A Fair Trade - Cover

A Fair Trade

Copyright© 2022 by INtrinSicliValud

Chapter 27

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 27 - Confined to a wheelchair, high school senior Kyle’s life is centered on his parents. Deep in the desert, they seek help for him. They make a deal. A trade. And Shayna, a very special guide dog, joins the family. Kyle’s life will never be the same as he navigates love, lust, and newly revealed emotions.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Fiction   Paranormal   Incest   Mother   Son   DomSub   Harem   Anal Sex   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Teacher/Student  

Its warmth heating my shoulders, the sun was bright as I paddled through a pond’s crystal-clear blue waters. Each gentle puff of a warm breeze sent unkempt tresses wafting before my eyes. Added to the bird calls, loud crickets, and croaking frogs around the lighter, cleaner and—somehow younger—glade was the low rhythmic beat of those shamanic drums. The ones I’d heard while watching Coach Devlin’s wife ride Darnell White.

At the soft touch of small fingers on the sun-toasted skin of my shoulder, I turned. And let a grin slide onto my face. Behind me, my phantom angel tread water. As her lean, gleaming arms slid around my neck, her deep eyes shimmered. Air slipped from my lips when her sleek frame glided against mine. Hungry whimpers escaped us both at the press of her silken mound into my hardness. Tiny but hot, the spikes atop her perfect little cones bored into my chest. With only her toned, olive-skinned shoulders above the surface, she said nothing before our mouths met.

Once the soles of my feet sank to the grass-covered sandy bottom, my hands gripped her firm, bubble-shaped rear. When I pulled her into me, trapping my thumping rod between us, her legs lifted to wrap around my waist. Bottomless, deep black, her eyes widened. Between shadowed tree limbs high above, heavy with verdant leaves, the sunlight—brightened. The sounds of the forest muted. While our tongues played, her ever louder whimpers slipped alongside her playful tongue to echo in my cheeks.

With a powerful moan, her tight little frame shoved into me. Sharp, her nails sank into my shoulder. As our hearts battered each other, my hands lifted her. After a desperate groan of my own, I pulled my mouth free of her shiny, parted lips.

“I want you,” I murmured while forcing a hand between us to grip my throbbing shaft.

The rhythmic beat grew louder, rattling my ribs and shaking her visage. As it wavered, the surrounding universe also shook with each drumbeat.

When a tremor wracked her compact form, my dream girl’s deep glossy pools flared. Just as I was about to lift her, they narrowed. With a sigh, she pushed from me.

As much as I wanted to hold her in place when her legs dropped away, something in her eyes—glinted. An unexpected hardness, as if there was a wall I couldn’t ken.

With a swift kick, she swept free of me to paddle in the mottled sunlight. Plastered to her shoulders, her glistening blue-black tresses framed dark-tinged cheeks. She was as eager and ravenous as I was.

Not yet, my Lord. It is not time.

“When?” Though I swam towards her, she moved further away. Each time I closed, she kept beyond my outstretched hands. My fingers almost at her shining, dusky skin. So close. Sad, her deep eyes were—conflicted.

Soon, my love. Very soon.

The drumbeat faded.


“What the heck?” murmured from my lips as I rubbed the knot on my skull.

After a long swallow, I squinted in the dim, cloud-filtered sunlight. While scanning the gloomy, shaded glade, the unmoving surface of the murky pond, and the overgrown, knotted half-dead trees, my chest tightened.

A dream? Well, duh, dream girl inhabits my dreams. Idiot.

No longer in the rivulet-gouged wash, the chariot was on flatter ground facing the soupy, brackish water. Along one side was matted sand, and that’s side’s wheels were scuffed. Also, a small twig remained trapped in a knobby tread.

So, that hadn’t been a dream? I had toppled.

But how had I...

The breath caught in my throat when the phantom girl, clad only in her leather collar, rose from the surface. As my heartbeat thumped, I traced every glossy trailing rivulet sluicing from her jiggling sharp cones to trickle along her prominent ribs and taut stomach. Once again, that rhythmic drumbeat echoed through the underbrush to rattle my shaking rib cage.

Ever louder, my heart pounded, forcing blood to rush—everywhere. This. This had to be a dream. As the dull roar in my ears drowned out the calls of soaring blue and gray birds, my shorts tightened.

As she stepped over the debris and strode closer through the tall grass, a grin slid onto her face. Without a word, she raised her arms to squeeze glistening streams of water from her long, glossy black hair. Beautiful, her small tits wobbled, gleaming under the faint orange sunlight. With a glimmer in her alluring dark pools, she rolled shiny, full lips.

At the shift of her glance to my aching crotch and the flick of her tongue, a shiver rippled through me. After remembering to breathe, I gasped when she slipped to her knees before the chariot.

With her eyes twinkling at me, small hands glided upwards to grasp my waistband. Every muscle in me tensed when she tugged, then yanked, tearing the shorts downwards. A muted yelp flew from me when her slender fingers shot forward to encircle my aching need. So soft. Velvety, yet firm, her slim digits twisted as they pressed my painful flesh.

The cutest low chuckle slipped from her when a sharp nail ran around my helmet rim to catch a thin translucent thread oozing from my swollen slit. With a moan, she arched her shoulders upwards. Though the swaying dark curtain of wet hair obscured her descent, the silken, constricted warmth engulfing me sent my head skyward. A groan tore from me as her tongue dragged over my trapped flesh while she pressed me into the back of her throat.

“Oh, God. You’re so good,” I mumbled. “So good to me.”

As she bobbed, one hand slipped downwards to stroke my shaft in time with her bounding, twisting head. The other’s slender fingers massaged, pressing and rolling my over-full balls.

“So good.” My voice was a husky whisper.

Just as ... Wow, it’d only been last night? Well, just as when I’d been with my mother, I was again desperate for relief. The wondrous sensations of my dream girl’s soft, slurping mouth and ever-moving fingers were bringing me closer—quickly. As fluffy white-gray clouds scudded, birds soared, and the treetops swayed in the dull light, groan after groan ripped from me. When her long, rambling whimpers resonated along my shaft, I arched skyward, lifting her.

Of course, she knew my need. My special ghost. Another longer moan left her to vibrate over my cock. As her hands raced, her head twisted faster. In the distance, hammering my chest, those drums sounded ever louder. And in time with them, my shadowy princess bobbed quicker.

“Oh, fuck!” flew from me when her cheeks sunk, and she shifted higher to get a better angle.

My tip pushed into her iron-hard yet slick throat.

Too tight.

Too hot.

Too much.

With a grunt, despite driving my shaking fingers through her bouncing hair, I left my grip on her skull loose. That time, I’d let her control how deep she wanted me.

“Please! Oh, God ... Here it comes,” was all I managed before crying out as my flexing cock inundated her gulping throat.

With a wave of soft whimpers that sent shivers of electricity along my spasming spine, my dream girl rode my bucking torso. Melded to me by her soft mouth, she gulped while her twisting fists stroked, and velvet tongue swirled. After lifting enough to suck in air through her flaring nostrils, her cheeks puffed and collapsed. A beautiful limpet, she hung there, devouring my essence in swallow after loud swallow. With the flood continuing, overwhelmed, she was forced to lift. As she coughed, white-tinged bubbles sputtered from her tight mouth when the top of my glistening cock slipped from her.

While gasping through strands of pearlescent cum dribbling from her glossy shaking lips, she met my gaze. As her trembling tongue swept thick ooze around my still turgid knob, her dark eyes flared with lust.

The drums ceased.





After ungluing my heavy eyelids, I glanced towards my phone. It took several tries, but at last, I could clutch it in a shaky hand. Only after a long exhale and gripping my wrist was I able to steady my trembling grip enough to read the blurry, wavering screen. It was dad.

As I looked around at the deepening shadows, I nodded before glancing at Shayna, sitting beside the chariot. Yeh, this had been stupid. I flicked my gaze to my shorts; not tented. No ache. A dream? Several dreams? Hallucinations? Had I actually called Jeri?


Oh. Right. Dad. With a heavy sigh, I aimed my finger for the “Receive Call” button.

“Kyle?” My dad’s worried voice sent a sharp twinge through my brain. As I rubbed a bump on my skull, I swallowed. “Where are you? Are you okay?”

After a longer gulp and prying my eyelids wider, I once more stared around. Nope, Shayna hadn’t vaporized. She still sat next to the chariot. Why’d I thought she wouldn’t be there? At the bright golden flecks swirling in her emerald pools, my breath hitched.



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