Claire's Freshman Year - Cover

Claire's Freshman Year

Copyright© 2022 by Tom Brostwin

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Claire, Tom's surrogate daughter, goes to college at the local university. She is accidentally assigned to live in a Fraternity and decides to embrace this opportunity for new adventures. Needless to say her bisexuality blossoms as she makes new friends and reconnects with everyone from the neighborhood.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   School   Sharing   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Grand Parent   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

After the fun and frolicking with Tom during breakfast on Sunday, Holly drove me and Arianna back to campus where we picked up our new keys at the housing office. Nobody asked for the keys to room 301 so I kept them thinking that we’d find a use for that space.

We walked down the third floor hallway past the shared bathroom and found the entrance to room 304.

“So, there are only two rooms on this floor?” asked Arianna a bit confused.

“Yeah, none of the guys live up here. Maybe the faculty residence is a little bigger than most dorm rooms,” I laughed.

Arianna slipped her key into the handle and opened the door. Our eyes popped out of our heads as we entered a brightly lit fully furnished living room with large windows overlooking the campus. “Is this real?” asked Aria rhetorically.

“Look at this!” I chirped as I opened a door into a full bathroom with two sinks, a walk-in shower and a jacuzzi tub.

“This isn’t right,” sighed Arianna, “we’ve got to tell Howard that he made a mistake.”

“Ok, but let’s check it all out and enjoy the fantasy for a few more minutes,” I smiled.

The next door opened to a room that looked like most door rooms with two single beds, desks, dressers, and closets. “Maybe we can stay and just use this room,” joked Arianna.

With one last door to open we walked toward it. “This is the master bedroom, isn’t it?” I whispered.

Arianna opened the door and gasped, “Holy fuck!” as we were greeted by a king sized bed, matching dressers, a walk-in closet, and small half bath.

“You know, if this bed had a sheet on it, I’d be fucking you right now,” declared Aria with a look of sexual hunger in her eyes.

I had just turned on the light in the closet, walked in and I turned back to her. Aria looked puzzled as I crooked my finger and summoned her.

“Yes!” she cheered as she quickly grabbed a king-size fitted sheet off the linen shelves, skipped back toward the bed and quipped, “Cumming?”

Arianna quickly threw the sheet on the bed and stripped naked. Her exquisite body took my breath away. “Yes, and you are too,” I smirked and then I grabbed some pillows, stuffed them into pillow cases and left the closet to join her.

Arianna was spread-eagled on the bed. Her smoothly shaved and aroused pussy was glistening in full bloom. Her dark hair and olive colored skin were in stark contrast to the ivory-colored sheet.

I stripped off my shirt and shorts and giggled when I peeled off my soaking wet panties. Arianna licked her lips and held out her arms. I tucked a pillow under her head, then climbed on top of her and straddled her narrow waist. “We’re going to keep this room,” I stated emphatically.

“Kiss me, stupid,” she laughed as I laid on top of her, our breasts pressed together and our lips met. Aria’s arms encircled me as she held me tight and we kissed passionately.

After several minutes of savoring her lips and tongue I slid slowly down her body, nibbling at her erect nipples, kissing her smooth taught abdomen and finally reached my destination. I snuggled between her wide spread thighs, then licked, kissed, and nibbled her deliciously wet pussy.

Arianna groaned, “Mmmmmmmm,” as she climaxed and her thighs gently closed and held my face firmly against her oozing pussy and her twitching hips.

When she finally released me, I crawled up and snuggled beside her while she recovered. Her right hand caressed my face and held my head as she kissed my lips and joked, “You taste like pussy!”

I kissed her back as her hand moved to play with my tits and her fingers pinched my nipples. “Annnh, annnh, annnh,” I chirped as her titillating touch sent jolts of pleasure deep inside my needy cunt.

“Lower,” I begged and her hand moved to cover my pussy. She slipped two fingers inside and squeezed her palm on my clit. She slowly fingered me with an intimate exploration of my pussy that generated familiar feelings of arousal.

The intensity of her manipulation brought me to the edge of an orgasm and then she did it again and again and again. My body was squirming with need as she continued to play her little cat and mouse game.

Finally, she pushed me over the edge, “Arrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh!” I screamed before passing out.

“Welcome back,” she smiled when I opened my eyes, looked around, and tried to remember where we were.

“So, we are staying, right?” asked Aria.

“Yes, but I do think we need to call Howard and thank him for this,” I giggled.

“Not to change the subject,” began Arianna, “but do you feel like you need a cock?” she chuckled.

“Well, we could invite Howard over but then he’d lose his job and we’d lose this apartment,” I sighed and rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, I do want to fuck him again but I get it, fucking students on campus isn’t a smart move,” smirked Aria.”

“I think we need to be smart about who we invite to this place,” I began, “until we trust them, I say we use room 301 for any experimental fucking,” I laughed.

“So basically you’re saying, anyone from the neighborhood, and Will. Is that right?” asked Arianna

“Yes, that sounds right but today we need to get your stuff from home and then we need to move my stuff from next door and once that is done, we can celebrate,” I smiled.

“How are we going to do that?” asked Arianna, “I could call my dad and see if he can bring my stuff over.” she smirked.

“You know, he doesn’t even know that you’re moving here yet. You should call him, but if he comes here and sees this room located in this building, he will freak out,” I laughed.

Arianna nodded and called home on her cell.

“Hi Jan, can I speak with Daddy?” she asked in an almost childlike voice.

“Hi Daddy, Claire and I went to talk to Howard today,” she began. “Oh, really? So, you aren’t upset?” she asked as she was overcome with emotion, couldn’t talk and handed me the phone.

“Hi Dom, this is Claire.”

“What just happened?” he began. “I just told her that Howard had called to make sure I was ok with her plan to live on campus and that I thought it was a great idea.”

“Well, your enthusiasm made her so happy that she’s a bit overwhelmed,” I explained.

“Thank you so much Daddy!” sniffled Arianna over my shoulder.

“So, we’re going to come by later this afternoon to pick up everything she’ll need.”

“Are you sure, I’m happy to come over and help you move in,” offered Dom.

“Actually, I’ve already reached out to Hugh and the other freshman, and they’re going to provide all the manpower,” I lied.

“Ok, we’ll see you soon,” replied Dom.

“Bye bye,” I chirped before disconnecting the call.

“You just lied to my father,” laughed Aria.

“Well, it was just a little right lie,” I joked, “do you really want him to see that you’re living in a fraternity?” I giggled.

“Nooooo!,” she admitted nervously.

“Fortunately, I found out from Holly that parents often visit their children at the university but they never go into the dorms,” I assured her.

“Do you think that we can get Hugh, Rick, Dan and Sam to help me move?” asked Aria with expressions of doubt.

“Those guys all think that you’re a freaking goddess,” I quipped.

“You’re right, they’ll help but we’ll need to find a way to repay them,” she winked.

I made a quick call to Hugh and he had football practice in the afternoon but he checked with Holly and she lent her car to Rick.

Rick came by the fraternity to pick us up. I will admit to being excited at the prospect of riding his ten-inch cock again. As we were going out the door we ran into Gina and Max.

“Hi Arianna,” smiled Gina, “are you visiting Claire again?”

“Actually, I’m going to be her roommate. There’s a larger room next to her single and we just got permission to move in there,” she explained.

Max seemed a little fidgety and his normal bravado was gone when he asked, “Any chance we can borrow the keys to your old room?”

“Sure, but let’s keep this arrangement between us for now,” I smiled as I pulled the key off my key chain and tossed it to Max, “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” I giggled.

Just then Rick pulled up, parked the car and jumped out to greet us, “Ladies, your chariot has arrived,” he joked.

“Don’t we even get a hug? I asked.

Rick wrapped me in his arms, hugged me and said, “It’s good to see you Claire.”

Rick wasn’t hard yet but I could still feel his trouser snake pressing against my belly.

“And what about me?” sparked Arianna as she held out her arms and welcomed Rick to press his chest against her 38D breasts, “thank you for helping me move,” she smiled.

“Ah, ah, anytime,” stuttered Rick as his cock hardened rapidly.

I climbed in the back seat and Arianna sat up front with Rick.

“How are your classes going,” asked Rick while trying to make small talk.

“Mine are good but pre-med isn’t easy,” I replied.

“Mine are good too but I’ve promised myself not to get distracted by boys,” added Arianna.

“I get it,” replied Rick while trying to be supportive and understanding but not entirely able to hide his disappointment.

I almost died laughing when Arianna replied, “Yeah, I’m going to make my father proud, but that won’t stop me from getting horny, so after we move my stuff, will you stay and fuck me?” she giggled.

Rick almost swerved off the road before responding, “Are you joking?”

“No, I think we can have a lot of fun! But you have to promise two things,” smiled Arianna.

“Ok, I’m sure that I’ll agree but I’m curious what they are?” asked Rick.

“First, don’t fall in love with me. I don’t have time for that,” she laughed, “and second, no bragging or blabbing. I don’t want to hear stories about Rick nailing the twenty-year-old freshman girl,” joked Aria.

“I can happily agree to both conditions,” smiled Rick as we approached Arianna’s home.

“Oh, I guess there is a third condition. I hope we’ll be regular fuck buddies but don’t be bringing me diseases from other young cunts that can’t resist your cock!” she laughed.

“Hey! I resemble that remark!” joked Rick. “Seriously, I believe in quality over quantity,” he smiled.

Rick parked the car behind the restaurant and we all went up the backstairs to the apartment that Dom, Jan and Arianna were sharing. Jan, a professor of English at the university, has pulled Dom out of his shell and also convinced him that having Arianna move on campus will be good for all of them.

“What do I need to bring?” thought Arianna out loud.

“Well, that place has plenty of sheets, blankets and towels so you mainly need clothes, toiletries, and a box of condoms,” I joked.

“Shhhhhhh! I don’t want Daddy freaking out,” scowled Arianna.

“He’s watched you have sex with numerous partners. He’s fucked you countless times. And you think me mentioning condoms will freak him out?” I smirked.

“Well, he might think it’s a good idea and I hate those things! They make a beautiful warm throbbing cock taste and feel like a dildo,” she laughed.

“Speaking of which, do you want to take any of these?” I asked while opening the bottom drawer of Arianna’s bedside table.

“You’re a nosy little bitch, aren’t you?” laughed Ariana.

“I say we pack them. Toys are good for a rainy day,” I smiled.

“OK, let’s pack them, but Iet’s also plan a trip to that sleazy adult toy store in Portsmouth,” giggled Arianna as she waited to get my reaction.

“Is that the place with the glory holes?” I asked.

“Well, I don’t know about that but I do know that they have all kinds of merchandise for filling holes,” she winked.

We finished packing up a couple suitcases and three boxes. Rick helped us carry everything out to the car.

After saying goodbye to Dom and Jan we drove back to the fraternity. “Drive around back,” I directed. “Howard said that there is a back entrance that has stairs going up to the third floor,” I explained.

“That makes sense,” replied Rick, “most buildings around here seem to have external fire escapes for the upper floors but this one doesn’t.”

We parked and approached a door that was almost overgrown with bushes. “It’s locked!” sighed Arianna, “let’s hope that our keys work,” she added.

I pulled out my key and after a couple tries, it slid right into the slot and I laughed.

“What’s so funny?” ask Arianna.

“It’s stupid. I just thought that if I couldn’t insert this in the hole, we’d be fucked. But normally we get fucked when something can be inserted in a hole,” I chuckled.

“You’re right, it is stupid,” sighed Rick while shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

We marched up two flights of stairs passing a fire door on the second floor landing. I used my key again to open the door at the top of the stairs and we entered the hallway just a few feet from our new room.

“This is going to be awesome! We won’t have to parade our asses in front of all the frat boys as we come and go,” I chirped.

“Sometimes we’ll use the front stairs just to watch them drool,” laughed Arianna.

“Are we taking this into your room or not?” asked Rick a bit jokingly.

“We are but before we enter you are sworn to secrecy. Got it?” I asked.

“Sure, I swear that I won’t tell a soul about this room or anything that happens here,” smiled Rick while making a slight adjustment to his growing erection.

I opened the door, we entered and I closed it quickly behind us. It had just clicked shut before Rick screamed, “What the fuck?”

“Calm down. We were just as shocked as you are but we are willing to share,” I explained.

“Who did you have to fuck to get this room?” asked Rick with a smile.

“Technically, nobody, but Howard did fuck me pretty hard after he gave us the room,” laughed Arianna.

“Think of the perks,” I added.

“Like what?” challenged Rick.

“Like, clothing optional,” teased Arianna as she slowly stripped naked, took Rick’s hand and led him into our room with the king size bed.

I stood in the door and watched as Arianna overwhelmed Rick with her charms.

She hugged him and encouraged him to hug her back. They kissed and while Rick started off slow and tender, his passion soon grew to match Arianna’s. At five-feet ten-inches tall Arianna is just two inches shorter than Rick. They were comfortable kissing while standing. Rick caressed her naked back while Arianna slowly unbuttoned his shirt, unbuckled his pants and slid one hand into his boxers to fondle his thick rapidly growing cock.

“Mmmmmmmm,” moaned Rick.

They broke the kiss and Arianna quipped, “You’re a bit overdressed mister!”

Rick finished removing his shirt while Arianna dropped to her knees, removed his shoes and pulled down his shorts and boxers. She wrapped one hand around his throbbing hard cock and sucked the shiny purple plum-sized head into her mouth.

“Oh God!” he gasped as her talented tongue circled the head of his cock. Rick slipped his fingers through Arianna’s dark brown hair, held her head and gently fucked her smiling face.

She gently sucked and stroked his cock while fondling his equally impressive balls. Soon she pulled off, looked up and pleaded, “Please fuck me!”

While I watched I became aroused, stripped off my clothes and played with my nipples with one hand while fingering my pussy with the other.

The two of them moved to the bed and Rick asked, “Top or bottom?”

Arianna just giggled and threw herself spread eagled in the middle of the king-sized bed. I felt a little pang of jealousy as Rick moved between her thighs, lowered his head and gently kissed, licked and sucked her cleanly shaved and shimmering wet pussy.

Arianna raised her wide spread thighs and Rick held them for her while rising up on his knees. His massive cock was drooling pre-cum as he took time to appreciate her flawless olive brown skin, her beautiful smiling face and her impressive 38D breasts capped with erect dark brown nipples.

“Enjoying the view?” asked Arianna, “I know that I am,” she smiled.

“You are a beautiful woman,” replied Rick as he leaned over, pressed the head of his cock down into the opening of her vagina and slowly pressed it into her probing deep and stretching the walls of her tantalizing twat...

The first six inches went in easily. “I want it all,” whispered Arianna as her hands reached up to pull Rick closer.

I felt so empty as I watched him methodically driving his cock deeper and deeper into Arianna.

“Annh, annh, annh, annh,” she squeaked with thrust after thrust as Rick inched deeper again and again. He fucked her at a perfect pace as she slowly climbed to her orgasmic peak. Soon she began to tremble, her abdominal muscles tightened and she experienced a massive silent orgasm.

Rick waited with his cock deep inside feeling the orgasmic pulsing of her vaginal walls. Soon Arianna’s breathing returned to normal and her eyes opened. She smiled and urged, “Don’t stop. Fuck me more and fill me with your cum.”

Rick has amazing control for an eighteen-year-old boy. He resumed his rhythmic fucking and Arianna’s twenty-year-old body rapidly approached a second climax.

“Uhhhh, uhhhh, uhhhh,” groaned Rick as he allowed himself to cum and pumped several streams of hot creamy, cum into Arianna’s core.

“Annnnnnnggggggghhhhhhhhh,” she screamed and her body reacted more violently than before.

Rick’s hips pressed down on Arianna, his pubic bone crushed against her clit and his cock continued to pulse as he deposited the remainder of his cum deep inside her pulsing pussy.

I watched, fingered myself to a silent orgasm and slid down to sit on the floor to recover.

Rick pulled out and laid down beside Arianna. She rolled into his arms and pressed her breasts against his chest and her pussy against his hip. “Wow, I really needed that,” smiled Arianna.

“Me too!” chuckled Rick

“How long does it take you to recover?” she asked and I cringed.

“What an insatiable slut,” I laughed to myself.

“I should be good in about fifteen minutes,” began Rick, “do you need more?”

“No, not me, my roommate,” she giggled as they both looked over at me sitting on the floor with three fingers still probing my pussy.

“I’m ready whenever you are,” I smiled as I reconsidered my earlier thoughts about Arianna and realized that she’s going to be an awesome roommate.

I moved up onto the bed behind Arianna and we all snuggled and relaxed. My nipples grazed her back as I gently caressed her voluptuous 38D breasts. Her nipples responded to my tweaks and tugs as I took joy in her moans and her body’s twitching response.

“You know, we both have classes tomorrow and a ton of studying to do,” whispered Arianna between her sighs of pleasure.

I lifted myself up on one elbow. Arianna turned her head toward me and I kissed her soft sweet lips. My right hand reached over and my fingers encircled Rick’s cock. Well, they almost encircled it I laughed to myself. His cock got a little bigger and a little harder with every beat of his heart.

“Knock, knock, knock,” brought us out of sexual trance. “Hi Claire, it’s Max,” as he explained the interruption through the closed door.

“Hi Max, I’m coming,” I replied while quickly throwing on a T-shirt that barely covered my ass.

I stepped out into the hallway being careful not to close and lock the door. “Thank you for letting us use 301. It’s not easy to find that kind of privacy,” smiled Max.

I looked over at Gina who was beaming with joy, “Did you have fun Gina?”

“Oh my God!” she began, “Max licks pussy so good! I came five times on his tongue and three more when he fucked me.”

“Hey, don’t be telling everyone our secrets,” whispered Max as he blushed.

“I’m not telling everyone,” glared Gina. “this is Claire. She taught you how. You should do her too!”

“That’s not necessary,” I smiled and shook my head although there was a part of me that wondered what it would be like to be sucked and fucked by a man as massive and animalistic as Max.

“Are you gonna keep that room?” asked Max as he handed back the key.

“I hadn’t planned to keep it. I’ll have to check with Howard. I’ll tell him that you need a quiet place to study,” I giggled.

“Yeah, study pussy,” laughed Gina.

“I’m taking the bedding to be cleaned. I’ll bring it back and just leave it outside the door, ok?” smiled Max.

“That’s great,” I assured him as Gina moved closer and hugged me.

I hugged her back and felt myself responding both to her sexual aura and her physical presence. Her large breasts pressed into mine as my hands caressed her large firm ass.

The two of them left. I checked to see that 301 was locked and returned to the new apartment.

As I entered the bedroom and I was greeted by the sight of Arianna’s naked body moving up and down. “Again?” I joked.

“Well, you got him hard and left him hanging, so I’m just keeping him ready for you, “winked Arianna.

Arianna quickly dismounted and I climbed on. I moved up and down on Rick’s massive member. My pussy opened up and stretched a little more with each downward thrust. Soon my clit was bumping against his pubic bone. Rick scanned my body, looked into my eyes and spoke, “Claire, do you know that we all love you?”

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