Shipwrecked on Futa Island - Cover

Shipwrecked on Futa Island

Copyright© 2022 by mypenname3000

Chapter 2: Samantha and the Naughty Futa MILF

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2: Samantha and the Naughty Futa MILF - Six women on a cruise are shipwrecked on Futa Island!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Lesbian   Hermaphrodite   Cheating   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   Orgy   Interracial   Black Female   White Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Small Breasts  

Samantha “Sam” Kinkade

Maybe coming on a Ladies’ Retreat Cruise was a bad idea.

I knew being a lesbian was a sin. I knew it, but I couldn’t help the desires I had for women. I prayed and prayed to the Lord to deliver me from these wanton, homosexual urges. That was why I had come on my church’s ladies’ group cruise. It was supposed to be two weeks of spirituality. Connecting with god.

And enjoying the sights of the South Pacific.

But other than the crew, it was almost all women on the ship. The fifty or so members of our church’s ladies’ group had been joined by other local churches who had rented out the boat. It was all organized by Mrs. Hart, the preacher’s wife.

If she knew I was a lesbian...

Temptation would be a lot easier for me to handle if one of the other women on the ship wasn’t checking me out.

Feeling restless midway through the cruise, I had come to the gym to get a workout. Tire myself out so I could fall asleep and not be tormented by the beautiful women on the cruise. So here I was on a StairMaster, working my legs and arms at the same time.

I wore a sports bra and a pair of tight shorts. My body gleamed with sweat. I was in great shape. I was an athlete, playing softball and basketball. I had toned thighs, firm arms, a taught butt, and even a six pack. My legs burned as I pumped them up and down, going hard for twenty minutes straight now.

And she watched me the entire time.

She was on an exercise bike sort of lazily peddling as she stared at me. Danielle Murphy. A recent divorcee from one of the other churches that had joined the cruise. She was staring at my ass. I could feel her looking at my rump. Checking me out.

Another woman was checking me out.

There was another lesbian on the cruise.

She must be in the closet like me. No wonder her marriage had ended. What did that mean for me if she couldn’t make being straight work? I prayed and prayed that I would find a good, Christian man attractive. That I could marry him, have kids, be a good woman.

But Danielle was gorgeous. In her thirties with a full decade on me, she had red hair she wore in a bob and big boobs that stretched out her tank top. Those tits jiggled as she peddled her tone legs on the bike. A wonderful sheen of sweat gleamed across her exposed skin.

Our eyes met. Heat flared.

I looked away, my pussy clenching. The heat swelled through my snatch. I swallowed as I felt that connection drawing us together. That magnetic attraction. I thought about kissing her. As my body went into autopilot on the StairMaster, my thoughts drifted.

What would it be like to kiss a woman?

My pussy burned as I closed my eyes, imagining Danielle’s lips on mine. She was older than me. Did she have any experience with a woman? I bet she did. She could show me how to love her. First by teaching me to kiss her. Maybe use some tongue.

Then she would pull up my sports bra. My round tits would spill out. She would cup them with her hands and knead them. I could almost feel her groping my boobs. She would duck her head down and suckle a nipple into her mouth.

I almost whimpered as I worked on the StairMaster, feeling Danielle’s eyes on my ass as I fantasized about her nibbling on my nipple. She would dance her tongue around it while her hands went lower and lower.

“I’m going to show you how lesbians make love,” Danielle whispered in my mind. “Mmm, I’ll eat your pussy then you’ll eat mine.”

My mouth watered at the thought of eating Danielle’s pussy. The sexy divorcee would have a thick bush she would rub across my lips. I would tongue her. Lick at her. She would groan as I did that. Her entire body would tremble as I feasted on her.

“Yes, yes, lick me like that,” she purred in my imagination. “Make me cum, then I’ll make you cum!”

I wondered what she tasted like. I had a spicy taste. I kept my pussy shaved, too. It was wrong, I knew. My virgin cunt just ached for a woman to lick it. Now Danielle was eating me out in my imagination. She was just tonguing me.

And I loved it. I loved every moment of her tongue swirling around in my pussy. I was a virgin, but I broke my hymen years ago doing sports. Nothing would stop her tongue from swirling about in my pussy.

I worked the StairMaster harder and harder, my boobs bouncing in my sports bra. I could feel her tongue dancing around in my cunt. Churning me up. I had to do it. I had to give into this itch. I couldn’t deny it any longer.

“I’m sorry, Lord,” I breathed, my body consumed with lesbian passion for Danielle. “We want each other.”

My clit throbbed. I don’t remember ever being so wet before. I turned to look at her, my body drenched in sweat. She stared at me. Our eyes connected. Yes, yes, this was it. This was my chance to make love to a woman.

I was too weak to resist this sin. I just stopped and started to dismount when the boat shuddered. Then it lurched, and I gasped as I flew forward. I crashed onto the floor of the exercise room. Darkness crashed down on me.

The gentle sound of waves washing onto a beach. The perfect white noise to sleep to. I must have put on the sounds to help me fall asleep. Only ... water washed around my feet. Warm and gentle. I felt something rubbery beneath me. An inflated pillow?

Groggily, I opened my eyes and stared down at wet, white sand. Water washed around me, lifting me for a moment as it carried me maybe a half-foot forward and washed out. Confusion swept through me. I shifted on...

A lifesaver.

I was lying on a lifesaver naked. My round boobs swayed beneath it. My head pounded. I struggled to remember what had happened. The boat had shuddered then I had been ... thrown off the exercise bike. I hit the ground and...

“Must have hit my head,” I groaned. I felt around on my right side and found a knot rising beneath my blonde hair. I shook my head, my ponytail dancing around my naked back. “Did the ship ... sink?”

A surge of panic shot through me. I sat up and looked around. I was on a beach that stretched to the right and left of me, both bending out of sight. A jungle rose before me and beyond it, a small rise. A mountain maybe. To the left and farther away, was an even bigger mountain that rose high up, the jungle climbing up to the summit.

It was a volcano like in Hawaii.

To my left, the sun was rising over the ocean. That was east, which meant I was on the north shore of this strange island. Naked. How did I get naked? And where was everyone else? There were hundreds of people on the ship. Mrs. Hart, her two daughters, Danielle, and all the others. Where was any wreckage? Life boats?

Was I the only survivor?

“No, no, they just washed up somewhere else or in lifeboats,” I told myself. “And there are beacons. Help will come from them. We’re all going to be fine.”

I just had to think calmly. I had to find the others. I looked up and down the beach. The sun was warm on my body. I had a good tan from playing sports, but not on all my body. I wanted to find some shelter. Makeshift clothes.

And water.

There had to be a river or something that flowed into the sea. I just had to find it.

I decided to walk west since the sun wouldn’t be in my eyes. There had to be others who had washed ashore. First went up past the high-tide mark, a line of seaweed, and drew in the sand large S O S letters. Then I added my initials, S K. Lastly, I drew an arrow pointing to the west so if someone found it, they would come and find me.

I nodded and marched down the beach. As long as I stayed on the beach, I could always find myself back. I had that small mountain as a good landmark. It seemed to dominate this part of the island.

Heck, there probably was a resort around the corner. An island this beautiful had to be one of the places that the cruise ship would have stopped out. Maybe I was on Tahiti or something. I felt heartened by that. An island this lush and bountiful would have been settled by the Polynesians a thousand or more years ago.

So there would be humans. I just had to find them.

I marched with confidence on my bare feet, a brisk pace but one that wouldn’t tire me out too fast. Water was the biggest concern. If I became dehydrated, that would slow me down and impair my judgment.

I made sure that I left marks in the sands, kicking it up as I left obvious evidence of my passage. The blue ocean washed against the shore. I scanned it as I marched, looking for any sign of wreckage or survivors floating in the water.

My thirst was growing as I reached the bend in the island. It looked like I had reached the western edge of it. I stared down the coast. There were cliffs ahead. I wouldn’t be able to go much further down the beach. I might have to go inland.

I wasn’t so sure I wanted to do that with just bare feet.

I wiggled my toes in the sand, thinking about what to do. Should I go back? I couldn’t see all the beach. It undulated. There could be something hidden between me and those cliffs. I stood there for a good minute before I decide to walk all the way to the end.

If there was water or a dock or something just beyond there, I would be kicking myself. So I kept going down the beach. The waves washed against the shore. They were growing bigger. I could hear a distant boom as they crashed into the cliffs, but here they just washed up the sand and rolled back.

For a time, I walked just at the edge of the surf, the incoming water washing around my feet feeling nice. Cool and relaxing. I enjoyed it. I liked this moment. I was glad to have it washing over me. This was perfect. I felt calm. At peace as I moved.


“GIIIIINAAAA!” roared from the jungle to my right.

I jumped and turned to hear the brush rustling. Then something burst out of it. I caught a glimpse of black hair streaming behind a beast that attacked me. I froze as the fear shot through me. I didn’t know what to do.

Then it struck me.

I gasped as it carried me down to the beach. I hit the sand. Flesh smacks echoed over me. Something thick and long draped over my stomach that twitched. I coughed, the air knocked from my lungs, and struggled to focus on...

A mature woman’s tan face peering down at me. She had the look of a mother about her, a woman in her early forties. She had a rich, golden hue from spending time outdoors, her hair a deep black that fell in wild snarls around her face.

And the fleshy impacts I’d heard were her large breasts swaying back and forth. They smacked together as she stared down at me, a big smile on her lips. She grinned at me with such obvious glee at seeing me.

I swallowed, not sure what to make of her sitting on me. That thick shaft draped across my stomach twitched as she smiled down at me. She studied my face. She leaned down and sniffed at me like she was an animal.

“Uh ... hi,” I said to this very naked MILF sitting on me. “Um...”

“You no Gina,” huffed the MILF, the cadence of her speech different than I was used to. Her grammar was off, too. She didn’t use the “to be” verb.

“No, no, I’m Sam,” I said. “Samantha, but everyone calls me Sam.”

“No Gina.” She released my shoulders and shook her head. She smacked her palms into the side of her head a few times and bounced on me. “No Gina! No Gina! No Gina!”

As she bounced on me, that shaft draped over my stomach smacked into me. I glanced down at it past my round breasts. My eyes widened. She was wearing a huge strap-on dildo. I had seen them in the few pornos that I had watched in moments of weakness.

The fake dicks that women used to fuck each other.

“You’re a lesbian!” I gasped, staring up at her. “And you’re running around naked on this island with a dildo! Is this some strange form of roleplay?”

“You speak fast,” said the woman. She lowered her hands. “I Jill. Not lesbian. Jill!”

“Right, right,” I said. “Hi, Jill. I’m Sam.”

“Sam no Gina,” Jill said, her shoulders slumping. “Why Sam no Gina?”

“Er ... Because I’m not her,” I said, the dildo feeling so warm on my stomach. And it twitched, that was strange. But I wasn’t experienced with dildos. I had never seen one in real life before. “Who is Gina?”

“Gina is...” A look of profound concentration contorted Jill’s mature face. The naked MILF looked like she was thinking with every ounce of gray matter she possessed. “Gina is Gina!”

“Did you lose Gina?” I asked, my stomach clenching.

“Yes, yes, Jill lose Gina!” The woman nodded, her big boobs swaying over my head.

My eyes fell on them. They were so distracting. This was a pair of real, live tits that were swaying over me. I shuddered at how amazing they were. That heat I had felt last night when Danielle had been checking out my ass burned hotter in my pussy. Like the divorcee, Jill had a big pair of tits. A huge pair. They must be F-cups. Bigger.

My hands suddenly itched to grab them before I remembered that the woman was looking for someone. I controlled my lesbian urges as I stared up at those big tits. I took in a deep breath. I had to help this woman. She was clearly in shock. That must be why she wasn’t speaking right. Had she been on the ship?

There were lots of women I didn’t know on the ship. Maybe she and her lesbian lover had come on the cruise to hook up while away from their husbands. To enjoy a ship full of just women. A pair of closeted lesbians like me. Then, just as they were about to make love, the ship crashed and sunk. She just never took off her strap-on.

That made so much sense.

I felt something warm dribbling on my stomach. Was something leaking from the tip of the dildo? Wow, they were amazing. I couldn’t wait to try one out. Maybe, once we were safe, Jill and I could enjoy it.

“Okay, where did you last see Gina?” I asked.

Jill’s brow furrowed. “No remember.”

“Okay,” I said. “Was she on the boat? Were you two about to fuck with your dildo?”

“What dildo?” Jill asked. “Me fuck cock. Use cock fuck!”

She grabbed her dildo and slapped it down on my belly. As she did that, the juices it was leaking splashed across my breasts, and a drop landed on my mouth. It was salty. A delicious flavor that I enjoyed. I wanted to suck it.

“Okay,” I said. “You fucked her with your cock. That’s cool that you pretend it’s real.”

“Me cock real!” gasped Jill. She bounced to her feet over me and shook her dildo at me. “See? Real futa-cock. Clit-dick. Big clit-dick.”

I stared in shock as the fleshy shaft she had thrust from the black curls of her bush and ... I could see her pussy lips wrapped around the base. Was the other end thrust into her? And yet it was pulsing and was the same skin tone as her body. The end twitched, the crown expanding and contracting. Not much, but enough to make my brow furrow.

“Um, is the other end of the futa-dick”—maybe that was a special type of dildo?—”buried in your pussy?”

“Pussy?” Jill thrust her hand between her thighs and spread apart her pussy lips. I shuddered as I stared into her pink depths. “Me have empty pussy. See? See, Sam. No thing pussy. Empty!”

“Yes, yes, it’s empty,” I said. “T-that’s a real cock.”

“Yes!” Jill jumped up and down, so happy. Her big boobs bounced and heaved. “Me futa.” Then she stared down at my crotch. At the shaved folds of my pussy. “Where you dick? Why Sam no dick?”

“I’m a girl,” I said, shocked. She had a pussy and a cock that ... that ... grew from her pussy. “Is that cock your clit?”

“Yes, yes! Me clit-dick!” She shook it at me. “Big clit-dick.”

“Yeah,” I said, this wave of heat rushing over me. “Did you always have that? When you were on the boat?”

“What boat?” asked Jill. Her brow furrowed again. “Boat! Boat! Boat!” She shook her head. “Me Jill.”

“Okay, okay,” I said. “But you were on a boat last night, right?”

“No. Jill here!” She pointed to the jungle. “Me sleep tree. Good tree.”

God, was she from this island? Was it home to women that had big dicks? This was so insane. I stood, my pussy clenching as I stared at her girl-cock. She was so feminine and yet had this big and functional shaft.

It was hotter than seeing those lesbians use those strap-ons on each other in those pornos. This was a real dick. It dripped ... precum. That salty delight that splashed my lips. My cunt burned even hotter. I swooned here.

“D-does your cock ... cum?” I asked, feeling faint. Like all the blood was rushing to my head. “D-Does it do that?”

“Jill cock cum!” She grinned. “Much cum. You see? You see Jill cum?”

I nodded, the idea so hot. She grabbed her girl-cock and started stroking it. She fisted it as I moved before her, staring at it. My knees grew weak. I fell to them before her girl-dick, staring at the tip as she fisted her hand up and down her shaft.

She stroked herself with such powerful motions. I quivered, my heart thundering in my chest. I breathed in deeply. This was really happening. She truly had a big girl-cock. She had a huge dick that would unleash all her cum.

And I was inches away.

A front-row seat.

If she were a man, I would be repulsed right now. Horrified to have that big dick before me. But this was a MILF. One who might have been stuck on this island for too long. But she had this huge clit-cock that she stroked, her big boobs swaying over me. Her gorgeous, tanned face twisted with delight.

A futa-MILF stroked her impossible cock right before me. Precum spilled from the crown that her hand swiped up. Soon, her shaft gleamed with the slippery lubrication. Her hand flew up and down her cock with such speed.

It was mesmerizing to watch. Just hypnotic to see her hand flying up and down her girl-dick like that. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from this hot sight. It was a beautiful thing to witness. I was glad to see it.

Thrilled to watch that hand flying up and down her girl-dick.

She groaned, her face contorting with delight. Her head tossed from side to side, her whimpers so delicious to hear. Those big boobs of hers swayed at the top of my vision. I wanted to look at them, too, but that dick.

That slit.

“Me fist cock good!” she moaned. “Yes, yes. Me good! Cock good! Futa good! Sam good!”

“Yeah, you’re good, Jill,” I groaned. “You’re amazing. You’re going to cum all over me, aren’t you?”

“Me cum lots!” moaned the naughty futa-MILF.

I groaned, my pussy clenching. I wanted this gorgeous MILF to cum all over my face. I craved it so much. This was wild. Hot. Just the best thing I could think of. I loved every moment of this cock stroking before my eyes.

I licked my lips, my heart pounding with such passion. That hand flew up and down that cock. Just fisting it. Stroking that wonderful cock. I loved it so much. It was just the best thing in the world. I quivered, my cunt clenching.

She moaned louder and louder. She had to be closer and closer to cumming. To just bursting out with all her passion. I quivered there, my pussy clenching in anticipation. She threw her head back and arched her back.

Her tits bounced.

“Me cum!” she squealed.

Her cock erupted. Hot cum spurted from her dick and splashed across my face. I gasped at the thick, hot girl-jizz that coated my features. I slapped my eyes shut as her passion spilled over me. She soaked my face. It splashed on my lips. Permeated my mouth.

I groaned at how good her futa-cum tasted. It was this salty delight. I opened my mouth and thrust out my tongue to catch more. And there was more. She kept spurting jizz that splashed over my face and dripped onto my breasts.

“Me love cum!” the futa-MILF squealed. “Yes, yes. Cum good! Me cum good!”

“Yes,” I groaned, the salty spunk splashing in my mouth.

I loved the flavor. The thick texture. The creamy rivulets of her girl-spunk ran down my features to my lips. My chin. It dripped onto my boobs as she fired a final spurt of cum. I groaned and opened my eyes. The futa-MILF stood over me, panting. Her big boobs jiggled.

She quivered there as I licked up more of the jizz that reached my lips. I swiped my tongue out in the widest arc I could to gather as much as I could reach. It was so yummy. My pussy burned like nothing else. I wanted more.

“That was amazing,” I groaned.

“Me love cum!” Jill said and dropped to her knees before me.

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