Undercover Cop - Cover

Undercover Cop

Copyright© 2022 by oliver twist

Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - A young female officer in 1970s New York, is sent undercover to help catch a criminal. She is young and naïve and completely out of her depth. Her boss only cares about getting a conviction and is happy to sacrifice this poor young girl if it helps achieve this.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Incest   BDSM   DomSub   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Bestiality  

It was just after dawn when Angela came back down, the sun was still low over the ocean as both Mandy and myself looked up at her, each with a dog’s cock buried in our cunts. I’m not sure how many times I had been fucked during the night, but it was a lot, perhaps as many as ten. We had only been allowed an hours sleep before the dogs demanded our pussies, all of them taking it in turns to breed us, one after the other all night. Sometimes, Zeus would be inside for me twenty or thirty minutes, just lying on my back pumping me full of his seed, determined he would be the one to impregnate me.

When they were done with us, we were told to follow Angela. We rose to our feet, shakily, and left the pen, looking back at our lovers as we followed her. Mandy took my hand, the first time we’d been able to touch each other all night, smiling at me as we walked through the garden. I winked back at her, so happy I had shared this experience with someone I loved.

There was no one else about, just the three of us, all normal people asleep in their beds. Sperm was running down my legs, lots of it, at least ten dog’s worth. But I didn’t mind, even the deep scratches on my body a badge of honour, I decided. We arrived at our room, Angela telling us she’d be back soon with clothes and food.

As soon as the door was shut, I jumped on Mandy, pushing her onto the bed and kissing her, my mouth pressing hard against hers. She didn’t resist, just let me have my way, knowing what I was like.

‘God, can you fucking believe that? What a night, Jesus.’ I gasped, rolling off her.

‘I need a shower, come on.’ She answered, dragging me off the bed.

‘OK ok, but what about last night? I can’t believe what we did and all those people, fuck.’ I asked, letting her pull me into the shower.

‘let’s wash first, I want to feel human again.’ She told me.

‘I don’t, I like feeling like this. God, how many times were we fucked?’

‘A lot, now wash my back and be careful of my scratches.’

‘Whatever you say, poor baby.’ I replied, gently washing her back.

‘God, what happens now? And did you see that guy with a camera, it’s all on film?’ She asked, sounding scared.

‘Hey, it’s alright, they’re gangsters, no one’s going to fuck with us or make things hard.’ I told her, reassuringly.

‘Jesus, Pattie, it’s them I’m scared of. They own us now; our lives are in their hands.’

‘I suppose, but we have Julie and I liked last night, it was the best sex of my life and I want to do it again. Don’t you?’

‘Yes, but they’ll own us and I’m scared of what that means. But fuck me, it was good and watching you really made it better. You are such a bitch, a total doggy slut.’ She giggled.

We washed and went back to the bedroom, both rubbing cream on the other, trying to soothe the burning from the dog’s scratches. We both looked in the mirror, amazed by how many lines were running down our bodies.

‘Jesus, look at them all. They’ll take ages to heal.’ Mandy gasped.

‘Good, I like them, I want to lick every one of them.’ I teased.

Angela opened the door followed by a maid, who put a big tray of food on the table and left.

‘Eat up, girls, I have a nice surprise for you.’ She said, putting some clothes on the bed.

‘God, I’m starving. What surprise?’ I asked, taking a plate and sitting on the bed.

Mandy did the same, sitting next to me and waiting for the surprise.

Angela leaned against the table and spoke: ‘Well, I think after last night you both deserve a treat. So, you are going to one of Gino’s friend’s ranch in Montana. It is set in a million acres or something and has a swimming pool, horses a cinema, etc etc. It’s a fabulous place and you’ll be able to relax and recover after last night.’

We looked at each other and then back at Angela, both slightly confused.

‘Eat and dress, I’ll be back in twenty minutes.’ She said, leaving the room.

Something about a ranch in Montana rang a bell but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

‘What do you think?’ I asked.

‘Don’t know, it sounds lovely but I don’t trust her. Do you?’

‘Don’t know. Shall we say we don’t want to?’

‘Fuck, dunno. You decide.’

‘Oh thanks. It would be lovely to get away and we’ll be together.’

‘So, you’re saying yes?’

‘No, I’m just saying it might be nice. Shit, I think someone said something about this last night but I can’t remember.’

‘You were too busy fucking dogs, whore.’ She teased.

‘We’ll say we’re not sure and see how she reacts. Yes?’

‘Ok but if we get wacked it’s your fault.’

‘Ok, as long as we die together.’ I said, kissing her cheek.

We ate and dressed, waiting for Angela to return. The two dresses were nice, not slutty at all, just normal summer dresses, both blue. When Angela returned, she was with a man.

‘Are you ready? Thomas will take you to the car and drive you to the airfield, you have a private jet waiting.’ She said, waiting.

‘We’re not sure, Angela. Maybe we can think about it today, while we rest?’ I asked, nervously.

‘Nonsense, grab your things and come, the jet is waiting and it can’t be on the runway for much longer.’ She said, firmly.

‘But ... uh... ‘

‘Just come, now. Someone is supplying the jet and you will insult them if you say no. Come on.’ She ordered, leaving us in no doubt about our choices.

We picked up our bags and followed, both of us now scared. The car was a big black limo with dark windows, typical mafia. The man opened the rear doors and let us in, taking our bags to the trunk before getting in himself. Angela waved as we were driven off, smiling.

Thirty minutes later we were at the airfield, another man opening the gates and waving us through. We drove straight to a jet, with yet another man waiting at the bottom of the stairs. He opened our doors and let us out, pointing up the stairs to the plane. We walked up them and into the jet, gasping at the luxury, looking at each other. The man soon joined us, putting the bags overhead before going to the front of the plane and disappearing.

A woman then appeared and asked us to sit and put on our seatbelts, telling us we would be taking straight off. We sat and waited, the engines roaring into life immediately.

‘Oh my god, Mandy, what is happening? Where are we going?’ I asked, looking out of the window as we started moving.

‘Montana, Angela said Montana. A nice ranch with a swimming pool.’ She answered, sounding very unconvincing.

Within seconds we were airborne, climbing steeply, the ground disappearing quickly. It was a magnificent view below us, the city looked so beautiful and peaceful, just like the movies.

The woman returned with some drinks, offering us a choice of whiskey or coffee, we both chose coffee. It tasted different but nice, we had two cups, relaxing a little as the woman told us we could remove our belts now. Six hours later I woke up, a very bitter taste in my mouth. Mandy was waking as well, looking at me and rubbing her eyes.

I looked out of the window and saw nothing but the sea. At first, I thought nothing of it, thinking how blue it looked, but then I realised there was no sea between New York and Montana. I looked at my watch and saw the time.

‘We’re not going to Montana.’ I said, calmly.

‘What do you mean?’ Mandy asked.

‘We’ve been out for six hours and there’s nothing but sea below us. If we were going to Montana we’d be there by now and we wouldn’t be over the ocean. I think we’re going overseas.’

‘Fuck, now I’m scared and my fucking mouth tastes like a sewer.’ She cried.

‘Mine too, we were drugged, knocked out. I’m scared as well. Oh Mandy, where are they taking us?’

We held each other, looking out at the sea, wondering if we’d ever see America again. The woman appeared again, with some water, smiling.

‘Why did you drug us? Where are we going?’ I asked, taking the water.

‘We’ll be there in another few hours, relax and enjoy the view. We have some sandwiches if you’d like?’ She answered, so calmly.

‘Why won’t you tell us?’

She didn’t answer, just left saying she’d bring the sandwiches.


Julie: ‘I can’t believe you did that without asking me, they are my friends, I like them, especially Pattie. Get them back, I mean it.’

Gino: ‘A million fucking dollars, that’s what that Arab fuck paid for them. I can’t get them back, they’re gone, it’s over. Jesus, Julie, you’ll get a good cut, be happy.’

Julie: ‘Did you know this was happening?’

Angela: ‘Not until this morning but it’s good business, when would we earn this much from anything else? Come on, Julie, you’ll soon forget them, think of the money and what you’ll spend it on.’

Julie: ‘I want them back, tell me where they are?’

Gino: ‘Forget it, the old man sanctioned this, and he’s already got his cut. Let it go, I mean it.’

Julie: ‘I’ll never forgive you for this, fuck you.’


It was dark when the plane started to descend, we had no idea where we were and both of us were scared stiff, it was a nightmare and waking from it might be even worse. We saw no lights as we got lower, only those of the runway. When we bumped onto the ground, we could see nothing but blackness, it was as though we were in a tunnel.

The woman was back again, telling us we had arrived, as though we didn’t know. We waited, holding hands, watching the door, the sound of the engines dying now we were stationary. We could hear noises outside, people, then the door opened.

‘Ah, ladies, welcome. Please come with me.’ A man said, wearing something from an Arabian nights film.

‘Where are we?’ I asked, not moving.

‘Please, come, all will be revealed soon.’ He answered, his hand out.

We both stood, knowing we had no other choice. He led us down the stairs to a big car, the doors open already. We looked out into the night, seeing nothing but darkness, we were in the middle of nowhere. At least it was warm I thought, getting into the limo. Less than ten minutes later we were pulling up to some huge gates, armed men standing there as they opened. We drove through them, slowly, more men with guns on the other side.

At first, I didn’t see the palace, I was too busy looking at the men. When I did, I gasped loudly, not believing what I was seeing.

‘Holy fuck.’ Mandy added.

‘Wow, it makes Gino’s place look like a trailer. Who the fuck lives here?’ I asked, not expecting an answer.

The whole place was lit up, it looked like a fairy tale palace, something from Aladin. We were in the desert, somewhere in Arabia, I was certain. We drove further, under an arch, coming to a courtyard. The car stopped next to the entrance, two huge oak doors swinging open. more men with guns waiting.

The doors were opened and we stepped out, looking around with both fear and amazement, not believing the opulence before us. A woman appeared and ushered us through the doors, smiling sweetly.

‘Follow me, please.’ She said.

We followed her as told, staring at the incredible interior, more than impressed. It was amazing, truly spectacular, money obviously no object when it came to furnishing it. We climbed some stairs and were taken to a bedroom, big enough to fit the jet in.

‘Sleep now, in the morning you will meet your new owner.’ She said, closing the door and locking it.

We looked at each other, confused, not sure we heard right.

‘Did she ... uh... ‘

‘I think so... ‘

‘We’ve been sold to an Arab.’ I sighed, letting Mandy take me in her arms.

‘He wouldn’t, would he?’ She asked.

‘Gino? Of course he would, the bastard.’ I answered, tears running down my face.

We held each other, both now crying, realising our lives as we knew them were over. And we both knew what our new lives would be, sex slaves, we weren’t bought for our intelligence. We slipped off our dresses and got into the luxurious bed, the silk sheets feeling lovely as we continued to hold each other. We cried ourselves to sleep, only waking when someone came in and shook us.

‘Please, you get up now and bathe. These girls will help you. Come.’ The same woman as last night said, pulling back the sheets.

We slowly got to our feet, rubbing our eyes and looking around. There was four young girls and the woman, all very pretty. The four girls looked about sixteen, all of them staring at our bodies. We let them take our hands and lead us, not knowing what else to do. Mandy smiled at me, trying to look confident but failing. I smiled back as we left the room and headed down the hallway, the very long hallway.

We were taken to what seemed like a Turkish bathroom, it was huge with sunken baths and a sauna. There were other women here, all naked and bathing, looking at us. We had our own bath and were led into it, down the steps into warm water waist deep. The girls then began to wash us, gently, their hands all soapy as they rubbed our bodies. When it came to our pussies and bum, they were just as gentle, their little fingers pushing inside and cleaning. I looked at Mandy as I gasped, embarrassed slightly by my reaction.

After the bath we were given a massage, the most delicious smelling oils rubbed all over our scratched bodies. It was the best thing ever, I relaxed totally as the girls did their job, their hands so gentle but firm in all the right places. After the massage we were bathed again, then rubbed all over in another beautiful smelling cream, soothing our wounds. The final part was our hair, the girls just as good any hairdresser I’d ever been to.

When they were finished my hair was shining like never before and looked beautiful. It was left down to flow over my shoulders and down my back, making me look as sexy as possible. I knew what they were doing but it felt so good and there was no point in fighting it, we were in no position to do anything, yet.

Mandy looked just as good, both now ready to meet our ‘owner’. We were led again down the hallway, only this time we went past our room and further on, down the stairs and along another hallway, eventually coming to a big set of doors. The woman, who had joined us, knocked on it and waited. Mandy looked at me, both of us shaking now.

After a few minutes the doors opened and we were ushered in. It was another huge room, shelves of books everywhere and a large table with at least twelve seats all occupied by men. They were sitting by a wall of glass, looking out onto a beautiful lawn. We were led to a big pillar in the middle of the room and told to stand there until told otherwise and not to make a sound. All the girls and the woman then left, leaving us alone.

The men were all dressed in traditional Arab clothing, white flowing garments with a black band going around their head with a chequered headscarf underneath it. The man at the head of the table had a red headscarf while the others all had blue. He was older and fatter than the others but looked more important, he was talking and the others were all listening, not looking our way at all, all eyes on the main man.

We stood next to the pillar, naked and waiting, watching the men, wondering if this was a normal thing to happen. It was lovely and warm but the marble floor was cold, causing me to keep lifting my feet. I looked at Mandy’s scratches, impressed with how the cream we had applied made them look less pronounced. They were still clearly visible but not sticking out like a sore thumb.

After about ten minutes, the men all stood and began leaving, walking right past us. Every one of them looked us over, their eyes roaming all over our bodies, desire written all over their faces. The main man was watching, waiting for them all to leave, sitting back down in his chair.

‘Come here.’ He ordered; the last man now gone.

We walked over to him, sheepishly, not knowing what to expect. He stood as we got to the table, appraising his newest acquisition, looking us up and down as one would a new cow.

‘Welcome to your new home, I hope you like it here and come to accept your new life. I want you to be happy, I mean it, all my women here are happy and I want you to feel the same. You know by now that Gino sold you to me but do you know why I paid a million dollars for you?’ He asked, smiling.

We both gasped, a million dollars for two human beings, it was unbelievable and shocking. We didn’t answer, scared of saying the wrong thing and trying to understand how we became slaves.

‘Please, speak honestly, I will allow it for now, say what’s on your mind.’ He added, sounding genuine.

‘You can’t own us, we’re Americans. We want to go home.’ I said, trying to sound defiant.

He laughed, taking a cigarette from the box on the desk and lighting it. He sucked on it and blew the smoke towards us, saying: ‘Oh dear girls, you must know who Gino is and the people he works with. So, you know he sells girls all the time. Maybe not too many American girls but plenty of others. You’re in the middle east now and because of our oil, we can do what we want. I own you both, you are mine for as long as I want you. Now, do you know why I paid that much for you?’ He asked, again.

His words really hit home, we were beginning to realise just how bad our situation was. There was no way of it, we were his.

‘Sex, you paid that much because you want us for sex. To be your sex slaves and do whatever you tell us.’ Mandy answered.

‘Yes, but more specifically, sex with animals. I watched you both on that stage at Gino’s and couldn’t believe how much you enjoyed being fucked by those dogs, it was amazing, and I’ve never seen such beautiful girls behave like that before, ever. And your beauty sealed it for me, both of you are stunning, so sexy. I have many important friends and I know I can use you both to help me achieve certain things, they will do anything to watch you and fuck you.’ He finished, puffing on his cigarette.

‘And if we refuse to cooperate?’ I asked, knowing we couldn’t.

‘Then you will be sold to one of the desert tribes and they will fuck you to death, literally.’

We stood there, not knowing what else to say, hoping for a miracle. He smiled again, telling us if we behave our lives will be very good. We will want for nothing and even be allowed to travel, under supervision. Before we could say anything else two young boys came running in the room.

‘Boys, come here and see my new slaves, I just bought them and had them flown here from the USA. Tell me what you think?’

I couldn’t believe he was so open with these two young boys, both barely teenagers. We both blushed with shame, so embarrassed with what he had said.

‘Girls, please walk over to the pillar and back, let my sons have a good look at you.’ He ordered, very serious.

We did as he said, both walking like cattle at the market looking for the highest bidder. It was deeply humiliating. When we got back to the table, the boys walked around us, looking us up and down.

‘How much, father?’ One of them asked.

‘A lot, but they have a special talent.’

‘They are very beautiful and this one has lovely udders, look at her nipples, how big they are.’ He said, standing in front of me.

They both began touching us, running their hands over our bodies. My boy pressed against my tummy, feeling how hard it was, nodding his approval before feeling both my tits, lifting them and letting go. Again, nodding his approval. He then knelt in front of my pussy, gripping my thighs, squeezing them, checking my muscles. The other boy was doing the same, inspecting their father’s new purchase, seeing what he spent his money on.

I felt like a piece of meat, it was beyond humiliating having two children treat us like this. My thighs were suddenly pushed apart, his hand now between then, two fingers sliding between my lips, going to my bum before sliding back. He then pushed them inside me, slowly, going further and further into my cunt. When he reached the limit of his fingers, he pulled back, just as slowly.

His face was inches from my pussy, inhaling my scent, making a show of it. When his fingers were out, he stood up, holding them before me, my juices shining as he again inhaled their scent, his nose touching them as he did so.

‘Good, she smells clean and fresh, I like it. She is a good buy, father, but what are these marks all over them?’

I wanted to die, this was too much, how could this be possible, I asked myself, looking at his fingers and hating the fact they were so wet.

‘Ask her, tell her to explain it all.’ His father told him, chuckling.

The boy smiled, knowing something good was coming. He put his fingers back to my pussy, pushing them in again, holding them there. I gasped, the feeling making me blush some more.

‘Tell me how you got those marks.’ He asked, moving his fingers inside me, making me squirm.

‘A dog ... uh ... gave them to me. His nails ... as we were fucking... ‘

He pushed harder into me, fingering me, making me jump as he fucked me.

‘You fucked a dog? Was it good?’

‘Yes ... we fucked dogs ... and yes, it was good.’

‘You like to be fucked by animals?’ He pressed, my body responding to his fingers.

‘Yes, it’s good ... really good.’ I sighed, hating that he was getting me horny.

He pulled his fingers out and brought them to my mouth, his meaning obvious. I took them and sucked, my tongue licking them as they slid in and out, cleaning them of my love juice.

Their father was watching them with pride, his expression said it all. We were nothing more than goods and his children knew this and that’s why they were treating us this way. It was their culture and what their father had shown them, taught them. I looked at the boys and saw only a coldness, no human warmth for women, just a knowledge that they were superior and we were here to serve.

‘This one responds well, father, she will make a great addition to the stable. Bend over the table, both of you.’ He ordered, so confident in his superiority.

We obeyed without hesitation, stretching our bodies over the dark wooden table, our hands reaching for the other side. The boys now stood behind us, talking in Arabic, their father chuckling again.

I felt something at my entrance, it was hard but not a cock. The boys were giggling, playing with us, having fun with their new toys. Whatever it was entered me, pushing further and further up my pussy with ease. I gripped the side of the table as he began fucking me with it, that familiar delicious feeling taking hold. Being abused like this by mere boys and not having a choice excited me, it always did and now was no different.

I let out a soft moan, just loud enough so they could hear, not meaning to but unable to stop myself. They both laughed, knowing that sound and pleased that they had made me make it. Whatever was going in and out of me was nice, it was just long enough and thick enough, my arousal growing for all to see. I had long ago given up trying to fight my body, it was pointless, it always won.

‘Yes, father, a great addition. Look at her, pushing back, wanting more, demanding pleasure, what a good whore.’

His words hurt but I was used to it, I expected it and even liked it, no matter the humiliation of knowing what he thought of me. I moaned again, louder, the feeling building nicely. I looked at Mandy, who was looking back at me, both of us enjoying being played with. Her expression gave her away but she remained silent, her resolve stronger than mine.

‘Ok, boys, that’s enough. Mira has to give them a proper tour and induction, we can’t have them not knowing the rules.’ The father said.

We were told to stand and face them, which we did. Both were holding long sticks with rubber cocks on the end of them, shining with our juices. We looked at them and blushed some more, our eyes looking down.

‘I’m Mohamed and my brother is Ali, but you will call us master. Is that understood?’ Mohamed asked.

‘Yes master.’

‘Yes master.’ We both answered.

Father laughed again, saying: ‘Great, I have to go now, I have some important meetings and a flight from the US to arrange bringing in some fine dogs for you girls. So, Mira will take you now and I will be back in a day or so. Oh, and you will call me sir.’ He finished, leaving the room as we called him sir.

Mira was in the doorway waiting, the two boys following their father out. We waited to be called, confused still and wondering what our lives would be like here.

‘Come, follow me.’ Mira instructed.

We followed like good girls, already totally submissive and doing exactly as ordered. Mira took us outside, telling us the tour would begin with an external geography lesson. We were still naked, but it didn’t seem to matter, we were slaves and the other people in this place were either the same or knew exactly what we were anyway.

We were outside the main entrance, a long driveway leading to those huge oak doors attracting our eyes. We both gazed at the gates in the distance, wondering if we’d ever be going through them to home, our hearts telling us we wouldn’t.

‘The area you see from both sides of the palace to the walls, are for the Sheik and his family, not for slaves. If you’re caught anywhere here, you will be severely punished, something you don’t want to experience.’ She told us, sounding very serious.

She then started walking towards the big wall on our left, Mandy and me a few feet behind, looking at the two men gardening, both of them old and watching us as we passed. Their eyes all over our bodies, enjoying the free show, their toothless grins sending a chill down my spine.

When we reached the wall there was a gate, which we went through, Mira stopping us once she closed it behind us.

‘Ok, you can relax a little now, no one is watching us in here, this is the slaves and women’s garden. From this wall to that wall over there, is ours, including the pool and the orchard. These are the only areas you need to know, everywhere else is just where the workers and their quarters are, nothing for you to know about. Let’s go and eat and then you can wander around here while I tell you a few more rules.’

Mira then took us to a big kitchen, just inside from the pool area, the lovely smell of food wafting in the air. There was about twenty women and girls sitting around or preparing food, Mandy and me the only one’s completely naked. Some were topless but all had something covering their private area. It didn’t bother us, we were beyond caring about such things, we just wanted food. Mira brought us two plates of scrambled egg and some bread, with fruit on another plate.

‘I hope you like it; I know you Americans like scrambled egg. There’s coffee as well.’ She said, smiling, sitting with us.

It was delicious, we ate it all in seconds, slurping our coffee as we washed it all down. Mira giggled, as did a few of the other girls, now standing around our table, curious about the new American slaves. Most of the others were very attractive, all Arab it seemed, dark skinned with beautiful, long flowing hair. I looked at them and smiled back, admiring their bodies, wondering how many times they’d all been fucked by the Sheik and his friends.

They began asking questions, Mira interpreting, all wanting to know how we got there. We told them how we were bought against our will and brought here by plane. Mira told them we liked to fuck dogs, causing them all to gasp and then smile, demanding to know how it feels and why we like it. We spent an hour telling them all our story, me missing out the part that I was a police officer. They were all so nice, really curious about us, touching and feeling us, liking our white skin and hair.

We learnt they were all the Sheik’s slaves, bought or kidnapped, like us. The youngest was just fourteen, though she had already been here a year. She was beautiful with a body already so sexy I couldn’t stop looking at her. She sat next to me, playing with my hair and running her fingers along the scratches from the dogs. I kept shivering, her touch making me lose my train of thought, much to Mandy’s amusement.

‘Oh god, Mandy, she’s so sweet, look at her. She should be in school playing, not here being fucked by strange men.’ I said, her hand still stroking me.

‘But then you wouldn’t be able enjoy her young flesh, I can see you want her.’ She answered, giggling.

I couldn’t believe I was feeling this way, given our situation, but I was, I found her so sexy and being young added to the attraction, like it did with those boys.

‘Stop it, she’s too young.’ I said, knowing I didn’t mean it.

‘If you want her, take her, she’s the youngest here and will do as you ask.’ Mira suddenly chipped in.

I was shocked, the thought of just taking her sending another shiver down my spine. Mandy laughed again, asking where the toilet was as she stood. Mira sent one of the girls with her to show her, asking me if I wanted to take the girl to my room.

‘No, it’s ok.’ I told her, secretly wanting to.

Mira said something to the girl in Arabic, a mischievous look on her face. The other girls giggled, some of them obviously teasing the girl.

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