The Confessions of a Wedding Photographer - Cover

The Confessions of a Wedding Photographer

Copyright© 2022 by Zak

Chapter 1

True Sex Story: Chapter 1 - I was not a professional photographer but when an old friend asked me to help her out I could not say no. but it led to some fun and games….

Caution: This True Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Heterosexual   True Story   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Big Breasts   Doctor/Nurse  

I had always been a keen photographer but when Debbie an old friend asked me to photograph her wedding, I was more than a little nervous and for two reasons, one I was worried I would make a mess of it and ruin her big day and two because I had always had a bit of a crush on her. When I say a bit of crush, I mean a huge crush...

But She was a ten and I was a five at best. Let me describe Debbie to you ... At thirty-five years old she was five years my junior. She was a nurse, five foot tall and blonde. She was well built, with big boobs, I would find out later that they were 38ff, she had strong thighs and a well-padded arse. she had a pretty face and an award-winning smile. She kept herself fit and tidy.

I cannot even remember how we became friends; I think she was the friend of a friend and we had just clicked as mates. We liked the same music and we had had a few dances over the years. I would like to say a few snogs, but I was always a little bit shy around her, as I said she is a ten and I am five, it was never on the cards.

When I got a text message one day asking if I could call her as she had a favour to ask, I did not waste any time. I text her back and said I would call her that evening. I got a reply that included a few XXXs.

So, after work that evening, I jumped into the car and connected my mobile phone. I pulled off the car park and into the rush hour traffic and pressed the call button.

“Hi Zak,” she said as she answered, “Give me a second the house is full of kids, and it is manic”

I had been to her house a few times; she had two teenage daughters both of them had their mom’s killer looks and big boobs and both of them always had a gaggle of boys around them. She had had her first daughter when she was quite young, I think her oldest was eighteen already.

I heard her open and close a door and the line went quiet.

“That’s better, I am in the garden now, “she said, “So how are you doing mate?”

“Yea I am good thanks and you?” I asked, “How is the family?”

“Yes, I am good thanks and the family, well the girls are full of beans as they are off to a party tonight, and Derek is good, he says hello” she replied.

Derek was her boyfriend; he was not the father of the kids, but he had been on the scene for at least ten years to my knowledge. We had never clicked, he was a football-mad man’s man, he did not dance and that was why me and Debbie had shared more than a few. If we went to a mate’s wedding we always danced until the slow ones and then Derek took over.

“So, you need a favour?” I asked, “what can I do for you?”

“Well, I know you have been working on your photography and as you know we are getting married, “she said.

“Yes, it is in a couple of months, isn’t it?” I asked. Amongst our group of friends that was a lot of chat about her making a mistake, but she seemed to love him and that was that she was a big girl, and she had a good brain, so it was her choice.

“Yes, two months tomorrow,” she said and sighed, “Well when we decided to get married, we didn’t think it would cost so much and we are trying to keep to a budget, but it is not easy”

“I bet, I hear that it’s a costly exercise,” I said and thought about it. I had never come close to getting married so knew little about it but two of the girls I worked with had gotten married over the last two years and they both moaned about the cost. I had been single for the last five years and there was no one on the scene so it was not something I had much knowledge of.

“So, we are trying to cut some costs” she sighed,” and we wondered if you would mind doing the photography, I know it is a big ask but we know you can do it and it would really help us out.”

I had the gear and worked hard on my hobby, I did some sports and portraits but mainly landscapes. I had never even thought about weddings.

“Oh, look Debs I don’t know, it’s quite specialised and I would be worried about getting it wrong” I stuttered.

“Look I will be honest, things are tight and mate without you we won’t be having any photographs,” she said, “Look mate are you busy tomorrow?”

It was Saturday and I had nothing planned.

“No, I am free,” I said

“Okay good, my shift starts at midday, can we meet for brunch, let’s say around ten thirty and we can talk about it,” she said.

“Okay yes. let’s do that” I replied, “where shall we meet”

“How about we meet at Georgios in town” she replied. We both loved the breakfast at Georgios.

“That Sounds like a good plan,” I said.

“Okay mate I have to go the girls are looking for help with their makeup” she giggled, “I will See you tomorrow”

“Yes, see you then,” I said and hung up.

My head went into overdrive and my nerves jangled. I stopped on the way home and got a takeaway. Once I was home, I showered, and then ate my food before getting my laptop out and investigating wedding photography.

I soon had a checklist of things I would need and another of the things I had to ask Debbie and Derek. I headed up to bed around midnight and treated myself to a cheeky wank thinking about nurse Debbie giving me a bed bath.

The following morning, I got out of bed and was shaved and showered before nine o’clock I had a coffee and reviewed the checklists I had made the previous evening. I had two matching cameras, a tripod and plenty of memory cards. There were a few bits and pieces I would need but I was sure they would be easy to pick up.

I revised a few of my notes and then printed them off, two copies one for me and one for Debs.

Then I jumped into the car and drove into town. I parked up at the local NCP and walked into the shopping precinct. Georgios was an old-school Italian café. They did the best breakfast in town. I walked in and got a table tucked away in a corner.

Ten minutes later Debbie walked in alone I was expecting Derek to be there as well, she looked stunning, I waved, and she spotted me. We hugged and sat down.

“Thanks for coming,” she said and grabbed a menu,” Breakfast is on me”

“We will talk about that later “I giggled, “IS Derek not coming”

“No, he has football today” she sighed. The look on her face told me all I need to know about her thoughts on that subject.

A waitress came over and we both ordered a full English with a pot of tea.

“So how are you?” Debs asked once the waitress had left the table

“Yea I am okay and you? “I replied, “how are the family?”

“Yea we are all good thanks, “she said, “the wedding is stressing me out and Derek seems more than happy to let me organise the whole thing”

The look on her face told me she was a bit annoyed about that, but I felt it was not my place to comment on it.

“I have to admit I am worried about doing the pictures,” I said, and she smiled at me.

“Look mate, we have seen the stuff you have done before and it’s all amazing,” she said The waitress came over with our pot of tea and Debs poured us both a cup and added the milk.

“Plus, to be honest with you, if we don’t have you, we don’t have any wedding pictures,” she said and there was a sadness in her voice, “the cheapest quote we got was three thousand pounds and we just can’t afford it”

I took a sip of tea. Debs sipped hers and her eyes locked on mine, I knew there and then I was doing the pictures

“I figure if we can cut back on a few things, we can have a half-decent wedding,” she said, “We have called in favours all over the place to make sure the big day goes to plan”

At the same time, the waitress came back with the breakfasts ... they were a real feast. Bacon, sausage, black pudding, hash browns, mushroom, beans, two poached eggs and slices of toast on the side.

We both ate and chatted about life, families, and stuff. Once we had eaten the waitress took out plates and I ordered another pot of tea.

“So, let’s talk about the big day, and what photos you want!” I said with a smile.

“So, you will do them?” she asked

“Of course, I will “I gushed. It had never been in doubt, I would have eaten shit of a stick for Debbie, and I think she knew it.

“And what are you going to charge us?” she asked.

“Bugger all, how about we call it my wedding present to you, “I said with a wink

“Are you serious,” she said and paused, “No we can’t let you do that mate”

“Why not, I bet you have a toaster and all the stuff most people normally give as wedding presents so why not accept a gift of the pictures,” I said with a smile.

“Well, I will need to check it’s okay with Derek” she replied. I think we both knew the answer to that question I was worried that I might offend her by offering but her smile told me that she was more than happy.

We finished our drinks and chatted about the wedding, and then Debbie glanced at her watch

“Shit, I need to dash,” she said, and she went for her purse.

“I am getting breakfast, “I said, and she smiled.

“You are a great bloke, why has no one grabbed you yet,” she said as she shrugged into her coat.

Then she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I stood up and we hugged and then she was gone.

I paid for breakfast and walked into town, I visited a bookshop and picked up a couple of books on wedding photography and then I visited a camera shop and treated myself to a tripod and a couple of screw-on filters. Then it was back home.

Over the next two weeks, I read everything I could about wedding photography and added more bits and bobs to my camera kit. My eBay and amazon accounts took a huge hit ... I also exchanged a few emails with Debs, one of the things that I got from my reading was to agree on a list of pictures with the bride and groom. I knocked up an excel spreadsheet and emailed it off to Debs so that we could review it and add the ones she wanted.

One weekend I spent the whole of Sunday taking picture after picture, honing my skills, and making sure I did not have shadows that sort of thing.

Debs and I communicated by text or email every day for the next month. As the wedding got closer and closer, I got more nervous.

We arranged a Friday night drink to go over the list of photos, Debs met me with a hug and Derek shook my hand, we sat at a corner table and started to go over the list of photos. The groups I needed to get, who should not be photographed with who that sort of thing. It was obvious from the start that Derek was not interested. He tutted and grunted and was more interested in drinking his lager and watching the football on the pub’s TV.

The list seemed ninety per cent done. We chatted about other wedding stuff and again Derek did not seem interested at all. It was like he was not part of it...

I left as they were going to pick up their girls and later that night, I got a text from Debbie apologising for Derek’s attitude and thanking me for all the work I was putting in.

I kept working on my skills, reading about stuff, and practising whenever I could. It was soon just a week and a bit from the wedding day, and I do not know about the bride, but my nerves were jangling.

I was at work on the Tuesday when I got a text from Debbie asking if we could have a chat later that evening. I replied that I would be free any time after seven o’clock and she replied that she would call me then.

I was home early, I cooked and ate while watching TV, then I took a shower, made a coffee and went into my home office and started to go over my checklist. The phone rang a few minutes after seven.

“Hey how are you?” she asked.

“Nervous “I blurted out before I really thought about my answer.

“You and me both love,” she laughed, “the only person who is not is Derek and he just doesn’t seem bothered by it at all!”

I could hear the disappointment in her voice, it was his big day as well as hers and it was obvious to me that it was Debbie that was doing all of the hard work, all of the organising, all of the worrying.

“I am sure come the day he will perk up,” I said hoping to take the pressure off.

“He had better, or it might be the shortest marriage in history” she laughed.

“Anyway, what can I do for you?” I asked, steering the conversation into safe waters.

“We were wondering if you fancied coming over on Friday, we are going to get a takeaway in a few beers and we thought we could finalise the photo list for the big day,” she said.

“That sounds good to me, what time do you want me there?” I asked.

“let’s say seven thirty, does that work for you?” Debbie asked.

“Yes, that’s good for me “I replied, “I am looking forward to seeing you all”

“So, what do you prefer, pizza or a chinses?” she asked.

“Oh, I am easy, I will go with whatever you guys fancy, “I said. I am one of those guys who just likes his food, no matter what it is. I was happy to eat whatever was on offer.

“You are too nice, why has no one snapped you up?” she asked and flashed me one of her killer smiles.

“I have no idea “I laughed in reply, “it must be my aftershave”

She laughed and I heard voices behind her,

“Sorry love the girls need a lift, we will see you on Friday” she giggled

“See you then Debs,” I said and hung up.

The rest of the week flew past, and when the clock ticked over the four o’clock mark on Friday afternoon I was out of the traps and off home. I got out of my work gear and had a shower and shave. I had a cheeky wank whilst I was in the shower, my wank bank was full of thoughts of Debbie.

I dried off and got dressed before heading down into the kitchen.

I made a coffee and went over my checklists. I got into my car around six and drove to the local shop, I picked up a couple of bottles of wine and then drove over to Debbie and Derek’s.

I parked up and grabbed the bottles from the boot of the car and my checklists. I had printed out a couple of copies.

I knocked on the door. there was a delay before it opened and when it did, I knew something was wrong, Debbie had been crying, she still had her work gear on, and she did not look at all with it...

“Come in mate, “she said and turned her back on me, I followed her into the house.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Yes and no, yes I am fine and no I am not okay that twat of a fiancé of mine was packing his case when I got home,” she said, she turned to the fridge, took out an already opened bottle and poured two glasses of wine without asking if I wanted one.

Shit, I thought to myself, what an idiot, who would walk out one Debs?

She had it all the looks, the body, the smile, the lips, oh shit ... the curves ... Oh, shit the curves...

“He and his mates flew out to Spain to watch some bloody stupid football match even though I told him he was needed here!” she said, “and he won’t be back until Monday, he is classing it as his stag do”

That made me wonder how much he wanted this wedding, there was no money for a photographer, but he had money to fly out to Spain. When things are tight you need to prioritize, and his priorities seemed a bit off to me.

“I am sorry to hear that, but we can sort the lists out between you me and the girls, “I said and looked around, the place was too quiet.

“Oh, they have gone to a concert in Manchester and are stopping for the weekend, so it’s just you and me,” she said with a smile, and she gulped back a huge glug of wine.

“Okay well as long as you are happy to carry on with them, so am I,” I said and picked up my own glass.

“Right pizza or chinky?” she asked and took two menus from a corkboard and passed them to me.

“I am easy ... if you prefer pizza, I will have a meat feast and if it is chinky I will have a prawn curry with fried rice and don’t forget the chips,” she said and put her glass down, “I am off for a shower, there is some money on the side”

And with that she was gone, I ordered the Chinese takeaway and sat at her dining table sipping my wine, I could hear the shower running and my head wandered ... I could imagine Debbie naked, the water running over her. I imagined her soaping up her body. My cock got hard thinking about her. I knew I would be wanking to that image later that night.

The shower stopped and ten minutes later Debbie walked into the kitchen, she was dressed in a robe. I was sure from the way it stuck to her that she was naked under the robe.

She sipped some wine and smiled at me ... even with no makeup she looked stunning.

“So, what are we eating” she smiled, in my head I knew what I wanted to eat and the thought of it made me blush.

“Chinese it should be here in twenty minutes,” I said.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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