A Fair Trade
Copyright© 2022 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 20
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 20 - Confined to a wheelchair, high school senior Kyle’s life is centered on his parents. Deep in the desert, they seek help for him. They make a deal. A trade. And Shayna, a very special guide dog, joins the family. Kyle’s life will never be the same as he navigates love, lust, and newly revealed emotions.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Fiction Paranormal Incest Mother Son DomSub Harem Anal Sex Bestiality Exhibitionism Oral Sex Teacher/Student
“Hey, uh, kiddo.” As his fist tightened on a grungy stained porcelain coffee mug, dad glanced at my parents’ closed bedroom door. “Um, there’s something I need to—”
“Yeh, uh, sorry dad. Bus is coming.” Even as I flashed him a fake smile, I tore through the front door and whizzed towards the curb.
At the time, I’d no idea I really should’ve let him explain that morning, but Jeri was on my mind. Heck, I’d been thinking about her all night. It was only as we were rumbling closer to school that I gulped. Other than a few glimpses after she’d returned from work, I hadn’t seen my mother since the night she’d visited.
Yeh, like I said, I should’ve stopped to listen to dad.
But I didn’t.
And the fates? Oh, they laughed.
With my brain awash with images of Jeri, the ride to school took nine million years. At each stuttering whine, my pulse thumped; the dropping lift gate couldn’t have moved any slower. Once on the concrete, as my mind raced, I swerved through the crowd of waiting students. With Shayna trotting beside me, I hurled rushed greetings and quick waves at my buddies. Even after catching sight of Beth, smiling as she tracked me, all I did was flash a grin before zipping past.
Every cell within me was willing the chariot to move faster.
Once Shayna had tugged it open, I flung the classroom door wide and rumbled across the threshold. As Jeri’s head jerked up at my abrupt entrance, my pulse raced. Although the sleek, black dress she wore covered her lower back, once again a plunging neckline displayed her ample chest. While beginning to rise, she raked fingers through her wavy, black tresses.
“No. Stay there.” I gestured to her chair before raising the chariot’s seat to lock the door.
After the bolt snicked into place, I glanced at the clock.
We had time. Maybe.
As soon as Shayna dashed to her, Jeri grinned and ran her fingernails through Shayna’s neck fur. Both tracked me as I circled the desk before rotating to halt alongside Jeri, facing the opposite direction. As her flowery perfume wafted into my nostrils, I gulped. As much as I’d been planning, the reality struck me.
“Uh, good morn—” she began in a shaky voice.
The shimmer in her eyes. The gloss of her quivering lips. No, I was going to do this. For her.
“Shh.” I placed a finger across my lips.
When I raised the chariot’s armrest between us, a whimper slipped from Jeri. As they parted, her full lips tugged apart strings of thick red lipstick. At my hand settling atop her warm thigh, her gleaming black pools widened before flicking to the clock.
We had time. For what I wanted to do for her.
Once more, she opened her mouth as if to speak, but only swallowed and pressed upwards when I glided my fingers under her dress. As her trembling legs drifted apart, the heat intensified beneath my seeking fingertips.
“One good turn deserves another—”
With my lips still open, I hesitated. I mean, she’d picked the word, slut, but shaking and with her eyes wide, she didn’t fit the picture in my mind. But a quick glance at Shayna, staring up at me with her emerald eyes—narrowed, pulled a lengthy exhale from me.
“—my slut,” I finished just as my nails scratched against moist, hot lace.
As Jeri’s shiny red fingernails squealed along the metal underside of her chair’s armrest, the corded, russet-highlighted muscles of her forearm twisted. At a soft nudge of my fingertips into her dampness, a loud, hungry moan ripped from her.
From the far side, Shayna, her tongue lapping across Jeri’s other shaking arm, looked at me. What a team.
“M—master, you don’t have, uh, to.”
Eyes white-rimmed, Jeri swallowed and squirmed when my fingers found her panties’ taut leg opening. Even as her body heat seared my fingers, I jolted. “Master” simply sounded so strange. This was no teenaged boy’s fantasy. With a gulp, I forced a tense grin.
“You’re right, I don’t.” When I pushed my nails beneath the sodden lace, she arched upwards into my gliding hand. “But I want to.”
Sleek, super-heated flesh raced under my fingertips as I drove them deeper to find her throbbing, hot nib. Glimmering in the lights, her trembling mouth formed a wide “o.” When my palm slid over the sharp, slick point, the chair squeaked beneath Jeri’s forceful jolt. At a fingertip sliding along her long, damp seam, shivers rippled through her dusky, writhing frame.
“You still trust me—slut?” I whispered while drawing my digit downwards, tracing the seeping crack in her velvet flesh.
After a swift glance at my arm under her dress, she locked her gaze on mine. With her breath quickening, Jeri’s pulse throbbed beneath my palm. At the slow curl of my finger, pressing into the dripping warmth of her outer folds, her dark eyes blazed. While sinking it deeper, I parted her sleek, twitching petals.
“Y—yes. Oh. Oh. Yes, I trust you,” hissed from Jeri just as my fingertip found her tight, pulsing inner gate. After both hands slapped on the edge of her desk, their long, crimson nails clawed along its sturdy, gray metal. With her body writhing, Jeri’s eyes flicked to my hand, then returned to me. “Please, master. Oh. Yes. Oh. Please. After yesterday, I need ... Please.”
With my brows furling tighter, I gazed into Jeri’s glinting black pools as my finger traced her pulsating inner tightness. Legs shaking, she bit hard into her lower lip with each gentle circle of my fingertip. After tilting my head, I rolled my lips. She’d seemed darned effective at relieving herself the other night. What was going on?
“After yesterday?” At a deeper press of my digit, she shoved into me, taking its tip into her pulsating gate. As a soft squelch came from beneath her lace, her eyes filled with increasing desperation. “You didn’t...? I mean, you could’ve and, uh, simply sent more photos.”
“Oh, no.” As she flicked her head from side to side, dark tresses, glossy under the bright lights, swirled. “No, master!”
Vehement, her response echoed around the room, and I shot a nervous glance at the door. With an exhale, I remembered I’d locked it, and nobody should be in the halls so early. When I returned to Jeri, I eased my fingertip, slick with her warm need, from her gate to slide along her soft petals. With a moan, she surged into my palm, pressing her searing nib into my skin.
“Please, master.” Her voice was whiny as I lifted my hand, gliding my finger further from her clenching seam. After a whimper, she added in a hoarse whisper. “I can’t ... Not much longer.”
“Why didn’t you, uh...” Why was this so hard to say to her? With my mother, I could say anything. After a swift gulp, I finished my query. “You know, um ... yourself, uh, last night?”
“Cassie said never ... Not without her. I just...” As her words petered away, Jeri’s eyes misted.
“So, all this time? Ever since her, Cassie?”
As my eyebrows lifted, I pressed my hand against her. After she’d curled her pelvis up into me, I let Jeri glide her sharp, moist, throbbing clit under my palm.
“Oh, no, master.” As I once more pushed my fingertip into Jeri’s oozing slit, her long eyelashes fluttered. In a chaotic clatter, her fingernails skittered across the metal desk’s edge. “Before I found you, I ... It was okay, but...”
“So, now it’s up to me?” Again, I drew my finger in a slow circle around the velvety, wet warmth of her inner tightness. While huffing, she managed a sharp nod. “Hmm, what do I want to do with Jeri?”
“Please, master.” With her entire body vibrating, Jeri’s fingers clamped the desk. “Anything. You can do anything.”
After a quick glance at the clock, and at my swollen crotch, anything needed to happen quickly. With a grin, I sank my finger into her slippery, pulsing core. A liquid squelch resounded as her flesh clenched.
“Uh. Uh. Oh, master. Oh. Uh.” As her stomach roiled, Jeri could only pant while I scraped along inside her tightness. With her long black eyelashes fluttering wide, at last she flung out more words. “Yes. Yes, master. Yes! Right there! Oh, God! Right there, master. Please.” With her mouth frozen open, her molten obsidian pools bored into me. After sinking two more digits into her clenching hole, I slid them around, opening her warm, silken flesh. As it squeezed my fingers, tremors raced through the pulsating velvet. Dribbles of warmth dripped over my hand. “Right there. There. Oh, yes. There. Oh, God, master! Oh, please. Faster. Yes. Yes. Oh, yes!” Jeri’s words devolved into rapid huffs as her entire body froze. “Oh. Oh. Oh.”
With a cry, Jeri flung her head back in a flail of dark tresses while arching her torso from the seat of the chair. While massive quakes pummeled her, she shook as if she’d touched a live wire. As I rubbed ever faster, her clenching insides pulverized my fingers.
The ever-louder cries escaping her shaking lips matched the soft pulsations of liquid warmth flowing over my pumping hand. With nails clawing at her desktop, sending echoing screeches from the sweat-slick metal, and her wide legs shuddering, Jeri was amazing to watch. My pulse skyrocketed. Dusky, hungry, alive with wave after wave of body-twisting pleasure, and mine, she was absolutely amazing.
When I caught Shayna’s gleaming golden-specked emerald pools, I gulped. Although she said nothing, because dog, her eyes said so much. She agreed. Amazing. How’d we found her? Jeri. Well, and for that matter, Shayna.
At the jangling of the bell, my heart slammed into my chest. With a slurp, I yanked my shiny fingers from Jeri’s trembling frame. Even as I spun to race towards the door, her sweet scent ignited my—everything. While using one hand to raise the chariot’s seat so I could unlock the room, I slid the sticky, dripping digits into my slurping lips.
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