Undercover Cop - Cover

Undercover Cop

Copyright© 2022 by oliver twist

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A young female officer in 1970s New York, is sent undercover to help catch a criminal. She is young and naïve and completely out of her depth. Her boss only cares about getting a conviction and is happy to sacrifice this poor young girl if it helps achieve this.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Incest   BDSM   DomSub   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Bestiality  

I tossed and turned all night, reliving my shame in every nightmare, my conscience not allowing me any peace. When I did drag my arse out of bed it was gone eleven, and even when I was awake, I couldn’t get Daddy’s cock out of my mind. The feel and the taste of it, the way he took me, the way he looked at me when I was stripping for him, it was still as disgusting but God forgive me, I liked it.

I had to phone mum, see how she was, make sure everything was ok with Daddy and her. When she answered a wave of guilt overtook me, making me cry. She seemed fine though, inviting me over for dinner, telling me my room was ready if I wanted to stay the night. I accepted, wanting to see for myself that everything was good, worried she might be hiding something.

They lived twenty miles outside the city, which gave Daddy the excuse he needed to stay away from home a few nights a month. I now knew why, to fuck whores and help the mob. I put on a nice summer dress; sky blue, short with a low button up front. My make-up was perfect and I looked good, very good. I took a cab there, using the money I earned last night to pay for it.

Mum was waiting with a big smile and a hug, tears again coming to my eyes as I hugged her back, tightly. Knowing what I’d done the previous night made it a strange hug, I felt like I knew her better.

‘Hey, are you ok? You seem a little ... you know ... off.’ She asked, looking worried.

‘I’m fine, mum, just missing you and dad, it’s been a rough week, you know.’ I lied.

‘Well, I’m so glad you’re here, and you look beautiful, especially in that dress. You could still win any beauty contest.’ She told me, adoringly.

‘Mum, stop it, you know I’m a police officer now. But thank you, I still scrub up well.’

‘I phoned your dad, he’ll be home at seven, in time for dinner. He can’t wait to see you.’ She told me, smiling happily.

A shiver ran down my back, making me tremble a little. Whether it was fear or excitement I wasn’t sure but I knew I wanted to see him, to look him in the eye and see if he was any different. We had coffee and a chat, me pressing mum on her life with daddy, trying to work out why he was doing what he was doing. She was very cagey, not really answering my questions properly, frustrating me.

When I went upstairs, to look at my old room, I went into theirs as well, to check it out, see if it was different. And it was, only mummy’s things were in there, no sign of daddy’s clothes or stuff. I quickly went to the other rooms, discovering where daddy was sleeping. Fuck, I was right, they now have separate bedrooms.

Mum came up and caught me, looking embarrassed by what I found. We sat on the bed and she told me all about it. It was really kind of sad. After I left home, they just drifted apart, each finding they had nothing in common anymore. She suspected he was seeing someone else and told him he should sleep in the other room. He didn’t object, she told me, he liked the idea. And that was it, for the last year they’ve been living separate lives, with daddy spending more time in the city than at home.

But she was happy more or less, she had her friends and some clubs she went to, what else did she need, she asked me? We hugged again; my guilty feeling not so heavy now. Mum went back downstairs, leaving me in dad’s room. I lay on the bed, imagining him coming in and finding me there, naked.

‘Let’s go into town.’ Mum shouted up.

I touched myself before getting up, my panty’s wet from arousal. ‘Coming mum.’

We went shopping, mum insisted on buying me a new dress, it made her happy and that was all that mattered. I chose a similar one to the one I was already wearing, only slightly naughtier, especially as I was not wearing a bra. It was lower at the front and definitely shorter, well above the knee. When I tried it on, I felt very daring, naughty even. Mum called me out, to show her.

‘Oh my, look at you, so sexy. Are your breasts getting bigger? Your nipples definitely are.’ She said giggling and looking around to make sure no one was listening.

‘Mummy! Shhh, I can’t help it, this dress is so naughty, I love it. What do you think?’

‘Gorgeous, you look stunning. You should wear it now; you might attract a man and he might have an older friend for me.’ She giggled.

‘Should I, really?’ I asked, hoping she meant it.

‘Definitely, I would if I had your body and was twenty years younger.’

‘Mummy, you are still a beautiful woman, stop it. We’ll go out one night, just us, to a club, you’ll see how many men hit in you.’ I told her, hugging her again.

‘I’ll keep you to that, I mean it. Come on, let me pay for this hooker’s dress.’ She teased.

‘Mum! You’re terrible.’

She was right, it did attract the men, but the wrong ones. They were all sleezy or ugly, not right for my mother. But I did enjoy the attention, even with mummy there. We had a lot of fun, mummy buying me a pair of shoes as well, spoiling me rotten. When we got home, I kept the dress on, liking it even more after all the whistles and rude comments. Mum prepared dinner, letting me help a little, both of us enjoying a glass or two of red wine.

Daddy arrived home at six thirty, my heart racing as he opened the door. He was in uniform, looking so manly and dashing, his slightly greying hair adding to his appeal. As soon as he held out his arms, I went to him, hugging him tightly, all my resolve and determination to give him a hard time gone, at least for now. I pressed my tits into his chest, enjoying crushing my hard nipples against him as I put my arms around his back and squeezed.

He squeezed me back, his head above mine as I breathed in his scent, my fingers digging in slightly to his back, making him wince a little, much to my amusement. I must have touched where I scratched him last night. Good I thought, he deserved that.

‘Let me look at you, it’s been months. How are you?’ He asked, his eyes widening as he looked down at my tits, which were nicely on display.

I did a little twirl, the bottom of my dress rising and revealing my panties. Mummy was still in the kitchen, thankfully, avoiding my display. But daddy seemed to like it, his eyes drinking it all in, just like last night. My resolve to give him a hard time now returning after seeing his lustful looks at my body. He was indeed a pervert.

‘Do you like my dress? Mummy bought it for me, and some shoes, I’ll show you later if you want.’ I said, swaying my hips a little, making my tits jiggle.

‘Yes ... uh ... it’s lovely.’ He stuttered, unable to take his eyes from me.

‘You don’t think it’s a bit, you know, naughty?’ I teased, loving the power I felt.

‘Well, I wouldn’t wear it to the police ball but it’s lovely, just lovely.’ He said, his voice a little deeper as he continued to stare.

‘Really? Because I was planning to. My Lieutenant would love it, he’s always perving on me.’ I giggled.

‘Very funny, where’s your mother?’ He asked, looking a little uncomfortable.

‘In the kitchen, being a dutiful wife and cooking her man a lovely roast.’ I replied, sarcastically, leading him to her.

He didn’t answer me but I know he got my message. He kissed mum on the cheek, telling us he would shower before dinner. He gave me a funny look as he went upstairs, sending a shiver down my spine.

‘Dinner will be in ten minutes.’ Mummy shouted after him.

I returned to the lounge, with my third glass of wine, his look still bothering me. By the time my glass was empty, he had returned, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, his muscular arms looking very good.

‘Would you like another?’ He asked, taking my glass.

‘I think not papa, I might get drunk and act inappropriately.’ I told him, with a silly voice.

‘Ok, well, we wouldn’t want that would we.’ He answered, a little confused, taking my glass with him as he left for the kitchen.

He returned with his own wine, sitting opposite me, looking at my legs, which he could see clearly as my dress had ridden up high. I looked down at my thighs, realising how far up my dress was but doing nothing about it. Daddy took a gulp of wine, his eyes going back and forth to my legs, nearly making me giggle.

‘You ok, Daddy? You seem distracted.’ I teased, shuffling a little, showing more thigh.

‘I’m just ... uh ... thinking, sorry.’ He lied, taking another gulp.

I leaned back onto the sofa and stretched, lifting my arms and pushing out my chest, my hard nipples clearly visible. Daddy nearly choked, his eyes popping as he stared some more.

‘Dinners served.’ Mummy shouted.

Daddy stood, looking down at me, my hand reaching out for his, asking him to help me stand. He took it and pulled, the front of my dress falling open and letting him see everything as I rose to my feet.

‘Thanks Daddy, I’m starving.’

Dinner was lovely, mum was the best cook in America, her roast potatoes legendary. I sat next to daddy, my knee accidentally touching his throughout. Mummy was the perfect host, telling funny stories and complimenting daddy all the time. It reminded me of how it used to be, when I was little and they were happy.

After dinner I helped mummy with the dishes while daddy went to the lounge and smoked one of his cigars. We joined him once we had made the coffees. Mummy sat in her chair while I sat next to daddy on the sofa, surprised he wasn’t in his own big chair. The tv was on as we drank our coffee, all very suburban.

The wine had made me brave, I began asking daddy about his work and telling him of some rumors we had heard at our station about corruption over his way. He batted my questions off like a real pro, dismissing them as gossip and the usual cop talk. I tried to press him but he wasn’t having it, he kept asking about my job and how I was finding it all.

The wine was also making me sleepy, my head falling against daddy’s shoulder as he spoke. I leaned into him, my leg going across his lap as I made myself comfortable.

‘Maybe you should go up to bed, Amy.’ He asked, stroking my head.

‘Mmmm that’s nice, I will soon but I’m ok, carry on I’m listening.’

As he talked, I drifted off, my head on him and my leg still across his lap. When I woke a little later, mummy was gone and daddy was watching the news, still next to me.

‘Where’s mummy? What time is it?’ I asked, sleepily, snuggling up to him.

‘She went to bed, it’s ten thirty. Do you want a coffee or anything?’

‘Hmm, no, I’m good. I whispered, moving my leg further across him, my bum now almost exposed.

He was so warm and cuddly, I pushed harder into him, the front of my dress now open. I could see my nipples, which meant he could, they were still hard and long, obviously aroused. He put his arm around me, moving me a little, pushing my dress even higher.

‘Why didn’t you tell me about you and mum? You know, living separately.’ I asked, softly.

‘Why? You’re a big girl now, you have your own problems. You don’t need ours as well.’

‘I know, but still. Have you got a new girlfriend?

‘No, shh, watch the news.’ He said, deflecting.

‘What about sex, where you getting that from?’ I pressed, feeling brave again.

‘Never you mind young lady.’ He chuckled.

‘Prostitutes, I bet. You men are all the same.’ I said, snottily.

He didn’t say anything, what could he say, he was guilty as charged. I climbed on his lap, kissing him softly on the lips before standing up, my panties on show as I turned for the stairs.

‘I’m going to shower and then bed. I love you.’

‘Uh ... love you, too.’ He answered, sounding confused, my kiss throwing him somewhat.

I undressed in my room and walked naked to the shower, opposite my room, leaving the door open. I showered slowly, looking at the door every few seconds, expecting to see daddy peeking but being disappointed. When I finished, I walked back to my room, naked again, the house now silent.

As I began to dry myself, I thought I heard a creak from the stairs, making my heart miss a beat. I looked at the door, waiting as I rubbed my chest with the towel, my nipples now hurting with arousal. If he was going to bed, he would have passed by now, surely, I thought.

Ten seconds passed as I watched, wondering if I’d imagined the noise. ‘Are you there?’ I whispered.

There was no answer, he must be in bed, I thought. Then I saw a shadow, he was there, peeking or waiting for me to go to bed so he could not be seen. My heart was now racing, I was scared but excited, not knowing what I wanted, hoping he would decide.

He said nothing, still, just waiting. ‘Come in if you want.’ I dared to say, breathing heavy, not sure I meant it.

The shadow then moved, turning into daddy at the door, his eyes feasting on my body as I held the towel across my tits, making me shake with excitement. He stood there, staring, not saying anything, waiting. I did the same, so scared. Then he spoke.

‘What are you playing at, Amy? You’ve been acting silly all night.’ He asked, still looking at my body.

His question annoyed me, how dare he accuse me of playing games when he’s one sneaking around peeking through my door and fucking me last night. I dropped the towel, letting him see me again, wondering if he would recognise me.

‘Well, do I look familiar or should I put a schoolgirl uniform on?’

His eyes got wider as the cogs in his brain began turning, his expression changing as he took it all in. I turned all the way around, letting him see Mandy’s handprints before smiling back at him.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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