Claire's Freshman Year - Cover

Claire's Freshman Year

Copyright© 2022 by Tom Brostwin

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Claire, Tom's surrogate daughter, goes to college at the local university. She is accidentally assigned to live in a Fraternity and decides to embrace this opportunity for new adventures. Needless to say her bisexuality blossoms as she makes new friends and reconnects with everyone from the neighborhood.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Sharing   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

After the Friday night party, celebrating Will’s and Althea’s cross country running victories, I slept soundly while snuggled in Hugh’s arms. His morning erection pressed against my ass and woke me while he slept like a rock. These twin beds are small but comfortable I thought as I moved just enough to slip Hugh’s cock between my thighs. I opened one eye and saw Aria, still asleep in the other twin bed, wrapped in Rick’s arms with her perfect voluptuous breasts capturing my attention. Since Cassidy had taken Sam and Dan back to her room, and Holly had hooked up with Derek next door, that left Will and Althea in the master bedroom.

I heard noises coming from the other room and felt a pang of jealousy as I realized that Althea was enjoying an early morning ride on Will’s twelve-inch cock. Those feelings were fleeting as I then thought about Will’s mother, who I’d never met, but I imagined that with Will in school, she must be terribly lonely. I drifted in and out of sleep

“Are you awake Babe,” whispered my bed partner.

I squirmed my ass against his cock and moaned, “Mmmmmmm.”

Still in dreamland, I smiled as my Will wrapped his arms around me, caressed my breasts and tweaked my perpetually hard nipples. ‘This is Hugh,’ I corrected my thoughts as I moved from dreams to reality.

Hugh’s morning wood penetrated my pussy from behind and we both enjoyed a soft slow early morning fuck.

Rick slipped out of bed and headed for the bathroom. Hugh was soon to follow. “What are your plans for the weekend?” asked Aria as she lifted her body up on one elbow. Her beautiful naked body, like a Renaissance painting, captured my attention and left me temporarily speechless.

“Hugh’s going to help me find my mother,” I eventually replied as I was overcome by emotions and my eyes filled with tears.

Aria joined me in my bed, caressed my face, and kissed away my tears. Our lips met and we made love. Our bodies merged and our passions grew. It wasn’t an orgasmic union but it filled us both with sexual and emotional energy for the day ahead.

As we slipped out of bed Aria exclaimed, “Some guy is going to get royally fucked today!”

“How about one of the Sophomore virgins living downstairs?” I suggested.

“I was thinking more about a road trip to fuck Tom or Daddy, or maybe both,” smiled Aria.

“Oh, I like that idea, but we need a car,” I reminded her.

“Holly might lend us hers.”

“Or maybe we should invite her to join us,” smiled Aria.

Will, Rick and Hugh were all showered and dressed when Aria, Althea and I joined them at the kitchen counter. Hugh pulled out some leftovers, along with yogurt, granola and fruit to ensure that we all had enough sustenance to face the day.

“Aria and I are thinking about taking a trip to the neighborhood to see Tom and Molly,” I smiled.

“Would anyone like to join us?” teased Aria while squirming, shaking her breasts and twerking her booty.

“I’ve already reached out to Tom regarding our earlier conversation,” began Hugh, “I’d like to join you so the three of us can discuss a plan.”

“I’d like that.” I replied as I felt myself relax due to Hugh’s loving and supportive gesture.

“A plan for what?” asked Althea as she moved closer to Will and he wrapped his arms around her naked dark brown body.

“A plan to find and reconnect with my mother,” I replied while both admiring the beauty of Althea’s body and also feeling pangs of jealousy as Will caressed her, his erection grew and his shorts tented.

“I’d like to come,” replied Rick while being singularly focused on Aria’s antics.

“That can be arranged,” replied Aria with a wink and a devilish smile.

The double meaning was not lost on anyone as the room filled with laughs and groans.

Althea slipped on some clothes and she and Will left.

Hugh texted Holly and a plan was set to have her pick us up behind the fraternity at eleven.

Aria and I remained naked. Hugh and Rick had dressed but decided to join us and enjoy some casual nudity while we all had some time to relax. Hugh helped me to clean up and make some breakfast.

Rick laid down on the floor to do some gentle crunches. Aria was still aroused from our earlier activities and Rick’s throbbing hard ten-inch cock was too tempting to resist.

Aria dropped to the floor above his head, leaned over and dragged her firm 38D breasts over his face and across his chest. Her right hand grabbed his cock and she swirled the head with her tongue before sucking it into her mouth and taking it down her throat.

I was expecting to see some awkward jostling of their bodies. I watched in awe as Rick’s powerful arms moved slowly. His hands caressed Aria’s breasts and toyed with her sensitive erect nipples. Then his arms encircled Aria and caressed her back while she continued her deep-throat oral stimulation of Rick’s massive manhood.

I sat quietly with Hugh behind me. He reached around and fingered my pussy. I almost came when Rick lifted his head and slowly lapped at Aria’s clit, spreading her lips with the tip of his tongue and rimmed her anal sphincter.

His ministrations caused Aria’s body to react with a pre-orgasmic tremble. Rick continued to lick probe and suck until Aria’s arousal was at its peak.

I saw Rick smile as Aria dismounted, turned to face him, and said, “You knew this was coming, didn’t you?” she winked.

“You want something inside when you cum?” he replied rhetorically.

With their eyes locked, Aria gracefully straddled Rick’s hips, held the head of his cock at the entrance to her vagina and slowly lowered her hips until she was fully impaled.

“Oh fuck, that is so hot!” I gasped.

Aria began to rise and fall like an animal on a merry-go-round. She was holding off her orgasm biting her lower lip and squeaked, “Annnh, annnh, annnh, annnh.”

Rick reached up and roughly grabbed Aria’s breasts. His back arched and he held his cock deep in Aria’s core as it erupted and spewed torrents of hot cum into her already overheated vagina.

Rick’s cum triggered Aria’s orgasm and she screamed, “Arrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh!” before collapsing on top of his body.

Hugh shoved his fingers deep into my trembling twat, as I silently came hard and collapsed into his welcoming arms.

After a few minutes of recovery, we all rose slowly and headed toward the shower. Aria held me back and asked, “Did you teach Rick how to do that?”

“That was all you Aria. You brought out something in him that I’ve never seen before and it was hot. Now I need more than the fingering that I got from Hugh” I giggled.

The four of us entered the shower and rinsed off under the gentle warm rain-shower heads. I pumped some body gel into my hand and began to massage and wash Hugh’s broad strong back. Aria did the same with Rick. I mimicked her behavior as she dropped down, soaped Rick’s ass, his inner thighs, and his dangling balls.

“Mmmmmm,” moaned Hugh as I caressed his balls and realized that he was still hard from our earlier activity. I turned him around, rinsed him off and then took his thick seven-inch cock into my mouth. I sucked, swirled my tongue, and took him into my throat while caressing his pendulous balls.

My pussy was still aching for cock, so I stood, raised my arms and wrapped them around Hugh’s neck. He held me up with his hands on my ass. “Fuck me baby,” I whispered.

Hugh lowered me slowly. His cock probed my pussy, stretched me fully and quenched my vulvar thirst. “Oh, yes! That’s it! Don’t stop,” I urged.

I closed my eyes and laid my head on Hugh’s chest, while he used my body as a human fuck-toy, to stimulate his hot throbbing cock.

Aria pressed her body against my back while her soap covered hand caressed my ass. I shuddered when she leaned close to my ear and whispered, “Get ready, I want to watch Rick fuck your cute little butt!”

I hugged Hugh and felt his cock moving deep inside me. Then the head of Rick’s cock pressed against my sphincter, popped inside and slowly filled me to a point of discomfort. I felt so full and it was just the sensation that I craved.

I laughed at myself as I thought about my career goals in medicine and my deep seated need to be a slut for these two men. Knowing that their main goal was not selfish, made me feel safe and loved as their persistent pounding continued to stimulate the depths of my vagina.

Aria caressed my face and quietly asked, “How’re you doing Lover?”

“Unnh, unnh, unnh,” I gasped, “the heat, unnh, unnh. The tension, unnh, unnh. So good,” I smiled.

Aria leaned in, kissed me softly on the lips, turned to the guys and urged, “Fuck the little slut harder!”

Rick had the most control so he began taking longer, harder strokes. When his hips hit my ass, I was lifted to the tip of Hugh’s cock. As Rick retreated Hugh thrusted deep and hard. His pubic bone crushed my clitoris and I was soon on the verge of a massive orgasm.

The heat, that was building in my abdomen began to spread. I lost control of my arms and legs as Hugh erupted and coated my tender cervix with an endless flow of hot creamy cum. “Annnnh, annnh, annnh, arrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh!” I roared as my orgasm peaked and was prolonged when Rick launched rockets of cum deep in my rectum.

My limp body was suspended between two of them. Hugh held me while Rick pulled out of my ass. Then Hugh lifted me off his cock and cradled me in his arms. When I could finally speak, I giggled, “I’ll be dreaming about that orgasm for a long time!”

I recovered and then we all got cleaned up, dressed, and exited down the back stairs to meet Holly.

“Here Bro, you drive,” chirped Holly as she tossed Hugh the keys and joined Aria and Rick in the backseat, while I rode shotgun.

“How are you feeling?” asked Hugh as he reached out and held my hand.

“I’m a jumble of emotions. I know that I need to see my mother but my mind is running the gamut between a life-long reunion and a final good-bye,” I sighed sadly.

“Can I give you some advice?” asked Hugh caringly.

“Please do. I could use some level-headed support,” I replied with a half-smile.

“Don’t think about the extremes regarding your mother. Take one step at a time. We’re going to your home where everyone loves you. Let’s focus on that,” replied Hugh calmly.

“Speaking of being loved,” began Holly, “I could use some lovin’” she giggled.

Aria pulled Holly into a blistering kiss from one side while Rick efficiently removed her blouse, bra, sandals, skirt, and panties from the other side.

Holly laid on her back with her head cradled in Aria’s arms. “I’ve missed playing with your tits,” chirped Aria as she groped Holly’s firm 38D breasts and played with her hard pencil eraser-sized nipples.

Rick slipped his left hand between Holly’s thighs and his two middle fingers slipped straight into her tight sopping wet pussy. He finger-fucked her while slapping her clit with his other hand.

“It sounds like someone is having fun back there,” laughed Hugh as he focused on driving.

“Oh God! Yes!” gasped Holly, “but I want you and Rick and Tom to fill all my holes when we get there,” she giggled.

I thought back to my penetration in the shower this morning and spontaneously giggled.

“Where did that come from?” asked Hugh with a smile.

“Just thinking about my life and focusing on things I enjoy,” I replied while reaching over and stroking Hugh’s cock through his tented shorts.

“Hey, I’m trying to focus on my driving,” he chided.

“It seems like your other head is focused on the idea of fucking your sister,” I teased.

Soon Hugh had pulled the car up in front of Tom’s house and we all piled out for the short walk to the front door. Holly remained naked and left her clothes in her car. I opened the door and announced our arrival, “Hello, we’re here!”

Molly came bouncing into the foyer to greet us. She was naked and greeted me with a bone crushing hug as my face pressed into her soft smooth 38C breasts. “Yea! I’m so happy you’re here!” gushed Molly, “can you spend the night with us?”

“I’d love to stay,” I began, “where’s Tom?”

“He’s just finishing up some things in his office but should be out soon.” smiled Molly as she eyed Hugh, Rick and Holly while licking her lips.

Molly and Holly were already naked so the rest of us stripped off our clothes and left them hanging on the hooks in the front hall closet,

“It looks like Rick and Hugh are ready for action,” teased Molly while moving closer and stroking their engorged cocks.

“You do have a thing for teen cock,” I winked.

“Can someone get Tom?” asked Holly. “I’m in a super slutty sex-hungry mood today and some air-tight action is on the menu!” she chirped.

“I’ve heard something about Derek,” replied Molly.

“Oh, we’re not exclusive, but if he were here, I’d fuck him too!” she smiled.

“Good to know,” smiled Molly mentally while putting Derek, the young nearly virgin boy, on her list of future fuck-toys.

Tom came out of his office and I moved to meet him just outside the kitchen. Our eyes locked and his cock got harder with each step. He lifted me into his arms, I wrapped my legs around his waist and we kissed. We started with a few soft kisses and licks and as our passions grew the kiss became more intense. We fed off each other’s sexual energy and Molly came close as she lifted the head of Tom’s cock to the oozing wet opening of my vagina. Tom lowered me until I was fully impaled on his eight-inch cock.

My pussy was already spasming. It squeezed and released his cock again and again as he lifted and lowered my body, fucking me slowly and bringing me to the edge of another orgasm.

“Mmmmmmmm,” I moaned, “thank you for agreeing to help me,” I smiled and added, “again.”

“You are my second daughter. I would do anything for you,” he replied in a soft, gentle, and reassuring voice.

“Holly has been a tremendous help to me and now she needs this more than I do,” I giggled while giving his cock another vaginal squeeze.

Tom lifted me off and lowered me gently to the floor. I took charge and barked out orders, “Ok you three, into the living room now.”

Holly smiled at me, winked at Tom and led Hugh and Rick into the next room with a large plush rug. Rick laid on his back and she mounted him, “Fuck! Your cock is so big and it hurts so good!”

“Where do you want Tom and your brother?” I asked while emphasizing the incestuous nature of her desires.

“Hmmmmm,” pondered Holly, “I’d like to suck Tom off while Bro fucks my ass,” she giggled.

“Yeah, he does like ass-fucking and I think he likes yours even more than mine,” I replied while screwing up my face and pretending to be angry.

Hugh was smart enough to know that anything he said would be the wrong thing, so he knelt behind his sister as she leaned over and enjoyed Rick’s oral attention to her large soft pillowy breasts.

Tom knelt in front of Holly while Hugh caressed her ass. I handed Hugh some lube and he probed and prepared her ass with his fingers before pressing the head of his cock against her sphincter.

“Hugh, I need it now!” demanded Holly.

In response Hugh pushed his thick cock fully into his sister’s ass. Tom waited as Holly bit her lip and gasped for breath while Rick and Hugh began a slow methodical coordinated probing of her pussy and ass.

Holly reached out and caressed Tom’s balls. He held her head and slowly fucked her face until she was able to take all eight-inches with each thrust.

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