Claire's Freshman Year - Cover

Claire's Freshman Year

Copyright© 2022 by Tom Brostwin

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Claire, Tom's surrogate daughter, goes to college at the local university. She is accidentally assigned to live in a Fraternity and decides to embrace this opportunity for new adventures. Needless to say her bisexuality blossoms as she makes new friends and reconnects with everyone from the neighborhood.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Sharing   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

On Friday morning I decided to go down the main stairs through the entry hall of the fraternity. I was just about to leave when I heard, “Good morning, Claire.”

I turned and saw Max and chirped, “Hi Max!” with a little more enthusiasm than I intended.

“You don’t have to sneak down the back stairs,” he began, “none of us will bite, unless you want us too,” he joked while undressing me with his eyes.

The images from my early morning dreams of Max using me as his personal sex toy came flooding back. I blushed, my nipples hardened and my pussy got wet. “No, I know we don’t need to hide,” I replied with a smile, “but you guys didn’t know that you’d get stuck with two women living here.”

“It wasn’t a mistake. I mean, Howard can’t just assign you to live in a fraternity,” smirked Max.

“What do you mean?” I asked while feeling both confused and concerned.

“My dad and Howard are on the Alumni board that funds and manages the national chapter of this fraternity. Howard asked the board to allow him to assign you to live here.”

I felt a little sucker punched and needed some time to process this news, “Well I’m glad he did,” I replied with a forced smile. “I’d like to hear more, but I have to get to class.”

“I’m glad too!” began Max. “I hope that we’ll see more of you and Aria,” he added suggestively.

I left the fraternity and walked slowly to my morning class. I felt sad and angry. I felt how I imagine Eliza Doolittle felt when she realized that she was a pawn in a game being played by two elderly men who had little interest in her as a person. I needed to talk with Howard. I needed to know why he did this and I could only hope that I wasn’t part of a wager.

After my first class I marched up to the administration building and climbed the stairs to the second floor. “Hi, how can I help you?” asked the general administrative assistant who greeted anyone visiting offices on this floor.

After seeing his name on the tag pinned to his pocket I replied, “Hi Tim. I know that Howard is a busy man, but I need to talk with him now,” I replied professionally.

“Ok, and your name is?” asked Tim

“Claire, Claire Brostwin,” I replied abruptly.

Tim called and within seconds Howard threw open the door, “Claire! It’s good to see you, please come in,” he welcomed me enthusiastically.

His jovial manner took the edge off of my anger. I sat in the chair facing his desk and asked, “Why did you do it?” I began, “and why didn’t you tell me?”

“Oh boy. I fucked up, didn’t I? When you assumed that the housing assignment was a mistake and you seemed happy with it, I just let it slide,” sighed Howard.

“Are you using me? Is this some kind of a bet?”

“Oh no. You mean like Eddie Murphy in Trading Places? Absolutely not. Oh shit, I am so sorry Claire,” apologized Howard with tears in his eyes.

“How did this happen? And don’t lie to me or I’m going to Hannah and Holly,” I threatened somewhat jokingly.

I could see Howard shaking at being threatened with his wife and daughter. I laughed a little inside at Howard being cut-off from sex with both of them.

“I had called a meeting of the Delta Tau Omega alumni board of directors. I’m the current chairman,” he began, “and after we had concluded our business, I told them your story and they asked me, no they begged me, to house you in the fraternity.”

“But why? What did you tell them?”

“I told them your story. Not just your story but the story of our neighborhood and how you helped our families to become whole again. I also stressed how you helped to teach our teenage sons how to relate to women.”

“So why didn’t you tell me this before I moved in?”

“In retrospect it seems like a bad decision. When you thought it was a mistake and you were eager to meet the challenge, I didn’t want you to feel any pressure to fix anyone,” he concluded.

“Howard, this may surprise you, but you did the right thing. I’ve already helped several of the guys and the word is spreading fast,” I consoled him.

“Holly introduced me to Derek. Is he one of your success stories?”

“I knocked off a few of his rough edges and it’s up to Holly to polish him to perfection,” I smiled. “Before I leave, what’s the story with Tim?”

“He’s a second-year student who makes a little extra money by answering phones and doing some basic admin tasks.”

“Ok, I’m leaving now. I’m going to chat with Tim and don’t interrupt us,” I chided.

I left Howard’s office and he seemed relieved. As I approached Tim’s desk, he turned and asked “What did he reprimand you for?”

“Actually, I was here to reprimand him, but it was just a misunderstanding. Do you mind if I sit and talk with you for a minute?”

“Ummmm,” he began nervously and then looked toward Howard’s door.

“Don’t worry, I told him we’d be talking and not to bother us,” I giggled.

Tim seemed to relax some as I sat in the chair at the side of his desk, facing him. We spent some time on small talk about the classes we were taking, our other interests and I finally asked. “Are you dating anyone?”

“No, there’s a girl I like but she’s so too good for me and I don’t know how to talk with girls,” he sighed.

“You’ve been talking with me for almost twenty minutes and if you haven’t noticed, I’m a girl,” I winked and smiled.

“But you’re different. You make me feel calm and confident,” he observed.

“Just say hi and tell her that you’d like to talk and get to know her better. Can you do that?” I asked caringly.

“I think so, but, but,” stuttered Tim.

I laughed at myself as I recalled what had happened with Derek and considered how to avoid that. I stood up, gave him some space, and suggested, “Stand up Tim.”

He pushed back his chair and when he stood up, he was taller than I had imagined. “How tall are you?” I asked while smiling to assure him that I was pleased with his stature.

“I’m six-three and no, I don’t play basketball,” he joked.

“Come hug me,” I urged while holding out my arms. It was then that I noticed the tenting in his pleated front pants and his reluctance.

I took Tim by the hand and led him into Howard’s office. “Go cover the desk,” I began, “Tim and I need some time without any interruptions.”

Tim was shocked but Howard put him at ease when he replied, “Take your time, I can do this paperwork out there for as long as you need.”

“Tim, I’m not going to be your girlfriend, but I’d like to help you to be more comfortable around women. I’m very flattered by your erection and now I’m going to give you a blow-job. Is that OK?”

“Wow, yuh, yuh, yes,” he stuttered, “are you sure?”

I unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and let them drop to the floor. I knelt and pulled down his boxers and smiled at his nice thick hard seven-inch cock. I cradled his balls and licked his cock.

“Mmmmmm,” moaned Tim, “that feels so good.”

He didn’t cum right away which made me think that he’d masturbated earlier in the day. I thought briefly about how much Molly enjoys sex with virgins and decided that I did too. I thought about Hugh and realized how lucky I was to have such an understanding boyfriend.

I stroked Tim’s cock, sucked the head into my mouth and swirled my tongue around and around.

“I’m going to cum,” warned Tim which encouraged me to push him over the edge.

I removed my hand and took him fully into my mouth and throat. I gagged a little as I reached out with my tongue to savor his scrotum. My hand reached around to grab his firm ass-cheeks as I guided him to fuck my face.

“Unhh, Unhh, Unnh,” groaned Tim as his orgasm neared and his cock began to swell.

I pulled back just enough that my tongue could lick his sensitive head and trigger the multiple ejaculations that filled my mouth.

Tim released my head and stepped back. “Oh my God! That was amazing.”

I looked up at him and opened my mouth to show him the pearly white cream that he had just produced. Then I closed my mouth, swallowed it all, licked my lips and informed him, “We’re not done.”

Tim looked perplexed and then it dawned on him what I meant.

“Yes, I want you to fuck me but I need some foreplay first,” I giggled.

“What should I do?” asked Tim with a furrowed brow.

“Hug me,” I directed as I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around his waist, “this will be more fun after you take my clothes off.”

Tim wrapped his arms around me and gave me a wooden hug. “I’m not your grandmother, I’m a sexy young woman that you want to fuck!” I reminded him.

His hands caressed my blouse covered back and my skirt covered ass as he mumbled “Does this feel better?”

“It does, and I can tell that you like it too,” I quipped as his rapidly recovering cock pressed against my belly, I grabbed it with my right hand and gave it a few strokes.

“May I kiss you?” he asked without me prompting, which made me smile inside.

I looked up into his dark brown eyes, licked my lips, smiled, and nodded. Tim leaned down, our lips met and I felt our passion growing. I slipped my tongue between his lips.

Tim briefly broke the kiss to warn me, “If you keep stroking my cock I’m going to cum again,” he smirked.

I stopped stroking and we resumed the kiss. Our tongues dueled and I began to imagine what his tongue would feel like when he probes my pussy.

When we were both squirming with arousal, I stopped kissing him and whispered, “Time to get me out of these clothes.”

Tim started to unbutton my cotton blouse while I kicked off my shoes, unzipped my skirt and let it fall to the floor. When he finished and I was clad only in my matching light-blue bra and panties I looked him in the eyes and encouraged, “Go ahead, finish unwrapping your present.”

His shaking hands unclasped and removed my bra which he placed on a chair with my other clothes. His cock seemed even bigger than before as it stood out proudly from his body and oozed drops of clear seminal fluid.

“Have you ever licked a pussy before?” I asked while being quite certain that he hadn’t.

“No, but I’d like to learn,” he replied.

I hopped up on Howard’s desk, leaned back on my elbows, and opened my thighs.

“Oh God!” gasped Tim as he dropped to his knees, caressed my soft inner thighs with his hands, and moved closer.

“Use your lips and tongue to explore,” I encouraged him.

“Your pussy is beautiful, he whispered, “mmmmmmm,” he moaned.

I think that Tim must have watched some reasonably good porno. He lifted and supported my knees to fully expose my pussy and ass. He trailed his lips and tongue across my inner thighs and gently lapped from my anal sphincter to the top of my slit.

“Oh yes!” I encouraged his explorations as he parted my lips with his tongue, gently sucked the nectar that coated them and swallowed before collecting more.

“Annnnh!” I squeaked as his tongue contacted my clit.

Tim stopped and looked up at me and smiled, “Any special requests?”

“Don’t stop, don’t stop,” I implored him, “make me cum!”

Tim continued licking and sucking while pushing me closer to an orgasm.

“Oh fuck, fuck, fuuuuccckkkk!” I groaned as my muscles tightened and my pussy spasmed.

He shoved three fingers inside me and felt my vagina contracting and releasing over and over again.

“Do you want to fuck me?” I asked almost rhetorically

“Yes, but I can’t,” he replied sheepishly.

“What’s her name?” I asked while sensing the reason for his refusal.

“Katherine,” was his one-word reply.

“Does she know how you feel?” I continued my questioning and when he shook his head I insisted, “you have to talk with her, get to know her and if you need my help just call.”

Reluctantly we stopped our sexual escapades. After getting dressed we exchanged numbers and were about to leave when I thought to ask, “Does Katherine have a boyfriend?”

“No,” he shook his head, “but she seems infatuated with Hugh, Howard’s son,” replied Tim.

“Oh, that’s interesting, I’ve heard that he’s a popular guy,” I smiled innocently.

As we departed and Howard regained his office, I considered a double date with Hugh and I getting together and getting it on with Katherine and Tim. I wasn’t worried about losing Hugh, but I knew that Tim’s only chance with Katherine was to get Hugh off her mind and out of her system. Little did I know the risk that I was taking.

Aria and I had worked with Cassie and all the guys from the neighborhood to put together a small intimate party for Althea and Will. Ostensibly we were celebrating their recent cross country running victories but I was hoping for much more.

Holly had helped by stocking the party with beer, wine, and tequila. As thanks for providing beverages, I invited her to join the party too. I admit that part of the reason for inviting Holly was selfish. She is an enthusiastic lover with a succulent plump pussy. I smiled to myself while thinking about eating her out and then watching her fuck her younger brother, my boyfriend Hugh.

“What are you wearing for the party tonight?” asked Aria as she stripped out of her clothes, massaged her own tits and headed for the shower.

“I’m thinking of something sexy and slutty that will keep the guys’ cocks hard,” I giggled.

“Me too!” chirped Aria, “what do you think of these?” she smiled while twirling a white lacy bra and panty set on the tip of one finger.

I lifted a similar set in black, winked and replied, “Great minds think alike. Do you think some matching thigh highs would be too much?”

“Are you kidding? They love seeing naked women and unwrapping us is half the fun.”

“Yeah, all the guys are coming for pussy and alcohol - well except maybe Will who probably thinks we’ll be having cake and ice cream,” I smirked and shook my head.

“Well, we do have a cake and Will’s got all the cream that I need,” teased Aria as she suspected that my feelings for Will went deeper than I’d been able to admit.

She entered the shower and I sat down of the edge of the bed, spread my legs, rubbed my pussy, closed my eyes, and had visions of being fucked by all five of the guys. “Mmmmmm,” I moaned as my clit hardened and my pussy got wet.

After showering, we dressed as planned and finished our outfits with similar short pleated skirts, tight fitting blouses and sexy high heels that weren’t comfortable but telegraphed our mutual need to be properly fucked.

Soon I had a text from Holly that she, Rick and Hugh were at the back entrance. “Let me go get them,” winked Aria with a sparkle in her eyes.

“I’ll be disappointed if Hugh isn’t hard by the time he climbs those stairs while looking at your ass,” I quipped.

Holly carried the small celebratory cake that was perfect for the ten of us. There was more than enough to drink in the large boxes that Hugh and Rick deposited on the kitchen counter. Aria and I had already stocked up on a variety of party snacks.

“Hi stranger,” I chirped as Hugh turned and I jumped into his arms.

He kissed me passionately and replied, “It’s only been three days. If I saw you more often, I might as well be living here,” he smiled.

“I like that idea,” I giggled.

“I do too!” exclaimed Aria enthusiastically and then blushed at her admission.

“It seems that my little brother is quite popular,” teased Holly as she looked around the apartment and seemed a bit puzzled.

“What is it, Hols?” I asked as my curiosity grew.

“My parents used to live here when I was first born. I was very young when we moved but I do have a few fleeting memories of these rooms and the view.”

“Oh, so when Howard gave us this room to live in, it wasn’t a mistake after all,” smiled Aria.

“Yeah, I think he likes the idea of two sexy young women romping around in his old apartment,” smiled Holly.

“We should invite him over sometime,” I quipped suggestively.

A knock on the door interrupted our conversation. Aria opened it and Althea entered holding Cassie’s hand. They were followed by Sam, Dan and Will.

“Is everyone here?” chirped Cassie as she looked around and added, “how did you get this room?”

“It’s a long story but the short version is that I was originally placed in the single next door. Then Aria decided to live on campus so we went to the housing office and got this as a double,” I explained.

“Holy shit, I think we should go get an upgrade too!” joked Althea as she looked at her roommate Cassie flirting with both Dan and Sam.

I was about to suggest that she might want to fuck Howard first but decided to keep that thought to myself.

“So, this party is to celebrate the double cross country victories of Will and Althea. We have plenty to eat and drink. How would you like to celebrate?”

“Somebody told me that clothing would be optional so are there any volunteers to get me naked?” giggled Althea.

All the guys moved toward her at once so I jumped in, “I had a feeling this might happen so I took the liberty of writing everyone’s name on a slip of paper. This box is for guys and that one for girls.”

I held up the boy’s box and Althea picked a name. “Hi Rick, are you from the neighborhood too?”

“I am,” he replied while stepping up to Althea caressing her face and asking, “may I kiss you?”

Althea nodded, looked up into his eyes with a nervous smile and their lips met. Their erotic passion captured the attention of everyone in the room. Rick moved his kiss to her neck “Are you ok with getting naked here?” he asked as his hands caressed her back through the thin stretchy material of her short red form fitting dress.

Althea bit her lip and started taking deep breaths. She groaned, “Please,” as her right hand moved between their bodies and grabbed Rick’s cock.

Rick smiled as he fully unzipped her dress from between her shoulder blades to the top of her ass. He slipped it off her shoulders and it dropped to the floor. His fingers released the clasp on the back of her lacy red bra and then slipped down her spine and under the waistband of the matching thong panties.

“Look at her body,” began Holly,” I hope the guys will give me some time with her,” she whispered.

Rick knelt, slipped off her panties, leaned in and licked the nectar as it oozed from between her vaginal lips. “Oh, fuck that feels good,” sighed Althea as she reached down and ran her fingers through Rick’s curly brown hair.

Althea, clad only in her heels and red thigh high nylons, had all the guys hard and every pussy longing to be licked. I took the box with the other four names and gave Cassie the next pick. She picked Hugh, Holly picked Sam, Aria picked Dan and my heart leapt as Will approached and kissed me softly on the lips.

“Congratulations on winning your race,” I smiled as we broke our kiss and Will slowly removed my clothes until my outfit matched Althea’s.

After Althea had her first orgasm on Rick’s tongue, she stripped him naked and feasted on his ten-inch cock. She took it deep into her throat, pulled off and exclaimed, “Damn, I think this is bigger than Daddy’s!”

Rick held Althea’s head as she looked worried that her admission of incest would be problematic. “Don’t worry, my whole family is incestuous. I fuck my sister, Tory, my mother Melissa, and my grandfather fucks them too,” he smiled.

Althea stood and led Rick to the back of the sofa. She used it for support as she bent at the waist. Her long legs and heels put her at a comfortable height for Rick to slowly slide his saber into her hot wet slippery sheath. “Fuck me Ricky,” she begged.

Rick couldn’t remember the last time that anyone dared to call him Ricky. Not everyone would get away with it but Althea certainly did. He smiled at her urgency and fucked her energetically through several orgasms before launching several rockets of cum deep into her beautiful dark toned body.

Holly had just fucked Sam and sucked him off. She approached Rick and Althea just as he pulled his hard cock from her overflowing pussy. “I’m a cum slut,” admitted Holly as she caressed Althea’s ass, “may I eat you?” she asked with a wink.

Althea moved to sit on the couch. She held her legs up and spread wide as Holly crawled forward and lapped at her luscious leaking lips. “Ricky, are you up for fucking Holly?” she asked rhetorically.

Rick knelt behind Holly’s full-figured ass, held her hips and pressed his fully recovered cock deep inside her tantalizing tight twat,

While the three of them celebrated, Cassie and I leaned over the edge of the bed in the Master bedroom and enjoyed being fucked by Hugh and Will. Will filled my pussy with his creamy cum while Hugh fucked Cassie to her first orgasm of the night. The two of them seemed to enjoy each other. My mind started to wonder if she might be the one for Hugh when he looked at Will and said, “Let’s switch Bro.”

Hugh moved onto the bed and I crawled on top of him. He caressed my back and ass as I kissed him softly on the lips. “I enjoyed fucking Cassie, but I love you Claire,” he whispered and my heart filled with joy.

Cassie was still on the edge of the bed. She laid on her back, held her knees high and wide while Will orally pleasured her sweet glistening pink pussy. “Anhh, annh, annh, AANNNNHHH!” she squeaked and came again. Cassie face was flushed, her breathing deep and when she’d recovered, she politely asked, “Please try fucking me Will.”

“I’m worried that I might hurt you,” admitted Will as his throbbing hard twelve-inch cock seemed eager to try.

“It’s your party, so celebrate,” chirped Cassie as she smiled, spread her legs wider and patted her own pussy.

Will looked at me, I nodded and he moved between her thighs.

Cassie reached up and pushed the head of Will’s cock between her lips and into the entrance of her vagina. “Oh, fuck yes,” she smiled.

Will entered her slowly and hit her cervix when she had taken about half of his cock. “Ooooh,” gasped Cassie at the shocking cervical sensation.

Will fucked her with half of his cock. The repeated pressure on her cervix caused orgasmic heat to build inside her core. Cassie’s vagina stretched a little more with each thrust and after many minutes Will was fucking her fully. His pubic bone crushed her clit, her core was filled with an indescribable feeling of heat, pleasure, and pain.

“Arrrrrggghhhhhh,” groaned Cassie as her small body squirmed under Will’s massive form and repeated thrusts.

“I’m cumming,” announced Will as his cock grew even larger, stretched Cassie’s vagina more, triggered her orgasm and filled her with his warm creamy cum.

Cassie flailed silently under his continued thrusts and ejaculations. Soon her body stilled and Will pulled out with a look of shock on his face.

I jumped on the bed and checked her pulse and breathing. “She’s ok,” I assured him.

“What’s going on here?” asked Althea as she entered the bedroom with Holly and Rick.

“We’re celebrating,” replied Cassie as her eyes opened and she felt her body still experiencing some post orgasmic tremors.

“Whoa!” exclaimed Althea as she reached out and grabbed Will’s cock. “Did you just fuck my roomie with this?”

“I didn’t mean to hurt her,” replied Will apologetically.

“She’s not hurting,” began Althea calmly, “do you have anything left to not hurt me too?” she smiled.

At that, Althea laid back on the bed next to her roommate, looked at Will and winked, “This is our party so let’s celebrate!”

Will smiled, moved forward, and slid his cock into Althea’s slippery cunt.

“Sorry about the sloppy seconds,” quipped Rick.

Will just smiled. He was in no hurry to cum as he fucked Althea through several orgasms while he caressed her smooth sleek runner’s body and tweaked her dark erect and sensitive nipples.

Althea was gasping for breaths as her body reacted to the constant stimulation from Will’s massive member. Finally, she gritted her teeth as she teetered on the precipice of a massive orgasm and growled, “Cum for me runner boy. Fill my little cunt!!!”

Will’s cock expanded and throbbed as he filled Althea’s tight little pussy. Her body tensed, her limbs twitched and she screamed, “Annnnnngggggghhhhhhhhh!”

Will laid his body beside her, caressed her peaceful face, and kissed her softly on the lips.

Soon Althea’s eyes opened and filled with tears. “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” asked Will.

Althea, Holly, Cassie, Aria, and I all laughed. “Will, those are tears of joy,” I assured him as Althea sniffled and nodded.

“He’s still hard,” gasped Holly with a look of hunger in her eyes. Will rolled onto his back and reached out for her. She crawled over him, straddled his hips, lifted, and slowly impaled herself on his cum covered cock. “Mmmmmmmmm,” she smiled and moaned.

While Holly took Will for a ride Althea and I moved out into the living room. Hugh and Rick were sharing Aria while Dan and Sam were spit roasting Cassie. “So, who is Will’s girlfriend?” asked Althea.

“That’s an interesting question,” I giggled. “I don’t think he has one.”

“What about you?” asked Althea with some confusion.

“Will and I are both studying medicine. Hugh is my boyfriend but we both enjoy intimacy with others,” I explained with a smirk as I pointed toward Hugh who was enthusiastically fucking Aria’s ass.

“But you do fuck Will, right?”

“Will and I met in the library. He was struggling with the female anatomy so I gave him a little lesson on one of those big mahogany tables,” I explained.

“You fucked him in the library?” inquired Althea.

“No, I taught him how to lick pussy first,” I laughed.

“Wait, he fucks like a porn star and he eats pussy too?” she sighed.

“Did you see the way he looked at you?” I asked carefully.

Yeah, I know that he enjoyed what we did. He was completely focused on me and my needs and the way he caressed and kissed me conveyed a level of caring and passion that I’ve never felt before,” explained Althea with teary eyes.

“What are those tears for,” I asked compassionately.

“I can’t have him. I know I can’t,” she sniffled, “I should go.”

“Ummmm, sorry to interrupt,” smiled Holly, “but my horse wants a different rider.”

I knew exactly what she meant but asked, “A different rider or one specific rider?”

“Althea, he only wants you and he’s worried that you don’t want him,” replied Holly.

She reached out and took Althea by the hand and the three of us walked back into the bedroom.

Will reached out toward Althea. She launched herself on top of his prone body. His arms encircled her while her legs spread to straddle his waist. Althea’s breasts pressed into Will’s chest, her hand caressed his face and their lips met in a passionate kiss.

“A little birdie told me that you know how to eat pussy?” winked Althea.

“I do enjoy exploring a woman’s vulva with my tongue,” replied Will.

Althea rolled off him, lifted and spread her long lean legs and jokingly demanded, “Show me!”

I was encouraged to see her bravado and renewed sense of confidence.

Will knelt at the end of the bed and caressed her soft smooth inner thighs. He kissed her beautiful chocolate brown skin and licked from her anal sphincter to her hard little clit.

“Ohhhhh! Ahhhhhhh! You’re a nasty little fucker!” gasped Althea, “don’t stop, don’t you dare stop!!”

Will continued to stimulate her with his tongue and Althea continued to encourage him, “Feels sooo good, so good, oh fuck, fuck, fuck,” she chirped.

Will’s cock was hard and throbbing in response to Althea’s enthusiastic gyrations. He slipped two fingers of his right hand into her pussy and methodically rubbed her G-spot. He sucked hard on her clit and inserted the thumb of his left hand into her ass.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck Meeee Naked!!!” screamed Althea as her hips bucked and her body shook with aftershocks.

Meanwhile Cassie knelt beside Will and played with his cock.

“Well, you certainly know how to eat pussy,” giggled Cassie, “hey roomie, are you ready to ride this cowboy?”

‘You bet!” replied Althea enthusiastically as Will moved onto the bed, laid on his back and watched as Althea straddled his hips and impaled herself fully on his throbbing twelve-inch cock.

“Do you mind me sampling your boyfriend’s oral skills?” asked Cassie as she gave Will a label that he didn’t expect but seemed happy to accept.

Althea and Will looked deep into each other’s eyes, nodded, and smiled. Soon Cassie was straddling Will’s face and having her pussy once again probed by his talented tongue. The two roommates kissed and fondled each other’s tits. Cassie came all over Will’s face just moments before he filled Althea’s pussy and triggered another satisfying orgasm in her tight sexy body.

Holly and I enjoyed some time with Dan and Sam while Ariana partied with Hugh and Rick.

As everyone’s sexual needs seem to be sated, I approached the kitchen counter and removed the cake from its box. “Who would like some of the celebratory cake?” I asked grabbing a knife and a stack of small serving plates.

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