Undercover Cop - Cover

Undercover Cop

Copyright© 2022 by oliver twist

Chapter 14

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14 - A young female officer in 1970s New York, is sent undercover to help catch a criminal. She is young and naïve and completely out of her depth. Her boss only cares about getting a conviction and is happy to sacrifice this poor young girl if it helps achieve this.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Incest   BDSM   DomSub   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Bestiality  

It was such a lovely day, the two of us relaxing by the pool, laughing and joking, drinking coffee and eating cake, nothing in the world to worry about. Even Mira joined in, taking time off from running the place to have some fun. By three 3pm, both Mandy and myself had fallen asleep, the big umbrella protecting us from the sun as we dreamt of big dogs fucking us for our master’s pleasure. Well, that’s what I dreamt of anyway.

At four pm, we were awoken by some of the other girls screaming and jumping in the pool. We wearily sat up, wiping our eyes, annoyed by being disturbed.

‘Noisy fuckers.’ I moaned.

‘Do they not realise who we are?’ Mandy joked, stretching her sexy body.

‘Exactly, especially me, the favourite.’ I teased, stretching too.

‘Pfftt, Ali told me I was the prize slave, the best in all Arabia. Sheiks from all over were coming to gaze at my beauty, you’ll see.’

‘Not if they see me first. Stories will be written of my beauty, probably even films made.’

‘Yeah, porn films.’ She giggled.

‘Still a film.’ I said, sticking my tongue out.

We relaxed again, some of the girls joining us, one of them touching my tits, her look of confusion asking for an explanation about my marks. I shrugged my shoulders and made a whipping motion, making her laugh. They all laughed, two more caressing me as I sat back, their fingers feeling nice.

‘Mmmm, I like that.’ I cooed.

Two more began to touch Mandy, stroking her body, chatting to each other as they did so. All of them seemed to like our skin and bodies, excited by our whiteness. Mandy smiled at me and sat back with me, enjoying the attention as well. My two admirers were playing with my nipples, amazed by how hard and long they were.

One of them looked at me and said something, looking a little embarrassed. She then sucked her finger and pointed at my nipple.

‘Oh, you want to suck it? Yes, please.’ I nodded.

She leant down and began sucking, her friend then doing the same to the other one. I moaned with pleasure, their mouths so soft as they sucked gently, like two babies.

‘Oh my god, that feels lovely.’ I sighed.

Mandy told her two girls to do the same, moaning with me as they obeyed. We both just sat there, moaning quietly as these amazing girls sucked our nipples. It felt so different, really gentle and intimate, like they were actually feeding from me.

‘Tifi is going to be pissed with you, letting them do that while she’s away.’ Mandy teased.

‘But it feels so good, like they’re my babies and I’m their mom. Look at the way they are sucking, so real, God, no one has ever sucked my nipples like this.’

‘I know, it’s as if they want us to be their mom’s. I love how they are resting their heads against me, I feel so motherly, I want a baby.’ She said, smiling and stroking them.

We sat their for ages, both of us cradling our babies, telling them everything would be alright and mummy would look after them. It was so weird but so soothing, making me even happier. It was Mira who ended the love-in, clapping her hands and telling the girls to go away, smacking their bums as she chased them.

‘Mira, no, they are our babies.’ I cried.

‘They are silly girls, not babies, don’t encourage them.’ She told us sternly.

‘But... ‘

‘No but. Your master will be here to collect you at six pm, go shower and make beautiful.’ She told me, smacking my bum as well.

It was only five pm but we both left and went to our room, disappointed our children had been taken from us. My nipples felt so good, soft and satisfied, as if emptied of all their aches. Mandy felt the same, promising we would have them do that again. We showered together and ate a little, Mandy rubbing some lotion on my body ready for my master.

He arrived in person just before six, looking all excited, hurrying me out of the room and down the corridor.

‘You must take your time with Jasmine, do not hurry and make sure she stands as you wash her, I want a good view. If you can, get her to the bed and rub some of her cream into her body, do whatever she wants and even ask if she wants you to satisfy her, ok?’

‘Yes, master.’

‘She is always teasing me, flaunting her body and then smacking my hand when I try to touch her, she does it to drive me insane.’

‘I’m sorry master, I will do whatever I can for you.’

‘If father ever found out, well, it wouldn’t be good.’

‘I understand master.’

We arrived at her room, dead on six. Master knocked and waited. knocking again after a few minutes when there was no answer.

‘See, she provokes me.’

‘Yes, master.’ I answered, nearly giggling, knowing exactly what she was doing.

After another knock, she opened the door, smiling sweetly. Her flimsy robe just covering her body.

‘Your late,’ she teased, turning and walking away.

We both followed, master first. She walked through her beautiful room to a door on the far side, her hips swaying sexily as she did so. When we entered, she pointed to a chair, master sitting on it as she walked further into the bathroom.

‘Come slave.’ She ordered.

The bathroom was huge, bigger than master’s with a sunken bath measuring at least twenty-foot square. As Jasmine reached it, her robe slipped from her body, revealing her sexy, nubile body. I looked at her with genuine attraction, her long dark hair flowing down her back. My eyes followed it to her bum, which was perfect, and then down her slim legs to her dainty ankles.

She really was very beautiful, dark and exotic and exuding a confidence that added to allure. I couldn’t wait for her to turn around. She walked down the steps into the water, as if on a runway showing off some chic dress, her movement elegant and assured. My eyes followed her as she made her way to the far side of the bath, the water just above her knee.

I waited at the top of the steps, letting her put on a nice show for master, not wanting to get in the way of his view. When she reached the other side, she stopped and gathered her hair, putting it up, slowly and gracefully, her beautiful back now on show. When she was happy with her hair, she turned, again slowly, her hands still above her head, accentuating her magnificent breasts. Her smile was subtle and sexy, with a hint of mischief, she was displaying herself for me and master, proud of her body.

She stood there, inviting us to admire what she had to offer, in no hurry to end it. I looked at her with a deep appreciation, her perfectly shaped tits hung with the firmness only a teenage body could give, and her erect nipples stuck out with an obviousness that caught the eye instantly. Her hard, flat stomach, adding to the appearance of a Michelangelo sculpture.

My eyes drifted south, to her pussy, a thin landing strip of hair barely covering her puffy lips. She was aroused, there was no hiding it, at least not from me. Her pussy was as I expected, enticing and sexy, ready for my mouth or fingers.

‘Come.’ She ordered.

I smiled and descended the steps into the warm water, my eyes still on her pussy and strong thighs. My own pussy was twitching, excited at the prospect of touching this young nymphet. As I reached her, she stepped away from the side, indicating I should go behind her, which I did.

I pushed my own tits into her back, letting her know I was in position. She leaned back, my hard nipples poking into her, making me press harder.

‘You’re beautiful, really beautiful and your body is so sexy.’ I whispered in her ear.

‘Thank you ... what’s your name?’

‘It’s Pattie.’

‘Thank you, Pattie. I will call you that when we’re alone. Do you think I’m wicked for letting my brother see me naked and teasing him?’ She asked, her hands now on touching my hips.

‘No, I think it’s delicious and sexy and I’m so turned-on.’ I told her, still whispering.

‘Should we give him something to enjoy?’

‘Oh yes ... Jasmine. Sorry, I shouldn’t call you by your name, sorry.’

‘No, people wouldn’t like that.’

‘I’ll call you mistress, if that’s ok?’ I offered.

‘Mistress? Mmm I like that. You want me to be your mistress?’ She asked.

‘I know I have master already but yes, I’d like that, mistress, as long as master doesn’t disapprove.’ I answered, very submissively.

‘So do I and I think we both know I can make my brother say yes to anything.’ She giggled. ‘I think I will insist you spend the night with me, how does that sound slave?’

‘That would please this slave very much, mistress.’ I answered truthfully.

‘I’ve not actually been with a woman, properly, have you? She asked, a little nervously.

‘Oh yes, mistress, many times. If you’ll let me I’ll teach you everything I know, my tongue will be at your command.’ I whispered in her ear, my lips touching her lobe.

She gasped, her hands gripping me tightly: ‘Oh slave, I’d like that very much.’

‘We’ll need to please your brother, give him something in exchange for letting me stay the night.’ I told her, my hands on her tummy.

‘Yes, you’re right, he’ll want more than usual, but what?’ She asked, hoping I’d help.

‘Is he allowed to touch you, mistress?’

‘Yes, but he can’t fuck me. Maybe I’ll touch his thing, make him cum, what do think?’

‘I think that would please him immensely, mistress. After I wash you, we’ll go to the bed and I’ll rub some cream all over you, let him see you close up, enjoying my touch, it will make him putty in your hands, If that’s ok?’

‘Yes, yes, good idea, slave. Now wash me before he screams.’ She giggled.

I was so excited as I took the soap from the side, I could feel mistress trembling against me as I reached around and began rubbing the soap on her tits. She almost collapsed as she felt my hands, a loud moan telling her brother just how much she wanted this. I put the soap back on the side and began massaging her young, firm tits, both of them filling my hands as I pressed and squeezed, occasionally pinching a nipple.

‘Do you like it?’ I asked, knowing the answer.

‘Oh yes, oh yes, don’t stop.’ She sighed.

Master was leaning forward on his chair, his eyes wide in amazement. He could hardly believe what he was watching, his older sister and his sex slave, both naked and enjoying each other’s body.

‘Lift your arms, as if touching the sky.’

She did as I asked, her arms pointing at the ceiling. I began washing her arms from the elbow down, my fingers running down her arm to her side, making her giggle as they went under her arm.

‘Oh slave, that feels wonderful, your fingers are amazing.’

‘Thank you, mistress.’

I took the soap again and rubbed it across her tummy, her arms still in the air as I washed her gently, my fingers scraping over her ribs and going to the top of her pussy, but not touching it. She was jumping and gasping as I played with her, her body unused to this much stimulation. It was so sexy having this young girl in my arms as her even younger brother watched.

Her tummy muscles kept cramping as I ran my fingers up and down. Each time she would jerk and squeeze me, moaning with desire, wanting more. I took the soap again and rubbed it between her pussy lips, pressing down as it passed over her clit. She cried out, pushing me back against the side of the bath, her legs wobbling as she used me to stop herself from falling.

I quickly held her, dropping the soap in the water, giggling as she regained her composure. But I didn’t wait, my fingers went back to her pussy, rubbing her lips and clit, making her cry out again. Master was now off his chair, just feet away from us, wanting to be closer to the action.

The whole scene was beyond erotic, two teenagers, related, and me, all sexually excited and wanting to go much further. None of us was thinking clearly any longer, our sexual desires getting the better of us and pushing us ever further along the forbidden path

I pushed a finger inside mistress, her body now a quivering mess as she succumbed to her needs, a sudden orgasm taking hold of her. She was moaning and bucking, her brother encouraging her as I fingered her quicker. I knew at this moment she would do whatever was needed to achieve satisfaction, she was as highly sexed as me, her body was giving her away for all to see.

Her orgasm was a big one, the poor girl was beyond saving, she would need another and another, that’s how this worked, I should know. When she relaxed, I began again, my finger sliding in and out as I bit on her neck, giving her a new sensation, pain. She responded how I knew she would, gasping and moaning, moving her hips and giving me her neck to bite.

‘Master is here, look how he wants you, his eyes are full of need. Isn’t it sexy knowing that?’ I asked her.

She looked at her brother, moaning loudly as I bit harder into her flesh, their eyes meeting in a mutual understanding.

‘What is it you want from me, brother?’ She whispered.

‘You, I want you, to fuck you, you know that.’ He told her, his robe gone and his erection on full view.

I was still fingering her, bringing her closer to another orgasm, knowing her arousal would cloud her judgement and give master what he wanted.

‘If we can share your slave, you can fuck me. I want her to spend the night with me, say yes and I’m yours.’

He didn’t hesitate, saying yes immediately, climbing in the bath with us. He took her in his arms and kissed her, forcing me to let her go. She kissed him back, surrendering to him, letting him take control. I watched with fascination, brother and sister making out, both so sexy. When they parted, he took her hand and led her out of the water and to the bed, I followed them, hoping I could watch.

He pushed down on the bed and looked at her, taking in her beauty, still astonished he was now going to fuck her. She looked at me and smiled, calling me to her with a finger. She was displaying herself for her brother, posing to make him even more aroused. I knelt by her side, looking up at master, smiling at him.

‘Come brother, take me, do what you’ve been waiting for.’

She held my hand as he climbed on her, his slim body looking so young as she opened her legs wider. I stroked his back, so turned-on to be watching this incestuous lovemaking.

She gasped when he entered her, squeezing my hand as he began, looking into his eyes. He was gentle, not wanting to spoil this in any way.

‘Oh brother, I can feel you, my first ever.’ She told him.

He was so excited, I could see it in his eyes and his movement, he was struggling to control himself, such was his eagerness to be with Jasmine. She looked like a goddess, her skin shinning and her tits heaving as she breathed heavily. She was beautiful and witnessing her deflowerment was truly erotic, something I would never forget.

‘Oh slave, it feels good, better than I thought it would.’ She whispered, still squeezing my hand.

Master gave a little grunt, his body twitching as he began to cum, nothing could stop him, he was just too excited. Jasmine felt it, too, wrapping her legs around him and holding him.

‘Oh brother, I can feel it, I can feel your seed. Mmmmm.’ She sighed.

Master collapsed on top of her, spent, his seed seeping out of her and onto the bed. I continued to stroke his back, smiling at mistress. She smiled back, her eyes sparkling, it was as though she had planned this all along. After a minute or so, she pushed master off, getting to her feet and taking me with her back to the bath.

We sat in the bath, letting the warm water sooth us, watching master as he lay on the bed. Jasmine hand was on my thigh under the water, caressing me, her fingers at my entrance, teasing. I looked at her and wanted nothing more than to make love.

Master then stood, coming to the edge and looking down at us, his expression one of satisfaction, he was happy.

‘Have a good night you two.’ He said, turning and leaving.

As soon as he was gone, mistress began kissing me, her tongue playing with mine as she pressed hard against my lips. She was so enthusiastic, I felt like a teenager myself, it was wonderful. We kissed for ages, she seemed to love it, moaning and licking into my mouth. When she eventually stopped, I gasped for breath, falling back against the side, staring at her, amazed by this young girl’s behaviour.

‘Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever been kissed like that before.’ I told her, smiling.

‘Good, I think you are amazing. It was worth letting my brother have me if I get to spend the night with you. Let’s go to the bed.’

We made love for hours, Jasmine giving me as much pleasure I gave her, she was such a good learner and wanted to give as much as she received. She was still my mistress but never acted like it, we made love like equals, just enjoying each other’s bodies. By the time we fell asleep, she was purring like a cat, telling me it was the best night of her life and promising it would continue.

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