Burlesque - Cover


by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2022 by Mat Twassel

Fiction Story: Nils is more than supportive of Fay's talents. Illustrated.

Caution: This Fiction Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Illustrated   .

Down at the hall they were going to have a community talent night. “It’s for a good cause,” Fay told Nils. “I feel I ought to do something.”

“Sure, why not?” Nils said. “What did you have in mind?”

“I don’t know, that’s the problem,” Fay said. “I guess I could read one of my stories.”

“I love your stories,” Nils said.

“Yeah, but I’m not really sure it’s the right kind of talent.”

Nils shrugged. “I love your stories,” he repeated. “What else are you good at? You are a great gardener. And you’re even better in bed.”

“Ha ha, like I should bring a bed up on the stage ... And then what? Sleep? Ha ha, ha ha ha!”

“By good in bed I meant—”

“I know what you meant,” Fay interrupted. “You know, back in the day, I was a pretty good dancer. I studied ballet, you know?”

“I didn’t know that,” Nils said. “So maybe you could do some ballet dancing. Or can you tap dance? Less highbrow might fit better with a community talent show.”

“I can’t really tap, but if it’s low brow you want, I can bump and grind.”

“Now that I’d pay to see.”

“I was just teasing,” Fay said.

“You mean you can’t really bump and grind?”

“I can but...”

“No buts. Just your pretty butt. It will be terrific.”

“I’d need to rehearse,” Fay said. “Maybe you can help.”

“Be glad to,” Nils said. “I’ll clap and whistle.”

Fay reserved the hall. She found some six-inch heels, a corset that wasn’t in too bad a repair, and she bought appropriate stockings. She obtained the key from the community director. Nils figured out how to work the spotlights. Fay dragged an old chair onto the stage. Nils started up the music.

“Here goes nothing,” Fay said.

For the next three minutes she did her stuff. Nils, somewhat spellbound, forgot at first to clap and whistle. Then he remembered. He clapped. He whistled. He yelled out, “Take it off. Take it all off!”

Fay stopped her dance. “You first, big boy,” she called back.

Without hesitation Nils stripped. He bounded up onto the stage like a teenager.


An hour or so later, Nils and Fay lay entwined on the stage floor, Fay’s costume here and there, and the chair tipped on its side.

“Whew!” Fay said. “That was fun. But maybe next time we bring the bed.”

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