Undercover Cop - Cover

Undercover Cop

Copyright© 2022 by oliver twist

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A young female officer in 1970s New York, is sent undercover to help catch a criminal. She is young and naïve and completely out of her depth. Her boss only cares about getting a conviction and is happy to sacrifice this poor young girl if it helps achieve this.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Incest   BDSM   DomSub   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Bestiality  

When i arrived at the station the following morning, I was still feeling like a fool. How could I have been so stupid? How could I have been sucked in by them, believing I had been accepted and would be treated with respect and equality? Never again, fucking bastards, I told myself.

I returned to my own section and went out on patrol with an officer called Mike. He was near retirement and only wanted to make it through without getting killed. Every time I was with him, he would always tell me to do nothing to make anyone angry, often ignoring things we should get involved in. But he was the senior officer and I was just a woman.

The shift was normal and when we returned to the station he thanked me and left. I sat in the locker room thinking, trying to decide if it was worth going to the captain about what had happened to me. Sure, he might be sympathetic, but would he actually discipline anyone? Probably not. Yes, i might get a token apology but it would change nothing, the men would still be in charge and still be making all the rules.

I thought of my dad and wondered if he’d ever done anything like that, hoping he hadn’t. The door then opened and the captain walked in, looking for me.

‘Amy, I’ve just been speaking with Lieutenant Johnson, and he said you were a real pro out there, never once lost your cool and a real asset. He reckons you can handle going undercover properly for me. When you’re finished changing come to my office and we’ll talk. Oh yeah, I hear they played a little joke on you with Peter, I hope they didn’t go too far, I know they can sometimes.’

I looked at him and tried to work out if he already knew how far they went and was really here to see if I was a telltale. ‘Tell him, tell him’, I screamed in my head, but I didn’t. Instead, I thanked him and said I’d be up in a minute.

I had about five minutes to decide whether I wanted to stay in uniform and go out every day with the likes of Mike or join a bunch of men that totally humiliated me and laughed about it. Knowing my decision, I walked to the captain’s office on the fourth floor, passing the vice squad on my way.

When I arrived, he invited me in and told me to take a seat, offering me a coffee.

‘They did go too far but I won’t make an issue of it. I just ask that you have a word with them and tell them to treat me with a bit more respect in the future. Thank you, sir.’ I told him.

‘I will, Amy and sorry.’ He answered, looking sincere.

I wasn’t sure I believed him but I wanted more than uniform could provide and being undercover offered this, even if it meant putting up with sexist pigs. The captain poured some coffee and sat back down.

‘Ok Amy, let’s discuss what the job entails and see if you want to come on board.’

Before he could go on the door opened and in came lieutenant Johnson.

‘Jim, glad you could make it. I was just going to show Amy a photo of Bianchi before I told her about the mission.’

‘Amy, glad you’re on board, we think a lot of you here.’ Jim told me, sitting in the chair next to me.

‘Thank you, sir.’ I replied, feeling a little better.

The captain threw some photos on the desk and asked me if I knew who it was and if I’d ever met him? I looked at them and said no, asking who it was.

‘Well, he’s a night club owner who helps import class A drugs and sells women on the side, mostly young girls from South America, where the drugs come from as well. We have been after him for years but the last undercover cop, a male, was rumbled and killed. Shall I continue?’ He asked.

Before I answered I looked again at the photos, just to make sure I didn’t know him. He was in his forties, I reckoned, impeccably dressed with an obvious arrogance. He was very good looking and probably Italian, his slick black hair typical of the mob.

‘Yes, please.’ I told him, feeling rather important with two high ranking officers trying to recruit me.

‘Ok, his name is Gino Bianchi and he’s forty years old. He’s married but plays around all the time, as does his wife, both of them like the more kinky side of life. He owns the Blue Angel night club, you might have heard of it, and from there he runs his little empire... ‘

‘Is he in the mob?’ I asked, interrupting the captain.

‘I’m coming to that, hold your horses. He’s not a made-man or anything but does associate with the Gambino family. They sometimes help each other out and Bianchi launders money for them. He’s a nasty piece of work who will do anything to make money.’

‘We’ve been watching him for years but he’s one of the clever ones, always covering his tracks and never talks business on the phone.’ Jim added.

‘Exactly, but he has a weakness for pretty young girls, especially blonds with nice tits, and you tick all the boxes, Amy. Sorry for being crude.’ The captain said, smiling.

I blushed but said nothing, waiting to see if there was more.

‘We’re hoping you might be able to get close to him and gather information that we can use against him. We want to shut him down and send him away for a long time. All you have to do is listen and hopefully he’ll let something slip, give us something to catch him in the act so to speak. We have nothing at the moment and we just need to get someone in there, like you, who can get close. What do you think?’ The captain asked, looking a little nervous.

I nodded yes, too excited to speak. This was the chance of a lifetime, and nothing was going to stop me, not even the obvious risk to my life.

‘You sure? You can think about it if you want. It’s a big job and you’ll have to do things and see things that a young girl shouldn’t.’ He added, wanting to lay it all out there.

I’m not sure if it was enthusiasm or ignorance that made me ignore what the captain said but I did. I wanted this so much I just focused on the opportunities and not the negatives.

‘How do I get to close to him? You must have a plan.’ I asked, enthusiastically.

‘His club is hiring waitresses and you’re going to apply. We’ll give you some money for clothes and we’ve rented a small apartment nearby. We’ve got a story already for you, all you have to do is memorise it and make sure you don’t slip up.’

‘What if he doesn’t hire me?’ I asked, quickly.

They both laughed before the captain said: ‘After the way you looked the other night, I don’t think that will be an issue. You’ll buy a real classy dress that shows off what god gave you and let his dick do the rest. You’re beautiful, Amy, and dressed up you’re even hotter, he will love you, trust me.’

‘Oh ... thank you, I hope you’re right.’

‘Listen, just imagine you’re at a pageant and he’s a judge. He does all the hiring so I think it will be ok. Just make sure you get that wow dress, ok?’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘Come in tomorrow and Jim will walk you through everything, he’s your handler from now on and the only one you discuss this with, is that understood?’

‘Of course, sir.’

‘It’s for your own protection, not a fucking word to anyone. Jim will tell your commander what’s going on and make sure all your colleagues no longer know you, no matter where they see you. Now go home and get here at nine in the morning.’

‘Yes, sir and thank you, sir. I won’t let you down.’ I gushed, standing and leaving, almost falling over my chair.

When I got home, I poured myself some wine and sat in my chair, realising the captain’s plan was nothing more than throwing me to the lions and hoping they wouldn’t eat me. I drank a couple of big glasses and then took a shower before getting into bed and reading what Jim had given me, a short biography of Gino. He was a typical gangster, wanting money without doing anything for it. There were also some photos of his wife, Angela. She was Italian as well, about his age and extremely attractive. Her long black hair and olive skin just as I expected. A couple of the photos were by their pool and she was in a bikini, a very small bikini.

Why would he stray when he had this goddess at home? Oh yes, he’s a man, I giggled. But she really was beautiful and her body didn’t look older than mine. Bitch, I thought. Some of the information alluded to their rather kinky sex life. Apparently, he likes to watch her with other women and occasionally men. And there is something about a club he goes to but the only info on it is that it is very exclusive and deviant.

God, I thought, how the rich and criminal live. I drifted off and began dreaming, waking up constantly as each dream came to its shocking conclusion. For some reason I was always found out and punished in front of his men. This would include being tied by my hands and strung up while Gino whipped me, making me beg for mercy but never giving it.

In another I was given to his men for the night, all ten of them. They all fucked me one after the other, using every hole, cumming all over my body as they filmed it. In one, I was even given to his dogs, four of them, and he had all his men and his wife watching, filming it again.

By the time my alarm went off I had been degraded in every possible way, my whole body was wet with sweat. I showered and tried not to think of my dreams, concentrating on the positives instead. With water still dripping off me I stood in front of my mirror and looked at my body, still impressed with what I had been given. My nipples were so hard as I touched them, aching for attention, demanding to be pinched.

I wanted to cum, my body was all tingly and I knew if I didn’t pleasure myself, I would be itchy all day. My fingers went to my pussy and pushed inside, my juices already dripping as I began fucking myself, moaning loudly as I lay on the bed. Images of Peter’s big black cock in my mouth coming into my head. The taste of his cum also came back to me, the saltiness of the thick white goo as it flooded my mouth. I was soon cumming, a lovely orgasm giving me some relief from my tension.

I dressed and headed into the precinct, feeling a little better. Being undercover meant I would no longer be allowed anywhere near this place, unless I was arrested of course. Walking in knowing this was very strange. I went straight to Jim’s office and knocked, feeling a mixture of dread and excitement. He beckoned me inside and we both sat at his desk.

We spent four hours talking about everything related to my mission, including me making a will. Jim was very professional and drilled into the importance of being completely in character when away from this place. We had two days before my interview and I was to spend it practicing some basic waitressing skills and going through all the paperwork, over and over again until I knew my part, including my new name, Patricia, or Pattie for short.

Before I left with five hundred dollars to buy some classy dresses, Jim wanted to make one more point.

‘I know what happened the other night, with Peter, and I wanted to make sure you understood that if it came to doing anything like that with Gino, then I expect you to do so. This mission is too important to fail because you don’t want to go the extra mile. You happily sucked that black fucker’s cock, so you can do the same to Bianchi if he asks. Do I make myself clear?’ He asked, very seriously, looking straight at me.

I was shaken by his bluntness and his reference to Peter, he obviously didn’t care about anything other than getting his man.

‘Well?’ He pressed, impatiently.

‘So, you want me to whore myself to get a conviction?’ I asked, just as bluntly.

‘If you have to, yes. He’s a good-looking man so it won’t be that bad. I mean it, Amy, if you have to fuck him then you do. Say it.’ He demanded.

‘I ... uh ... uh ... i can’t promise that ... but I’ll do whatever I have to.’ I answered, hoping my confusing response would satisfy him.

He put his hand on my thigh and stroked up to my panty’s, saying: ‘Look, it’s nothing, just close your eyes and think of the flag.’ His fingers now pressing on my pussy.

If this was a test, I was very confused by it. He pressed harder, his fingers rubbing against my clit, making me squirm in my chair.

‘See, it’s quite nice isn’t it? Just relax and enjoy it.’ He said.

I didn’t know what to do, I was angry yet felt powerless to stop him and even enjoyed it on some sick level. If I screamed it would mean the end to my undercover role and back to uniform, so I let him, trying to act as though it was just to get the part.

‘I knew you were perfect for this mission, look at you, just sitting there, enjoying it. Make sure Gino gets his share if he wants it. Now go buy a slutty dress and report back here tomorrow morning, with the dress.’ He told me, taking his fingers away.

I stood and left, not saying a word. If I wanted to go further with my career this was the kind of thing I had to accept, it was just the way it was. By the time I got to the boutique downtown, I had calmed down a little. I was looking forward to choosing a few nice dresses, especially a sexy one that would impress and help me get the job. The girl was very helpful and helped me choose some very revealing and slutty ones.

After shopping I went for my waitress training, spending four hours learning how to look the part but still needing to go back tomorrow. It was quite late when I got home, so I ate and went to bed, dreaming again of Gino and his men.

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