Shipwrecked on Futa Island - Cover

Shipwrecked on Futa Island

Copyright© 2022 by mypenname3000

Chapter 6: Latina Wife Explores Futa Island

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6: Latina Wife Explores Futa Island - Six women on a cruise are shipwrecked on Futa Island!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Lesbian   Hermaphrodite   Cheating   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   Orgy   Interracial   Black Female   White Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Small Breasts  

Note: Thanks to my wonderful beta readers!

Pita Juarez

My phone rang as I stared out at the waters. Our Lady of the Sea was sailing the waters that I needed to reach. I would find answers. I ripped out my phone from my shorts’ pocket and saw it was my husband, Eduardo. I groaned.

I picked it up and hissed, “What, Eduardo?”

“This is the third cruise, Pita,” he said. “When are you coming home?”

“When I find her,” I said, my heart clenching. It beat so fast. My fear for Rosa swelled in me.

“She was washed overboard,” Eduardo groaned. “It’s been three years. She’s ... She’s gone. She’s in heaven, with your mother. You need to come home. Please.”

“I don’t care!” I hissed as one of the women from the church retreat going on passed me by. “My sister disappeared in these waters, and I’m finding out what happened.”

“We know what happened,” he said. “She—”

“Is alive!” I snarled. “I know it. Something happened. I talked to witnesses. There was a silver light, then she was gone. And she wasn’t the only one. Five other women on that ship ‘fell’ overboard? No, they were taken!”

He sighed. “By pirates? Aliens? The Loch Ness Monster?”

“I don’t know,” I snarled. “And I don’t care. I’m finding out what happened to my sister!”

“And what about me?” he asked. “Us? You haven’t been home in two months. This is costing us money.”

“I don’t care,” I spat. “File for divorce if you don’t want to support me. You can go to fucking hell! I am finding my—”

The ship rocked. A silver light flashed. Then I gasped as—

I blinked as I came awake lying fast down on a sandy beach. I gasped and jumped to my feet, my big breasts bouncing before me. I wiped the sand off them as I realized I was naked. Naked and standing on a strange beach.

I was staring out at the ocean at dawn. The sun was rising to my right, which meant I was facing ... north. North across a stretch of water to another island. A large one with a massive, jungle-clad volcano rising straight up before me. Like one of the mountains on Hawaii. It seemed to reach all the way to the shore, ending at these cliffs. Cliffs that seemed to wrap around this island liked fingers, a thumb and forefinger, about to pinch where I stood.

The sea crashed into the cliffs before me while gently lapping on my beach. Then I noticed the cave. Well, I thought it was a cave. A hole glowed with a silver light where the cliff met the ocean right before me. Like some sort of sea cove. But that light ... It was the same light I remembered seeing right before I blanked out...

Was it last night? How much time had passed?

I didn’t know.

But this was what happened to my sister. Rosa was somewhere on this island. Or that one across the bay. It had to be. This was where she was taken. But why? I didn’t know, but I was here. I would find her. I would get her back to civilization.


It wasn’t ideal not to have my luggage. Not to have any of the survival gear I had bought. Not even the satellite phone that I had been speaking to my husband on. It was all gone. I gritted my teeth. Well, that didn’t matter.

I would find her.

“I’m coming for you, Rosa!” I gasped and turned around.

There was jungle behind me. I could see a small hill rising above it. High ground. That was good. I also would need food and water. But this looked lush. Wet and watered. I had trained for three years for my search. I was here.

I was ready.

I marched into the jungle, my steps determined. Something was going on here, and I would find it. I didn’t know what it was. Government experiments? Alien abduction? Some strange coven of witches casting spells? Something happened. The cruise industry was covering up just how many women fell overboard every year.

Three times as many men.

And often in groups.

No sign of foul play was ever found. The crews were all told to be quiet about silver lights. There was a conspiracy that had robbed me of my sister. And I wouldn’t let that stand. I would blow the lid off it and find my sister.

Let her still be alive, Mary, I prayed to the Mother of God.

I noticed a lifesaver. I picked it up. It didn’t have Lady of the Sea written on it. Part of the conspiracy. To trick me into thinking I was shipwrecked. Whoever was behind this didn’t know who they were dealing with.

I was one pissed-off bitch. People said us Latina women had a temper.

We did.

I marched into the jungle. I was starting to get hungry and thirsty. My survival had to come first. As much as I was driven to find my sister, I needed to prioritize my survival. If I was stuck on some small island off the coast, I would need a raft. I could probably swim that distance, especially with the lifesaver, but the cliffs were daunting.

The cave could be a deathtrap even though it was intriguing with that silver light shining from it. But I could get driven into the cliffs or sucked underwater. I had to be smart about this. Even if it took me a month, I would find my way to that other island. A big task.

Little steps.

I needed to take little steps.

I pushed into the jungle and found a game trail. It was thin, partially overgrown. The ground was soft, which was good since I was barefoot. My breasts bounced and jiggled as I marched on. Having big boobs was such a hassle right now.

I’d figure out something to do with that.

The world grew lighter as the sun climbed the horizon. My throat grew more and more parched as I followed the trail deeper. I needed to find some water. And this trail wasn’t going straight, I soon realized. It was winding.

But so long as I stayed on it, I could find my way back to the beach.

Birds sang in the trees above. I caught glimpses of colorful feathers. I spotted some fruit trees, too. That was encouraging. Many vines hung from the tall branches of the canopy. If I had a knife, I could cut those and get water from them. They were hollow and full of liquid.

I had to find a pool or something and hope it was clean water. If I got dysentery...

Well, it would be a rough few days.

The birds chirped louder. They were quite beautiful. After maybe an hour, I was really feeling the thirst. I licked my lips, wanting to drink some water. When did I last drink? Last night? I didn’t feel the need to urinate. That wasn’t good.

I was dehydrated.

A throbbing headache began behind my eye. I licked my lips, feeling them drying out. I needed to find water. I kept my ears pricked for any sound of running water. That would be good. Fast-moving water was the safest, with water bubbling up to form a spring even better.

That was water filtered by the earth. As clean as any water bottled from a plant.

The path bent around and came to a pool of water. I groaned in relief. I hurried down it, my big boobs bouncing and heaving. I reached the water and studied it. The rocks around it were spotless. No algae growing on them. The water looked crystal clear and...

A silver light glowed from it.

I swallowed at the glow. It wasn’t a natural light, right? It was silver. Almost like moonlight. I studied it, looking for any sign of its source. It came from the bottom. I bent down on the edge, studying this water.

Was it safe to drink?

What was this silver light?

I swallowed, so thirsty. There was water right here. I looked around at the vegetation. It was thick here. Clearly, the plants didn’t mind. They all looked normal. I didn’t see any dead animals around it. Didn’t smell any rot.

I breathed in and smelled loamy earth. Nothing foul.

Should I trust this?

I decided to sample it. I dipped my hand into the water and pulled it out. I stared at it up close. It was clear. It didn’t burn my hand. I didn’t feel any tingles. I dipped my tongue into it, seeing if the sensitive organ would fuzz with numbness. I waited for any reaction, letting the water spill out.

It was so hard to wait, but I had to make sure there weren’t any caustic chemicals. It seemed normal. I tasted nothing in it. Pure water. I dipped my hand into the water again. I brought it to my lips and drank from it.

It was refreshing to feel it in my mouth. I drank more of it as I stared down at that silver light gleaming at the bottom of the pool. That light was strange. It wasn’t natural. What was the cause of it? I had to figure out what was going on here.

I sat here, swallowing. My stomach still felt fine. My thirst was growing again. I wanted to drink more. I wasn’t filling any problems. I wasn’t getting sick. I had to risk it. I needed water. If dehydration got me, I was done.

I scooped out more of the water. I slaked my thirst.

Then I stared at that light. It bled out of the rocks. It was bright enough that I couldn’t really make out the source of the light. It had to be artificial. Whomever had brought me here must be responsible for this light.

I drew in a deep breath and dived into the water to investigate it.

I kicked down to the bottom, swimming for it. The water washed around me. It was cool on my naked body. I reached the bottom, feeling the weight of the water pressing in on my ears. I breathed out air as I peered at the crack.

The light seemed to be shining from below. I couldn’t see the bulb. I held out my hand towards the source but didn’t feel any heat emanating from it. The water was as cool down here as it was up at the surface. I shoved my hand into it then.

I pressed into the crack. It was narrow, the rocks brushing my hands. Then I touched metal. It felt like metal. Cool, like steel or aluminum. I slid up and down it, seeing my fingers blocking the light. My lungs burned. I had to breathe.

I kicked up to the surface hard. I broke it and sucked in breaths.

“What is going on?” I demanded. “Glowing metal?”

Was that possible? How could metal glow? That wasn’t glass. It really felt like metal. I stared down, thinking. I had to make sure.

I kicked down back to the crack. My feet scissored through the water. I went deeper again and thrust my hand through the crack. I felt the surface again. I tapped on it. I heard a tink-tink of my fingernails tapping on the metal.

I shook my head and shot up to the surface. I broached the water, my breasts bobbing on the surface. I crawled to the beach, my body tingling with the excitement and confusion of what just happened here. I reached the shore and crawled out on the rocks. Water spilled off my body, running down my thighs and spilling from my hair.

I turned back and stared at it. I shifted to crouch at it. The warmth of the island kept me from shivering. I felt good right now. Real good. I studied this light, my concentration focused on it, ignoring that throbbing itch in my nethers.

Something very, very strange was going on here.

I would figure this out.

I had to get to the top of that small mountain on this island. It looked only a few hundred feet tall. It should be climbable. I needed to get my bearings. Look for landmarks. There was something to this. Something that had to be uncovered.

I rose, my naked boobs jiggling and...

Something else was swaying down by my nethers.

“What?” My brow furrowed as I bent over to see...

A cock.

A massive dick, the same golden-brown hue as my skin, thrust out of my black bush. I gaped at that. How could I have that? Was it some strange parasite that just looked like a cock? Like some massive leach that had latched onto me?

I shot my hand down and grabbed it.

This impossible cock throbbed in my hand. It matched the drumming beat of my heart. I stroked up and down it, feeling the warmth of it on my hand, and feeling my palm on my ... my ... dick. I had a dick. It had grown from my pussy.

“No, no, no,” I whimpered as I stroked up and down it. This pressure swelled at the tip of my ... my dick. “This can’t be happening. What the hell is this? What the fuck is going on here?”

I slid my hand down my cock and reached my bush. I pressed into pussy lips. I shuddered as I felt my pussy lips. They were wet, and not with the water. I shuddered, my twat itching now. This wasn’t happening.

I rubbed at my pussy lips and felt the cock thrusting out of my clitoral hood. It was my clit. I shook my head, my wet hair clinging to my shoulders. I looked up at the trees. Then I pinched my arm. Hard. So hard, I groaned from the sharp pain.

“Fuck!” I gasped, my dick throbbing before me. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

I let go of it. This was not happening. I did not have a big dick. I did not have to masturbate it. Not at all. I just had to ... ignore this. I had to ignore this dumb thing. It was an illusion. A hallucination. I did not have a cock.

I was a woman.

A fucking woman!

I marched away, my blood boiling. Whoever did this to me, would pay. They would suffer for kidnapping my sister and making a mockery of me.

Hands clenched, I marched from that pool and headed into the jungle. There was no trail, but I didn’t care. I moved through the brush, that annoying dick bobbing before me. My pussy itched more and more.

This heat that made me want to masturbate.

“I am not masturbating in the middle of the jungle,” I hissed. “I’m not going to touch this freaky cock you gave me! You hear me?”

No one answered, but I knew they heard me.

I marched deeper into the jungle. I pushed through the light brush. I walked around the trees. The ground was soft. I was making good progress. The ground began to slope as I climbed the hill. I started using the plants to pull me along.

That dumb cock didn’t go soft. It throbbed and twitched. My pussy dripped juices that ran down my thighs. I had this need to touch myself. To fondle this cock. There was this pressure itching at the tip of my cock. My ovaries brimmed with cum.

I kept going. I climbed higher and broke out into a clearing. I blinked and looked around. I was more on the east side of this island now and maybe halfway up. I stared at the slope. I could do this. I clenched my fist and marched through the grass.

The end of the grass tickled the tip of my clit-dick. My girl-cock throbbed as I climbed higher up the slope. I reached more trees. And kept going.

My hair dried.

My legs burned.

My pussy ached.

I ground my teeth as I moved up the terrain, avoiding the cliffs and finding easier ways up. The sun climbed higher. My thirst grew again, but was satiated by a small waterfall I found. There was no silver light glowing here.

My hunger grew, but I ignored it. I skirted around the edge of another cliff of black, volcanic rock. Then I burst out of the brush and found myself climbing up to the top of a slope. I blinked as I stared out at the blue ocean.

I turned around slowly and faced the other island. It was a lot larger than me. I stood facing it to the north. There might have been a lagoon east of me. And there was another, smaller mountain I could see to the northeast peeking over the shoulder of that large one.

It still towered over where I was.

I didn’t see anything but that glowing cave. It was as green and lush as this one.

“You fuckers know that I’m going to expose your fuckery!” I roared. “You gave me this dick, but I’m not going to masturbate it! I’m not going to be a freak and jerk it off! You hear me?”

“Why no?” a voice asked behind me.

I gasped and spun around to find a slender, redhead teenager crouching behind me. She was slender, her body pale and not tanned like I would think for being naked on this island. She looked fourteen, maybe fifteen. She cocked her head and...

She had a massive cock thrusting from the shaved folds of her pussy. It was as big as mine and dripping with precum. She licked her lips, her head cocking to the right as she stared at me. Was she one of the kidnappers?

“Did you do this to me?” I demanded and advanced on her. “Huh?”

She squeaked in fright and jumped back almost like a frog. She landed badly, though, ending up on her butt. Her dick thrust out and bobbed before her. She rolled over and scrambled on her hands and knees back to the edge of the peak.

“Don’t hurt!” she begged, her eyes trembling. “Don’t hurt! Me good! Don’t hurt! Don’t hurt!”

My anger evaporated. I sighed, feeling guilty for startling this young girl.

“Sorry,” I said. Then I frowned. “No, wait, you’re behind this! You gave me this ... this ... thing!” I pointed to it.

“Futa-dick?” she whimpered.

“Yes, yes, this futa-dick!” I shook it at her. “You gave this to me. You afflicted this on me!”

She whimpered and squirmed more. “Me? Me do? No, no? Me good! Don’t hurt! Don’t hurt! Gina good!”

Tears appeared in her eyes. She quivered there like a little rabbit. My anger vanished again. What was I doing? She was frightened and confused like me. I didn’t recognize her from the cruise ship, but maybe she was one of the girls that...

“You said, Gina?” I reached out. “Gina Temple? You’re Jill Temple’s daughter.”

“Mommy?” Her face scrunched up. “Yes, yes. Gina me. Me Gina. Mommy’s daughter!”

My entire body trembled with exhilaration. Gina Temple was one of the five others who vanished with my sister. Gina Temple, her mother Jill Temple, Kendra Edgecomb, Jane Reynolds, Abby Reynolds, and my sister Rosa Gutierrez.

I hugged Gina. I pulled her to me, pressing my naked body into hers. Tears spilled from my eyes. I couldn’t believe it. I had finally found something concrete. Gina Temple was proof that my sister didn’t fall overboard. That Rosa was still alive. That she was abducted and brought here to this place.

I shook as the emotions overwhelmed me. They were too strong. I couldn’t contain them. They surged out of me. My arms tightened around this poor girl. She was a victim like my sister. I squeezed her tight.

She hugged me back.

“Why sad?” she asked, her voice so tight.

“It’s just ... You’re ... You vanished with my sister. With Rosa. Do you know Rosa?”

“No.” She stroked my back. “Me alone. Only Gina. Now you. Who you?”

“Pita,” I whispered. “I’m Pita.”

“No sad,” Gina said. “Me make happy.”

“You can take me to my sister?” I asked her, breaking away from her. I knelt there, my futa-dick—what a strange word, futa—thrusting out hard before me. Hers did the same. Did they ever go soft? “Can you get us off the island?”

“No!” Gina grinned at me. “Make happy! Suck dick!”

Before my brain could process that, the redhead girl ducked her head down and engulfed my futa-cock. I couldn’t believe it. She just swallowed my cock. It was wild. I groaned as she blew me. She suckled on me with such passion.

My pussy clenched as she nursed on me. I couldn’t believe it. She just started nursing on me. It was intense. I shuddered, my pussy clenching with this heat that swelled through me. She suckled on me with everything that she had.

She worshiped me.

I trembled, my heart beating fast. The pleasure swept through me. I shuddered with this delight, my face contorted with the sensation flowing down this new dick. It was intense. My clit had quadrupled sensitivity.

“Gina, you don’t have to suck my cock,” I groaned. “You really, really don’t have to do this.”

But she kept happily suckling away. I groaned, my pussy clenching. This was something I had never felt before. This was intense. Amazing. I couldn’t believe this was happening. She just went for it. She bobbed her head.

She loved me. She worshiped me. Her red hair swayed around her face as she worked her lips up and down my cock. My pussy clenched every time she slid up me, her cheeks hollowing. I shuddered from the bliss. It was amazing.

I shouldn’t be enjoying this. This cock was freaky. But ... but...

Gina made me feel so good.

I just surrendered to that hot mouth nursing on me. Her tongue danced. This underage cutie was worshipping my dick. Her small breasts jiggled as she worked. Her futa-dick swayed beneath her. She rubbed her pale hands up and down my golden-brown thighs.

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