind of filthy whore would put her tongue ... there?”

Ashlee didn’t appreciate being called a whore just for trying to give her own husband a special pleasure. It was arousing to her to be called dirty names, but only when it was meant for fun. But here was her husband calling her a whore to deliberately inflict a wound. The blonde felt her anger rising.

In the past, most of the men she’d been with loved it when she licked their assholes. Only a few tried it and said it just felt too weird, but none had ever insulted her over it.

“Why, you asshole!” she snapped back. “How dare you!”

The fight only got worse from there. A regrettable shouting match ensued, with a lot more name-calling of the unfun variety from both sides. In the end, Ashlee got out of bed and threw on a robe, storming out to go sleep in one of the guest bedrooms.

In the morning, Ashlee was still upset, but she was ready to forgive and forget. Overnight, she’d decided she’d just explore her anal and other adventurous tastes outside her marriage. It hadn’t been her plan to cheat on Gerald, but if he was going to call her filthy names just for trying to put her tongue in his ass then why shouldn’t she? She’d ended up cheating on her second husband, too. He hadn’t been able to satisfy her any better than Gerald, but at least he never called her names.

Ashlee had never cheated on her first husband, Phillip’s father. Their marriage had been devoted and loving beyond measure. Sure, they pursued their zealous sexual proclivities, but they always did so together. If one of them fucked another partner, it was always together. They’d also gone to various clubs and parties where they fucked in front of dozens of other people. While being married to Phillip’s dad, Ashlee never once wanted for love or pleasure and she’d long ago given up on the hope she’d ever find the same happiness again. In the meantime, was it really so much to expect to enjoy some adventurous sex along the way?

Either way, Ashlee was ready to put the unfortunate incident behind them, but when Gerald came into the kitchen looking for coffee in the morning he could barely look at his beautiful wife. She took a deep breath, knowing it would be up to her to smooth things over. She was even ready to issue an apology she shouldn’t owe him and didn’t even mean. However, Gerald looked like he was still stewing so Ashlee decided to wait until he seemed to be in a more reasonable mood. But the man just seemed to keep stewing and wouldn’t give the younger blonde more than a sidelong glance.

Then it came. “Slut,” he muttered before so much as saying good morning. He didn’t even bother sitting down to have coffee with her.

Ashlee had loved being called a slut by her first husband who’d always meant it as a compliment. It was his way of telling her how good she made him feel, how much he loved her eager appetite for his cock. But Gerald’s tone only made her blood boil. To him, a slut wasn’t anything good to be. Ashlee decided then and there it would be a cold day in Hell before Gerald ever felt his forgettable dick in his blonde, trophy wife’s pussy again.

Apologizing was the last thing on her mind now. She called him an asshole and a prude, and the fight from the night before was back in high gear. The yelling went on for close to an hour. In the end, Ashlee told him she was fed up with his attitude.

“Fine,” she finally snapped. “Since I’m such a slut, I’ll just leave. I’ll stay in the guest room a few more nights until I can arrange a place to go.”

“What makes you think I want a filthy, ass-licking slut like you under my roof for one more night? You can pack your cheap slutwear today and go stay in some motel where they charge by the hour, for all I care. As long as you’re out of here!”

Ashlee was about to return a volley of insults, even though it wouldn’t have been that much more trouble to go stay in a hotel a few nights. She could even drive down to see Phillip and stay at his apartment where he lived near his campus. Spending some time with her son would be a highly welcome change of pace from life with a tightass like Gerald.

But suddenly, the older man’s face turned color and a grimace of pain came across his face as he clutched his chest. Ashlee tried to get him to calm down.

“Think of your blood pressure, Gerald,” she said in a softer tone. “It’s not good to get yourself so upset. Let’s get you into a nice, comfortable chair and I’ll call Dr. Mendez.”

But as she moved toward him, Gerald struggled to breathe and speak at the same time with frightening effort. “Don’t. Touch. Me. You. Dirty. Whore...”

He then yelled out in pain and fell to the floor. Ashlee wasn’t about to touch him after what he said, but she quickly got out her cell phone and called 911 for an ambulance. She then rushed upstairs to the bedroom to get her husband’s nitro glycerin pills out of the bedside drawer. She went back down as fast as she could take the stairs, but when she got back to the kitchen, Gerald was lying still on the kitchen floor, his hand still curled up like a claw on his chest. Ashlee knew immediately that her third husband was gone. She dropped to the floor and attempted compressions until the ambulance arrived, but she knew they wouldn’t do any good.

The EMTs were there less than five minutes later, and they pronounced Gerald dead. The male and female worked together efficiently and had the body bagged and on a gurney within a few minutes.

“Was there anything in particular that set off your husband’s heart attack, ma’am?” the male asked.

Ashlee was forced to remember her husband’s dying words were something like, “Get out of my house, you dirty whore.” But she didn’t repeat them to the EMTs.

“Uh, no,” she lied. “We, ummm, well, we made love last night, but that was hours ago. We were just having some coffee and then he was grabbing his chest.”

“I see,” the man said, jotting some notes on his chart for his report. Then he looked over at his female partner and the two exchanged a subtle smirk over Ashlee’s mention of having sex with an older man with a heart condition. Their report would probably say his heart attack was brought on by sexual activity.

They finally concluded their business and wheeled the body out to the ambulance. Ashlee was stunned by the morning’s events, yet she knew she had to start notifying people and making arrangements. She almost felt guilty for setting off Gerald’s heart attack. Almost. But he’d been so nasty. She decided his sudden death wasn’t the result of her trying to push her tongue up his ass, but of his rigid prudishness. There was nothing she had to feel responsible for. Dr. Mendez had told his patient his heart could give out at any time and to keep his nitro tabs on his person at all times.

“It’s his own fault for leaving them upstairs,” his newly minted widow said aloud in the deathly quiet house. Either way, Ashlee decided no one else needed to know anything about the last few hours of Gerald’s life. It was better to let his friends and daughter believe nothing out of the ordinary had happened, that nature had simply taken its sad course.

Yet Ashlee found herself trembling, and then the fatigue that comes on after an intense adrenaline rush. A huge part of her was still so angry with Gerald for being such a special brand of asshole that she realized she was more in shock than grieving. Maybe the grief would hit her later on, but it didn’t feel that way. The man had managed to completely change his wife’s attitude toward him literally overnight.

Still, it was a highly upsetting experience and the first call Ashlee made was to Phillip. As soon as he answered she lost her breath and couldn’t speak right away.

“Mom, just try to breathe and tell me what’s wrong?” the twenty-one year old said calmly.

Phillip’s rich voice was soothing, and his mother was finally able to tell him about Gerald’s heart attack.

“Oh my god, Mom, I’m leaving now. I’ll be there in a couple of hours, depending on traffic.”

“Oh, but Honey, you have your classes. It’s your final semester. You can’t just up and leave now,” she said, though having him rush to comfort her was what she wanted more than anything.

“It’s alright, Mom. I only have two classes and I can call my professors to make arrangements from the road. It’s a death in the family, after all,” he reasoned.

“Yeah, a death in the family,” the dazed blonde echoed. Was Gerald really her family? The marriage was less than a year old and his dying words had hardly been loving ones. No, Phillip was her only true family ever since his father passed. He was exactly what she needed more than ever.

Ashlee waited for Phillip to get there before making any more calls. Talking to Gerald’s daughter, making funeral arrangements, talking to his lawyer and accountant were all tasks she didn’t want to face without Phillip by her side.

Even though they weren’t close, Ashlee knew she had to call Gerald’s daughter as soon as possible. But the blonde didn’t know what to do with herself. She found herself wandering aimlessly around the house, going from room to room in a daze. She was still only dressed in her robe and barely noticed that she needed to pull it closer together and retie the belt. Her pussy and tits were mostly exposed, but being alone in the house it didn’t seem to matter.

She’d almost forgotten sleeping in the guest room the night before, but in her room to room meandering she was starkly reminded of the marital blowout that sent her away from the conjugal bed. She went from there to the master bedroom where she found evidence on the sheets of Gerald having masturbated after she left. The residue of dried up cum was unmistakable.

“Oh, you old fool,” she muttered quietly as she took the dirty sheets off the bed and proceeded change them and straighten up the room. It felt awkward being in the room by herself. She felt a little like she was trespassing, even though she knew the house would be all hers now. After the nasty fight the night before, she had to remind herself that this had been her bedroom, too. Now that the bed was freshly made, it felt a little more like hers again but she still wasn’t used to the fact that Gerald would not be sleeping there anymore.

Ashlee sat down on the bed and called Darlene, Gerald’s daughter, deciding not to wait for Phillip. Darlene was only about six years younger than Ashlee.

“I’m so sorry,” the blonde said, “but I’m calling to let you know your father passed away this morning.”

There was a moment of silence. “I see. Was it his heart?”

“I’m afraid so.” Ashlee didn’t see the point of explaining everything that happened leading up to Gerald’s attack. No one needed to know anything about that, or the fact that he’d basically kicked her out of his life, not that she’d been sorry about it at the time. Either way, she hadn’t left the property and they were still legally married, so none of what happened was even important.

“Okay, well, that’s that, I guess,” Darlene said in a monotone. “Do you need any help with arrangements or anything like that?”

Gerald’s daughter was barely fazed by the news. Ashlee knew they weren’t close, but she thought maybe it would sink in later and the slightly younger woman would feel grief.

“I think I can take care of everything,” the blonde replied. “My son will be here soon and he can help.”

“Good. I’ll let my mother know what happened. Let us know when the service will be, please. I don’t know if we’ll be there, but you never know. Mom might want to go. Either way, we’ll see you at the reading of the will, whenever that is.”

Then the line went dead without a word of goodbye. Ashlee was a little disoriented. Darlene hadn’t been upset at all. The blonde felt oddly relieved at her own lack of sadness. She was still feeling stunned by it all, but Gerald had shown his true colors before he died. Ashlee was even still mad at him for causing this whole, lamentable situation himself.

With time ticking by too slowly, Ashlee decided to call Gerald’s second wife next. She had to explain who she was, but when she told her predecessor of her ex’s passing, the other woman just started laughing. Ashlee was taken aback at first, but she almost started laughing herself when she thought of how no one from Gerald’s life seemed very sorry to see him go.

That second phone call ended quickly and then Ashlee found herself with nothing useful to do. She didn’t want to make her other calls until Phillip was there. She needed him to get through the rest of that horrible day. That’s when she realized her robe was barely covering anything now, and it seemed like a good idea to take a shower and make herself presentable for her son. She missed him deeply when he was away at school, and today she needed him more than ever.

Leaving her robe on the bed, Ashlee walked nude into the bathroom. When she turned on the water to bring it up to temperature, she looked around and noted that Gerald’s toiletries were everywhere. His shaving cream, razor, that awful shampoo he always used. He was still there wherever she looked. It would take a while to get used to the idea of him being gone despite the way things had ended up.

After a couple of minutes, Ashlee got under the shower and started to wash, beginning with her hair, which she wore down past her shoulders. It felt good to have a calm moment to touch her voluptuous body. It began to feel even better when she started to lather her body up with soap, squeezing and kneading her large, slippery tits until her nipples were thick and swollen. Then she toyed with her aching nubs, twirling and twisting them in her soapy fingers until the pleasure began to fan out through the rest of her body.

Ashlee’s pussy had been freshly waxed just a couple of days ago, and she indulged a nice, luxurious slit rub as the warm water cascaded down her delectable MILF nudity. She was surprised to find herself growing hot and wet so easily, but she had heard a lot of people turn to sexual pleasure in times of intense stress. This was one of those times, she giggled to herself. Then she switched over to the hand held shower nozzle and leaned back against the shower wall, squatting down to open her firm thighs and aim the warm spray directly at her snatch.

God, that felt so good. She waggled the spray across her clit and tweezed her nipples with her free hand. She’d almost forgotten how her body had been left high and dry the night before, but her pussy needed this. Ashlee felt so alive as the pleasure washed through her body. As good as it felt to play with her nipples, she moved her free hand between her legs and pushed a pair of fingers up into her creamy fuck hole, pumping them in and out while she kept the nozzle aimed at her clit.

Ashlee’s breath went deeper and louder, until her gasps became moans. Her bulging tits felt so good trapped between her arms and her pussy felt hot and creamy inside. She knew she was well on her way toward a sorely needed, stress-relieving orgasm when the sound of Phillip calling to her from the bedroom shattered her erotic trance.

“Mom! Can’t you hear me? I’ve been calling you since I walked in the door!”

“Baby!” she cried out, suddenly dropping the nozzle and whipping her fingers out of her unsatisfied pussy.

Her son had gotten there faster than expected. He must’ve risked a speeding ticket. The next thing she knew, he stepped into the bathroom. As soon as she saw him through the glass side she rushed out of the shower, completely forgetting she was naked and soaking wet, and threw her arms around him.

“Oh, Phillip, I’m so glad you’re here! I don’t know what I’d do without you!”

She planted fervent, unthinking kisses all over his face and neck, hugging his large, muscular body for dear life.

“Oh, Mom, you know I’d never let you go through this alone,” he said. Then he lifted her bare body in his powerful arms, making her shriek like a girl as she wrapped her legs around his waist and kept putting kisses all over his face. She barely noticed he was holding her up by the cheeks of her ass and that her spread open pussy was mere inches away from the tips of his fingers with the front of her mound grinding against his body.

“You came home for me!” she cried. “I needed you and you came.”

“Of course. Where else would I be?”

Ashlee buried her face against Phillip’s neck and held onto him tighter than ever. Neither thought anything was wrong with her being naked as she held on to him. He’d seen his mother nude many times before. She’d always been liberally minded when it came to the human body and sexual needs, and she didn’t want to raise her boy to believe there was anything wrong with that. It wasn’t like she went out of her way to advertise the things she’d done with Phillip’s dad or her other husbands, but she didn’t hide them, either. Phillip knew his mother was an adventurous woman. Yet for all the times she’d been naked in front of him, she’d never hugged him naked.

If Phillip was fazed by his mother clinging to him naked then he didn’t show it. He just held on to his clinging mother as if there was no other purpose in his life but to comfort the naked beauty who’d given birth to him. It was the first time since Gerald’s tragic attack that she felt like everything was going to be alright. Yet nothing could prepare her for the warm, pleasurable feeling of her nude pussy grinding up against her son’s big, solid body. Maybe it was only because she’d been teetering on the verge of a badly needed climax when he came in and interrupted her.

At the moment, though, with her overheated pussy mashed against Phillip’s gorgeous, young body, Ashlee didn’t feel like anything had been interrupted. Her body was taking over, demanding the most basic and most effective outlet for times of duress. In a defense mechanism, her mind blocked out everything except the warm glow of love emanating from her devoted son and also the throbbing waves of pleasure centered in her pussy.

Ashlee couldn’t remember the last time she’d had her big, expensive tits crushed against a body as hard and defined as Phillip’s. The sensation was delicious. It came as a huge affirmation of life in the wake of a deathly shock. She was given over completely to the sensations in her luscious body and started to grind her bare, wet pussy into Phillip’s body as she whimpered like a kitten against his neck.

By now there was no ignoring the fact that Ashlee was grinding her snatch against her son in an undeniable quest for pleasure.

“Baby, baby, oh god, I’m so sorry,” the blonde whined in shame. But she didn’t stop. She just kept mashing her swollen clit against the rock hard body beneath Phillip’s thin T shirt.

“It’s okay, Mom,” he told her in a soothing voice. “Just let it go. I’m right here for you.”

Phillip’s big hands kept kneading his mother’s ass cheeks firmly but carefully. His intimate touch only made her body vibrate with need. Ashlee knew her son might look at her in shock or horror when she was finished, but her body was in complete control now, taking her down a dark path she never imagined. She ground against her perfect son’s perfect body for long moments, her own body growing hotter and closer to her peak.

“Baby, forgive me. Mommy’s gonna cum. I need it so bad,” she whimpered desperately.

“That’s it, Mom. Don’t fight it. You need this and I love you. Cum for your big boy,” he said, his hands kneading and following the gyrations of her tight ass at the same time.

“Oh, ohhhh, OHHHHHHHHH!” she cried as the most shameful yet delirious orgasm rocked her luscious body. She held on to Phillip tighter than ever while the shudders of ecstasy rippled through her flesh, making her head spin in a swirl of joy and embarrassment. But through it all, Phillip cuddled and hugged her in the most soothing way. As erotic as his touch on her naked body felt, it felt more like a comforting caress than anything else.

Ashlee snuggled against her son for a long time before she loosened her grip and let her legs come down to the floor.

“Oh, Phillip, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. You’ve barely walked in the door and I...” she couldn’t finish her statement because she had no idea what it was she’d just done. All she knew was that she felt a thousand times better.

“Mom, it’s okay. It’s just a stress reaction,” he reasoned.

Ashlee could barely look her son in the eye, which left her gazing down at the enormous bulge in the front of his pants. It was a shock to think he’d been so aroused by her irrational behavior, but it made her smile nonetheless. She knew she had what it took to excite a hunky young man his age, but the visual proof was exciting to see. The fact that it was her son only made it feel like something special. And under those crazy circumstances, it wouldn’t have seemed right if it had been anyone else.

“Oh, you’re soaking wet,” she noted, making her outward shame even worse.

Phillip just laughed. “It’s not that bad, Mom. My clothes will be dry in a few minutes. Maybe you should get dressed so we can talk about everything that’s going on and get to those phone calls you need to make. If you don’t put something on I’ll never be able to make eye contact.”

Ashlee giggled, feeling happy as she twirled to go back to the bathroom to dry her hair. When she went back into the bedroom, Phillip was gone. She pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a cropped T shirt, then went downstairs to find him sitting on the living room couch. As soon as she went in, he got up to give her another long hug.

“Oh, Honey, you must think I’m awful,” she cried against his shirt.

“No, Mom. Never. I just think you’ve been through a shock. Let’s just sit down, take a few deep breaths and get through the rest of the day.”

Having Phillip there made everything bearable. He sat with her for the next three hours as she made all the necessary phone calls, including a few extras she hadn’t been counting on along with the incoming calls from some of Gerald’s friends and associates.

The next few days held more of the same, and Phillip was there for his mother every step of the way. It was all such a shock, but the way things ended with Gerald continued to leave Ashlee with a secret she wasn’t about to share. For that matter, there was another secret, but Phillip knew all about the second one. He was there for it, after all, when his mother rushed out of the shower and ended up grinding herself to orgasm against his body.

Ashlee had nothing but the best memory of the way it felt to cum against the only man to ever love her as much as her first husband. It gave her a delicious escape during an otherwise stressful time. Over the days leading up to the funeral, she often thought about telling Phillip what had really happened the night before and morning of Gerald’s death, but she kept it to herself.

There was no repeat of Ashlee’s impulsive performance with Phillip, but it was never far from her mind. The climax she had was unforgettable. That, combined with her relief that he was there for her at one of the worst times of her life, made her feel more affectionate than ever toward him. And after seeing the size of the bulge in his pants the day he got there, she couldn’t go very long before her mind was filled with thoughts of his cock.

With Ashlee and Phillip being the only ones together in Gerald’s big house, she gave up on making any concessions to modesty. She bathed and pampered herself with her door wide open, secretly hoping Phillip would barge in and claim her. The fantasy never failed to give her a wet pussy, which she had to satisfy with her fingers every time. She also spent hours at a time dressed only in revealing lingerie, excited to feel her big boy’s eyes on her luscious MILF’s body. It felt more like the happy, erotically carefree days of her first marriage to Phillip’s dad.

The day of the funeral finally arrived and Ashlee was surprised it was so sparsely attended. Darlene went, but not her mother, Gerald’s first wife. Then there were a few of his current business associates putting in a polite appearance. Ashlee realized she wasn’t the only one her late husband had managed to alienate. Still, she held her secret, worried that if anyone knew Gerald had kicked her out that someone might come along and contest his will. She didn’t know anything about his will, other than his promise to leave her the house when and if this day arrived.

Oddly enough, Ashlee found herself on friendly terms with Darlene. Gerald’s daughter seemed to know what the blonde had been through being married to her stiff as a board father. The business associates all sucked up to both of them, none of them sure which of the women would inherit Gerald’s shares of their business ventures. The two women just laughed it off when they had a private moment together. They even made a quick agreement not to battle over whatever decisions Gerald made in his will. They were both already well off, but they did agree to put up a fight together if Gerald turned out to cut both of them out completely.

Ashlee felt a little better, as if she’d made a new friend, but she still kept the nastiness of their last fight to herself. The only time the blonde felt herself getting upset with Gerald’s busty, brunette daughter was when she spotted her getting inappropriately flirty with Phillip. Ashlee was jealous and didn’t even try to deny it to herself. This was her father’s funeral, for crying out loud. And Phillip was practically her stepbrother. How much more inappropriate could she get?

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