Claire's Freshman Year - Cover

Claire's Freshman Year

Copyright© 2022 by Tom Brostwin

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Claire, Tom's surrogate daughter, goes to college at the local university. She is accidentally assigned to live in a Fraternity and decides to embrace this opportunity for new adventures. Needless to say her bisexuality blossoms as she makes new friends and reconnects with everyone from the neighborhood.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Sharing   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

After the gathering with Sam, Dan, Cassie and Althea ended, I felt incredibly horny. Althea spent the night with me and Aria, while Dan and Sam escorted Cassie back to her dorm. Aria sensed my needs and while Althea kissed me and groped my tits, Aria slipped between my legs, raised my thighs, and devoured my pussy. She fingered my G-spot while sucking, licking, and nibbling on my clit. The two of them played with me and triggered one orgasm after another until I passed out and slept through the night.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt relaxed, rested, and ready for the day. Althea and Aria laid beside me, tangled in each other arms and legs, and still sleeping soundly. I slipped out of bed, remained nude and left the room to make some hot coffee and breakfast for everyone.

As I sat peacefully on the couch looking out the picture windows at the campus buildings catching the first rays of sunshine, I sipped my coffee, reflected on my sexual needs, and laughed at myself when I realized that the party on Friday was a long time to wait.

My reverie was interrupted by someone rapping lightly on the apartment door. I felt compelled to answer while chastising myself for not having at least a T-shirt available to slip on quickly. I unlocked and opened the door to find a highly agitated Cassie.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to bother you, but I didn’t know where to turn,” sighed Cassie as she stood there adorably dressed in a pink pair of skin-tight yoga pants and a cute matching form-fitted cotton shirt.

“Come in, come in. I’m up but Aria and Althea are still sleeping,” I began, “What’s wrong? Did something happen with Sam and Dan?” I asked while sensing that Cassie was on the verge of tears.

“Yes, yes, but nothing bad,” she replied quietly while kicking off her shoes and stripping off her pants.

I hugged her close and she hugged me back. Cassie’s small gentle fingers lightly caressed my naked back. “Mmmmmmm,” she moaned, “just holding you helps.”

I leaned back and looked into her eyes, “would you like this off too?” I asked while starting to unbutton her shirt.

Cassie nodded, smiled, and explained, “Sam and Dan took me back to my room and gently fucked me through one orgasm after another. They took turns and before the left, they fucked my pussy and ass at the same time.”

“Did you enjoy that?” I asked carefully as I was still trying to understand her state of mind.

“I was in heaven!” she giggled. “I passed out and slept soundly until about an hour ago when I woke up and my body was craving more!”

“Did you try masturbating?” I asked with compassion and a smile as I was happy to hear that she was just horny.

Cassie screwed up her face and admitted, “I don’t know how.”

“I think you’re like me. After my first orgasm, I needed them several times a day. Would you like me to show you how?” I winked.

Cassie hesitated and replied, “I would but, “she began.

Sensing her needs I interrupted, “Would you like me to eat your pussy first?”

Her eyes bulged and she nodded rapidly as I finished unbuttoning her shirt, slipped it off her shoulders and tossed it in a pile with her pants and shoes.

“With a body like this you may never have to masturbate,” I assured her as my left hand caressed the back of her head and neck, I leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips and my right hand teased her sensitive nipples.

Cassie’s body was shaking in pre-orgasmic bliss when I broke the kiss and she gasped, “Ohhh fuuuck!”

“Come lay on the couch,” I encouraged as I helped her find a comfortable position with her hips raised on one arm of the sofa and further supported with pillows. Her thighs splayed out to reveal her glistening wet pink pussy.

She reached out to me and begged, “please, pleeease, pleeeease.”

I realized that this was no time for making love. I knelt before her, wrapped my arms around her thighs, licked her sweet nectar and latched onto her clit.

“Eeeeh, eeeeh, eeeeh, eeeeh,” she squeaked as her hips squirmed, I sucked on her sweet pussy and the tip of my tongue circled her clit.

“Hi, Roomie,” whispered Althea as she joined us to lean over and pinch, twist and tug on Cassie’s sensitive nipples.

“Ohhhhhhh Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!” screamed Cassie as her body erupted in volcanic orgasm.

I licked, sucked, swallowed, and continued to pleasure her pussy with my oral assault.

Cassie barked out, “No, no, no more, no more!”

I ignored her pleas, slipped two fingers into her pussy, massaged her G-spot, and continued a somewhat painful attack on her super-sensitive clit.

Althea was holding her arms and muffling her screams by kissing her forcefully as I pushed her body to climax one more time.

“Oh, ohhhh, ohhhh, soooo good,” gasped Cassie as we both released her to recover.

I caressed her face while Althea left briefly and returned with a glass of ice water. As Cassie tried to relax and took several gulps, I asked, “How are you feeling now?”

She squeezed her legs together, bit her lip and softly replied, “I feel empty. My pussy needs a cock,” she blushed.

“Let’s try this,” suggested Aria as she appeared from the bedroom, naked and carrying a twelve-inch double ended dildo. She had already lubed it and without asking, lined it up with Cassie’s pussy, parted her lips and shoved half of it into her quivering cunt.

“Oh fuck yes!” shouted Cassie as Aria continued fucking her with the two-inch diameter life-like replica.

“Who wants the other end?” smiled Aria while looking at me and Althea.

“Go for it girl,” encouraged Althea as she reached out, caressed my breasts, played with my nipples and kissed me softly on the lips.

I had been feeling horny since Cassie arrived, hugged me and caressed my ass. I moved onto the other end of the couch, slid my hips toward Cassie’s, and scissored her legs.

“That’s it,” encouraged Aria as she impaled Cassie with half of the dildo and lined up the other end with my oozing slippery slit and directed, “slide a little closer.”

Once I had about three inches in my pussy, Aria moved her hand, pulling back from Cassie and fully impaled me. “Oh fuck, that feels good,” I giggled.

She continued sliding the dildo back and forth, in and out of both of us, going faster and faster until we were both moaning and on the verge of cumming.

“Look at these two little dildo sluts,” giggled Aria as her hand alternately smashed into my pussy and clit and then into Cassie’s.

“This is fucking hot!” chirped Althea as she moved to kneel over my head, lowered her hips and I licked the nectar from between the lips of her perfect plump pussy!

“Oh shit, oh fuck, I’m cummmmmming,” moaned Cassie as Aria continued her forceful assault.

My body shook and I was about to scream out when Althea sat on my face and pressed her pussy hard against my mouth. I sucked hard on her lips and clit as my head thrashed back and forth. The feeling of her strong runner’s thighs and ass pressed against my face enhanced my arousal and added fuel to my orgasmic fire.

My orgasm was prolonged by Aria’s continued probing and pummeling. I felt like I couldn’t take much more when Cassie screamed out, “Arrrrgggghhhhh! Enough, enough, toooo much!”

Althea dismounted my face and Aria pulled her hand away. I watched as Aria licked some of the combined nectar from her own hand and then held it out to share with Althea. I slid my hips closer to Cassie and ground my tender clit against hers as our pussy lips kissed as the dildo disappeared inside us.

“Oh fuck,” gasped Cassie, “I have an English class this morning. I pulled back and separated our hips. Cassie jumped up, ran to take a quick shower, and Althea grabbed the glistening dildo and pulled it out of my pussy.

“Let’s take this for a test drive,” winked Althea and she took Aria by hand. I watched as their tight naked bodies entered the bedroom and crawled onto the bed. I was both stimulated and frozen by the erotic sight of their slow-moving legs, pussies and asses.

Shaking my head and smiling at the distraction I entered the bathroom. “Cassie, who is your English professor?” I asked while hoping it might be Molly.

“What?” she began, “oh, it’s Dr. Townsend and she’s very strict about people being on time.”

“Really, I’ve heard that everybody loves her,” I replied just to see how Cassie would react.

“She’s really smart, passionate and very attractive,” smiled Cassie as she finished drying off and slipped on her yoga pants and blouse.

I grabbed my cell phone and pretended to be looking up her number. “Here she is, Dr. Molly Townsend, PhD. English Literature,” I smiled.

“You can’t call her!” shouted Cassie.

I started the call and quipped, “Too late!”

I made sure that the volume was low and waited for Molly to answer.

“Hi Claire, I have a class starting in five minutes, is everything ok?”

“Hi Dr, Townsend, this is Claire Brostwin and I’m calling on behalf of one of the students in your morning class,” I replied.

“Oh, so you’re pretending not to know me, who is the student?” she chuckled.

“Cassie has been delayed, lost track of time and will be arriving late,” I explained.

“Oh she is so delicious looking, did you just fuck her?” asked Molly excitedly.

“Yes, that’s right. So, she can join the class late but will need to stay after class and meet with you. Thank you, I will let her know.” I concluded professionally and ended the call.

“I can’t believe you just did that. You called a professor just to help me?” asked Cassie incredulously.

“Just get to class and meet with the professor. I think you’ll be glad that you did,” I smiled.

I watched as Cassie hurried out the door and down the back stairs and then checked on Aria and Althea. They were laying on their sides facing each other and leisurely fingering and licking each other’s pussies. “Ahem, you two are testing my willpower,” I interrupted them.

Althea rolled over to face me. She moved her hips to the edge of the bed, lifted her thighs and spread them wide, “You’ve lost your willpower. So, get your head between my thighs, your tongue on my clit and your fingers in my pussy.

I did exactly what Althea described as my own thoughts mirrored her demands. “Perfection,” was my only thought as my hands kneaded her strong supple thighs, my eyes scanned her body from her pussy to her smiling face, and my mouth began exploring her labia and clit.

“Ohhh Fuck!” shouted Althea, “don’t you dare stop,” she groaned.

My tongue slithered around on her glistening wet lips and clit. I poked it into her vagina and dropped a little lower to lick and tickle her anal sphincter.

“Oh, you are a nasty girl,” giggled Althea

“I think we’ve heard enough of her trash talk,” laughed Aria as she straddled Althea’s shoulders and lowered her pussy onto her mouth.

While Aria was taking advantage of Althea’s oral expertise, I began my digital attack on our newest friends gloriously oozing cunt. I started with two fingers and quickly progressed to three then four.

Althea was bucking against my hand while sucking hard on Aria’s clit.

I slipped my thumb into the middle of my other fingers and forced my fist inside. I kept my arm moving and quickly fisted Althea to a massive orgasm.

“Unnh, Unnnnh, Unnnnnnhhh, Aaaaaarrrrrrrgggghhhh!” screamed Althea while being muffled by Aria’s tender muff.

We untangled our bodies and fell into each other’s arms. We kissed again and again and then Althea spoke, “God, I’m glad you two took pity on Cassie,” she laughed.

“How was I to know that her roommate would be such a fabulous fuck!” I giggled.

As we settled down and headed for the shower, I wondered how Althea’s pussy was so easily fisted. “Have you been fisted before?” I asked with genuine curiosity.

Althea screwed up her face, shook her head, looked at us, and asked, “Well you remember I admitted to incest, right?”

“Yes, but if he didn’t fist you how’s it relevant?” replied a somewhat confused Aria.

“To answer your question, I’ve never been fisted but my father, my uncle and my older brother have really thick cocks,” winked Althea.

“Have you ever fucked all three at once?” asked Aria while shaking with anticipation.

Althea’s eyes sparkled, she nodded and sighed, “I just love it but I can’t do that the day before a race,” she began, “or I’d be running bowlegged,” she laughed.

I started the shower as we all entered and enjoyed the soothing warm rainfall. “How are we going to find the right balance in our lives?” I asked as we soaped each other.

“I think we start with some basic rules like, no skipping classes, completing all homework, and planning a fun fuck fest at least every other week so we have something to look forward to,” suggested Aria.

“That sounds good but the guys are always horny and I don’t know about you but I need to cum more than once every two weeks,” I sighed.

“You two can do each other, right?” asked Althea.

“And you and Cassie can eat each other out too,” I suggested.

I was beginning to worry. I remember Trixie’s life being consumed by sex and as much as I enjoy it, I don’t want it to become an addiction. As I thought about it a little more, I smiled to myself as the seed of a new idea was planted and began to grow.

The three of us dressed and went off to classes. Later in the afternoon I was passing by the faculty building where Molly and Jan have their offices. Molly’s regular office hours were posted and this wasn’t one of them so I knocked on her closed door. “Just one minute,” called Molly. I tried the handle but the door was locked. I was perplexed.

Soon the door was unlocked and opened. Molly had her jacket and bags in hand as she seemed ready to leave for the day. “Oh God, Claire, it’s you!” she chirped, “come in,” she urged.

I entered and she locked the door behind us. I looked around but didn’t see anyone but a heady unmistakable aroma of pussy filled the air.

“Did I interrupt something?” I smiled.

“It’s ok, Jan, you can come out, it’s Claire.

Jan, who lives with Aria’s dad and is also an English professor, crawled out from under Molly’s desk.

Hi Jan, it’s good to see you,” I giggled as I scanned her attractive naked body from head to toe.

“You too Claire, I’d hug you but you know the whole teacher student thingy,” she sighed.

“I’m sorry that I interrupted your fun. I can leave,” I offered.

“No, since you started this, please stay,” said Molly sternly.

“How am I responsible for you two having sex?” I smirked.

It sounded like she was mad at me, but then she unzipped her skirt, let it fall to the floor and revealed her naked, aroused and glistening wet pussy. She sat on the edge of her desk, spread her legs, looked at Jan and directed her, “Eat me now!”

While Jan orally stimulated Molly’s pussy, she explained, “Cassie stopped by after class. We talked and by the time she left I was so turned on that I called Jan in to join me.”

I’d seen Jan’s subservient side but never with Molly. I moved closer and admired her mature naked body as she knelt with her knees parted, caressed her own pussy, pressed her face between Molly’s thighs and enthusiastically licked and sucked on her beautiful plump pink pussy.

Molly held Jan’s head, caressed it and asked, “How did you meet Cassie?”

“She’s cute isn’t she?” I smiled.

“She told me this crazy story about a girl who made her look at herself and others differently,” smiled Molly as she squeaked in response to Jan’s oral activities.

“Guilty as charged,” I admitted with a wink.

“I’m impressed that you managed to change her so dramatically in just a few days. She seemed so shy, dressed in unattractive baggy clothes and lacking confidence when she first came to class,” observed Molly.

Jan probed Molly’s pussy with her fingers while circling her clit with her tongue. I pulled down my panties and started fingering my own pussy. Molly’s moans heightened my own arousal and soon we were both struggling to muffle the moans of our pending orgasms.

Molly patted Jan on the head and said, “That will be enough.”

“Yes Mistress,” replied Jan automatically.

I just smiled at the revelation of a relationship that I had suspected and was now confirmed.

Jan remained naked, kneeling subserviently while Molly stood, stepped into her skirt and moved to sit by me. “Why do you think that Cassie’s self-image was so distorted prior to meeting you and the two boys?” she asked.

“I have my suspicions but I don’t feel comfortable revealing what she’s told me about her past,” I replied.

“You’re right of course,” began Molly, “I’ve asked her to channel her new found sexual enthusiasm into her writing. Her current assignment is a short autobiographical description of the last six years of her life.”

“I agree that some introspection may help her to understand her past and how she wants to move forward,” I began “but I do have a question for you,” I mentioned hesitantly.

“The answer is yes,” smiled Molly.

“But I didn’t ask yet,” I laughed.

“Cassie is adorable and I hope that you’ll bring her to the house so I can participate in her sexual awakening,” admitted Molly.

“Oh, I was just going to ask if you want to fuck her,” I giggled, “but you’ve got that covered.”

“How tasty is her little pussy?” quipped Molly.

“She’s delicious and so excited to experiment!” I beamed.

“Would you like to plan a pool party in a few weeks? Check with your friends and let me know.”

“That’s a great idea. Let me think about the right mix for something like that,” I replied before offering Molly my cum covered fingers to suck.

She licked my fingers clean, we embraced and kissed softly.

“Isn’t this against the rules?” I asked with concern.

Molly responded with a more forceful kiss while her right hand caressed my back, drifted down to my ass, moved around my hip, slipped into the side of my panties and fingered my pussy.

“Oh fuck, that feels so good,” I gasped.

“The rules prevent a faculty member from having physical contact with students during one-on-one conferences. Jan’s here to ensure that I don’t break any rules,” she winked and continued manual stimulation.

“If I had known, I would have come sooner,” I gigged at the double meaning, bit my lip and moaned, “Mmmmmmmm.”

“Jan, time for you to say hi to Claire,” commanded Molly.

I watched as Jan crawled across the floor, her eyes filled with desire, her pendulous breasts enticed me and her firm naked ass made my mouth water.

“Hi Claire,” smiled Jan as I stripped off my panties, tossed them aside and held her head as she lapped at my throbbing pussy.

“Oh God,” I groaned, “you have a very talented tongue.”

“She’ll do anything, just tell her what you want,” smiled Molly as she watched, pinched her own nipples, lifted her skirt and played with her prominent clit.

“Lay down on your back,” I directed Jan. Once she was in place I straddled her chest, facing her feet, lowered my hips and rubbed my pussy all over her face.

Jan just laid there and then I realized that she was doing what she was told and nothing more.

Molly realized that as well and quickly took charge, “Caress Claire’s ass, finger it, and resume your oral stimulation of her pussy.”

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