Undercover Cop - Cover

Undercover Cop

Copyright© 2022 by oliver twist

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A young female officer in 1970s New York, is sent undercover to help catch a criminal. She is young and naïve and completely out of her depth. Her boss only cares about getting a conviction and is happy to sacrifice this poor young girl if it helps achieve this.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Incest   BDSM   DomSub   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Bestiality  

When I finally crawled out of bed the next morning it was already nearly noon. God, my head was hurting. How much champagne did I drink last night? Too much obviously, I told myself. I looked in the mirror and didn’t much like what I saw. ‘Ewww.’ I sighed.

A much-needed shower and some coffee definitely helped. Seated at the table, eating some toast now, everything from last night came flooding back. Every little detail of my stupid and irresponsible behaviour replaying over and over in my head. How could I, I asked myself?

I tried to push it away, concentrating instead on the good news that part one of my mission was a success. Jim would be very happy at least. I would phone him soon, on my way to the dry cleaner’s. My dress was a mess as well and I remembered Gino wanted me to wear it again tonight.

As much as I tried, I couldn’t shake the images of me on that bed being touched by Julie and Mandy, it was too erotic to forget. God, was Julie right about me, am I a natural submissive? It wasn’t just giving over control to her, I thought, it was the thrill of being naked in front of both of them and not able to do anything about it. I had to get control of myself, the success of the mission depended on it.

Jim was indeed happy, telling me to report back in seven days unless something important needed his attention. I dropped my dress off and went shopping, buying another dress and some sexy underwear, enjoying teasing a young boy who was there with his mother. The poor thing looked so shocked when I left open the door of my changing cubicle just enough so he could see me naked. He was only about twelve or thirteen, but at least now he had something to tell his friends.

By six thirty I was ready and climbing into my taxi, the butterflies in my tummy going wild. This was it, I told myself, the real part of my mission was about to start and I had to get my head in the game, be professional. With my resolve back in place, I arrived at the Blue Angel, the bright neon lights welcoming me.

The second I saw Julie my resolve was gone. My pussy began to tingle and my nipples instantly grew an inch, I was indeed a submissive, all I wanted to do was call her mistress and let her fuck me.

‘Pattie, your first night, welcome. Let me take your coat.’

I took my coat off and basked in her gaze, loving how her eyes roamed over my body. She took it and hung it up, coming back to me and taking my hand.

‘Are you ok? You look a bit weird, you’re not high are you?’ She asked, looking worried.

‘No ... uh ... i uh ... i’m fine, I’m just scared I’ll muck it up.’ I finally said, trying to pull myself together.

‘You’ll be fine and if you need anything or do muck up, just come to me, I’ll fix it, I’ve got you, ok?’

‘Thank you, that makes me feel much better. God, I’m so nervous.’ I told her, still holding her hand.

‘Hey, I know the owner, he’s a good guy and he’ll do whatever I ask, so relax.’ She added, hugging me, our tits squashing together.

Mandy came up behind us, putting her arms around us both, giggling and saying: ‘Are we carrying on from last night, has Pattie called you mistress at last?’

‘Not yet but it won’t be long.’ Julie chuckled.

I didn’t let go, it was nice being in the middle and Mandy was pushing her pussy into my butt. Julie pushed us away, telling us both to go and see Gino.

‘I’ll come and check on you a bit later.’ She told me, kissing my cheek.

Mandy grabbed me, pretending to throw up. ‘Jesus, come on before she has you naked again, we have work to do.’

Gino was waiting in his office for us, looking every bit as good as he did last night. He was charming and friendly and put us both at ease, telling us just to follow the other girls and not to worry if we found things a little difficult to start with. He assured us we were not going to get in any trouble as long as we were friendly and did our best. A girl called Marilyn took us and showed us our section, it was upstairs with her, much to her surprise. She reckoned we were very lucky to be starting up there, it was usually only girls with experience that got upstairs with the important people.

That first night was a real eye opener, the amount of money these people had was incredible and the way they flaunted it was obscene. Though when Marylin gave Mandy and me our share of the tips, we both changed our minds. We both got $100 each and Marylin said on a Saturday night we could double that, if we played it right.

The next two nights were much the same, both Mandy and me learning the ropes and trying to be sexy for the men. They liked us and treated us well, mostly. Julie was a great help and spent a lot of time introducing us to the wise guys and the rich folk, telling them all I was her girl and they better treat me right. Which made me blush and tingle at the same time. Because we were so busy, Julie didn’t really get time after we finished to have a drink with us. She always seemed to have a crisis to deal with or some client to pacify, she was obviously far more than the cloakroom girl.

Gino was always present, sitting with different men and going into different rooms, always on the move and doing some kind of deal. I tried to see what he was up to but it was impossible, I just had to be patient, like Jim had told me.

On the Saturday night, I went into the big card room for the first time. There were two tables going with six men at each one. Both tables had a dealer and there were about fifteen other men and women sitting around watching. Some were girlfriends and the others I didn’t know, just associates I presumed.

Because it had its own drinks cabinet, there was no need to leave the room, unless someone wanted food or a drink that wasn’t there. I was wearing a new dress as well. It was a light red one, short but not too short. It hugged my figure, stretching over my tits up to my neck. It didn’t have a back and only covered half my tits, leaving both side boobs exposed. Because the material was thin and tight, with no underwear underneath, you could see the shape of my tits quite clearly and even when my nipples were not hard, they were obvious.

As soon I entered everyone looked at me, especially the men but also the women. The guys making no attempt to hide their appreciation. When they started playing it got busy, losing and winning money was a thirsty business. But I really enjoyed it, all the guys were funny and it made the job easy.

Halfway through the evening Gino came in with two men, one in his seventies and the other twenty or so years younger. They all sat in the corner and chatted, Gino calling me over for drinks.

‘Pattie, this is Mr Gotti and his son, Bruno.’

‘Good evening, may i get you a drink?’ I asked very politely, knowing these were important people.

‘Jesus Gino, your girls get prettier every time I come here, she’s a real doll. Scotch on the rocks for me, please.’ The older one said.

‘Me too, and your phone number.’ The younger one asked, his eyes nearly falling out of their sockets as he stared at me.

‘It’s 911, call me anytime.’ I answered, smiling as I went to get their drinks.

All three roared with laughter, Bruno calling after me: ‘ If I do you better answer.’

Gino was obviously underneath these men in the pecking order, they were so self-assured and the way they spoke made it clear. Everyone in the room went out of their way to pay their respects, never staying too long unless they were invited. After a while they joined one of the games, leaving Gino to work the room.

‘Pattie, make sure they have whatever they want and don’t keep them waiting, good girl.’ He told me.

I made a mental note of their names and carried on, hovering near them in case they wanted me. Gino relaxed and sat down, ordering a scotch, telling me Bruno loved my dress and to be careful with him. He said he can be dangerous and not to give him the impression I liked him in that way. I told him I would make sure.

A little while later, Julie came in. She knew everyone, stopping to say hello and joke with them all, especially Mr Gotti. She then sat with Gino, her dress riding up her legs and nearly showing her panty’s. When I brought her a drink, Gino had his hand on her thigh and not near the knee, a lot further up. Julie caught me looking at it and winked, enjoying my shock.

I kept looking over at them, his hand stroking her in a way no uncle should. At one point it went under her dress, obviously touching her pussy. She pushed it away but not angrily, just playfully, leaning into him, her own hand on his thigh now. She kept looking at me, catching me staring and making me blush, enjoying my discomfort.

The more she let him touch her the harder my nipples got, it was so wrong watching them but I couldn’t stop. How could they, I asked myself? When a couple of men joined them, they stopped, both acting as if nothing had happened. Julie then got up and came to me, leaving Gino to his associates.

‘Your nipples are so big, are you turned on by something?’ She asked, touching my bum.

‘No, of course not. I uh ... just get like this sometimes.’ I stammered.

‘Do you want to sleep at my place tonight?’ She asked, her voice all husky.

I looked at her quickly, shocked by her question, not knowing if she really meant it.

‘I ... uh ... why? ... I mean ... uh... ‘

She laughed, her fingers touching my lips as she leaned into my ear: ‘Call me mistress and I’ll make you cum with my mouth.’

She was playing with me again, teasing me for her own amusement. Before I could answer someone called me for a drink. I left her and fetched it, my nipples aching with arousal as I served the gentleman, his eyes enjoying my predicament.

When I turned to go back, she was already sitting with Gino, her dress up high on her thighs, exposing her beautiful legs, his hand back on her now the men had gone. I kept looking, unable to resist as she let him fondle her, her eyes darting back and forth to mine.

Before the other night I had never been touched by a girl and now here I was obsessing over one, her whole being exuding a sexuality that had me hotter than ever before. I served some more drinks, my nipples now the object of every man’s gaze, all of them shocked by the sight, but very happy.

One of the men asked me to get him a steak and fries, giving me a chance to escape Julie and her uncle. I left the room and headed to the bar, my pussy now joining my nipples in betraying me.

‘Pattie, Pattie.’ Julie called, coming up behind me.

I turned and looked at her, my face still red with arousal.

‘Gino wants you to get another steak and fries and bring it to the red room after you deliver the other one.’ She told me, smiling cheekily before heading back into the card room.

I didn’t have a chance to answer before she was gone, I just carried on to the downstairs bar where the food was made, wondering why someone wanted food in that bedroom. But I was just a waitress and it was my job. The food took five minutes to get ready before I could head back up, the men around me enjoying my body as I waited, all eyes on my nipples as they struggled against my dress for freedom.

When I got back to the card room Gino and Julie were gone, to my disappointment. I served the man his food and left for the red room. When I got there, I knocked and waited, even though the door was slightly ajar. When no one answered I pushed the door open and put my head in.

I nearly dropped the tray, there in front of me was Julie on her knees sucking Gino’s cock. They were both naked, Gino looking in great condition as he held her head, moaning as her lips stretched over his big, thick cock. Her head was moving up and down, all the way to the tip before sliding all the way down back down. She was taking it all, every inch and when she got to the bottom her tongue was licking his balls.

I stood there staring, the incestuous act compelling viewing. Julie then looked at me, her eyes full of desire as she released Gino’s huge cock.

‘Thank you, Pattie, put the tray down on the table and join us. Help me suck this monster.’ She said, licking along his shaft.

Gino said nothing, he just caressed her head, looking at me, smiling like a little boy. I walked to the table and put the tray down, turning and staring at them, not moving. Julie then stood, her body looking magnificent as she took my hand, her small tits perfect and her nipples hard, just like mine. I let her undress me, not that it took much. Gino was staring at me as Julie touched my nipples, twisting them, making me moan with pleasure. I wanted release, my sexual need was such that I had to have it, no matter what.

‘Look at her Gino, have you ever seen anything as sexy?’

‘Never, she is absolutely perfect, wow.’ He answered, not moving.

Julie pulled me to floor, just in front of Gino’s rock-hard cock. We were both kneeling, our faces inches from the twitching monster. I looked at it and opened my mouth, Julie gently pushing me on to it, telling me what a good girl I was. It was as big as Peter’s, so thick and long, I was struggling to take it all.

‘That’s it, show Gino what a good little girl you are, make him cum, swallow it all like a good sub should.’

I could hear her and I knew what she was saying but it didn’t matter, I wanted to taste him, to please Julie and show them both what I could do. My head was bobbing up and down, taking his cock inch by inch, gagging but not stopping. He tasted like a man should, like Peter did, and I loved it. With Julies help I managed to take him all, relaxing my throat and letting him slip down it.

‘Yes, you did it, well done.’ She cheered; her face next to mine.

I held him there for a few seconds before I lifted back up, breathing in through my nose and never letting him go. Julie pushed me back down, her hand now on my head, telling me to fuck him with my throat. I did as she said, holding my breath as his cock slid halfway down my throat.

He was grunting loudly, his legs trembling as I fucked him, his hard flesh sliding up down inside me, blocking my airways as I tried to bring him to orgasm.

‘Oh god, yes, I’m cumming.’ He cried, unloading the contents of his balls directly into my stomach.

I couldn’t taste him but I felt him, his cock throbbing as it spewed his goo down my throat. Julie was still holding me, not letting me move, making sure he was completely satisfied before I could breathe. On and on it went, rope after rope, filling me up with his sperm, darkness beginning to envelop me as my brain began to shut down.

‘Pattie, Pattie.’ Julie called, giggling as she held me in her arms.

I looked up at her, my mouth now empty as I breathed hard. She was smiling down at me, stroking my face, telling me I was a star. The meaning of that would become clear in the months ahead.

She helped me onto the bed, kissing me and licking her uncle’s sperm from my chin. Gino was gone, it was just the two of us.

‘He was huge, god, did I pass out?’ I asked her.

‘For a second but it’s ok, I’ve done that before. It was worth it though, yes?’

‘I suppose, I don’t know. Why are you fucking your uncle, I thought you was a lesbian?’ I asked.

‘I love a bit of cock too and he’s so sexy, don’t you think?’ She asked back.

‘He is handsome and wow, what a cock.’ I answered, my pussy still tingling with frustration.

Sucking Gino’s cock with Julie here and her making me do it, was such a thrill, I couldn’t hold my desire much longer, I needed to cum. I took her hand and put it to my pussy, blushing a little as she looked at me, her expression very smug.

‘Are you ready to call me mistress?’ She teased, her fingers touching my swollen lips.

‘Oh god, just make me cum, I did what you wanted.’ I pleaded, trying to push her fingers inside me.

She took them away and pushed me down, on my front, my face in the pillow again. Only this time she didn’t spank me, she put her face to my bum and began licking it, pushing her tongue inside. I cried out in delight, the feeling incredible, bolts of pleasure shooting through my body, making me twitch wildly.

I screamed into the pillow, gripping the sheets, my body on fire. Just as I felt the beginnings of an orgasm she stopped, her tongue gone, my hips bucking in frustration.

‘You will call me mistress or this ends.’ She said, seriously, getting up and grabbing her dress.

‘No, please, don’t stop, it’s not fair, I did what you wanted with Gino.’

But before I could get to my feet she was out of the door, telling me to get back to work.

‘Arrrrrghhhh.’ I screamed, throwing the pillow at the door.

I put my dress on and left, my pussy aching like never before, making me feel so angry and frustrated. When I got back to the card room, Mandy was there, covering for me. Gino had asked her to. She smiled at me, winking as I came to her.

‘Was you in the red room’? She asked me, chuckling.

‘She did it again, I’m so horny and she wouldn’t help me. God, I need to cum, Mandy.’ I told her, my thighs squeezing together.

Mandy laughed, saying: ‘Well call her mistress, you know you wanna.’

‘I just want to cum, if I call her mistress what then?’

‘Well, you’ll be hers, to do what she wants with. And I bet you’ll love it, I was there the other day and saw how you reacted to her, remember?’ She taunted.

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