Undercover Cop - Cover

Undercover Cop

Copyright© 2022 by oliver twist

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - A young female officer in 1970s New York, is sent undercover to help catch a criminal. She is young and naïve and completely out of her depth. Her boss only cares about getting a conviction and is happy to sacrifice this poor young girl if it helps achieve this.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Incest   BDSM   DomSub   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Bestiality  

We were still drying ourselves when Julie came in, smiling and holding a small bag. We looked at her as we carried on, both of us so nervous now it was time.

‘Here, put these on.’ She said, taking two black dog collars from the bag and handing them to us.

Mandy looked at me, shocked but reaching out and taking hers. I did the same, my nipples as hard as they’d ever been. We looked in the mirror as we put them on, Julie coming behind us and touching them, her fingers making sure they were tight enough.

‘Perfect, two bitches ready for their masters.’ She whispered.

There was then a knock at the door, Julie answered it as Mandy and me carried on looking at ourselves, admiring the leather collars and how they contrasted against our skin. I felt Mandy’s, pulling it a little, my fingers between it and her neck. She smiled, touching mine, both of us liking how we looked, knowing what the collars represented.

Julie now had two leashes in her hands, coming to us and attaching them, our submission complete. It was obvious now that we were to be paraded to the stage, bitches on leashes for their breeding.

‘Walk behind me and make sure the leashes are tight all the time, and don’t talk to anyone.’

‘Yes, mistress,’ I answered. Mandy just saying yes.

The door opened and Julie led the way, my heart beating so fast I thought it might explode. Mandy looked at me, her eyes wide with apprehension, as were mine. Both of us now walking out the door. There was two big men waiting for us, one walking in front of Julie and the other behind us.

To say I felt humiliated would be an understatement, nothing I had before this had made me feel this way, even being pissed on by young boys. As soon as we reached the stairs, I could hear people, my heart pounding so loudly I was sure everyone else could hear it. Before we started our descent, Julie turned and smiled.

‘God, you two look so fucking sexy, I’m so proud of you.’

Her words helped, I wanted nothing more than to please her and I knew this was. Mandy took my hand, squeezing it, smiling as we took the first step. As we got further down the stairs, the voices got quieter, our naked bodies coming into view. When they all saw the collars and leashes, there was an audible gasp, some of the women putting their hands to their mouths. There was at least twenty people in the lounge area watching us being taken to the garden, all of them staring.

Mandy squeezed my hand tighter, both of us trying not to look at the people, our eyes on the floor as we passed them. When we reached the garden, it was worse, fifty or so more faces waiting, all of them enjoying our humiliation. Angela was on the stage, clapping her hands, waiting.

As we neared the stage, I looked at the men to my right, Frank calling my name and telling me he couldn’t wait to see me fucked by a dog. Just behind him was Daddy, his eyes wide as he stared at me, lust written all over his face. Our eyes met briefly before I looked away, I couldn’t hold his stare, it was too much.

When I looked at the next man, I was truly shocked. He was standing there with his two boys, both about thirteen years old and grinning like Chesire cats. A shiver went down my spine as we locked eyes, both of them drinking in my nakedness and obviously wanting more, I couldn’t believe they were being encouraged to see what was coming. One of them then reached out, his hand touching my breast, quickly fondling it before I was past him, his dad congratulating him as though he had done something worthwhile.

Julie now walked us onto the stage, a spotlight suddenly illuminating us, allowing the audience to see us bathed in light. Julie stopped when we were in the middle, our backs to the people. Angela came to us and told us to turn, Julie letting the leash go slack so we could. We turned together, still holding hands, our eyes looking out at all the people staring back. Julie pulled the leashes tight again, our heads jolting a little.

‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ Angela began, now standing between us. ‘I would like you to meet Mandy and Pattie, they have asked me if they can put on a show and I have said yes.’

Angela then turned to us and asked, putting the microphone to Mandy’s mouth: ‘Tell the nice people what you like to do.’

Mandy looked scared; she wasn’t expecting this. She hesitated, looking at me, as if for help.

‘Tell them, don’t be shy.’ Angela asked again, her voice firmer this time.

Mandy lowered her eyes and replied: ‘ I like being fucked by dogs.’ Her voice soft and low but loud enough that everyone heard.

‘And you, Pattie?’

‘Yes, I like to fuck dogs as well.’ I told her, my voice just as quiet.

‘What else do you like, Mandy?’ She asked.

Julie spoke behind us, whispering: ‘To be watched.’

Mandy got the idea, talking into the mic: ‘I like to be watched.’

Angela smiled and pushed the mic to me. ‘I like being watched as well.’ I answered, dutifully.

There was suddenly a noise behind us, the audience cheering and clapping. We knew what is was, the dogs. Six men then walked past us and three went to Mandy’s side and three to mine, all with Doberman’s on leashes. I looked at them with admiration, all were beautiful looking dogs, sleek and muscular, standing to attention.

‘Aren’t they magnificent?’ Angela asked me.

‘Yes, beautiful.’ I gasped, my eyes roaming their bodies.

Angela laughed, my obvious appreciation taking her a little by surprise. The audience chuckled, too. I blushed, knowing how I must have sounded, wishing I hadn’t spoken now. I looked out at the people, wondering what they must be thinking, trying to find daddy. He was there but I couldn’t see him, he must be hiding behind someone I concluded. The two young boys were there, though, both now on the stage with their father, sitting in some chairs someone had brought up.

Their father was obviously an important man, maybe the main boss, and they were to be given the best view in the house. They were to my right, just yards away, staring wide-eyed, waiting for the show to begin. I looked at them, thinking how handsome they both were, wondering what they thought of me, hoping it wasn’t too bad.

Julie now unhooked the leashes, telling us it was show-time. Angela telling the audience and calling for two of the dogs. One came to me and one to Mandy, both still on leads but being given some slack.

‘Ladies, your lovers are ready, please get down and introduce yourselves. If they need a little help getting hard, you know what to do.’

We were to seduce them, it was our job to make sure they fucked us. I knelt down and put my arms around the dog, asking for his name. Angela told me it was Lucky, after lucky Luciano.

‘Hello Lucky, I’m Pattie.’ I said, kissing him on the nose.

He licked my face, wagging his tail, his big tongue covering me in saliva. I let him lick me for a while, opening my mouth and letting him in, much to the amusement of the audience. As I sucked on his tongue I felt for his cock, rubbing his sheath gently. I was soon rewarded with a few inches, his tongue now out of my mouth as he enjoyed my hand.

‘Good boy, good boy.’ I cooed, still rubbing him.

He was getting bigger and bigger, his hips beginning to thrust as he got more excited. I lay down, my hand now working harder as I looked up at his cock, amazed how thick it was getting. One of the boys had gotten out of his chair and was now on his knees just the other side of Lucky. His face was a picture, total amazement at what he was seeing.

Lucky was showing a good five inches, jizz dripping from the end of it. I looked at the boy and smiled, his eyes on mine as I lifted my head and took Lucky’s cock into my mouth, moving my lips up and down his shaft. My mouth was soon full of cum, some of it dripping from my chin. The boy was still staring as I opened my mouth and showed him all the cum, my tongue playing with it as I teased him, enjoying his young, inexperienced look.

I let the cum run down my face and onto my tits, knowing everyone else could see this as well, wanting them to. I took his cock again, sucking him lovingly, my mouth soon full of cum again. The boy was even closer now, his eyes wide, waiting to see what I was going to do next. I was excited, this boy driving me on, making me the wanton whore I knew I was. When I had as much cum as I could hold without spilling any, I opened and showed him, again playing with it with my tongue.

I knew what I had to do, what any whore would do with a mouth full of cum. I swallowed it all, gulping loudly and showing him my empty mouth, pleased with the taste. The boy almost fainted, falling back, his expression pure gold. Lucky was ready, his cock now eight inches at least.

I got on all fours, my face just in front of my young admirer. He was so cute, just like those other boys, sexy and forbidden fruit. Lucky was now at my pussy, sniffing me then licking, his long tongue snaking out and tasting me.

‘Oh yes, good boy, lick me.’ I whispered, my eyes on the boy just in front of me, wanting him to hear my plea.

Lucky liked the taste, his tongue going deeper and deeper, scooping out my love juice, sending bolts of pure pleasure through my cunt.

‘Oh god, that’s so good, don’t stop, please.’ I begged, the boy inches from my face.

Having this young boy watching me this close, really turned me on, it was making the whole thing so much better.

‘I love this, I fucking love it.’ I moaned, just in case he didn’t get it.

Lucky knew what he wanted now, his paws raking my hips as he pranced around me, his instincts kicking in. I winced from the pain but never moved, my bum wiggling seductively as I enticed him to breed me. He jumped on me and thrust wildly, his cock banging against my side, missing my pussy completely. He was young and enthusiastic but inexperienced, he only knew what he wanted but not how to make it happen.

‘Help him.’ The boy said, his voice all excited.

I moved so he was now behind me, pushing my pussy at him as I reached around for his cock. When I found it, I tried to position it at my entrance, the boy giving me directions and encouragement. He almost got me, just pushing too soon and sliding below my pussy, much to my young admirer’s annoyance.

‘It’s ok, he’ll get me this time.’ I told him, hoping I would be right.

I positioned myself again, waiting for Lucky to calm down a little before I took him in my hand and placed him at my entrance, pushing back as I felt him move forward.

‘Yes, yes, he’s in me, can you see him? He’s fucking me, oohhh, he’s so big.’ I gasped.

The boy came to my side, shouting to his dad that he could see the dog’s cock inside me, so excited. His excitement was thrilling, it made me feel so sexy and beautiful, I wanted nothing more than to put on the best show ever for him and the others.

I looked into the crowd as Lucky fucked me with all the raw aggression a young dog could muster. He pushed me along the stage such was the force he was using, my nails digging into the wood to stop myself. I couldn’t believe his power as his cock battered me, my lungs gasping for air as he knocked the wind from them. The crowd roared their approval, the men all clapping and cheering, amazed by what was happening.

He had me in a grip that was so tight I couldn’t move an inch from him, he held me and made me his, dominating me and enforcing his will over mine. I was his bitch and acted accordingly, happy to be bred by this amazing animal.

The boy was in awe of it all, his face right next to my bum as he watched this huge cock thrusting in and out of my body. I could hear him, his cries of delight as he watched the most depraved thing imaginable, obviously lapping it up and wanting more.

I would soon cum, my body was on fire and aroused as much as I could ever remember. The amount of people watching me, and one of them daddy, added to the depravity, it was better than I could have imagined. I could hear myself moaning, unable to hold it in, the pleasure coursing through my cunt and body making silence not an option.

Lucky was now almost fully inside me, his knot forcing itself past my stretching cunt, the pain delicious as I cried out. The boy yelled when it was inside, not believing anything that big could enter a human being.

‘Oh god, he’s in me, he’s so big.’ I cried.

Within seconds of him knotting me, I was cumming, the bliss of my orgasm played out for all to see. Everybody knew and cheered, my howls of ecstasy a confirmation no one really needed. My head slumped onto the stage as I rode the wave, my body shaking as though ravaged by a fever as my sweat dripped from my face onto the wood, it was simply wonderful.

The boy came to me, wiping my long hair from my eyes, staring at me as the orgasm still had me in its grip. I knew he was there but couldn’t respond, I was incapable of anything other than inertia, my body succumbing to what this beast had done to me.

The other boy was there as well, stroking the dog, telling him what a good boy he was. Lucky didn’t care about that; he was too busy emptying his testicles into his bitch, enjoying his conquest. As I began to relax, I could feel the boy’s hand on my head patting me, like his brother was doing to Lucky.

My orgasm was fading but I was still in heaven, Lucky’s knot was pressing against my pussy and sending bolts of pleasure through my body, it was why sex with dogs was so good. I moaned loudly as the boy told me I was a good girl, still patting my head.

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