A Fair Trade
Copyright© 2022 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 7
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Confined to a wheelchair, high school senior Kyle’s life is centered on his parents. Deep in the desert, they seek help for him. They make a deal. A trade. And Shayna, a very special guide dog, joins the family. Kyle’s life will never be the same as he navigates love, lust, and newly revealed emotions.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Fiction Paranormal Incest Mother Son DomSub Harem Anal Sex Bestiality Exhibitionism Oral Sex Teacher/Student
In the morning, when dad came in, his red-rimmed eyes circled with shadow, he was rolling his shoulders. After a loud yawn trumpeted from his lips, he flashed me a thin smile.
“Rise and shine, kiddo.” He sounded far chipper than he looked.
“Good morning, dad.” While grinning up at him, I raised my arms so he could pull off my pajamas.
In no time, with only a few grunts and one more long yawn, he had me changed into loose trousers and a collared shirt before transferring me to my chariot. As soon as I rolled from the room, Shayna dashed past to tug open the back door. There she waited, her tail beating against a nearby chair. Only after I’d nodded did she race out into the yard.
“She’s amazing,” I said while looking at my dad. He nodded and watched her dash around to find that perfect spot.
“That she is. Very much so.” He flashed me that strange look and then turned to prepare breakfast while sipping his coffee.
Once Shayna returned, she pulled the door closed behind her before going to the far end of the kitchen to eat from her bowl. As she crunched, her tail wagged like a metronome. Yet, she paused every few bites to look over her shoulder at me. Worried? With a shrug, I looked from her when dad sat to help me with my cereal.
Although the sudden clacking of my mother’s heels didn’t have me trembling or as tense as the day before, dad and I still tracked her every movement. After her shapely figure glided into the kitchen, she click-clacked around, gathering food and a mug of coffee. With a broad smile at both of us, she settled across from me and focused on dad as she ate. While the same exquisite perfume tickled my nose; I tried not to stare at her blouse’s open buttons. Between the black lace swell of her chest, her golden cross remained absent.
Once he’d finished feeding me and himself, dad gulped the last of his coffee and stood. Without a word, he strode to her, slid his fingers into her hair, tugged back on her head and dropped his lips to hers. As their lips rolled and mashed against each other, my heart pounded. When his widespread fingers gripped one firm breast, a muffled whimper slipped from her. As her nails raked the rear of his trousers, muted groans fled my dad.
At last, with a sigh, dad left her gasping for breath and took our dishes to the kitchen. Blazing with golden flecks, my mother’s white-rimmed blue pools caught mine when I lifted my gaze from the stiff points jutting through her top. While running her tongue over her lips, she glanced at my dad’s back before winking at me. An ache deepened within me as my fingers trembled on a glass of orange juice.
After another lingering kiss at the door, my mother left for work and dad slid into his office to take his early calls. Rain soon began, and it wasn’t long before great sheets of wind-driven, heavy droplets sluiced across the yard. From the inside, I could barely see the hedge, let alone the trees beyond, as the morning remained dark.
All my buddies were doing the same boring school assignment, and I soon buckled down to work on mine. With a yawn, Shayna rolled onto her side and slept beside me. Or rather, mostly slept. At any motion or sound from me, she opened an eye or flicked her ear. Always on watch.
“Good dog.”
When I murmured, the one eye I could see blinked. With a silent yawn, she stretched. As her spine arched, her front paws slid forward, and her rear ones thrust backwards.
“Show off.” I chuckled.
After another yawn, she rolled over and rubbed her spine on the thick carpet while staring at me. Yeh, she was showing off. With her legs spread, her paws hung limp as she watched me continue typing.
Other than a quick lunch, that was how my day went.
The whole day dragged.
When my mother returned, dad met her just as she dashed inside. Already soaked in the short time it took from her car to the front door, her top was translucent and clung to every curve of her torso. At first, dad’s eyes, then his outstretched hands swept over my mother as whimpers dribbled from her rain-soaked lips. After he leaned to whisper into her ear, she glanced at me, giggled, and pranced to the bedroom.
Once she’d left, dad returned to me with a smile before going to the kitchen to prepare dinner. No matter how many times he or I glanced at the closed bedroom door, he said nothing. At last, I gave up and petted Shayna.
We’d had a productive day. The rain at last stopped, and I’d gotten a lot done on my paper. Because dog, Shayna had gotten a lot of vitally important nap time. So, there was that. A perfectly normal...
Just as I was turning to roll for the dinner table, the door opened. My breath caught in my throat. Everything not my mother blurred and whirled around her. With a widening grin on her face, she glanced into the kitchen, where my dad was humming with his back to us while stirring a big metal pot of steaming pasta.
The reason I couldn’t breathe?
Once again, she wore only a sheer robe. This one was black and so short it covered only the top curves of her butt. Taut across her pelvis, her panties were black lace and cut low.
With a gulp, I managed a grin when she tilted her head and raised her eyebrows, clearly debating. After her hand raised, finger beckoning, she retreated into the short hallway before their bedroom. Though my heart hammered in my chest, I rolled towards her.
“Have you been a good boy today?” she said after I halted out of sight of the kitchen.
“Yes. Uh, yes, mommy.”
When her outstretched fingers dropped to press into my crotch, my hardening flesh surged. As her hand rubbed, a long exhale slipped from her. Since I was so fixated on her hand, I only looked up at the tickle of her hair. Her exotic perfume slithered into my nostrils. When her warm, soft mouth found mine, her slender fingers gripped the bulge in my shorts. As my eyes flicked to the thin wall between us and the kitchen, her plunging tongue muffled my moans.
While it seemed like forever, it was only a brief kiss. After pulling her mouth from mine even as my tongue chased hers and a smack of her glossy lips, my mother straightened.
“Hmm.” With one last squeeze of my aching bulge, she chuckled while lifting her hand. “You still want me, don’t you?”
“Yes,” I whispered. “Yes, mommy.”
Although she smiled, my mother only combed her fingers through my hair before sashaying away. After chasing her into the main room, I slowed the chariot when she rubbed along dad’s back.
She knew my gaze was following her. As she drove her raking fingers along dad’s squirming front, she winked at me over her shoulder. Only when dad lurched into her with a groan did she turn from me to place her lips against his.
Whatever game she was playing, I wasn’t sure it was—fair?
When I shrugged, Shayna looked at me, her tail unmoving before glancing at my mother. As her head tilted, her lips peeled upwards for the tiniest of seconds.
“Yeh, kinda weird, huh?” I muttered before raking my fingertips through her mane. With a sigh, she leaned her long, powerful neck into me.
Then again, dad had been right there. So perhaps I shouldn’t have taken it so hard. But I missed my mother’s touch. And her tight throat. Yeh, it was wrong. Not normal, right? With a sigh, I moved to the table, kept my focus on my tablet, and waited in silence.
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