Claire's Freshman Year - Cover

Claire's Freshman Year

Copyright© 2022 by Tom Brostwin

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Claire, Tom's surrogate daughter, goes to college at the local university. She is accidentally assigned to live in a Fraternity and decides to embrace this opportunity for new adventures. Needless to say her bisexuality blossoms as she makes new friends and reconnects with everyone from the neighborhood.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Sharing   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

Aria and I woke up early Monday morning well rested and ready for the week ahead.

“Good morning Beautiful,” whispered Aria as she gently caressed my breasts and kissed me softly on the lips, “how did you sleep?”

“I slept great! It’s so much better with you here,” I smiled.

“Yeah, I feel that way too. I was sleeping with Dad until Jan moved in. After sharing his bed for two years, I was restless and not getting the sleep that I needed until you snuggled with me last night,” smiled Aria.

“The snuggling was awesome but I think we need to give some credit to Will and his efforts to ensure that we were both properly fucked,” I winked.

“Oh, I like that. The next time I screw a guy I’m going to tell him to fuck me properly. I may even use that in my writing,” she laughed.

We showered together, dressed for the day, and headed off to grab some breakfast at the dining hall. After gathering what we wanted we sat together.

“Are you a vegetarian?” I asked while noting the lack of any animal-based proteins on Aria’s plate.

“I try to eat mostly a vegetarian diet, but I do make an exception for three sources of protein.”

I screwed up my face, shook my head and asked, “What might those be?”

“Fish, eggs,” she began, “and cum,” she whispered.

“So, I guess that makes you an Ovo-Pecker-Pescatarian,” I chuckled.

“Good morning,” chirped Cassidy as she approached our table, “what are you two laughing about?”

“Nothing really. I was just explaining my mostly vegetarian diet to Claire,” began Aria, “how did things go with Sam and Dan?”

“It was great. I really like them both,” smiled Cassie. “Thank you for helping me to look at them differently. The only problem is that they both want to spend more time with me. How do I choose?”

“Did they ask you to choose?” I asked caringly.

“No, but how would that work?” asked Cassie with her face lined with confusion.

“Text me when you’re done with classes for the day and I’ll answer all your questions,” I assured her.

As Cassidy walked away, I noticed Aria checking out her enticing ass encased in bright blue skin-tight yoga pants, “Do you want to invite her over?” I teased.

“Maybe living on campus wasn’t such a good idea,” blushed Aria, “please help me to do the right thing. Dad and Jan will kill me if I blow this opportunity,” she sighed.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got this. Just go to your English class and focus. I’ll meet up with Cassidy later and find out what she really wants and needs,” I smiled.

I went to my class in Biology and listened to the professor parrot back everything that I’d already read in the first three chapters of our textbook. My mind began to wander and all I could think about was getting together with Cassidy, peeling off those yoga pants and teaching her about the joys of intimacy.

After class I texted Cassie, “Let’s grab a couple sandwiches at Joe’s and find a quiet place to talk.”

“Sounds good. My roommate has track practice so we can hang out in our room. Is that OK?” she replied.

We met at Joe’s and were able to use our student meal plans to pay for a sandwich and a drink. As she led the way to her dorm I commented, “Your yoga pants are getting a lot of attention,” I smiled.

“What?” replied Cassie as her face fell and her eyes started to fill with tears. “Is there something wrong? They’re so comfortable but my ass is too big, isn’t it?” she sighed.

I sensed that she had some issues with her self-image and thought I’d probe deeper.

I took her hand in mine as we climbed the stairs to her room. “Can you tell me something about your family?” I asked as we entered her room and she sat at her desk to eat.

I pulled over her roommate’s chair and she replied, “It’s just me, my parents and my younger brother.”

“Does everyone get along and support each other?” I asked carefully.

“Oh yes, my mom and dad both work and they love each other,” she replied confidently.

“That’s wonderful!” I began while feeling some sadness about the loss of my father and my abandonment by my mother. “Do you miss being hugged by them?”

“Oh, I don’t remember them hugging me, at least not recently,” she puzzled.

I let that go and asked, “How do you and your brother get along?”

“We were close when we were younger but he’s two years younger and when he started high school, he distanced himself.”

“How did you feel about that?” I queried cautiously while seeing some relief in her eyes.

“I was sad but also relieved. He had started to tell me how ugly I am. He said my butt is too big, my tits are too small, that my brown hair is mousy and that my glasses look stupid.”

“Oh God!” I gasped as I suddenly realized that she believed her brother’s words. I stood, moved closer and reached out my arms, “May I hug you?”

Cassie stood, I embraced her and calmly stated, “You need to know that you are a beautiful young woman.”

Cassie instinctively hugged me back and I could feel her wooden body begin to relax and merge with mine as she responded with an audible sigh.

“But my parents made me wear baggy clothes so I wouldn’t offend and disgust anyone,” she replied.

“Cassie, did it ever occur to you that your mother recognized both your physical and emotional beauty and worried that it would make you a sexual target for young boys?”

“She warned me about boys in college. But you know that from my stupid comments about Sam and Dan,” sighed Cassie

“When I made that comment earlier about your yoga pants, I was complimenting your beautiful, sexy, ass and your long, lean, fit legs,” I assured her while opting not to mention her perfect plump pussy.

“So why did Ben, that’s my brother, ridicule my looks?”

“I can’t pretend to understand teen-age boys, but my guess is that he was envious. When you see him next just ask him,” I suggested.

Cassidy hugged me a little closer and asked, “Do you feel that?”

“You mean the energy that is moving between our bodies?” I asked rhetorically, “yes I feel it. It doesn’t happen with everyone but your sexual energy is making me hot!”

Our eyes met, I leaned closer, tipped my head, and our lips met briefly. “Is this OK Cassidy?”

Cassie nodded and whispered, “I’ve never kissed anyone. Can you teach me?” she blushed.

She was a quick study as our lips met, our tongues dueled and our passions grew. I smiled when she grabbed my ass and pulled her hips against mine. It was clear that we were both on the same page as my hands lifted the bottom of her shirt and she stripped it off.

We moved to her bed and Cassidy laid on her back as I pressed into her side. I kissed her again as my hand moved to her 34C breasts and felt her nipples harden to my touch. I left her lips and kissed, licked, and nibbled on her nipples while my right hand slid down across her abdomen and under the waistband of her yoga pants.

“Oh fuck! What is that feeling,” gasped Cassie as I gathered her natural nectar and focused my attention on rubbing her sensitive clit. “Annnh, annnh, annnh,” she squeaked as her body tensed, her hips arched and she collapsed onto the bed.

I waited for her eyes to open then licked some of her cum from my fingers and asked, “Would you like a taste?” She seemed confused so I pressed my finger between her lips and smiled as she licked and sucked it clean.

“Was that an orgasm?” asked Cassie as her face lit up with a smile.

“Yes, would you like to have another one?” I asked excitedly.

Wordlessly she nodded as her eyes grew large. I moved down between her legs, peeled off her yoga pants, spread her thighs and lowered my body onto the bed. Cassie watched as I kissed my way up her legs and then parted her pussy lips with the tip of my tongue. I circled her clit, sucked on it and flicked it rapidly with the tip of my tongue until she screamed, “Yes! Yes!! Yessss!!!!” and her thighs clamped onto my head like a vise.

Soon she relaxed and I was able to move up beside her. Cassie’s eyes were filled with tears. I caressed her face and asked, “How do you feel?”

“Happy. It feels so good. I’d heard girls talking about orgasms but I just figured that my body was different,” she sighed.

“Trust me, your body is working just fine,” I winked.

“Do Dan and Sam know how to do what you did?”

“Yes, but it’s even more fun when you get to play with their cocks,” I assured her.

Cassidy’s eyes opened wide as she pondered my words and timidly asked, “can you show me how to do that too?”

“So, you want me to hook you up with Dan and Sam?” I smirked.

Cassie nodded emphatically and I probed further, “What if they want to fuck you too?”

“Oh God! That would be so hot!” she giggled.

“So you want them to fuck you. Is there anything else?”

“I don’t even know what to ask. Can you just teach me everything?” she pleaded.

“You seem very eager. I like that, and now, before I go, would you like to lick my pussy?”

“I guess, I mean it only seems fair,” agreed Cassie tentatively.

“Try it, and if you don’t like it, that’s ok,” I replied as my instincts told me that Cassidy, being somewhat submissive, would likely do anything that I asked.

I sat up on the edge of the bed, “Come kneel in front of me,” I instructed.

She did as she was told as she looked between my wide spread thighs and stared as my blossoming inner lips glistened with nectar.

Her finger reached out and touched me. “Your vagina is so pretty,” she whispered as she carefully explored with her finger tips.

“Ahhhhhhhhh,” I sighed as she slowly circled my clit.

Cassie smiled at my response, continued to explore and then pulled her fingers back and took a tentative taste. “Mmmmmmm, you’re so sweet,” she smiled.

I moved my hands to her head as her thick brown shimmering hair tickled my inner thighs and her tongue traced the contours of my pussy for the first time. I bit my lip as she parted my labia, gathered and swallowed some nectar and then sucked gently on my sensitive clit.

Cassie’s hands moved to caress my inner thighs as she enthusiastically continued her oral exploration and my pussy creamed.

Soon my arousal peaked and I hissed, “Yes, Yesss, Yesssssss!” as I grabbed her head and bucked my pussy against her sweet lips and tantalizing tongue.

“Wow, that was fun,” giggled Cassie as I released my grip and she looked up into my eyes.

“You’re a natural,” I assured her, “but now we should get dressed before your roommate returns.”

Cassie grabbed her phone to check the time and then looked quizzically at me.

“Yes, you can take my picture but you can’t share it or post it online. I trust you,” I smiled.

She quickly took a picture and quipped, “How did you read my mind?”

“I didn’t, I could see the question in your eyes and now I’d like to get a picture of you too!” I demanded. I didn’t really want her picture but I wanted to do something to boost her self-esteem.

I put her in several provocative poses to ensure that her tits, pussy and ass were equally represented. I showed them to her and she smiled and joked, “I’m going to kill my brother for making me feel ugly!”

“So, how did you get all these new clothes?” I questioned while looking into Cassie’s closet and noting just a few older conservative dresses and many new, cute, sexy and fashionable articles of clothing.

“My Aunt Julia lives near Boston. I visited her before school started and she insisted on upgrading my wardrobe.”

“She has great taste,” I smiled while thinking that much of what her aunt bought was super sexy and it made me wonder if her interest in Cassie might be more than platonic.

“She’s one of my favorite people. She’s so beautiful, sexy and cool,” blushed Cassidy.

“Here, try this on,” I suggested as I pulled a sky-blue t-shirt dress off of a hanger. Cassie reached for her bra and panties but I smiled and shook my head. She slipped the dress over her head and carefully adjusted it so it felt comfortable.

The neckline scooped low and revealed some cleavage and the tops of her firm breasts. Her back was bared by a large oval cutaway from her shoulder blades to just above her ass and the front featured a smaller oval from below her breasts to several inches below her navel.

The sight of Cassie in this simple dress took my breath away. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Right now, in that dress, you are the most beautiful and sexy woman that I have ever seen,” I gasped.

“Claire, it’s an overgrown T-shirt,” she smirked.

“Ok, your roommate will be back soon. See what she thinks and let me know,” I smiled.

I dressed, gave Claire a hug and left without encountering her roommate. As I left the building my eyes connected with those of a glamorous young black woman. She flashed a brilliant smile and we both said, “Hi,” as I held the door for her to enter.

I’ve had those experiences before when I’ve quickly connected with someone and later regretted that I hadn’t taken the time to stop, talk and get to know them better. I knew that I was turned on by this brief encounter. My nipples hardened and my pussy tingled as I headed back to the frat house to do some studying before dinner.

I was studying at my desk when the door to the apartment opened and Aria sang out, “Any one home?”

“I’m in here but I could use a distraction,” I replied as I pushed back my chair and met her in the living room. “What’s in the bags?” I ask with a smirk.

“Just a few snacks in case we get hungry and don’t want to go out in the cold,” replied Aria as she quickly put away crackers, tortilla chips and granola in the cabinets and stocked the refrigerator with seltzer, milk, juice, fresh salsa and other munchies.

“How were your classes?” I asked as I reached out with my arms. We embraced each other and engaged in a brief but passionate kiss.

“I love them and staying on campus just makes everything seem better,” she began, “but tell me about your day and that tart taste of pussy on your lips,” she giggled.

“Oh, I ran into Cassidy and I told her that her yoga pants were getting a lot of attention,” I began.

“Wait so you complimented her on her sexy ass and she stripped off her pants and you ate her out?” laughed Aria.

“Not exactly. It turns out that Cassie truly believes that she is ugly. Her parents made her wear baggy clothes so that she wouldn’t offend anyone. Her younger brother told her she was ugly and nobody told her differently,” I explained.

“Oh God, I feel so badly for her,” sighed Aria as her face fell in sadness.

“So, we talked and I learned that she’d rarely been hugged. I hugged her and we shared a sensation of mutual arousal.”

“OK, here’s what happened next,” began Aria. “You kissed her, then you got naked and you fingered her to an orgasm, which was probably her first.”

“But, but how?” I interrupted.

“Shhhhhhh,” giggled Aria, “then you knew she needed another orgasm so you slipped between her thighs and licked and sucked her perfect little pussy until she erupted a second time and coated your lips and cheeks with her cream.”

“How did you know? How could you know?” I challenged her.

“First, because you did exactly what I would have done under those circumstances and also I ran into her at the grocery store, she hugged me, kissed me and then told me what you had done.” smiled Aria.

“Are you mad? I mean, I saw how you checked out her ass this morning.”

“Claire, how could I be mad. What you did was show Cassidy the love that she desperately needed. It’s one of the many reasons that I love you!”

“So, I assume this means that you want to be here when I invite Sam and Dan over to reinforce her self-confidence?”

“Oh yeah, but I also want to spend some time with her alone,” winked Aria.

“After she spends time with you, she may not care if she ever gets a cock,” I giggled.

“Oh, we both know better than that. She won’t want to limit her options any more than we do!” sparked Aria.

The rest of the evening was uneventful as we picked up some dinner at the food truck and studied late into the night.

Tuesday was uneventful with the exception of my Calculus class. The section I was in was being taught by a young grad student. He was very nervous but still did a great job of explaining Integrals. I sat in the front row and too late I realized that I was wearing a short skirt and unconsciously moving my legs apart and together over and over again. The flashing of my panties had apparently caught his attention, having a predictable effect. He moved behind his desk chair to hide his erection and taught the rest of the class either facing the white board or standing behind the chair.

“Excuse me Mr. Bellis, I owe you an apology,” I spoke compassionately. “I didn’t realize what I was doing until it was too late. I’m sorry and I promise that it won’t happen again.”

“Thank you. I’m sorry I don’t know your name.”

“I’m Claire”, I replied and I held out my hand to shake.

“Hi, Claire, I’m Frank but I can’t touch you. I could get in trouble and lose my job,” he sighed as he scanned me from head to toe and seemed disappointed.

“I understand” I smiled and left as I shook my head thinking that poor Frank needed to get laid and I wondered who might be able to help him? I can’t save the world but he seemed nice, bright and from what I saw he has a fun-sized cock.

Aria and I studied until about ten, showered together and snuggled between the sheets. Our love making included at least one orgasm for each of us. I enjoyed a massage and was happy to give one in return. I couldn’t imagine being happier than when she held me with her breasts pressed against my back and her hands cupped and caressed my pussy and my breasts.

The next day was nothing special until Aria and I met up to go to Will’s race. “Hi, are you ready to head over to the field house?” I asked as Aria carefully put away her books and computer.

“Yeah, I understand it’s a short five-mile cross country race. I wonder how much we’ll be able to see?” puzzled Arianna.

As we approached the back of the field house where there were a number of both male and female runners stretching and warming up for the race, I saw Will and waved but he was focused on the race preparations.

“Hi guys, are you hear to see Will run?” asked Rick as he approached us with Sam, Dan and Hugh close behind.

“Yes, it seemed important for him to have people come,” smiled Aria

“Hello Mr. BMOC - I’ve missed you!” I chirped while launching myself into Hugh’s arms.

“I’ve missed you too,” smiled Hugh as our lips met and our shared arousal grew.

“Get a room,” teased Sam.

“Hi, Claire, what brings you to this race?” asked Cassidy as she approached and Hugh lowered me to the ground, “Is this your boyfriend?”

“Yes, this is Hugh. He grew up in the same neighborhood with Sam and Dan,” I replied while my body reacted to seeing her again in the super-sexy T-shirt dress.

“Hi Cassie,” called out Sam as he approached, hugged her and allowed his hands to slide down her back and caress her tight sexy ass.

As she melted into Sam’s arms Dan approached, tapped Sam on the shoulder and joked, “May I cut in?”

“Hi Dan,” smiled Cassie as she moved into his arms and had her ass groped again.

“A friend of ours is running in the race. What brings you here?” replied Claire to Cassie’s earlier question.

“My roommate, Althea, is running in the women’s division so I came to support her,” explained Cassie.

“Hi Cassie, do I get a hug too?” interrupted Hugh.

Cassie looked at me and I nodded. She pressed her sexy body into Hugh’s as he wrapped his arms around her and he felt a totally unexpected connection.

“You do know that Althea is by far the fastest woman running in this race?” asked Hugh as an erection began to grow and press into Cassidy’s belly.

“I had no idea,” giggled Cassie as she squirmed in Hugh’s embrace.

“Look, the men are getting ready to start,” shouted someone from the crowd.

It was easy to pick Will out of the crowd and I felt my heart jump as he turned to scan the crowd and our eyes met. Shortly after that the starting gun fired and the men’s race began as they ran through the starting gates that captured the exact start-time for each individual.

As soon as all of the men disappeared up the race path into the woods, the women lined up and started their race along the same route.

I had no idea how long a five-mile race might take but I assumed that it would be around thirty minutes. I wandered over to talk with Cassie. “Hi Cassie, how are you doing? You look happy,” I smiled.

Cassie hugged me again, “It’s totally your fault,” she whispered.

“I just helped you to discover who you really are,” I smiled.

“Well, who I am is very horny right now. When do you think we might get together with the guys?”

“Are you talking about Sam and Dan or should I include Hugh too?”

Cassie blushed bright red and replied, “He’s your boyfriend, so you should invite him if you want.”

“I will and I want to watch him fuck you!” I stated emphatically.

Cassie was speechless, she stopped breathing and her eyes popped as she didn’t know how to respond.

“Just relax and enjoy yourself. I don’t mind sharing Hugh,” I smiled.

Less than twenty minutes had gone by when someone shouted, “Here come the runners.”

The end of the course was a sweeping trail through open fields so everyone could see the last quarter-mile of the race. When I looked out, I could only see one runner.

“That’s Will,” stated Hugh matter of factly.

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