A Fair Trade
Copyright© 2022 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 50
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 50 - Confined to a wheelchair, high school senior Kyle’s life is centered on his parents. Deep in the desert, they seek help for him. They make a deal. A trade. And Shayna, a very special guide dog, joins the family. Kyle’s life will never be the same as he navigates love, lust, and newly revealed emotions.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Fiction Paranormal Incest Mother Son DomSub Harem Anal Sex Bestiality Exhibitionism Oral Sex Teacher/Student
As I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling fan, my body still trembled. Memories of Haley had left deep scoring in my brainstem. For so long, she’d been but a shadow around me. And yet, as she slid from the pool before my dad had arrived home, the sobbing had ended. Instead, wow, the smile on her reddened face.
Yes, she’d put on a show while dressing. And had flashed me her tits from the truck before pulling away.
“Fuck! I already miss her.”
She’ll never be far again.
“Yeah, thanks insane voice,” I murmured in the darkness. “You’re not stuck in a mechanical contraption. She lives across town.”
And then, for my revelations and great job with Haley, the universe demanded its pound of flesh. In the morning, when dad walked into my room, I couldn’t move. After a brief flutter of my eyelids, I surrendered to the blackness and let it take me away.
A million years later, I pried my eyes open at somebody moving me onto my side. A warm, dampened cloth slid along my back.
“How long?” I mumbled through cracked lips.
“Uh, only a few days,” my dad replied in a low voice. “And, um, before you worry about finals, it’s okay. The school’s tracking.”
Even as lights sputtered to life in my brain, I sighed. Of course, they wouldn’t be concerned. Everyone knew. The sands in my hourglass were sliding faster. After lowering me to the mattress, he stood back with his arms folded across his chest.
“Look, Kyle. You know—”
“Yeah, dad. I get it. It’s not like we didn’t see this coming.”
“I—I just wanted ... We tried to ... Hoped...” He glanced at Shayna sitting beside the bed.
“I understand, dad. Hey, she’s been great company.” I forced a smile. “And I’m not dead yet.”
That snapped him. With a quick nod, he turned, sniffling, and fled the room. After a glance at Shayna, I shrugged. Not that I wasn’t freaked out by death, but at that point, I had other concerns. Starting with I’d no means to fulfill my promise to Haley. How to cheat the reaper?
When she shoved under my fingers, I smiled at the dog. At their unusual shimmering, her eyes had me sighing.
“Okay. There’s a way. Somewhere, huh?”
A while later, dad returned and got me into the chariot before leading me out to a late lunch. With every bite, I felt stronger. But his haggard face continued to watch me. At last, I forced a grin.
“Dad, whatever that episode was, I’m fine. I mean—” I held out my arm. It didn’t shake—”see, no trembling. And, well, duh, I rested for two straight days.”
“Three. It’s Friday, Kyle.”
Ah, he’d said “few.” I’d simply assumed. And then the rest of my brain engaged. With a low gasp, I zipped my gaze to the chariot’s side pocket.
“Yes.” Dad must’ve caught the sudden motion. “Everyone called. You’ve probably got a bunch of messages. Ms. Richardson was beside herself, but I explained you’d been checked by the specialists and were fine. Simple exhaustion.” He took a long sip with his eyebrow raised. “She’s, uh, a very dedicated teacher, Kyle. She offered to tutor over the summer. I’ve said—”
“What? What did you say to her dad? You didn’t—”
“No. I haven’t shared your prognosis.”
With the panic draining from me, I lay my skull back against the headrest to stare at the ceiling. As honest as I’d been with Haley, I hadn’t explained to Jeri. Or Beth. Or Mrs. Cameron. With a deep breath, I looked at dad. His brows were knitted.
“Anyone else?”
“Oh, yeah.” He laughed, which was a wonderful sound after earlier. “You’re quite the popular boy. That neighbor girl—”
“Beth Winston?”
“Yes, her. Anyway, once I described what had happened, she wanted to let you know she’ll be returning Monday.”
Before I could respond, he snapped his fingers. After a quick glance out the back door towards the distant trees, he returned to me with his eyebrows arching.
“Oh, and out of the blue, Mrs. Cameron sent your mother a text. Asked about the ... Well, she was concerned about her health. You know, after ... The, uh, desert. And, um, anyway, she also wishes to stop by for another bible study session. Or, if you’d prefer, return to her place. I told her that’d be up to you. But this time, I’m dropping you off, even if it’s just curbside.”
“Okay, dad.”
As I fell silent, my entire body ached. God, I really needed one of Julie’s hugs. I mean, yes, I’d have her do whatever I wanted to feed her needs. But that’s what I missed most. Bravery. Comfort. That hug.
“And Cindy Wellington, one of the ‘Better Strength’ PT therapists, called yesterday. Wants to stop by to check on you. I told her insurance wouldn’t cover it. She doesn’t care about that. Her words.” With the mug halfway to his lips, he gazed at me. Oh, were there ever questions behind his eyes. Medical people of any ilk didn’t do things for free. But I only nodded. “Well, anyway, if you’re up for it, I’ll let her know.”
A quick glance at Shayna’s suddenly alert face had me gulping. The mother of my child wanted to see me. Death’s bed or not, there was no denying her.
“Yeah, dad. She’s real nice. I’d enjoy that.” As he sipped, I finished up and rolled from the table. “Hey dad, I’d like to, um, well, try to shoot some hoops. Just outside.”
“No cul-de-sac roaming. You hear me, Kyle Clarke.”
“Yes, sir. Only in the driveway. I promise.”
“Okay then. Oh, and your mom. She’s been getting up early to do her gym stuff. And she sometimes arrives home later. So, um, it may only be us for dinner. Some things—”
“—have changed,” I finished in a quiet voice.
“Yes, uh, changed,” is all he said before clearing away the dirty dishes and heading for the kitchen.
While following Shayna towards the front door, I glanced into his office. Beside a half-empty bottle of whiskey was a tumbler filled with amber liquid. That was a first.
“A lot of things have changed,” I mumbled as Shayna tugged open the door.
“Oh, Kyle!” At dad’s voice, I halted and spun in place. “I almost forgot. That pretty friend of yours from the other day. She also called.”
“Okay. Thanks, dad.”
Straight after I’d rolled into the humid embrace of the heavy summer air, I reached for the phone. As I flicked it on, Shayna dashed into the yard to herd the basketball closer.
With text after text scrolling so fast I had to slow and reset the feed, my heart twisted. Well, at least people were concerned. Not just the ones dad had mentioned, but my buddies. Being guys, they’d never call, but their concern was obvious.
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