Claire's Freshman Year - Cover

Claire's Freshman Year

Copyright© 2022 by Tom Brostwin

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Claire, Tom's surrogate daughter, goes to college at the local university. She is accidentally assigned to live in a Fraternity and decides to embrace this opportunity for new adventures. Needless to say her bisexuality blossoms as she makes new friends and reconnects with everyone from the neighborhood.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Sharing   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

On Sunday morning we slept late and dressed in anticipation of Sean and Elizbeth’s arrival. We intentionally had asked that the welcoming committee be small.

Tom, Molly, Mike, Heather, and I were all dressed casually waiting for our guests while Will, Cassie, Aria, and Althea hung out in my room. It made me smile to think about Will, in my bed, fucking and filling each of my friends. He would need it and they would love it.

The doorbell rang and I checked the cam to see Sean and Mom dressed more formally. He was in a white shirt, slacks, and dress shoes while Mom wore a floral print dress, stockings, and three-inch heels.

Tom answered the door and welcomed them.

“Hi Tom,” began Sean “thank you for having the kindness to invite me back into your home.”

“Wow, this is very nice,” smiled Elizabeth, “so, Claire lives here?”

“Yes, but let’s go into the living room and she can answer your questions,” replied Tom calmly.

“Hi Mom!” I chirped, “thank you for coming,” I added while moving to Mom and giving her a big hug.

Mom wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight while her eyes filled with tears. “I don’t ever want to let you go,” she gasped.

When the hug ended, Molly handed Elizabeth a Kleenex. “Thank you, I think I’m a bit emotional,” she admitted.

“I think we all are,” smiled Molly, “I’m a hugger too,” she admitted before embracing Elizabeth.

“May I hug you?” I asked as I moved toward Sean. He nodded and I gave him a much gentler hug.

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight while whispering in my ear, “I’m so glad you found us.”

I was a little surprised when my thigh encountered his erection and smiled to myself while hoping it would bode well for today’s plans.

“Hi, I’m Tom’s daughter, Heather,” she introduced herself before hugging Elizabeth, “and this is Molly’s son, Mike.” MIke hugged Elizabeth too.

“Such a strong young man,” she flirted while holding him close and pressing her breasts against his chest.

Molly hugged Sean, pressing her substantial breasts against his chest and left him with an obvious tent in his pants.

“Hi, I’m Heather, Tom’s daughter,” she introduced herself to Sean, “may I hug you too?”

“Ummmm,” hesitated Sean but nodded in response.

She moved close, wrapped him in a tight hug and pressed her belly against his cock. “Don’t worry about the erection, Molly’s tit’s turn me on too!” she joked and brought a shocked smile to Sean’s face.

Sean shook hands with Mike and we all moved into the living room.

“Tom, will you hug me too?” asked Mom brazenly.

“Just a hug?” he whispered as he pulled her close, pressed his own erection against her belly and caressed her back and ass. They kissed and their passion was obvious.

I looked over at Sean to see him focused on the duo, with a smile on his face, and his hand on his cock.

“Unzip me, Tom,” gushed Mom.

Tom slowly moved the zipper from the back of Mom’s neck to the top of her ass. She shrugged her shoulders and the dress floated to the floor.

“Nice outfit, Elizabeth,” giggled Heather as Mom was left wearing a black lace low-cut bra, a black garter belt holding up her stockings, no panties, and her hooker heels.

“I thought this house was clothing optional,” winked Mom.

Heather moved closer to Sean and asked, “What are you thinking?”

He glanced at Heather and looked back at Mom, “Look at her. She’s so happy and alive. She needs someone else to make love to her. Do you think that Tom or Mike would do that for me?” he asked with concern.

Heather looked at me, winked, and nodded. I moved closer to Tom, smiled, and quietly said, “Get naked and fuck her till she screams.”

“Can you help with my shirt and shorts,” he asked Mom. “Don’t look at Sean, just be yourself and show him happiness.”

She reached out and lifted Tom’s golf shirt over his head, tossed it to Heather, and moved into his arms. She whispered, “Bra,” and pressed her lips to his...

While they kissed, Tom slowly removed Mom’s bra and felt her naked breasts pressed against his chest. She broke the kiss, smiled, and announced, “Going down,” as she balanced carefully on her heels, spread her knees, and dropped down to unbutton, unzip, and pull down his shorts and boxers.

“Whoa! I knew you were packing but this is quite a treat,” smiled Mom as she wrapped her hands around Tom’s shaft and her lips around his shiny purple plum-shaped head.

Mom helped Tom get naked and led him to the back of the sofa. She used it for support as she bent at the waist, spread her legs, and arched her back. “Come take me, Lover Boy!” she urged. Tom stepped up, caressed her sensitive clit, and fingered her wet slippery slit.

I was just thinking that if I were in this position I’d love to be spanked when, “THWACK!” Tom’s right hand connected with Mom’s ass. “Mmmmmmmm,” she moaned.

“He hit her,” gasped Sean.

I moved closer to his side. “He’s not hurting her. He’s giving her what she wants. She needed that to make her orgasm even better.

“Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack,” he slapped her ass cheeks till they turned red.

“Fuck me, Tom! I need it now,” she growled.

Tom stepped up and skewered Mom’s pussy with his entire eight-inch shaft in one swift thrust.

“Arrrrrggghhh! Yes! Oh, yes!” groaned Mom.

Tom held her hips and fucked her steadily. Her body jerked as the large head of his cock rhythmically played with her tender cervix. The pain and pleasure combined to heat up her core and finally triggered a massive orgasm.

“Annh, annh, annh, annh, Fuck Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” she screamed as her body trembled and she collapsed on the back of the sofa.

I looked at Sean and he seemed happy with what he had witnessed. As I moved closer to him, I saw his cock twitching and getting smaller. The wet spot on his pants was a clear indication that he enjoyed what he saw as her orgasm had triggered his own.

Heather moved behind Mom and dropped to her knees to gently lick and suck Tom’s cum from her pussy.

“What is she doing?” asked Sean with concern.

“She’s helping to clean up Mom’s pussy and also enjoying the taste of her father’s cum,” I explained.

“Do most women enjoy the taste?” he asked.

“Not everyone does. What does Mom like? I asked out of curiosity.

“She’s asked me to cum in her mouth but I won’t do that. It seems vile,” he scowled.

“And how about when you give her oral?” I asked while expecting a negative response.

“You mean, use my mouth on her vulva? Why would I do that?” he asked as I tried to hide my shock.

“Sean, do you love Mom?”

“Yes,” he nodded with a look of conviction.

“Do you trust me?”

“Now that I’ve seen the loyalty you engender, I do trust you,” he smiled.

“Ok, it’s time to get with the program and get naked,” I smiled.

“Ummm, I’m not built like Tom,” he replied meekly.

“Most guys aren’t. Just be yourself.” I counseled.

I raised my arms, looked him straight in the eyes, and directed, “Take off my shirt.”

He grabbed the bottom of my shirt, peeled it off over my head, and gasped, “Oh my!”

“See, my tits aren’t as nice as Mom’s but they’re mine,” I smiled.

“Oh, they’re beautiful,” he replied as if in a trance.

I kicked off my shoes and stripped off my shorts and panties.

“We’re almost ready to start your lesson, but first you need to ditch your clothes too,” I admonished as we looked around the room and saw that we had been joined by Will, Aria, and Althea, and everyone else was naked.

I helped Sean out of his clothes and pushed him back into his chair. I spread his thighs and moved in to suck his cummy cock into my mouth.

“Oh, gosh. Are you sure?” he winced.

I laughed to myself at his inability to swear or to use the Lord’s name in vain. I actually thought it was cute that his convictions were so strong.

I sucked and swirled until his cock was clean and fully erect. “This is a very substantial cock!” I declared after extracting his thick seven-inch tool from my throat, “how did it feel when I was sucking and licking?

“It felt amazing!” he admitted.

“Would you like to know that Elizabeth can feel that way too?” I asked rhetorically.

He looked at me and simply said, “You’re very good and I’m convinced.”

“Actually, you have Will to thank for this lesson,” I informed.

“That’s Will, with the enormous penis, isn’t it? Is he going to stick that in Elizabeth?” he worried.

“She’s going to beg him to stick that in her, but only because he will offer to lick her pussy first.” I smiled.

Sure enough, it was almost as if I had scripted it, Will dropped to his knees, and explored Mom’s vulva with his tongue.

I moved Sean to kneel between my wide spread thighs, “Now, gently explore with your fingers first,” I encouraged him.

After he had explored for several minutes with some positive reinforcement and direction from me, I made a simple request, “Now, can you explore again with your tongue?”

Sean licked, sucked, and explored. “You taste so good! Tangy, like a perfectly ripe pineapple,” he decreed.

“You’ve done a good job, learned a lot, and you deserve a reward,” I smiled

“A reward?” he questioned.

Your cock is hard and throbbing, isn’t it?”

“How did you know?”

“Because, that’s what happens to guys when they lick a woman’s pussy,” I explained.

“Oh, so my reward is to have intercourse with you?” he asked with worry etched on his face.

“I can’t cheat on Elizabeth,” he declared.

“Mom, can you come here for a minute?” I shouted out to get her attention.

She came over, and I asked, “Since Sean has just done an amazing job licking my pussy, would it be alright for him to accept my offer to fuck my tight little teenage twat?”

“Claire, what kind of game are you playing here?” she began, “if you want to fuck him, and he wants to fuck you, that’s fine, but don’t play me for a fool,” scolded Mom.

“Sit down for a minute,” I suggested.

Mom sat down and Sean moved to kneel in front of her. “Would you like me to lick your vagina?” he asked hopefully.

Elizabeth lifted and spread her thighs and Sean began to demonstrate his newly acquired skills. He even went off-book and fingered her g-spot while licking her clit. Soon she grabbed his head and bucked her pussy against his face as she groaned through a nearly silent orgasm.

Mom’s eyes filled with tears. “Ohh, ohh, that was amazing. So good Baby!” she declared as she looked into Sean’s eyes and said, “I love you so much Sean!”

“I had a good teacher,” he acknowledged as he looked at me and mouthed, “thank you.”

“She deserves a reward and if it’s your cock she wants then give it to her anytime she asks,” smiled Mom. “I’m sorry that I doubted you,” she added, “you have a special talent which is what everyone here has been telling me. Now I’ve experienced it first hand, or should I say first hand and tongue?” she laughed.

I took Sean by the hand and led him to my bedroom suite. I led him to the Tantric Chair. He laid on his back, I straddled his hips and soon I was riding his cock while he played with my tits and tugged my nipples. I rode his hard cock and soon he came, shooting hot creamy cum into my core. His orgasm had triggered my own. My body tensed and then I relaxed and recovered in his arms.

“What am I going to do now?” asked Sean sadly.

“About what?

“I love Elizabeth but I just had unbelievably great sex with you,” he stated without asking a question.

“Sean, ask her to marry you. Marriage shouldn’t limit your life, it should expand your options and make it better. Mom is going to need lots of sex from multiple partners. Would it be so bad if you could enjoy that too?”

He was deep in thought when I mentioned, “Kate, Tory, Melissa, and Suzie are all coming over later.”

Sean’s cock lurched and started to grow inside me. “Did you know that mentioning them would have that effect?” he asked rhetorically with a smile.

I dismounted, leaned over, and quickly sucked and cleaned our combined cum from his newly formed erection. “Let’s go join the group and if you ever have a question about women, that has you flummoxed, call me,” I smiled while holding my hand in the universal sign for a phone call.

When we entered the room, Mom was riding Will’s cock while reaching out and stroking both Mike’s and Tom’s. Heather and Aria approached us and Aria asked Sean, “Is there anything that you need right now?”

“I’m happy, feeling blessed to have Elizabeth in my life. Watching her now with three men and I’m feeling nothing but pride at her zest for life.

Aria hugged Sean, pressing her breasts into his chest, lifting his chin, waiting for a sign, and kissing him passionately after an imperceptible nod.

When they broke the kiss, Cassie and Althea approached. “Molly said that the rest of the neighborhood will be arriving over the next hour. Is there anything you need? Something to eat?” asked Althea

“I think I need a shower ... and some more practice?” replied Sean

“Practice?” asked Althea clearly perplexed.

“I saw Claire teaching him how to eat pussy,” began Cassie, “is that it? If so, I’m all in, you can eat me out all day long!” she giggled.

“Me too!” chirped Althea, “let’s go use Claire’s shower and we can practice on her bed.

The three of them disappeared into my suite and Aria and I went to the kitchen to get something to drink. “What do you think about Sean?” asked Aria.

“I think that he’s like a young teenage boy. He’s looking to solidify his relationship with Mom, but he’s very immature. He looks at things simplistically and doesn’t seem to understand that everyone is a little different.”

“What did you observe?” added Aria, somewhat confused by my generalization.

“Mom liked being spanked by Tom but that doesn’t mean that she’d like it from anyone else, and it certainly doesn’t mean that all women would enjoy it at all.” I smiled.

“I see what you mean. He’s a little like Tim and Keith who need their partners to set limits and control their actions,” began Aria, “But now I need Tom to spank me!” she giggled while sliding her right hand between her thighs and fingering her own slippery, wet pussy.

The doorbell rang and Aria and I went to greet our guests.

“How’s it going?” asked both Suzie and Melissa, while scanning our naked bodies and licking their lips.

All the women were wearing their togas and Hannah explained, “I know these togas represent an invitation to Tom, but now they also represent our solidarity and support for you!”

I hugged her and realized that literally everyone in the neighborhood was here. In addition, I saw that Dom and Jan had come. Maria was in the crowd chatting with Pop, Rick’s grandfather.

“My mother is in the living room and Sean is in my bedroom getting some practice with Althea and Cassie, two of our friends from college,” I smiled.

“Can we go see Sean?” asked Tory as she and Kate stayed back with me and everyone else went in to meet Mom.

“Is he totally freaking out?” asked Kate with a worried look on her face.

“Let’s just say that he is accepting and adjusting, but he’s also somewhat subservient,” I explained as we walked down the hall, knocked, and then entered my room.

Sean was on his back on the bed. Althea was straddling his head while Sean ate her out. Cassie was straddling his hips and riding his cock as we entered. She dismounted and I introduced her to Tory and Kate.

“So, you’re the Catholic girls?” asked Cassie.

“Yes,” replied Kate with a smile as she nonchalantly removed her toga.

Tory got naked too and added, “Yes, and the man you were fucking used to be our priest,” she giggled.

Althea raised up, dismounted, and came to introduce herself.

“Wow, you’re both so beautiful,” gasped Tory.

Sean sat up when he saw the girls and attempted to cover his erection with his hands. Kate approached the bed, placed one foot near Sean’s shoulder, opened her thighs, and began stroking her own smoothly shaved pussy. “Remember when I used to tell you about masturbation during confession,” she teased.

Sean watched and nodded as she slipped two fingers into her pussy, while her other hand caressed her breasts and tugged on her rock-hard nipples.

Tory mirrored Kate’s position on the other side of the bed. She fingered her pussy, caressed her own breasts, and demanded, “Stroke your cock for us!”

Sean obeyed and the girl’s pussies both gushed as they considered fucking their former priest.

“Have you fucked him?” asked Tory while looking at me, Cassie and Althea.

The other two smiled and nodded, and I replied, “He ate me out and then we fucked” I smiled as I pointed to the Tantric chair.

“Would you like to fuck him again?” asked Kate.

“Maybe later,” I replied while thinking that training him could be an interesting challenge.

Kate reached over and pulled Sean’s hand off his cock. She pulled her standing leg up onto the bed, straddled his hips, lined up her dripping wet pussy and lowered it slowly until every inch had disappeared into her quivering cunt. She pinned his arms and leaned over to brush his face with her nipples.

“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,” began Kate as she slowly raised and lowered her hips. “I used to masturbate during confession and I know that you did too,” she continued. “Is this what you imagined? Did you dream about fucking me? Did you wonder how it would feel to have your cock inside my tight, hot, teenage pussy?”

“Ohhhhhh, yesss,” groaned Sean. He looked shocked as Kate raised her hips and dismounted.

“Your turn,” she winked while looking at Tory.

Tory repeated Kate’s mounting moves and soon was sitting on Sean’s hips, fully impaled on his throbbing cock. “Fuck me, Father, so I can sin,” she giggled as she switched up the confessional greeting, “now, suck my tits and make me cum!” she smiled.

Sean opened his mouth and did as he was told while Tory rode him slowly. “That’s it, now use your teeth,” she encouraged while her sexy ass moved up and down and she arched her back to ensure clitoral contact, “oh fuck!,” she gasped, “I’m almost there!”

“Claire, can you go get our mom’s? I think they may need to do a little confessing on Sean’s cock too,” smiled Kate.

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