Undercover Cop - Cover

Undercover Cop

Copyright© 2022 by oliver twist

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A young female officer in 1970s New York, is sent undercover to help catch a criminal. She is young and naïve and completely out of her depth. Her boss only cares about getting a conviction and is happy to sacrifice this poor young girl if it helps achieve this.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Incest   BDSM   DomSub   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Bestiality  

‘Yes, but... ‘ I was about to say.

‘No buts, you are just what I’m looking for and I want you here, working for me, nowhere else. You look like a million dollars; my customers will love you and if they love you, well, they spend money.’ He said, still smiling.

‘Thank you, I won’t let you down.’ I told him, enjoying his gaze.

‘The other girl that just left, Mandy, will also be starting tomorrow. She’s outside waiting, I’ve asked her to stay and familiarize herself with the joint, have a few drinks on the house and just get the feel of the place. Will you join her?’ He asked, standing up.

I stood with him: ‘I’d love to, thank you.’

‘Wear that dress tomorrow as well, it’s stunning.’ He added, openly staring at my tits.

‘Of course, but I have others that are just as nice.’ I told him.

‘Good, my clientele appreciate beauty and I wouldn’t want to disappoint them.’

‘That won’t happen, I want to make them happy, too, I promise.’ I added, in my sexy voice.

He laughed and opened the door. Mandy was waiting outside, with a drink in her hand and smiling. We said hello and went to the bar, ordering more champagne before getting to know each other. Gino was behind the bar, still staring at me, obviously very interested.

Mandy gave me a slight nudge, giggling and making eyes, telling me I had an admirer already. We both looked so sexy in our dresses, hers red and mine black. I was definitely showing more skin but not by much. We drank our champagne and ordered another, Gino happily serving us while he pointed out certain areas and explained who and what went on here and there. He told us both we would be on the floor, bringing drinks and whatever to his best customers, those that spent the most or who were important.

‘Does that include upstairs?’ Mandy asked, both of us looking up at the balcony.

‘Yes, let me take you up there for a look.’ He said, coming from the behind the bar.

The club was huge, a big dance floor with two big disco lights hanging above it, I couldn’t wait to see them spinning and flashing while people danced. On the far side was a big stage for the live music, big enough for any band. The rest of the dance floor was surrounded by tables with one area raised by a couple of steps. This gave the people seated there a much better view of the stage and floor. There was also another bar opposite this one.

As we walked to the stairs, me and Mandy looked above us, both in awe of how it looked. The whole balcony area was surrounded by tables, giving the lucky people sitting there the best view in the place. Protecting them from falling over the edge were glass panels, going all the way around, alternating between clear and black, making it look even more chic.

We walked up the stairs behind Gino, Mandy poking me and making to grab his ass, licking her lips. She was shameless but I knew we were going to get on great. The upper area was even nicer than down stairs, thick carpet and the finest of decoration, it was very opulent indeed. We followed as Gino walked us around, pointing out the card rooms and certain other rooms.

There was also another bar, big and long with a beautiful marble looking top. There were only a few people up here, a group of six men and a few scattered couples. Gino walked us over to the men.

‘Gentlemen, meet Mandy and Pattie, our new girls. Both of them start tomorrow night and I think you’ll agree they will fit in perfectly.’

They all said hello, appraising us as if it were an auction. I half expected one of them to check my teeth.

‘Beautiful, I’ll definitely be in tomorrow.’ One of them said, followed by all the others.

Mandy pinched my bum, making me jump, saying: ‘We just hope you will be satisfied with us.’ Her tone all playful.

‘Yes.’ I added, sounding like an idiot.

They all laughed as Gino walked us away. I poked Mandy in the ribs, hard, making her wince, smiling sarcastically at her. She tried to pinch my nipple but I moved too quickly, giggling loudly.

‘I see I’m gonna have trouble with you two.’ Gino said, pretending to be serious.

‘We can be all serious and boring if you like, sir?’ I asked, submissively.

‘No, we like girls who can have a laugh and enjoy men being men. You carry on.’ He answered, taking us to one of the card rooms.

‘But when you serve in here and the other card rooms, you must be serious. The people who come in here are serious card players and they don’t want any distractions. You will have to learn quickly with these men, just do your jobs and don’t try to engage or entertain. If they want to talk then ok but don’t think you’re so important that they should want to.’

We both said yes, understanding the point he was making.

‘Now that the serious bit is over, we’ll get another drink.’

We went to the bar and Gino got us all some more champagne. We were all chatting When Julie came up, looking very sexy in her tight dress.

‘If he asks you to go in the red room just run.’ She said, laughing.

‘If you don’t already know, this is Julie, my niece, and she works at the cloak room and anywhere else she likes. And if ‘she’ asks you to go in the red room, run.’ He laughed, pouring her a drink.

‘Me and Pattie are already good friends, she was checking me out earlier, I think she wants me.’ She teased, stroking my reddening cheek.

‘Oh god, please Pattie, don’t tell me you’re one of them?’ He asked, rolling his eyes.

Mandy was giggling and Julie was now wrapping her arms around my waist, making me blush even more.

‘Well ... she is ... uh lovely.’ I blurted, trying to sound confident and funny but failing.

‘Awww, she’s so sweet, can I have her uncle, please?’ Julie begged, kissing me gently.

‘No, she’s too damn beautiful to be wasted on you. Now leave the poor girl alone.’ He told her, still laughing.

‘Mr Bonetti is down stairs asking for you.’ She told him, sticking her tongue out, still holding me.

‘Fuck, what does that cock sucker want?’ He asked, not expecting an answer as he left us.

‘I’ll look after them, don’t worry.’ She shouted after him, her warm body still pressed against mine.

Mandy winked at me, enjoying watching Julie hold me, asking: ‘So what’s in the red room, can you show us?’

‘Of course, follow me.’ She answered, taking my hand.

She led us down a corridor where there were a number of rooms, all marked by colours rather than numbers. When we got to the red room, she opened it and turned on the lights. It was a bedroom with a large double bed and a drinks cabinet. There was also a shower room, it was very nice and obviously for fucking in.

‘Oh my, do customers really come here for sex, is it a brothel as well?’ Mandy asked, genuinely shocked.

Julie laughed before answering. ‘No, you silly thing. It’s where Gino and others might stay if they need it. There’s another two bedrooms as well. Gino won’t allow whores to work here, it’s not worth the hassle with the cops and he thinks it would lower the tone of the place. He’s right, I think.’

She then jumped on the bed, laying down, calling me to her with her finger, smiling that wicked grin of hers. I knew she was playing with me so I went and laid next to her, my nipples starting to ache. Mandy laughed and came closer, looking down at us.

‘Mmm, a live sex show, perfect.’ She teased.

Julie leaned against me, her hand on my tummy, stroking me with her nails. I looked at her, trying to work out how far she would go. She looked so beautiful, more than any girl I’ve ever seen, it was weird feeling like this, not knowing if I really would like it.

‘Kiss her, she wants you to, I can see it.’ Mandy gasped.

‘Do you?’ Julie asked me, leaning closer.

She was older than me, in her late twenties probably. ‘Mm-hmm.’ I answered, wanting her to, feeling a little daring.

She leaned in and kissed me, her soft lips pressing lightly against mine. I responded, opening my mouth and kissing her back, excited by her taste and feel, blaming my actions on the champagne.

‘Oh my god, that is so sexy, don’t stop.’ Mandy pleaded.

Julie pressed harder, her tongue now slipping inside me, paying with mine. I took it and sucked on it, not really knowing why but driven by instinct. She moaned quietly, letting me, her hand now on my breast, pinching my nipple. I moaned too, drinking her saliva as it run off her tongue, pushing my chest up.

‘Should I leave?’ Mandy asked, giggling again.

Julie broke the kiss, smiling down at me, her hand still inside my dress and on my tit. I gasped, wiping my lips, looking at Mandy, not knowing what to say. Mandy leaned down and pulled my dress off my shoulders, my tits now on display as Julie caressed them, her eyes ablaze with arousal.

Julie pulled it even further down, to my waist, with no resistance from me. I was in shock, not really knowing what I was feeling or wanted but definitely excited. Julie then began sucking a nipple, making me gasp again, my back arched as she molested me. Mandy was watching it all with obvious arousal, her eyes on mine as I squirmed on the bed.

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