Undercover Cop - Cover

Undercover Cop

Copyright© 2022 by oliver twist

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A young female officer in 1970s New York, is sent undercover to help catch a criminal. She is young and naïve and completely out of her depth. Her boss only cares about getting a conviction and is happy to sacrifice this poor young girl if it helps achieve this.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Incest   BDSM   DomSub   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Bestiality  

I awoke to the wonderful smell of coffee and toast wafting up to my bed. Mummy was obviously making breakfast, something she always did when I came to visit, though this visit was slightly different. The door was open as I climbed from the bed, my body feeling wonderful as I walked to the shower, checking daddy’s room on the way, he wasn’t there.

After showering and dressing I made my way to the kitchen, hoping mummy would be as happy as I was. Daddy was gone, the thought of facing me too much for him it seemed. As soon as I come into the room, mummy smiled and hugged me, telling me to sit my perfect ass down. I was starving, and a plate of egg on toast was just what I wanted. Mummy watched me as I sat, her eyes on my body, enjoying the fact I was naked, just as I hoped.

She served my breakfast, kissing me on the cheek as she poured my coffee, joining me at the table. She was wearing her bathrobe, undone, her breasts and pussy nicely on view.

‘What time have you got to leave?’ Mummy asked, slipping her robe off, now as naked as me.

‘Not for an hour or so, plenty of time to have some fun, if you want?’ I asked, teasing her.

‘Oh goody, I was hoping we could ... you know... ‘

‘I do know. Why don’t you go shower and I’ll meet you in the bedroom.’ I told her, shoving egg in my mouth.

‘Good idea, see you in ten minutes.’ She giggled, taking her coffee and heading upstairs.

I soon finished my breakfast, washing up before going back to mummy’s bedroom, excited about fucking her again. We met in the hall, mummy just coming out of the bathroom, still dripping. She looked so sexy, her nipples hard and ready for eating. I took her in my arms and kissed her, sucking on her tongue and pulling her to the bedroom. We banged the wall a few times but no one was injured, and we still managed to fall on the bed kissing.

‘I love you so much, mummy.’ I gasped, taking a nipple and biting it, just as she liked.

‘Oh baby, I love you too. Mmmm, that’s so good.’ She cried.

We made love for an hour, both of us cumming numerous times, it was wonderful. I must have kissed and licked every square inch of her body, biting and sucking as well, even licking her bum, her first time. She did the same to me, leaving her mark on my inner thigh, a nice hickey. We giggled and fucked, not a thought about how wrong this was, none of us cared, it felt so natural.

I lay in her arms, wondering about daddy and how he would react if he found us like this. Maybe he knew already, hearing us last night. Mummy was stroking my nipples, enjoying their feel, squeezing them, amazed at their response to her touch.

‘You really are beautiful, I mean it. I love how you feel, so smooth and soft, I could play with you all day.’ She sighed.

‘I can come over next Wednesday, I’ll try and bring Mandy. You’ll like her, she’s such fun and so sexy.

Mummy now took the other nipple, twisting them both before saying: ‘That’s sounds wonderful, I can’t wait to meet her, and see you two together.’

‘Ouch, we’ll put on good show, just like in the movies.’ I answered, not moving while she tortured me.

‘Hopefully daddy will be in the city that night.’

‘You could watch together.’ I teased, escaping her clutches and rolling away.

‘Hey, come here, you can’t go yet.’ She called after me.

‘I have to, I have things to do before work, sorry mummy.’ I answered, going to my own room to dress.

When I was ready to go, mummy hugged me harder than ever before, her lips on mine, kissing me passionately. It was really hard saying goodbye, it was as though we were newlyweds, parting for the first time since the wedding. I was wearing the dress mummy had bought me, my nipples rock hard as I climbed in the taxi, waving to mummy.

The taxi driver enjoyed the view all the way back to the city, his eyes on me more than the road. Of course, having two buttons undone on an already low-cut dress gave him the invitation in case he needed one. I was feeling too happy to deny him, he was old and deserved it, I decided.

When I got back to my apartment, daddy had left me a note, asking that I phone him as soon as possible. I wondered if it was about us or his corruption, not sure which was more serious. He answered almost straight away.

‘Hello Daddy, it’s me.’

‘Are you back in the city?’

‘Yes, at my apartment.’

‘I’ll be over in thirty minutes.’

‘Ok, what’s it... ‘

Before I could finish, he put the phone down. Not wanting him to smell the sex on me, I showered quickly and put on my bathrobe, making coffee and waiting. Daddy arrived soon after, his hard knock typical. My heart began racing as I walked to the door, would he still be angry, or would he be happy? I wondered, looking at myself as I passed the mirror. My robe was short but not daringly so and my belt was tight to stop my tits falling out, so I wasn’t on display for him.

He walked straight in without even looking at me, following the hall to the front room. This was his first time here and I was so thankful he wasn’t in uniform. I walked after him, my heart still racing and my nipples still hard from earlier. He was standing by the window, now looking at me, his eyes taking in my legs and my nipples, clearly visible.

I stood there feeling like a little girl, waiting to hear her punishment, my feet shuffling.

‘Tell me about this undercover work and what your Lieutenant knows, everything.’ He demanded, still looking at my nipples.

‘I see, we’re going to ignore the other thing, ok, I get it.’ I said, sitting down, my robe now high on my thigh.

Daddy sat opposite me; his eyes on mine with just the occasional glance to my legs. I told him everything, not that there was much to tell. We had nothing on Gino, or anybody else, and I was there trying to get something, anything to help prosecute him. He was relieved, relaxing a little, loosening his tie.

‘Would you like some coffee?’ I asked him, smiling.

‘Yes, thank you. How long have you been there, at the club? And why are you stripping for them, fucking men?’ He asked, still sounding angry.

I was in the kitchen, boiling the kettle, trying not to get angry as well.

‘A few weeks only. I’m trying to do my job, even if that means acting like ... you know ... Jesus, daddy, you didn’t mind last night, did you?’ I shouted back, pouring his coffee.

‘Don’t blame me for this, you the one who fucked me at the club and then seduced me at home, what the fuck has got into you?’ He shouted back.

I couldn’t believe him, how dare he, what a cunt, I thought, throwing his coffee away and stomping back to the front room: ‘Then get out, if that’s how you feel you better go. I wouldn’t want you falling for my seduction again, you know what a slut I am.’

My robe was now open, I had loosened the belt deliberately so daddy could see my pussy and tits. I stood there, just in front of him, waiting.

‘Jesus, Amy, I was just saying, you’ve changed so much.’

I now let the robe fall to the floor, his eyes looking away, his face red.

‘Are you coming?’ I asked him, walking to my bedroom.

‘Amy! Get back here, I mean it.’ He shouted.

But I was gone, climbing on my bed and waiting, my nipples aching with arousal, not really knowing what I was doing. Daddy came in a few seconds later, still angry, his eyes taking a quick look before going to the floor. When I saw him, I touched my pussy, slipping a finger in and moaning, looking up at him.

‘Oh daddy, you’re still here, I thought you were going. You caught me, whatever will you do now?’ I teased, enjoying his discomfort.

His cock was hard, I could see it bulging, desperate to get free.

‘I can’t stop completely from going to the club, that would be suspicious, but if i have to go again I will send you a message or ring you and you can warn me if I need to be on my guard or not go, ok?’ He said, his eyes darting from my body to the floor, trying not to look.

‘Of course, daddy, but you need to get away from Gino, it’s only a matter of time before he’s caught.’ I told him, getting to my knees on the bed.

‘Just be careful, they are very dangerous men and would kill you in a heartbeat.’ He said, sounding concerned, looking down at me.

‘I will, daddy.’ I answered, reaching for his zip.

He stood there, watching my hand, not moving, his cock straining in his pants.

‘Look daddy, you’re so hard. Do you want me to suck it, let you cum in my mouth, again.’ I whispered, his zip now down.

He didn’t answer but didn’t stop me, either. I took this as a yes, pulling his cock out, gasping as it sprung free. It was so big, I loved looking at it. Daddy undid his pants completely, letting them fall to the floor, giving me even better access to his throbbing manhood.

‘Oh daddy, I love your cock, it’s so big.’ I told him, opening my mouth and taking him in,

He moaned quietly, making me shiver with pride, my mouth slowly taking every inch of him, his taste delightful. When I reached the bottom I held him, letting him feel my throat as I bobbed a little, making him moan again. He took my head, pulling my hair tightly, trying to force even more of his cock down my throat.

‘You fucking slut, Amy, is this what you want?’ He asked angrily.

‘Mm-Hmm.’ I answered, my head now bobbing up and down, daddy’s hands dictating the pace.

It was so arousing having daddy treat me like a whore, I wanted it like this, just like at the club. He gripped harder, the pain increasing, making me even hotter. He called me a whore, telling me he was ashamed of me but not stopping for a second. After a few minutes he was ready, his moans now grunts and his breathing erratic.

‘Swallow it all, whore.’ He cried, his cock erupting and spewing its load.

He was in my throat, cumming, shooting it straight into my tummy, denying me the pleasure of tasting him. When he was finished, I tried to squeeze him on the way out, desperate to get some of his seed on my tongue. But he pulled straight out, pushing me away and leaving, his cock back in his pants as if nothing happened.

‘Daddy.’ I called.

He didn’t answer, just left, slamming the door. ‘Fucking baby.’ I shouted at him, knowing he wouldn’t hear me.

I lay on my bed, touching myself, dreaming of daddy’s cock, not even angry, my body feeling nice and warm, wishing I was with someone. Before I could cum, there was a knock at the door, making me jump up, hoping daddy was back. I ran to the door and opened it, still naked.

‘Wow, that is some welcome.’

‘Mandy! What are you doing here? Come in, come in.’ I said, excitedly, not caring I was naked.

‘Why are you naked? Was you expecting me?’ She giggled, slapping my bum.

I took her arm and dragged her to the bedroom, kissing her as soon as we got there, pushing her onto the bed. She didn’t resist, kissing me back and letting me lift her t-shirt. She had no bra on and soon a nipple was in my mouth, her moans of pleasure just what I wanted to hear.

‘What is going on?’ She gasped, her t-shirt now on the floor and her short skirt being pulled down.

‘I’m horny, you don’t mind, do you?’ I asked, not waiting for an answer.

Her skirt was now off, along with her panties, my fingers inside her, fucking her as i continued to suck on a nipple.

‘Jesus Mary and Joseph, I only come to tell you ... oh yes, just there, god...

‘Shhh.’ I told her, making my way down to her pussy with my tongue.

When I got there, I swapped my fingers for my tongue, licking her as she lifted her hips, gasping loudly and grabbing my hair.

‘Oh Pattie, what are you doing to me?’

I ignored her, spreading and lifting her legs, moving her to where I could go even deeper inside her, her legs now bent at the knee with my arms underneath them, holding her hips. My tongue went back to work, diving into her juicy wet pussy, loving her taste and her moans, it was all so exciting. Sex was wonderful and I couldn’t get enough of it, I really was turning into a slut.

Mandy was soon cumming, my endeavors paying off, her body shaking as she was consumed by a mighty orgasm. I sucked harder, my finger now in her bum, fucking her, making her scream and pull at my hair. She bucked wildly, her juices flowing freely into my mouth, her body hot with arousal.

‘Oh God, you little rug muncher, I love you.’ She sighed, her pussy still twitching as I licked it gently.

She was breathing softer now, her sighs of satisfaction a sign of my good work, making me so happy. I crawled up her body, her sweat making it easy as we came face to face, her smile making me smile, our moths coming together simultaneously. Mandy was beautiful and being with her meant so much to me, I loved making her cum, it was so special, I just wanted to please her, like with Julie.

She was now licking my face, cleaning her juices from my skin, showing her appreciation of my love making. I moaned quietly, her tongue on my face and neck, giving me goosebumps all over and making me hot again.

‘What did you come for?’ I asked, grinding my pussy into hers.

‘Oh yes,’ she answered, pushing me off. ‘Gino wants us to do our schoolgirl routine tonight, he’s got some more guests, apparently one is a judge. I told him we would, I know how much you like doing it.’

‘Will Julie be there.’ I asked, as she pulled me to the front room.

‘Of course, You can maybe fuck her afterwards, if you behave.’ She teased, standing me in front of my window.

My first-floor apartment looked onto a park, a narrow alleyway separating my building from the grass. Mandy was now behind me, only my naked body visible from the outside.

‘Look, over there, do you see them? ‘She asked.

I looked over the park, scanning from side to side, conscious of the fact I was on display.

‘See what? All I see is a few people and their dogs.’

‘Exactly, look at them, especially that one, there, by the tree. Do you see him?

I looked over to the big tree, by the benches to the right of my apartment. There was a man with his dog, a big black one, bouncing around and looking very energetic.

‘Yes, he’s big.’ I answered, confused now.

Mandy was now touching my pussy, her fingers slowly moving between my lips, spreading my juices over them as she did so. The man with the dog was old, unlike his pet, both of them moving a little closer now. My window was big, showing everything above my knees, anyone looking up would see all of me.

‘I love dogs, I’m babysitting my neighbours next week, can we come and stay with you? I want to fuck him while you watch me.’ She asked, her other hand now on my breasts, playing with my nipples.

I leaned back into her, remembering what she had told me about her and the dog, gasping a little with shock, looking again at the big, black dog. Before I could answer, a group of young boys, in their early teens, came into view from my left. There was four of them, walking slowly, laughing and playing around. I tried to move away but she stopped me, pressing her fingers against my clit.

‘Can we come and stay with you?’ She asked again.

‘Yes, that would be nice, I like dogs too.’ I told her, my heart racing as the boys stopped just below us.

‘Thank you, I can’t wait. Look, I think one of them might notice us, shall I bang on the window?’ She teased.

‘No, no, they’re just kids, please.’ I pleaded, her finger making me squirm.

She pushed me even closer to the window, her hand leaving my breast and pounding on it, giggling as I tried to wriggle free. But she was too strong, telling me to behave or else. The boys were looking around, not sure where the noise came from, my heart racing as Mandy held me still, her finger still on my clit.

I watched them, waiting, their eyes scanning the surroundings, scared stiff but curious to see if they would look up. All of them were black, dressed in shorts, typical street kids, I thought. Then it happened, one of them glanced up at my window, his eyes widening.

‘Mandy! We mustn’t, please.’ I pleaded again. But she held me still, letting them look.

He had told his friends, all of them now looking up at me, not believing what they were seeing. For a few seconds they looked as scared as I was, thinking they must have done something wrong, not believing a white woman would be doing this. Mandy now took her hands away, letting them see all of me, holding my arms.

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