Jade's Bar Adventure - Cover

Jade's Bar Adventure

Copyright© 2022 by BDJ

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Beware of what you desire, you may get it. That cautionary statement certainly applies to this young married couple, naive to the ramifications of playing a flirting game with strangers. It's a story of what happens when they embark on a spur-of-the moment adventure while on vacation...with unintended results!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   MaleDom   Anal Sex   Slow  

My wife has always been beautiful. In 1973, when she was only twenty-two, she was even more so. Her waist-length black hair and high cheek-bones hinted at her Native American heritage and were complimented by a five foot three frame that carried a little over a hundred pounds. While sylphlike enough to wear clothes carrying an extra-small label, she was still enticingly curved, being blessed with high, firm breasts that abundantly filled her C-cup bras. But I thought her best feature, by far, was her perfect ass.

We became a couple during my first year of college. I was captivated by her beauty as well as her sweet and accommodating nature. She was similarly smitten and we remained fateful to each other for the remainder of my education. Our marriage upon graduation ended our mutually self-imposed virginity and exposed our naïveté, and though Jade protested she was satisfied with our vigorous couplings, I knew it was not so. It bugged me knowing that after months of lovemaking she had yet to orgasm during sex. I wanted her to feel the same exultation I did from a coital climax. And the only way for that to happen, I became convinced, was for her to feel the touch of another man.

Unfortunately for me she was too inhibited, having been semi-cloistered growing up, and would have none of it. It took all my powers of persuasion before I eventually convinced her. The person who got the honors was a bosom buddy who, in the course of a passion filled evening, rocked her world. Inexplicably she chose not to repeat their liaison. I, on the other hand, couldn’t leave well enough alone; as hearing her describe it had been such a powerful aphrodisiac.

I couldn’t understand why. If it was so good, why not continue, I’d argue. Finally she confessed she’d loved the sex, was amazed it could be like that, but hadn’t expected the intense desire she felt for him afterwards. She said she understood my excitement from hearing about it, but explained her fear at how she’d lost control of her emotions. It was just too great a risk for us to continue, she’d concluded. I appeared to reluctantly accept her rationale, while secretly being relieved at her decision: I’d never heard her sound that way with me and it made me feel inadequate. He had aroused her in ways I’d never dreamed possible. But I still wanted her to grow sexually, wanted to see again the glow about her when she’d emerged from our bedroom after Stew had finished with her. I thought there must be some way for her to continue that flowering; and I almost ached to be a participant if it happened. So while I stopped encouraging her to repeat the episode with my friend, I had no such compunction about trying to convince her to become more sensual.

An opportunity to nudge her in that direction came when we moved to Florida. Soon after we settled in my job took me away from home for eight weeks. Before I left I asked her to flirt with men when she was out and about. Confused at my request, she refused. I explained it would force her to be more gregarious; then sweetened the pot, so to speak, by also offering her a romantic getaway if she would embrace it. With a laugh and a shrug she acquiesced, saying she was tempted by the bribe but would try if that’s what I really wanted.

When I returned I found a much-changed spouse. To say it worked would be an understatement. After she described the way she had acted it became clear Jade had taken to flirting like a duck takes to water. Embracing it had changed her. In those few weeks she had gone from an ingénue to a self-assured and confident woman.

I didn’t see the full extent of this personality shift until we were on vacation in the historic section of Savanna, Georgia. We were feeling adventurous and decided to explore the riverfront at night. I used the opportunity to bring up her flirtatious excursions during my absence and expressed my desire to see her in action. Remembering how aroused it had made her, she readily agreed. I convinced her to wear her shortest mini-skirt, one that hugged her ass and highlighted her tanned legs. Getting her to go braless, I thought, was going to be another matter because I had selected a clingy red silk blouse. Using a little poetic license I described the garment as being modest yet daring, highlighting her charms while still concealing them, of creating a come-hither look because the opening extended just below her breasts. It turned out to be an easy sell. She admitted to wearing it once that way when she wanted to get the attention of a particularly sexy man. Feeling emboldened by that confession, I dared her to go pantyless, taunting her, saying a real tease would. After sticking her tongue out at me she agreed, telling me in a self-satisfied tone she would make sure no one ever knew. My goodness, I thought, my shy wife had come a long way.

She took over completing her ensemble by arranging her long hair into a french twist, then held it in place with an antique silver barrette. Next she put on her grandmother’s pearl necklace. Finally, to give the impression she was single, her wedding ring was replaced with one containing a white Mexican fire opal. I stood back and marveled; she had achieved a look that was elegant, yet alluring. With all that done we were ready to start our adventure.

The old buildings along the waterfront had been transformed into a vibrant arts and culture district frequented by tourists and professionals alike. True to form, Jade got a lot of glances from men, and a few women, as we meandered past shops and restaurants. She enjoyed teasing all the male clerks in the many trendy boutiques; ostensibly to receive a discount. One of her favorite tactics was to approach an attractive man, or men, and ask directions. Standing to the side I observed their reaction to her subtle flirting. When we reached a quiet bar adjacent to a grand hotel I asked her to wait until I scoped it out. As I studied the room’s interior I felt a growing sense of excitement because its layout might allow me to see Jade respond to what I considered the ultimate tease; an attempted seduction.

It was all because of the unique shape of the bar. It was a long old-fashioned one facing a narrow room that contained a short section of seating at right angles to the bar proper, giving it an L shape. This addition seemed an afterthought and was interrupted by a passthrough with only three seats beyond it; presently unoccupied. Finally, the mirror behind the bar extended the entire length of the room. Perfect, I thought, I could watch yet Jade would have privacy to exhibit her skills.

When I returned I suggested we play a game. It revolved around someone seeking to pick her up; I’d spy on them as he attempted to entice her into his bed. I also wanted to overhear their suggestive repartee; to hear and see it escalate until he became intimate, then observe how she ended it.

“What do you mean by intimate?” she asked. “I don’t know,” I responded, “maybe kiss or fondle you; put his hand where he shouldn’t. You’ll know when.” Jade thought about it, then confessed she had never flirted like that.

“Lets do it”, I begged, caught up in my own excitement. “Go in,” I further explained, “and act like you are looking for someone. Let men check you out before you finally settle in at the bar, then order a drink and wait to see what happens.” She thought about it, wondering if she wanted to spend her evening doing this, before replying, “Where will you be?” I told her about the isolated seats, that we’d be sitting together. “O.K.,” she replied, comforted by the thought of my presence close by, “but I won’t try if he’s not attractive.” I agreed, then asked her to give me a minute to get seated.

So it began.

After ordering I looked toward the door, waiting for her to appear. She turned a few heads as she stepped inside and looked around, then slowly walked through the room; a poised and beautiful young woman. Pausing, she again scanned the room’s interior. Finally she spotted me and made her way over. In a minute she was seated at my side. I ignored her. She ordered a Virgin Mary and waited. Nothing happened. It wasn’t until she had returned from the toilet that a distinguished looking man, who appeared to be late middle-aged by the grey in his hair, took the stool beside her. He was obviously successful judging by the cut of his expensive, tailored suit. Well, I thought, this isn’t working out as planned. He’s way too old for her. Anyway, she wasn’t even acknowledging his presence. Feeling dejected, I assumed the game was not to be. I was surprised when Jade held up her glass for a refill. Later, when I asked why she chose to continue she said that even though his age put her off his sophisticated appearance attracted her.

When the stranger turned to her and spoke she responded by smiling. “May I ask what you are going to order?” he enquired. “I do so because I am interested in the etymological puzzle that surrounds the naming of cocktails. Perhaps your selection might have an interesting history.” I marveled at his precise diction and admired him for coming up with such a unique way to break the ice between them.

My wife, intrigued by his novel approach, replied that she had a limited knowledge of mixed drinks. That’s why, she continued, she normally left it up to the bartender. In response he offered to order something unique for her, and upon her acquiescence, chose a Blushing Rose; quipping that the name reminded him of an old fling who looked innocent but proved to be charmingly salacious. When it arrived Jade sipped it and indicated her approval, then queried him, “Just how wanton was she?” He laughed and began recounting some of their exploits.

Luckily, they spoke just loud enough for me to make out what was being said. But soon, explaining she had minor hearing loss, she asked him to move his stool closer. He did until they were almost touching. I was impressed. It was a brilliant move. She had subtly indicated she was interested in a way that also allowed me to follow their conversation.

Reading his body language I surmised he had determined the request meant his opening gambit had been successful. I listened to him continue his charm offensive by flattering her on everything from her outfit to her hair. I recognized it as harmless patter meant to ingratiate him to her. When he asked how she came to be alone in a bar, she replied her date had apparently stood her up. His hand stroked hers in sympathy, then traveled up her bare arm to her elbow and began to idly caress it. Jade gave him a sharp glance that acknowledged his action but let it continue. I admired him for attempting intimacy so quickly. Technically, she should end the game now, I thought, but was glad she didn’t. She responded to his gesture by playing with his tie and stroking the fabric of his suit, teasing him about wearing such formal attire in a bar. I heard him answer he was in town on business and hadn’t had time to change. He laughed when she told him he looked very nice, handsome even.

After more small talk he bought her another cocktail, a rather obscure one named Sex On The Beach. It was one, he explained, that was created for young people. It made him think of saucy, bikini-clad young women. “And is this a result of another fond memory?” Jade bantered back, laughing as she revealed that after too many cocktails she’d have sex just about anywhere.

Oh, my, I thought, that should get him interested. But I was worried about her accepting that second drink. Normally Jade partook of alcohol only occasionally and generally limited her consumption to one mixed drink per night. I wondered how two of them would affect her. Over the next ten or so minutes I found out. She stumbled over a word now and again and actually held his arm for support a few times. It occurred to me that if I could tell she was becoming buzzed surely he knew. His next actions confirmed it. After receiving a somewhat disjointed response to one of his questions he smoothly reached up and gently stroked her cheek, commenting she possessed a certain bien dans sa peau that he found fascinating. She tilted her head and frowned as she struggled to remember enough high school French to puzzle out the meaning of the phrase. He smiled indulgently and explained she exuded a certain something, an ineffable quality that was quite appealing. Then he cupped her chin and turned her face to his. She gave him an inquiring look; to which he responded by gently kissing her.

Jade’s reaction wasn’t what I expected. I had thought she’d reprove him and end the game, but instead the little vixen let him get away with it. This wasn’t part of our agreement, I thought. She was supposed to get up and leave.

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