A Fair Trade
Copyright© 2022 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 33
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 33 - Confined to a wheelchair, high school senior Kyle’s life is centered on his parents. Deep in the desert, they seek help for him. They make a deal. A trade. And Shayna, a very special guide dog, joins the family. Kyle’s life will never be the same as he navigates love, lust, and newly revealed emotions.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Fiction Paranormal Incest Mother Son DomSub Harem Anal Sex Bestiality Exhibitionism Oral Sex Teacher/Student
As Beth wavered on the doorstep, her wide aqua eyes stared past me at Jeri, wrapped only in leather straps. Although the hammering of my heart intensified, nobody spoke. The only noises were Beth’s rapid breathing, Shayna’s panting, and the ever louder pounding of blood in my ears.
So tense, Beth’s entire body vibrated as red flooded her skin. With her lips opening and closing, she shifted her gaze to me. Idiot Kyle. The guy who she’d only just said she could trust. Oh, and who’d promised to never lie to her after leaving her driveway a million years ago. What to do?
“I can explain.” Despite the words that tumbled from my mouth, I only stared at her. How would I explain any of this? With Beth’s body heat so close it was searing my arm, and Jeri shaking at the edge of my vision, I had to try. “Please, Beth.”
When I wrapped my fingers around her wrist, Beth’s eyes drifted to my clenching hand. At first, she tensed, and her gaze flicked towards her house. But when I eased her nearer, she sighed and let me tow her inside.
Like a bolt of furry golden lightning, Shayna dashed past her, leaped for the tug rope, and shoved the door closed with a thump.
What a team? Only ... Yeh, Beth could still slap the crap out of me.
“So? Who? I mean, why?” As her narrowing eyes scanned Jeri’s figure once more, a crimson-faced Beth gestured at her. “What is she doing—here?”
Rather than speak, Jeri, wobbling atop her black stilettos, only looked at me. With her dark eyes, glistening and white-rimmed, and jaw trembling, she shook. One word from Beth and she was finished as a teacher. And maybe looking at a jail sentence.
Time to earn that trust, boy-master.
“Jeri’s, uh, helping me for the weekend. She’s, uh, experienced.” I mean, they weren’t lies.
Still vibrating and with her fists clenched, Beth glanced at me before yanking her hand free to cross her arms. Beneath her knitted brows, her eyes were dark lasers burning into me. But the door wasn’t locked, and she hadn’t run away.
“Jeri? Helping? Uh, huh? Dressed ... In that?” After returning to inspect Jeri, she smacked her lustrous red lips before gesturing with her fingers. “What are you wearing?”
“Beth, sit down.” While speaking, I nodded towards the couch. This was gonna take time. Duh. “Please. Just sit for a minute and, uh, listen. I listened to you, right?”
At first, Beth glared at me for about 9.6 million years as the universe crumpled into a wavering icy ball of timelessness. But after another quick glance at Jeri, she nodded before moving to the couch. Whatever air I had slithered free of my lips as I peered at Jeri. Still exhaling, I shifted the chariot to follow Beth.
“Okay, Kyle. I owe you that,” Beth said while sitting and crossing her legs. “But this better be good. Damned good. I don’t know what to think.”
“I know,” I replied while rolling next to her. “It’s, uh ... It’s complicated.”
“And ‘Jeri?’” Face still crimson, Beth peeked over her shoulder at Ms. Richardson. “Really, Kyle? You call Ms. Richardson, ‘Jeri’?”
“Yes, we have a ... A special relationship, Beth.”
“Yeh, really special.” As her brows tightened, Beth’s quivering arms squeezed tighter over her chest. “I can see that.”
“Don’t you look me, Kyle Clarke. Do you love her?” At her words, the entire room twisted sideways, wobbled, and blurred. As I struggled to reply, my brain whirled. I’d never ... I mean, kinda. At my hesitation, Beth spun to glare at Jeri. “Do you love him, Ms. Richardson?”
“Yes,” hissed from Jeri.
At the single word—so lonely—my heart thumped.
“Kyle?” Beth’s voice dropped low as her eyes glistened. “What about ... What about us? What you said? And what you typed? You swore. You’d never lie to me.”
Before I could reply, soft footfalls approached from behind me. Silent and trembling, Jeri slipped to her knees before us. When her full red lips caught the morning sun, they sparkled as her jiggling chest settled. After peering at me, she leaned her cheek against my leg and lowered her eyes to the carpet.
Okay, all the truth.
Idiot, new, or old Kyle. They both deserved that. Afterwards, let the chips fall where they may.
For a second, I pursed my lips. I even cocked my head, but no drums sounded. Not a peep from insane voice. Nor that other weird inner monologue. All I heard was Beth’s heavy breathing and quicker anxious breaths from Jeri’s trembling lips. And the thundering of my heart.
“Please don’t tell on her, Beth. She’s risking everything for ... For me.”
Even as Beth’s head tilted, I could see the question in her eyes. In huge glowing letters. Why? Although I spoke in as calm a voice as I could manage, my gaze kept flicking between the most beautiful girl in the world on my couch and my mostly naked slut at my knees.
“Jeri has needs.” With a sigh, I ran my fingers through Jeri’s thick, black hair. Air snagged in my throat when she placed her soft lips against the bare skin of my leg. “And I’ve agreed to help her fulfill them.”
“But ... It’s more than needs, Kyle. She says she loves you. Your teacher loves you. And—”
“Kyle’s correct. You are beautiful, Beth.” At Jeri’s quiet words, Beth and I jolted. While keeping her eyes averted, Jeri eased the outstretched fingers of one hand onto Beth’s quivering bare thigh. When they glided upwards, Beth swallowed, and my heart sped. “And Kyle says you’re also kind.”
What was happening? Didn’t see that coming. Or the fact that Beth remained motionless as Jeri’s hand moved millimeter by millimeter atop her gleaming pale leg. Fast, Kyle. Think fast. Insane voice? A little help, here. Still nothing.
“Did you dance with that guy’s wife?” shot from me.
“Huh?” Beth’s reply was curt and shaky.
Though she’d responded, Beth’s widening eyes remained fixed on the same place as mine. On Jeri’s deep red fingernails, halted just shy of her dress’s hem.
“At Bonbonniere. On Mykonos. Did you dance with her?”
Still gaping at Jeri’s fingers, gliding from side to side on her leg, Beth sucked her glossy red lips and gave a quick nod.
“Well, uh ... Jeri also likes women.”
“I could...” As Jeri spoke, air rushed from Beth when Jeri’s fingernails slipped beneath her skirt. “I mean, I don’t mind, master.” Jeri pulled from me to shift closer to Beth. Beth’s eyes widened as Jeri’s other outstretched hand slid upward along the thigh of her lower leg. “Her skin’s like silk. Warm, shaking silk. So alive, master. So very soft. I wouldn’t mind. At all.”
“What does she mean, Kyle?” Beth’s voice quavered as she flicked her gaze between me, Jeri, and Jeri’s again motionless fingers beneath her skirt.
“Jeri would serve you as she serves me.”
Despite her high-pitched voice, Beth made no move to leave. With her arms still crossed, she remained immobile, other than the incessant tremors speeding under Jeri’s again ascending hands.
When Jeri glanced at me, I nodded. For the first time, my shorts tightened, and I caught Shayna settling further in the room. Both emerald pools were flooded with gold. As Jeri’s other hand slid beneath Beth’s skirt, Beth gulped.
“Oh, God, Kyle!” While a shudder rippled through her, Beth spoke in an airy whisper. “You can’t. She can’t...”
With her gaze locked on Jeri’s focused dark eyes, Beth trembled as, inch-by-inch, Jeri folded her skirt upward. Once at her waist, Jeri shifted her hands to each thigh. As the room blurred around us, time slowed while they stared at each other. At the glimmer of both sets of trembling parted lips, my rod surged.
When the deep bronze muscles of Jeri’s toned arms tightened, air hissed through Beth’s clenched teeth. As that hiss hitched, Beth let Jeri ease her shaking legs apart. Already darkened and glistening, her taut powder blue satin panties were covered by the cutest big-eyed seahorses.
At the slow press of Jeri’s lips against an inner thigh, Beth’s gaze zipped to me. Trembling, her jaw slipped to emit a low moan. When my shorts shifted, her eyes caught the motion.
Before I could speak, Beth’s face dropped to stare at Jeri just as dark hair swept over Beth’s taut panties. Despite Jeri’s abrupt halt, rapid shallow puffs of air continued to fly from Beth. All of a sudden, they sped quicker. Though I couldn’t see, I heard the languid drag of Jeri’s tongue followed by the slow nipping of teeth.
“Kyle! Kyle ... Oh—” Beth’s words became a protracted winding moan.
As they shimmered in the sunlight, Jeri’s fingernails pulled aside the pale blue seahorses. At the soft kissing sounds coming from between her trembling legs, Beth peered at me. As Jeri’s head pushed forward, a liquid slurp lengthened. In a flash, Beth’s shaking arms flew outward, one to claw the seatback, the other to find and clench my shoulder.
“Oh, fuck. Kyle, she’s—” A louder moan snapped off Beth’s words when Jeri’s hair sank while her outstretched hands drove beneath Beth’s blouse and bra. “Oh, God! Kyle. Oh, God. Ms. Richard— She’s ... Jeri’s tongue ... Oh. Oh. Her fingers! Oh. O—oh, fuck! Oh. S—so good.”
At the forceful, slow swirl of Jeri’s head between her legs, Beth’s ability to speak flew right out the window. Instead, slurp after sucking slurp drew cries from her as she squirmed, pressing into Jeri. While she clawed at the couch back with one hand, Beth’s shaky nails dragged along my shoulder.
Ever louder chewing and sucking pulled longer and deeper moans from Beth. All the while, Jeri’s ceaseless hands squeezed and tugged at Beth’s firm cones. Each forceful motion shoved the little bra further upwards under her crumpled blue blouse. Despite the leather harness and being my slut, once set free, Jeri became primal, overwhelming the squirming little brunette.
At Shayna’s sudden grunt, I glanced at her. With each of Jeri’s powerful thrusts pinning the tiny writhing girl to the couch, the gold in Shayna’s eyes spiraled faster. After a lingering stare at Jeri’s wiggling dark buttocks, she lifted to meet my gaze. With her nostrils flaring at the intensifying syrupy aromas of both aroused women, she dragged her tongue around her snout.
“Yes,” I whispered, while nodding at her.
While Shayna hadn’t spoken, because, duh, dog, we both understood Jeri and Beth had exceeded any plan of hers. She’d done nothing to instigate any of what was happening on the couch. Nor had I. Oh, it was still pure lust, but...
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